Storm – Test 9.2 Feedback


Hello everyone,

Storm is asking for 9.2 feedback. And as always, he answered some questions in the discussion. Here’s what he said:

- the BL-10 gun will not be rebalanced (nerfed)
- according to patchnotes, the VK4502P Ausf.B should have thicker roof (60mm instead of 40mm) in 9.2, but on the test it doesn’t, this will be fixed
- why was the 183mm HESH ammo nerfed to 230mm pen: “230mm doesn’t penetrate frontal armor of 120mm with 60 degree slope, which is one of the most common armors used”
- vehicles (including FV215b 183) are balanced around their credit ammo
- football mode will not be left in the game permanently apparently
- there are no historical data for the VK4502 Ausf.B, only historical proposals (SS: including the characteristics of the German “paper” guns, so it’s pointless to complain that they are “not historical”)
- the Umbra 3 technology middleware is not yet implemented, the devs are still in the process of implementing it
- the “confrontation” mode is apparently still scheduled for return “after we fix the matchmaking”, this fix will include hardcaps on one type of tank per team (SS: as in, it won’t be possible to have for example 15 WT E-100, but only – just an example – three at max)

And what is your take on patch 9.2?

90 thoughts on “Storm – Test 9.2 Feedback

  1. 9.2 seems good in general. Only one problem, how the hell are we supposed to pen the VK4502B FRONTALLY? There is no existent pre-determined weakspot that you can shoot at frontally anymore.
    The LFP and UFP have both been buffed, the MG port weak spot is gone, the flat front of the turret will even bounce Tier 9 and Tier 10 guns, turret roof cannot be over-matched by anything 120mm caliber and under and the only option is to shoot the cupola and pen unreliably?
    People say: “same deal as T110E3″ but that doesn’t have a turret. So.. What exactly does one do?
    PS: I’m 2700 wn8 recent. I know what I’m doing. ==
    Inb4 “omg noob just shoot hull side already ffs”

      • Or, you know… Do it the “old” way of tracking and hitting the sides. If that can’t be done because the VK is camping too hard, go somewhere else as that guy isn’t really doing anything either.

        Seriously, I’m getting sick of the “everything must pen frontally” gameplay

        • Seriously, read my whole post before being annoying.

          E100, IS7, Maus are all penetrable in front with AP rounds, why can’t the VK4502B be penned? I’m sick of your poor logic.

            • +1 exactly, tanks become unique with unique features, so why not make VK4502B be famous with practically impenetrable frontal armour?

          • E100 cannot relaible be penned from front, niether can MAUS. Both weak Turret spots are about 270ish-290ish and needs HEAT to go through.

            Everytank I have I carry 10 HEAT rounds just for these tanks, hell the IS7 from the side needs HEAT on turret to pen reliably

            • The lower glacis of the E-100 is a consistent enough area for penetration.

      • TURRET
        SAY IT WITH ME: T-U-R-R-E-T

        Turrent isn’t even existent in any regional dialect, it’s just a moronic misspelling.

        • no kidding, it’s like someone with a serious redneck accent saying torrent. or turn it.

    • if you knew what you were doing you would also know that the VKP is fucking slow and has a shitty rear turret, the only good thing about it is the armour so its ok for the armour to be stronk.

      • Read the post properly where it emphasizes frontally.
        If there was a VK4502B blocking tank alley on Himmelsdorf, would you like to roll cross map in your E75 all the way across to the railroad area or go through mid?
        Didn’t think so.

        • Sure, the E-75 has nigh medium tank manueverablity. The VK4502B, on the other hand, has the mobility of a brick that’s been bolted into the ground. Let it have a reason to exist when the E-75 is in the game.

    • My toughts exactly – you can pen E-100 and IS-7 in LFP, you can pen Maus in Turret front, but where to hell do you pen this one?
      I suspect simply epic growth in popularity for this vehicle, as used properly, it can deal with whatever it meets. Hell, even total tomatoes now will be able to drive in open field and live for some time.

      But anyway, let’s wait and see. Nice, that I have just to start grinding on VK’s.

      • Thank you, someone that understands. E100 IS7 are good tanks but still have weakspots that good players know how to shoot. VK4502B is just eh.

        • While its not too easy to hit, the turret ring is capable of being penetrated fairly easily.Can’t give you an exact number, but from when I played it that was a source of weakness

    • Im 4400WN8 recent, I know better what Im doing and what you should be doing.
      Although the frontal armor is completely impenetrable to most tanks with “low” penetration, it is a rather long vehicle with relatively weak side armor, bad mobility, bad dpm, below average gun dep and rear mounted turret, which makes frontal detracking around a corner easier

      It wont be easy to kill it with normal ammunition, but I will be certainly looking forward to the challenge

      PS: learn to aim
      PPS: learn to play

        • learning to aim and using an aim bot are very different things. once I figured out how to find the weakpoints in tanks, I got amazingly good with german tanks since I can sit miles away and poke large holes through their weakpoints.

    • Load HE, if big calliber. Small – no problem, shoot turret ring or commander cupola. Can pen those load gold, still cant and still trying to fight VK frontally, then you are a moron. There are always an option, if you don`t use them, it’s your fault.

      • If they buff ( because apparently they haven’t done it yet) the armor of the VK that would be the only thing in this vehicle, that could be pointed as “average”. More than that, the Maus is the worse X in this game, so this mass farming of the VK will lead to what? – the shittiest from all tier X? By the way EVERY single tank in this game can be penetrated, but you need to aim first, at some vehicles you need to learn the weak spots even before penetrating…

    • I tried to pen it with my Leo 1…

      268 pen, 10 out of 10 shots bounced off the lower plate…
      8 out of 10 bounced off the lower plate with no horizontal angling…

      This thing is waaaaaay too strong now, they can’t be serious to let that monster hit live :/

      The machine-gun weak-spot still exists, but you HAVE TO HIT THE MG FRONTALLY!!!
      The 1×1 pixel wide gap where it sticks out, you will never hit that if the driver is moving even an inch!

      Well… yay for german VK Ausf. B(ounced that off) i guess :p

    • Frontal turret is only 254mm and completely flat. Many tier 9 and 10 standard AP rounds can go through that, and pretty much any tier 8-10 APCR/HEAT can. And that’s the frontal turret, the part that must always be exposed if you’re firing on the enemy.

      As well, it’s a crappy tank in every other regard. It currently has a 49% WR (lowest WR of any T9 vehicle IIRC) and the only thing they’ve changed is they’ve made the frontal armor actually somewhat reliable. More frontal hull armor on a slow moving, slow firing, low DPM, rear-mounted turret, poor gun handling (long aim time, poor depression, mediocre accuracy, below average T9 HT pen) isn’t going to turn it from a pile of fetid dog shit into FOTM.

      So yeah, I’ll reiterate what everyone else said: learn to play, not every tank in the game needs to have some giant glaring 100mm armor weakspot for you to rail. Any unicum worth his weight in funyons wont be very bothered by this (needed, imo) buff.

      • Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you took the time to lay this out to me, but “learn to play” is not the answer I was expecting, since I owned a VK Ausf. B and was pretty good in it and know it’s weaknesses…

        The frontal shot through the turret is a good argument, but does not hold a candle to a good VK driver who’s angling his turret.

        And when talking about armour you have to take “Expensive Ammo” out of the equation, I’m talking regular here!

        I know the turret roof is still reliably penetratable, but will get a bit tougher, tests will show…

        I agree on a buff for the VK Ausf. B, but I think they went a bit overboard with the current idea.

        The penetration for a Tier 9 heavy is managable and the Alpha-damage is one of the best for it’s classification and Tier.

        The gun handling was quite good to be honest, but their could be people getting bothererd by this, I agree.

        A buff in the “RoF” department was the thing I was hoping for. But the armour as it is now is absolutely ludicrous.
        It’s now the heaviest armored Tier 9 tank in the game!
        No frontal transmission fire, no frontal engine fire, no dead driver/radioman, no need for hull-down, you see? It’s a major gameplay changer for that tank and I would not be surprised if they will be waaaaay more frequent to appear after the patch goes live.

        I mean, I’m ok with taking the MG-Port away, but the lower plate? THE (every tank has a lower plate weakness because it’s WoT) lower plate?

        Sry, I can’t follow that logic…

        • “The frontal shot through the turret is a good argument, but does not hold a candle to a good VK driver who’s angling his turret.”

          Mate, the fking Maus and E-100 can do the same thing, but no one is calling them OP.

    • You’re not supposed to pen it from the front. Its a brick shithouse like the T110E3, only it gun is much weaker. LIke the T110E3, it is very vulnerable vs flanking mediums.

      • if its getting the armour that good, I might just buy it back ,
        But it will still be a very situational tank at best always has been always will be.

        • shoot turret cheeks….shoot commanders hatch or fuck off and l2aim faggot….if you already can’t flank a tank that moves like a brick and avoid the frontal engagement….there is a reason why those tanks had thickest armor on the front irl….

    • Front armor buff on VK isn’t even that much of a buff because a good player only ever shows his side armor at a very high angle. It’s called sidescraping, Mr. I-have-2700-WN8.

  2. Bye bye ISU-152 and OBJ 704. You trolled me harder than I trolled people. I guess the baddies won this round, I bet the FV304 is next

  3. M48 and E50M Desperately need some love.

    E50M is now one of the worst DPM T10 MT, while the Leopard (Although it Should be better due to it’s lack of armour) is also deadly accurate but having horrifying DPM. Armour is the only point of it nowadays, and who cares about armour these days due to the T10 TDs?

    M48 Patton need some love as well. It used to have the 4th best DPM in the T10 MTs and this time it dropped to the bottom 3. It is not as accurate as the 4202, Leopard, and it’s camo rating is horrific. T10 MTs that have good depression is all better than the M48, and the M48 suffer from the Big ass “Shoot me” turrent and poor armour, and also not as good Depression (-9 instead if previously the M46 -10, not to say the M46 is really damn good now).

    What to do then? Well, I think E50M needs to have better terrain resistance, as it’s really bad currently, and I think it should have 0.29 accuracy with 1.7~2 seconds Aim time. If it’s gonna be a sniper then please make it even a better sniper. It would be nice if the ROF increase to 6.5-ish level.

    M48 needs a massive buff on camo rating and accuracy on the move. Accuracy of the M68 should be 0.34 with the aim time of 2 seconds. These will compensate for the relatively lower DPM of it, as well as making it comparable to the FV4202, which is 2 quite similar tank in truth.

    • I would sign everything you said.
      But i think the only buff that M48 really needs is a better accuracy. Its already a really nice med if you know how to play it, but it sucks at sniping. Im at 2,7k avg. dmg. atm with 365 games and the only thing that keeps me away from getting over 3k is the bad accuracy.

      Im mean you can go 45kmh and will hit better than if you stop and aim. And that really sucks. Just make it like the FV4202 with 0.32 or 0.33. That would be good enought to make this a good med.

      Considering the E50M i dont really know what should be bad about this thing…. It may have not the best DPM but it has a fucking 150mm UFP which makes it nearly autobounce if you dont aim. And there must be a reason why all these Unicums use it for statpadding. Some of them have over 3,5k avg.

      • a) if only the “bad” accuracy on the M48 keeps you below 3k avg Dmg on M48, u should reconsider your playstyle
        b) The E50M is the Jack of all trades on T10. It can do everything and is pretty good at it, it is imo the best tenk for solopubbing and solostomping the tomatoes. The best part is: I doubt that WG can leave a 200 DpM gap between the E50M and the next best tank (which is the M48 iirc) so Im looking forward to a nice buff (the batchat probably, too)

        • Then explain me you playstyle ;)

          I may not be a super unicum like you yet, but the M48 was my first T10 med and i think im not bad in it.
          Ie. you sit on a hill or somewhere and some enemies on your flank get spotted. Ofc i try to snipe them as long as possible. Why taking the risk to get closer just to hit them reliably? Sometimes every shot hits and sometimes i hit 6/10 safe shots….
          And thats annoying as hell. You know you should be hitting them but RNG says NO!!….

          But no wonder that you like the E50M beeing the commander of E50M clan ;)
          Maybe we could play some platoon together 1 day?

          • Right now Im not really into platooning, Im still trying to play my way out of a personal bad bad form (I can hardly keep recent 4,3k WN8, that is disturbing and frightening as hell when you realize that you somehow cant improve) and Im trying to push the STB-1 above 4k avg Dmg and I know I can do that, still need a few more games.
            After that you can hit me up and politely ask for platooning and hope that I just dont give “nope” for an answer ;)
            @M48 problem: I dont know what youre doing differently than me, Id stay on top of that hill as long as I see a chance to penetrate, so it has to be in your performance in the mid- to lategame that you need to improve

            • Ok np, I can understand this. The same thing happens to me for a while now. I had 5k after 10 Battles yesterday and then it started to got down to 4,1 or even lower :(

              Well yes, sometimes thats my weakpoint but i would say just by not hitting some safe shots that have to hit, i loose about 1k dmg every game. I guess i just need to improve my bad games that get lost to get the most out of it…..

    • The only thing I would buff about the E50M is the engine a bit. Or terrain resist.
      Well its not actually a buff, its more of a make it what it used to be …
      It used to be fun to drive due to its mobility and ramming potential..

    • E50M is a heavy medi and you play it accordingly
      just use it as a fast flank heavy with medi package i really like how it play’s and ofc dont forget 65 tones tank going 60 is the best battering ram :P and those russkies medi;s with 35 tones max weight yeaaah they dont like the after come result

      M48 needs a buff right now it’s being overshadowed by everything
      even the Prius is better especially with the reload buff it will get in 9.2
      so yeah an accurasy or DPM buff is a must in that tank

      • I like the E-50M :)
        Earlygame: Sniping
        Midgame: Heavy-Support
        Endgame: Skirmish-Finisher

        That’s how i play it, and get good results… if only my Leo 1 could pull something like that >_>
        And, ooooh boy, do the 13 90s hate me >:)

        (Maybe I’m too aggressive)

        • I dont play the Leo aggresive at all. And if so i get pretty bad games.
          The key to be good in the Leo is to stay at long distances and snipe the hell out of it. And if you feel like the flank is going down, get the hell out of there and search for a good sniping spot far far away.

          Or if you have to, you can support heavys and play peek-a-boo.

          And always: keep that gun firing ;)

    • I’ll agree, the M48 could use a buff.

      The E-50M, on the other hand…it’s basically a pocket heavy tank. I’m not sure what they could do to it at this point.

  4. Confrontation with stock tanks = History battles. Useless of WG to introduce two modes that serve the same function.

      • I liked confrontation, too (the concept i mean)!
        The botched up MM really took the life out of it…

        And WHEN can we disable “Random Battles” when we have like a dozen game modes already?

      • Easy, tweak MM to exclude paper tanks in confrontation, combine it with HB auto component selection and you have instant automatic HB.

          • Agreed. I personally think that if they run historical battles like an event, and have it active only for said events, and award prizes for participating- there’s your fix.

            in my opinion.

    • Oh sure – lets just leave El Haluf hulldown favored spots and bottlenecks where arty can hit.
      Sacred’s one side was unbalanced.

      • Now we will have bottlenecks everywhere with beautiful 15 minutes of nothing going on.

  5. why was the 183mm HESH ammo nerfed to 230mm pen: “230mm doesn’t penetrate frontal armor of 120mm with 60 degree slope, which is one of the most common armors used”

    BULLSHIT then how the hell it pens the E100 lower 150mm plate?

  6. - vehicles (including FV215b 183) are balanced around their credit ammo

    And my take on 9.2:
    - I was terrified of VkB more than of E-75 – and with Maus front? Even more now!
    - finally maps are getting rid of bottlenecks – by introducing tunnels :D But if to be serious – more routes, less camping.
    - Prokorovka is god damn nice looking and atmosphere is epic.
    - is that new destruction sounds? My subwoofers likes it!

    • I agree with you on everything you think, i really hope they rethink the armour buff on the VK Ausf. B

      As i saw the narrow path in Sacred Valley in the North-west corner, i had nightmares of getting stuck into them because my team is blocking my retreat-path and getting slaughtered horribly by VK Ausf. B spawns of HELL! ;_;
      And there is a bug with the water in Sacred Valley, which needs to be fixed!

      • The armor buff on the VK is fine. Otherwise up the dpm, gun handling, terrain resistance, and the mobility overall. Would you still be whining then?

      • It now shoots reliably on the move.

        because it is a lot faster than t57, and now has better aim time than t57, people will have reason to buy this tank. t57 has the reload, but is sluggish and slow. the AMX 50b is much faster and now has a good enough aim time that the speed does not cripple its aiming. also fast enough that it doesn’t need to worry about reloading faster, it’s fast enough to retreat.

    • If you have the leo 1, you won’t notice much difference. If you are grinding that line now, then thank God you are lucky.

      Indien Pz was a good med that was killed ONLY by its aim time, now that is being fixed.

      Leo PTA was a curse for most; higher skill ceiling than the Leopard 1, frustrating aim time and a horrible reload. It was so bad that fking rich players simply Free Xped Leo 1 because if you were anything less than a unicum, that tank worked miracles on your win rate. It can’t carry for shit.

      Before any smarta$$ zero puts a reply “Learn to play noob”; good to see you are doing good in the game, I’m sure it will help u get succeed in your life. Happy time killing.

  7. Ha, ISU BL-10 gun nerf? Wouldn’t really need it anyway, I think it’s historical as is, and balanced as well. The RNG must really screw this one up already, with its poor accuracy and reload coupled with the horrible aim time.

    286 pen does sound nice, but this is plain overkill for T8 and perhaps for T9, only good for T10 but only for the most heavily armored vehicles. The damage output is the nastiest thing of the gun anyway.

    The best guns in the game are the british 120mm (any of them, but best on Tortoise) and the german Jagdtiger 12.8 cm L/66, for their decent aim time, penetration (especially the JT gun penetrates like hell) and damage (120mm being more reliant on its DPM while JT has also good DPM but does around 500-600 dmg per shot). Maybe the SU-122-54 122mm is also good, but I don’t like russian tanks in general.

    • Another blind red one reading about BL-10 nerf :D Get some glasses. Historical pen was 244 or so.
      Best gun in game is 128mm L/66 – that one with 560 dmg.

      • Maybe they are still high-drunk after the WC Final and haven’t slept yet (like me) :D

  8. “- the BL-10 gun will not be rebalanced (nerfed)”
    Thank god. I love to play with my ISU.

  9. “- vehicles (including FV215b 183) are balanced around their credit ammo””

    this should appear as IG help when you load in a battle. remember all those dickheads clubbing in FV screaming it is balanced around gold? cant wait for their 9.2 tears.

  10. I can’t log in to the test server from the very beginning as many, many others from good clans. So what I think about the patch? Just another screw up.

  11. “- why was the 183mm HESH ammo nerfed to 230mm pen: “230mm doesn’t penetrate frontal armor of 120mm with 60 degree slope, which is one of the most common armors used””

    Isn’t HESH supposed to work like HE, so it doesn’t matter at what angle it hits? Where am I wrong here?

    • Higher pen means it does higher damage rolls when it hits, even when it doesn’t pen. the higher the pen, the further the shell would go through the armour before it exploded. (at least in game theory, it’s just numbers ingame.)

  12. Whelp HESH is now almost completely useless against angled armor, instead of just most useless.

    “Vehicles are balanced against their credit ammo”
    I can buy HESH with credits

  13. “- the Umbra 3 technology middleware is not yet implemented, the devs are still in the process of implementing it”

    This is odd, the client is shipped with a umbra 3 dll and it is running in the background. i have done some simple analysis of the wot client, and umbra 3 creates 2 threads on startup of wot on my machine.

    so they just wasting power? no good practices of the wot programmes to ship software whit unfinished implementations.

    • this are just excuses, to be right.
      if you balance something, you need to balance it as a whole, if you start to exclude stuff from balancing, you get your self cornered like with the 183.

      the 183 is just bad balanced, even with this nerf, they can still 1 shot t10 meds, without problems.
      Ive got my self 1 shooted through splashdamge in my leopard 1, this is no fun at all.