9.2 Medals – Stages

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

as you’ve read before on FTR, 9.2 will bring various new medals for team battles and one for clanwars. Two of them will be multiple stage medals, although the exact conditions of getting them are still unknown. Here are the pictures of multiple stages of them.

Rotmistrov’s medal for certain amount of Clanwars battles. It’s named after the commander of all Soviet armored forces in WW, Chief Marshal Pavel Alexeevich Rotmistrov. A strange choice indeed, because Rotmistrov’s combat command was not exactly successful, he got removed from active command allegedly because the unit he commanded suffered very high losses during the battle of Minsk in 1943. He was “kicked up” to strategic level and became the supreme armor commander in February 1944.


Battle Tested medal (or it could be translated as Proven by Battle) is a meta-award for certain amount of medals, gained in Team Battle mode. There is some sort of joke about that medal on RU sites, connecting it to Brezhnev and his amounts of medals he carried…




Of course, compared to North Koreans, Brezhnev was a noob…

nK Generals

I am not quite sure this picture wasn’t photoshopped. I mean, they can’t be this ridiculous, can they? :)

25 thoughts on “9.2 Medals – Stages

  1. Now we need a medal for
    - kemp bush for 5 minutes
    -stay near base for 5 minutes
    -live for 1 minute or less
    -kill all but then die by being out capped
    -fire 10+ shots without hitting a tank
    -bounce the back of heavy
    -stand still for 5 minutes
    -type more than 50 words in chat while doing no damage
    - drown as fast as you can
    -ping the map until the notifications block your ally tanks names and left side of screen

    And of course, a medal for using HE in your tier 8 tank in a tier 10 battle

  2. Naah, Breżniew is a pro comparing to North Koreans.
    North Koreans have their medals and orders uncompressed, while Breżniew has compression applied.
    If his every badge would be changed to medal or order I think he would have to use his back as well.

    • But even then the compression fails. A lot of those medals are repeats. Like the top ribbon which are the same medal repeated 5 times. The US you don’t wear repeat medals, but a token that indicates that the same medal was awarded several times. In Brezhnev’s case he should have worn a single ribbon with the numeral 7 in it (the same medal is repeated twice in the next ribbon strip).

  3. Actually the bars come with the medal if you don’t want to carry 10+kg of medals.

  4. all communists even get a medal for managing to piss into the toilet instead of aside.
    No food, No house, no freedom of speech? here, take this medal instead and stfu

    • Sadly, yeah. But, if you butcher people and be ruthless like Stalin, well… You’d get INSANELY/MYTHICALLY popular.

      Edit: Also, Brezhnev wasn’t really a noob, he was brainless from the beginning of his carreer. If I was Kruschev, I’d have him sent to Lyublanka.

  5. “Leonid Ilyich is in surgery.”
    “Heart again?”
    “No, chest expansion surgery: to fit one more Gold Star medal.”

    Old joke but connected to the topic :)

    • It’s North Korea, be cereal there. There’s no metal wasted on the medals. They’re made of painted wood.

  6. Comarads !
    Run to the other side of the field !… So i can get my gold medals after you die…

  7. Here we have a joke about it
    - What would a dinosaur do if he ate Brezhnev?
    - He’d shit medals and orders for a month

  8. Brezhnev even has medal ribbons on his face… Sorry they’re his eyebrows.