An interesting video appared on Russian portal, explaining “how Wargaming works” (there are English subtitles). I mean, I guess it’s okay… I just wonder whether the artist who made this took some LSD before he started working…
“I just wonder whether the artist who made this took some LSD before he started working…”
Having partied with Viktor at GDC before, probably…
Somehow they forgot to mention the outsourcing for the hd models, and those GMs the talk about are well bots (the almighty and useless automated system)…
“There will be a solution for everyone” ROFL
Realistic physics… another zinger
“As a team, like clockwork”… is vodka slowly turning into the 1840s absynth?
i think WG makes LSD in the basement and give it to the defs muhahahah !!! expect WG LSD at you local drugs dealer any day now hahaha — i code not stop my self of making this joke !!!!
Seriously, try stopping yourself harder next time.
And you care why?
hehehehhe WG needs to take jokes like all others :)
HAHAHAHAhaha ha ha ha… ha… ha… NO!
0:41: “Mapmakers have their hands full too. Their task is not just to make bushes and hills on the new map, but to do it in a way that will make every playthrough interesting”
1:31: “Of course that isn’t all of our factory. But that’s how it works – harmoniously, precisely and for your sake”
Clearly guys who made this have no idea about what’s going on in WG.
Stop with conspiracy theories and accept the facts.
sure, like a video made by a high guy is a fact…
And I guess you can explain it better? You think the map makers, for example, try to make players’ lifes hell and make the maps as unbalanced as possible?
“the map creators have no time to idle around. They not only need to place bushes and hills around the new map…” And one update later they take the bush line away and bump the hills down.
They talk of punishing the offenders..
Sure. EFE clan members will think twice before to sayto another player his family should die.
3 days ban is a TOO hard punishment.
(video makes me think to a propaganda cartoon where everybody is kind and do his work perfectly well.. ^^’ not sure it is reality. LOL)
“video makes me think to a propaganda cartoon where everybody is kind and do his work perfectly well.. ^^ ”
Because this actually is a propaganda cartoon, made to impress naive costumers and to sell their products. its just about marketing. We all know how wargaming works, its departaments, who fails, etc. But not all EFE guys are nazi guys. just one of them. In the last weeks i met a lot of them (randoms, even a training room on TS last night) and they were nice, normal people like everyone else is ;)
WG “say no to drugs” campaign video??? if Michael Jackson do it why not WG???
PD: if you know the phone number of the artist dealer post it LOL.
The artist is copying other artists who tend to make infographics. Just sayin’.
well, they don’t wanna give back my T-34-3…
It reminds me one funny video:
Meet the Pyro from Team fortress 2
He thinks that he is playing in a eden but the reality is absolutely different :D
The animation reminds of the educational/entertainment youtube channel CrashCourse. It’s worth watching for those interested particularly for the history videos.
And then there are the players who have no idea how this works and blame the forum people for not fixing the game physics, etc.
‘WORKS’ hahahahaha thats funny.
Propaganda is stronger than LSD. :-D
I hope it is it extremely funny parody otherwise it would be extremely desperate attempt to promote WG
It’s fun with hilarious animations. I believe it’s sort of parody and in such a case it’s ok as it is (I remember video with SerB at work meeting shouting all around, only to calm down with his toy-tank. That was parody and it was fun. I quite like him since then). Because as promotion it would work terribly bad. No, don’t tell me that WG is so self-praising and stupid.
PS: LSD was definitely involved, that’s for sure :) (or some kind of mushrooms, Slavic people have long history using psychoactive mushroom substances). Sometimes it seems it is involved not only in video-making… :)
A parody that states facts? Okay…
It looks like Happiness Is Mandatory at WG…