About the “Let’s Battle” Magazine…

Hello everyone,

I recently recieved an e-mail, asking about the Let’s Battle magazine and its fate. Remember it?


It was that Wargaming magazine intended for mobile devices only. First (and only) issue came out back in February and ever since then, nothing, nada, zip. So, I went and asked Tanitha on its fate. Here’s a direct quote:

As for WG Magazine, there is no plans currently to scrap it, but its not in production at the moment either.

So, as you can see, not scrapped completely, but also not in production, which I think means it was shelved. I mean, what good is a magazine that comes out every half a year (at best)? Either way, there you have it.

9 thoughts on “About the “Let’s Battle” Magazine…

  1. It was good……enough. Kept me interested for at least 30 minutes. Shame they scrapped it.
    I bet they just forgot or got lazy

  2. I was never sure what use an e-magazine was for a single game when the stuff is on the portal anyway…

    ..and 80% of players (or whatever) don’t even go to the portal/forums so how many would go the extra e-mile and download a crappy magazine?

    Scrapped… just not admitted…

    • It’s just like one of those stupid hotel magazines, blabbing about stuff about here and there…

  3. So to translate:

    It was a complete failure but we are not going to admit it, so we are waiting untill everyone has forgotten about it.