9.2 – Partial Armor Changes

Hello everyone,

this post is not the final and extensive list of armor changes, only the vehicles listed in the patchnotes appear here. Well, let’s have a look at what was changed. The English patchnotes can be found here, but strangely enough, there are some differences between the RU and US version, so I am going to use the Russian one.

VK4502 Ausf.B

This tank recieved a buff. The entire frontal plate (lower and upper) was changed to 200mm, the machinegun nest weakspot disappeared. The roof of the elite turret recieved a buff and it looks like this:


Funnily enough, it seems like despite what was written in the patchnotes, they forgot to up the roof like they stated. Oh well.

Churchill I

The armor thicknesses were not changed, the entire vehicle was just kinda re-sized (the longer is the new one), the “spaced” mantlet also disappeared and was turned into a regular frontal armor thick plate.



A mild nerf I would say. The maximum thickness of the spaced armor reduced from 100mm to 80mm, but on the other hand, now the entire frontal The frontal part of the upper frontal plate was buffed however from 30 to 50mm or so and the commander copula and driver’s vision slit seem a bit more vulnerable. Nothing serious (the one with red upper frontal plate is new)


Russian patchnotes do mention the armor changes in M48A1, but I didn’t notice any. On the other hand, the American patchnotes mention armor changes in M8A1 and the Russian ones don’t. M8A1 did indeed had a small change – the stock turret had its partial roof nerfed from 44mm to 10mm or something like that.



The armor got reworked. For starters, the mantlet is not 60mm thick anymore, now it’s 100mm. The segmenting of armor is much more detailed, but overall, despite the color changes you might see, the armor remains roughly the same. The segmented (with “triangles”) is the new one.



Despite the changed colors you can see on the pictures, the armor of SU-100 practically did not change. The one thing that disappeared is the driver’s hatch weakspot. The colors changed in this interpretation because the amount of different armor groups got cut roughly by one half for some reason. The only really small thing that got changed – the tiny red zones (the “weld” between upper and lower frontal plate) got changed from 120mm to 100mm and the sizes shifted a bit, but otherwise, that’s it (the one without the frontal armor weakspot is the new one).


46 thoughts on “9.2 – Partial Armor Changes

    • Yeah. I think it stays the same color because the entire armor group was changed from 40 to 60 but relative to the other groups its still in the same position.

  1. Good time for the 4502B to get a buff, since I’m grinding credits to buy mine now…

    • It’s lower plate is now more armoured than a Maus’, not even the T10 TD’s can pen it reliably since it is now roughly 311mm of effective armour with no artificial angling (200mm at 50 degrees)

      • Was on the Testserver yesterday, shot through the UFP of the VK like butter with a Leo 1 (regular APCR) remember normalization and you can shoot down on the plate. Agreed, 230-250mm pen will be ess effective but wouldn’t count on it with TD’s and Mediums on T10

    • VK was one of my first tier 9s, and it is my favorite tank in game! i somewhat enjoyed playing back turret tanks, and i remember the guys from my old clan always said it’s a shit tank, but they were impressed by platoon experience how i played the VK and they feared it when they were on the enemy team when i was driving it!

  2. In my opinion, Churchill 1 changes could be seen as a small nerf. A longer tank is easier to shoot.

  3. Lol, “Stug” and “armor” in the same sentence. :) A spotted Stug is a dead Stug.
    I’m looking forward to seeing my favorite machine in it’s HD glory, though.

    • Ha! I bounced a kv1 (with the 85mm) and some unspoted Td in my stug 3 G today! I duked them into hitting my mantlet! Hate to guess what they were shouting at screen :P
      So yes, a combo of rng and a bit of possitioning and you can bounce some stuff.

      • The Stuggie mantlet is magical when it comes to eating KV-1S shells… oh, the sheer glee & joy on my face when that happens…

      • From the front Stug is pretty tough against lower tiers. Got one or two Steel Walls in it… ;)

        • People, everything can bounce.
          StuG’s armor is nothing to depend on. With over 2k games in StuG played, I stand firmly behind this. I’m pretty sure all changes on it’s armor scheme are simply due to HD remodeling process.

  4. Methinks they should have buffed the side armor of the VK5402 P instead, to make it a better sidescraper. This would have been more “in character” with a rear turret tank. An UFP/LFP buff is welcome too though, due to the worse angle compared to the E75 the front was far too easy to penetrate.

    I’m not sure about the IS armor chance. For the frontal armor it looks like a small nerf as the sloped troll bounce UFP part got smaller, it’s more likely to hit more or less flat armor now.
    It looks like the side armor of the rear part of the tank got buffed though, making it more viable for sidescraping.

  5. Interesting that the tracks/suspensions of the IS no longer fully cover the first third of the hull armor, now there are 3 wide gaps instead of 2 tiny ones (I for one have had enough of those tracks eating my shells, even when I was clearly aiming below them, at the hull armor)

    Also, I’m not seeing any difference in the VK turret roof. Gun mantlet is an… interesting change, I believe.

    • Finally. Can’t wait for other russian tanks to get the same changes.
      KV-2, T-150 and KV-3 have completely solid tracks and IS-3 only has two very small slits, smaller than the current ones on the IS or KV-1.

      In the past they silently changed nearly all US tanks so it’s possible to shoot directly into the side between roadwheels and upper wheels (compare old T23, the model still exists and the new T23E1). But they “forgot” about russian tanks.

      Chinese tanks had this detailed track model right from the start.

  6. Just replace poor overstretched VK 4502 with VK 100.01 since now it’s that in all but name and shape…

    • vk was before buff like a maus on a tier 9, now we can call it VK MAUS!

    • That will happen… eventually.
      I’d rather take a VK buff now rather than let it languish for another year or two while WG takes their sweet time getting the Maus prototype thing ready.

      • Or they could simply place Maus II (no modeling required, just put the E-100 turret on Maus hull as WG E-100 uses Maus II turret) on tier X and a downgraded Maus at tier IX, bringing the two VKs closer to their (rather poorly armored) historical specs.

  7. It only took 3 years but finally a buff to the worst tier 9 heavy in the game. Maybe now it will actually bounce shots again like in beta.

    Still has the idiotic view port weakspot though :/

    • Well, is not idiotic, ALL MG port are weakspots but WG as usual doesnt take a full decision with this… or all MGs ports are weakspots (as it was) or MGs ports are not weakspots… now some are weakspots rest no…. idiotic situation.

      And same with the SU-100 and the driver door… other SUs and tanks have this as weakpsot but not SU-100…

      VK buff is interesting but i dont think is going to made it over E75, VK needs a more serious armor buff to be an option… maybe the Maus I and Maus II split could be interesting to nerf VK and send it to tier 8 prem line with 105mm for example… or move the tier 8 VK to prem and move VK tier 9 to tier 8.

  8. If Churchill I was changed will they change size of Churchill III and Churchill VII too ?

    • I’m wondering if they’ll include the front wheels in the damage model of the new Churchills. Would help with the retarded weakspot behind the tracks.

  9. why the fuck do they buff is’s fucking armor,…this is truly retarded…firs kv1 op , kv1ss OP , now is is going to be
    wtf …this game has so much fucking russian bias…i mean tier 8 & 9 tds bounce on is’s freaking gun mantlet
    now is unpenable…its going to be hull down just like t29,,fucking game..

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