Thanks to Vangelis for the screenies.
Hello everyone,
as you probably know, the Prokhorovka map was reworked and now is in the game (god knows why) under the name of Fire Arc. Earlier (very long time ago) it was said that this map would appear along with the old Prokhorovka – at this moment it’s unclear whether both maps will be in the map pool at the same time.
Either way, the map now looks somewhat different, as I am about to show you. First the minimap:
No huge changes at first glance, apart from the northern half providing somewhat more cover.
The map has some really nice smoke effects, but it’s hard to see on pictures and not in motion.
This is the upper left corner and it was kinda changed I think.
The hill on the eastern side was reworked, now it’s a bit lower
The area around the southern base
The western side is roughly the same
Nope, it looks the same to me. The terrain, I mean – it doesn’t look like it’s changed. And, I remember they said, that they won’t touch the map, just the looks of it..
There are minor changes everywhere. The road in the west feels deeper and the hill in the NE (top right) of the map looks more accessible/appealing for support vehicles.
The hill is much flatter and all the roads are much deeper and more pronounced which is great for ruski meds.
I its nice that they change maps according to playability. But not every battlefield can be made to be smooth all around. It seems like all steep hills and rougth edges seem to get smoothed out… sometimes a map i liked very much gets imho very boring after the canges have been made. If they keep flattenig out maps tanks with good gun depression and turret amour won’t shine as much ect. and tank players with shitty gun depression dont need to compensate as much for the lack of it.
Dude, have you played the game in last couple of months?
Severogorsk, Pearl River, Malinovka, upcoming El Halluf and Sacred Valley – all of those maps got exactly opposite approach to what you mentioned. Thera are added multiple tunnels and corridors, hills and cliffs, which is nowhere near to flattening.
And btw, Prokhorovka is one of the best maps for tanks with good gun depression – you have plenty of hills in there, which to use in several directions for Hull Down positions.
the maps have only gotten better for tanks with good gun depressions. Fucking hills and ditches everywhere. Long range tanks can hardly play anymore. There’s always some object in the way. It’s become ridiculous.
rusjuan bius !!!11!!, only german tanks are destroyed
There’s at least 1 dead KV-1, but there is also a tiger along the road that looks like it was pounded into the ground by a T92 AP round.
In Russian it is called Огненная Дуга, as far as I understand, after the Kursk encirclement (Курская Дуга), where the Prokhorovka village is located.
I think ‘fire arc’ is just bad tranalation, I dont think arc is the right word for encirclement.
Hmm… In Polish it’s called “Łuk Kurski” which kinda means ” The arc of Kursk” but I agree that with “Łuk” they mean more of a encirclement, not an arc.
It should be “Circumvallation” or “Contravallation”, those are the terms for encirclements, the first is the defence line facing in and the second is the line facing out.
I think “Ring of Fire” was probably more what they were going for
Nope, there is a common phrase for that too in Russian. I’m pretty sure that the problem is simple – the translation was done by someone who did not see the reference to the battle of Kursk.
At least, they did not add hills everywhere like on Sacred Valley..
TD can do someting at long range here.. ;)
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No more buildings at the south spawn.
Southern spawn had buildings? o.O
Malinovka/Prokhorovka – who cares? ;)
Malinovka wasn’t touched in this update.
I like it! Especially the plane effects,crossing the railway in your IS-3 as you see and hear a wing of La-5s(not sure but i think it is La-5) flying at low altitude above your tank,the feeling is just…FUCK YEAH!
So terrible E-100 drivers will get even more terrible, because they will have more new planes to shoot :(
Yep but if they hit one with that big gun of theirs the blast will be enough to take down the entire wing! ;)
Indeed, both maps are on the play list. I have played both consecutively, and the effects on the new ones are pretty cool!!
at this moment it’s unclear whether both maps will be in the map pool at the same time.
Let’s pray to RNGesus they won’t add a second version, this map is just too fucking terrible.
No mention of the aircraft everywhere? I really like the atmosphere they added into this map. The sounds of gun fire in the distance, hard to hear over tank engines, is a nice touch as well.
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Ognennaya Duga seems to be is an easter egg. Once upon a time there was a movie called “Освобождение” ([Osvobozhdenie] – Liberation) by Юрий Озеров (Yuriy Ozerov). It has 5(6) episodes and the first episode is called “Огненная дуга” ([Ognennaya Duga] – The Bulge of Fire). This episode is about battles near Kurks and Prokhorovka village.