- apparently, M46 Patton will have “improved torsion bars” (increased the load capacity, good for stock tracks) equipment available in 9.3
- Q: “Why was FV215b 183 nerfed when Veider said 7 months ago in an interview that it won’t be nerfed?” A: “Situation changed.”
- IS-7, IS-4 and Maus are doing fine statistically
- “it’s possible” that the developers overestimated the importance of Object 430 armor
- tank names on minimap are planned, no ETA yet (“when it’s done it’s done”)
- water render was not changed after 8.11
- Veider: developers are working on reworking camo and viewrange system
- developers are considering camouflage rework (nerf), when a player asked whether RhB camo will be nerfed, Veider stated: “We are considering it. But we will not nerf RhB specifically, we will implement something systemic.”
Veider next made a few veiled remarks about upcoming changes, Storm showed up and unveiled the planned spotting changes.
- Storm confirms, the candidate for the FV215b switch is the Chieftain
- FV4202 switch – “we will tell you closer to the end of the year”
- no new tank nation will come this year
- it was not considered to reduce FV215b 183mm alpha (while compensating DPM with reload time) to for example 1400 damage, because “1400 almost prevents the possibility of playing during penetration” (SS: not sure what that means – that it would be not enough for glass gun?)
- developers are working on fixing the bug where you can’t see your friends as online if they are playing on other servers, but no exact info is available
- the “doubled” maps (Prokhorovka/new Prokhorovka, Himmelsdorf/Winter Him) do in fact have the same probability of “dropping” (eg. you have twice a chance to end up on Himmelsdorf, one normal and one winter), the only exception is Ruinberg, which has one half chance of dropping (the Ruinberg on Fire has one half chance as well)
- the new autoaim is working correctly
- Storm states he doesn’t know of a 9.1 bug where the tanks outside of the viewrange are moving by “jerks” a lot on minimap
- Serious optimization (terrain render)? “When it’s done it’s done”
- Italian tanks? “Definitely not this year”
- 9.2 test has its maps loading faster, according to Storm, this is also due to the HD textures not loading in full resolution for other tanks than your own
- T54E1 is doing fine statistically
- developers have not yet decided how to correctly implement a general accuracy nerf (SS: was announced earlier)
- it was not considered to reduce FV215b 183mm alpha (while compensating DPM with reload time) to for example 1400 damage, because “1400 almost prevents the possibility of playing during penetration” (SS: not sure what that means – that it would be not enough for glass gun?)
I think they mean, even when they just reduce the alpha of that gun and keep the 270mm HESH penetration, its enough dmg to end the match for an player
E50 driver going in position, eats 1400 dmg shell and just have 500hp left, and this is in the first 3mins? That game is over for the E50…
I think he meant if a non penetrating HESH hit wouldn’t do enough damage.
I was under the impression that the module damage from a penetration with a 183mm HESH shell is enough to basically end the game for the player on the receiving end. If you increase the ROF on a gun like this, this problem will be magnified.
HESH doesn’t actually crit modules that much, especially on non pens.
The game isn’t over for the E50. In the rare cases I have gotten unlucky and have been wrecked by a 183 in a few of my Tier 9/Tier 10 tanks I switched to an extremely cautious play style, and did well in those games.
Reason: 2710 wn8 recent, don’t be a baddie and you will be fine.
Your not the average player, tomato player will subsequently suicide after taking that hit.
I can also do that but it’s still hurts. If my HP reduce to less than 100, that when I don’t know what to do.
Although what you said is right, its still limits your options on how you handle your tank.
They are nerfing the 183 because it recently oneshot Serb’s tank.
so true :P
when a player asked whether RhB camo will be nerfed, Veider stated: “We are considering it. But we will not nerf RhB specifically, we will implement something systemic.”
TL;DR: We will not fix what needs to be fixed. We’ll fuck everything that looks like it up.
They just can’t do anything right.
Borsig and Waffle PZ4 OP? – Ok, let’s nerf ALL TD camo bonus after shooting.. Ooh, you had an ARL or Emil TD in garage, who wasn’t exactly the roflstomper before? Poor you, it’s your problem now.
And “something systemic” will be the same – nerf some other factor of all TD’s, some of them will be less OP but the bad ones will be more like trash.
I’ve just switched to Borsig from Sturer Emil, I love both of those vehicles. Emil is perfectly fine, and the 128mm supported by awesome gun depression allows you for really nice tactics. The only drawback is the lack of mobility.
Ummm, do you remember the massive accuracy buff they gave to all tanks last year? It was too much and negated the advantages of accuracy, turned derp guns into snipers. What they are talking about is correcting the overbuff to rebalance the game, I doubt it will be a significant nerf.
But we’re talking of something systemic when it comes to TD’s.
The accuracy changes messed up the accuracy balance of all tanks. That won’t be fixed with systemic TD changes. It’s fixed by going back to the accuracy we had before, or some other value that actually makes it so it doesn’t take skill to miss, like today.
M46 is actually quite good, but the stock… oh god why :D
why Q&A right now..? usually the daily Q&A appears later, in the evening (about 6 PM CET) :)
Why not?
(might be busy later)
such answer, much reasons. wow. :)))
You asked and he answered.
Yeah, why not? It’s not like it’s a scheduled post anyway. Its not much of an issue posting it early.
well, today we had 2 Q&A, i aint even mad. :) And was a reference to Doge meme, SS loves doge :D
“developers have not yet decided how to correctly implement a general accuracy nerf”
KV-2 accuracy for everybody!!!!!
And so nobody ever missed a shot again ever in the history of World of Tanks.
imho KV-2 accuracy is a bit rigged. when standing still its almost possible to snipe with that gun. Very rarely it misses. If not moving turret or hull ofc.
KV-2 is an OK sniper….I’ve pulled off some crazy shots with it….but because of the slow projectile velocity and consequently high arc, you can’t lead a moving target. The exception is when the target is either below you or on a slope. You can then aim at the ground in front of it and make that shot. Extremely satisfying when you do.
It’s russian accuracy… Bigger numbers mean more accurate guns :D
KV-2 is a stronk sniper.
- developers have not yet decided how to correctly implement a general accuracy nerf (SS: was announced earlier)
Yes, that’s what we need: more RNG, less skill! I don’t expect to hit every shot on 500m but sometimes it is hard to hit with an Is-7 on 350m! F***ing annoying!
dont play soviet tanks.
Dead german gunner + damaged german gun is about the same as russian gun.
The problem is all guns are much more accurate now.
Before the pubby who sniped from 600M with his KV-2 did 0 damage. Now he’s bound to hit a few shots.
That’s the problem. Accuracy is now less valuable. Why have a Panther with L/100? At 600M, you’re not going to hit. A Soviet 122Mm won’t either. At 300M you will hit, but so will a Soviet 122Mm.
2 more days left out of a 1 month ban.
Just saying :)
wanna have another 1 month premium account? I can buy it for you. I only need your wot nickname, email adress and your wot password :)
No need, I got the premium account covered for further years :)
SS now you have to do a post about the Chieftain :)
What was wrong with pre-buff accuracy anyway?
Too many shells flying towards the border of the aiming circle, wasn’t evenly distributed (with a small leaning towards center)
Well yeah, but what was wrong with that? :D
Battles were at much shorter ranges and even the most accurate guns were less reliable at long ranges. In old system the propability of where the shell would go within aim reticle were even. It simply could go anywhere within reticle . Current system makes them go most of the time close to the center and shells flying near reticle edges almost never happen.
I remember the old system and how it worked, I just don’t think there was really a need to change it, or at least not to such extent, not with these tiny 1x1km maps anyway.
As I was quite into scouts and faster tanks in general, the fact that most tanks could suddendly snapshot me rather easily was not something I was all hyped about.
tbh I’m still not sure how to feel about that change. Back then I thought of it as a necessity for a faster, more dynamic gameplay, but looking back on it, ever since then, my combat experience became a bit more of a predictable routine and thus sort of less fun. (Though admittedly this can by merely a result of experience gathered over the time, I’m just not all quite sure about that.)
My best result on my most played tank (38t) is still from that time and I’ve picked a number of tricks since then.
- Storm confirms, the candidate for the FV215b switch is the Chieftain
HAHA!! awesome news! glad i grinded FV215b which is actually a nice tank compared to that POS FV4202 and its horribad grind.
Cant wait for my free Chieftain!
I’m just waiting for the 215b to become Top of the Tree. Caernarvon is elited, and I always make sure that every time the new Top of the Tree is announced I got enough money and free XP available to buy the tank and save myself from the stock grind, so i can get through it within 2 weeks.
PS: I like my 4202 actually, though I try to play cautious with it, for good reason.
It’s not good news at all if you think about it…
It means the British will never get a 2nd heavy branch now, as they’ve wasted masses of potential by rushing the Chieftain in instead of offering it its own branch with the relevant workups.
We all want the Chieftain, but you don’t want to trade a whole separate tree for just one tank (That WG will probably nerf through the ground from its real life dominance)
There are plenty of other tanks that could top off a 2nd heavy line, the Chieftain P6 is not the only suitable tank the brits developed.
like what?
There aren’t. Chieftain and the Spaced Armour Conq are the only potential tier 10 heavies there is. Combining Conq into Chief removes this possibility.
There are no others, unless you know them?
Well, they can add Chieftain now, and later it’s branch and the Spaced Armour Conqueror, switching the place with it.
Like how they did with the Tiger 2—VK4502P when E-75 and E-100 were added.
I don’t get whats wrong with that tank.
Why removing it? They could just split the tree so that T9 will lead to two T10 …
IMHO its pretty good looking tank. might not be the best but still.
Who cares its fake ? So its another dozen of tanks in the game. As well as chinks are just soviet copy-paste.
“Who cares its fake?”
Only a couple million players and the developers themselves…
dont play it then.
There is dozens of tanks that never existed, lets take e100 – only hull on blueprints if im not mistaken. I just dont see why to remove it when its already ingame. They can add new tanks why not? but why removing something thats already ingame ? its not a simulator after all.
About E100: Only the chassis was finished. It was taken to the United Kingdom for evaluation purposes and eventually scrapped
So not only blueprints but quite big piece of tank existed
Wow a part of a tank existed, now it’s okay!
Unless it really existed in full, a part tank is as good as blueprints.
Blueprints are one thing, absolute fantasies are another. Thing like FV215b (120) never existed, not even on blueprints, FV215b (183) did. WG just took the hull of the FV215, put a Conqueror turret on it, and named it FV215b (120). It’s not even remotely historical, just WG staff fantasy.
They clearly don’t care, see WTE100, VK4502B, VK7201 and so on and fucking on.
I really don’t get it, why is everyone so delighted about the Chieftain as a replacement. With its historical characteristic it would be even worse than the FV215b. Strong UFP? Cool story, too bad there’s a large and weak LFP (just like by the FV). Great gun? Same as now. Mobility? Worse than the FV’s. Looks? Everybody loves it, IMO it’s quite meh… If they don’t buff its historical stats, it will be probably a swap from a bad (okay, “hard to play”) tank to another bad one.
Forgot to mention the 35mm thick side armor, which gets overmatched easily by most guns in T10. Sounds like a pile of crap for me, unless it gets unhistorical buffs.
A camo nerf in general means a nerf for light tanks as well as TDs. I dislike this change.
Just nerf TD camo stats, ffs.
Light tanks are underplayed enough as they are.
I disagree.
Its not TDs! It’s SOME TD’s.
Whats wrong with churchill GunCrap ? Or Stug and its MASSIVE 135 alpha and 350hp?
Some TDs can be oneshot by pretty much anything they can meet. Staying invisible its the key to survival. They could as well implement the autodestruction feature once you are spotted. Becase thats what it actually means…
I’m not talking about high tier TDs with massive alpha, pretty much Heavy-like armor and sometimes even bigger health pool. These do need a nerf. But I dont see a problem with TDs tier 2 – 7 at all.
Plus, I dont think camo nerf is a soultion… Lets take wtf100 – its got so much health it takes ages to kill even when spotted. 1v1 its suicide for most tanks. It can empty its drum faster than anything else can shoot it down from full health to 0.
FV215(183) with HE round loaded says Hi to your WTE-100, It’s really an easy prey if you know how to kill it, Load HE find a suitable spot where you can outmaneuver it and shoot it’s roof.
So you need one OP TD to kill another OP TD…sounds balanced.
No it’s use an underperforming td to ruin the game for an op td
well because of the way most maps are built, its rather hard to outmaneuver anything.. rock there, house there, another enemy tank elsewhere… Im not saying its impossible, it’s just hard. Not to say 390dmg per shot with 7s reload on average is rather low to bring down 2200hp without ending up severely crippled if not dead.
Anyway, what I meant, these high tier TDs camo isnt any prtoblem at all.. I dont see why they are nerfing camo of all TDs when high tier TDs are affected the least. It’s not a problem to spot them even now. Problem is that some of them have pretty good armor and really a LOT of hp, yet they got some of the most powerful guns. WTF100 is special case… to top it off it got autoloader and suprisingly great agility.
Nerv Accuracy? Great idea, I’m playing Leo 1 and it is very hard to pen Tanks like Jagdpanzer E100 or T110E4 frontal. They change maps to be more playable for MTs but making them useless with Accuracy nerv. It’s still hard enough to hit weakspots at safe distances. Should I hide for the first 10 minutes in hope of flanking the surviving rest?
its not very hard to penetrate…its goddamn easy. better stop spamming HEAT shells at spaced armour and gun mantlets…
Almost don’t using HEAT. AFAIK the weakspots on a Jagdpanzer E100 at front is the lower plate and the commanders hatch. At 300m distance it is hard for me to hit the lower plate when half way hull down. Shouldn’t be angled, else I bounce.
At T110E4 I tend to aim at lower plate near the drive wheels. Small spot, hard to hit because rounded lower plate and hull down problem.
Okay, I have 2 say, i am a noob and my XVM stats are “Banana”, but if you like, we can play some matches together and you show me how to make it. I am willing to learn.
If you think you don’t have a clear shot at the enemy’s weak spot at long ranges then just wait for them and keep them spotted, they’ll move eventually then you can start shooting them when they’re already out of the cover, at this point before I start shooting at the weak spot I tend to shoot first the tracks to stop them from running away and let’s you deal more damage to them specially when you have friendlies supporting you.
guess what, if they are 300 meters away maybe you arent supposed to just autopen everything in the game. if you cant pen it because its hulldown, flank it or ignore it.
Don’t know if you played a Leopard 1 but if you don’t try to snipe you are dammed to spot the first half of the game. At the beginning there are no gaps in the front line, for rushing in and dealing damage like batchat, the tank is too slow, too big and has no drum. The armor can be penetrated by LoL-Traktor …. but if you stay behind and just spot as top tier … you know how this ends.
So you have to put your gun to use, pop up and shoot. To weaken the enemy frontline you have to have the accuracy. Besides, I often try to shoot the tracks, but if I even cant hit the lower plate of an JgdPzE100, to hit the drive wheel is more difficult.
I like the Leo, and its good playable ATM, but when accuarcy get nerved, they taking the main good thing away.
I better start grinding out with my Black Prince..
Sigh…and there’s the confirmation that they’re rushjobbing the Chieftain instead of giving it its deserved own line (Which would be entirely possible if WG ever gave a damn about British tanks…)
Much as we all want that tank., this is not good news. We’ve just lost having a full new branch with the tanks leading up to it because of this.
So just because one tank out of tens of designs that could fill the role gets put somewhere else more appropriate, that suddenly means an entire tree is lost?
Since when did you replace SerB and make all the decisions?
It does, because there are no other tier 10 tanks that could be put in if the Conq and Chief are combined into the same single tree.
And there are not “tens of designs”, stop just making that excuse up to protect WG’s lack of foresight.
If WG would release Chief in his own line, it would be quickly called moneygrab when WG could simply replace FantasyVehicle 215b 120…
The reason the T69 and T54E1 are “doing fine statistically” is because everyone spams gold.
Spam gold > Get more damage > better stats > WG can’t tell that a tank needs a CORE buff > Makes game worse for those who don’t want to spam gold.
“because everyone spams gold”
” for those who don’t want to spam gold”
so not everyone I guess…
Yeah. That is a problem. Especially with the FV 183 which desperately needs an ammo carry buff.
I would like to see tanks having 10 times their present HP, since every top gun in the game penetrates reliably enough to do damage to any foe you meet in MM and most of the guns do serious damage, it would at least be more fun. (Get shot 30 times instead of 3 to get killed) I know it would take alot of time to win a game, but it´s easiest solution to nerf what´s overpowered (TDs – being unable to kill enemy aproaching you with few shots, KV1S – and other similar tanks – more time for an enemy to exploit their strong/KV1S´s weak sides, accuracy – so what you can hit a tank over half a map, if you can´t even take 1/10 his HP, he´ll come and shatter you)
It might have flaws, or be ilogical, but I also imagine that real tanks were much more durable, unless you hit any critical spot (ammo storage, driver etc)
reminds me of matilda and its accupuncture of death.
Watching how you have to hit tank 40 times is not fun. its boring.
Bullcrap :) and exactly opposite…I once managed to shoot 3 tanks with over 600hp each to death with Matilda (fighting over the dune edge) and it was pretty much fun ! doing ~80dmg against their pools really made you think you fighting the real tanks, not just toys.
in real tank its mostly one penetrating hit and the tank is done. If not the tank, the crew inside for sure.
again not true, there are many proofs of tanks getting hit 40-100 times and still be able to fight, if you shoot trough armor and dont hit anything important – no damage done whatsover
Yeah, ever though of the Maus having 30000 HP? While being in a very good position with a good angle? Or how about a medium tank easily outflanking your TD and killing you from the rear while you can do nothing against it? The more HP there is the lesser the fun it’ll be, Its tiring enough to deal a platoon of Maus with about 9000 total HP and now you want to multiply it? Good luck having enough ammo for that battle.
ammo is of least concern, it can be easily raised… I agree with mammoth tanks such as 30k HP Maus (though does it sound right that you should fight well angled Maus? You should go around and kill him, you´re a tank, not a warship to penetrate 200mm of steel at angle) and for example 4k HP TD with 20 frontal armor its kind of an extreme, but there´s so much damage in the game…I fancy the idea of 5 people having to work together to shoot the Maus down(dont forget that you as heavy tank would have 20k or something)…well maybe raise the HP 5 times or lower number, whatever, but right now, game feel just like tanks are some kind of toys, which they werent in WW2 when the ammo wasnt laser pointed nuke…
“- Storm states he doesn’t know of a 9.1 bug where the tanks outside of the viewrange are moving by “jerks” a lot on minimap”
I see this every day, minimap gets “refreshed” every 1-2 seconds with tank logos leaping great distances to their current position. it’s kinda annoying. but was the movement on the minimap ever shown in realtime?
Does it really matter? I play with minimap quite big and while i see this a lot it has no impact on my gameplay.
thats not a bug, its been stated several times that it is on purpose
- the “doubled” maps (Prokhorovka/new Prokhorovka, Himmelsdorf/Winter Him) do in fact have the same probability of “dropping” (eg. you have twice a chance to end up on Himmelsdorf, one normal and one winter), the only exception is Ruinberg, which has one half chance of dropping (the Ruinberg on Fire has one half chance as well)
They forgot to mention, that Siegfried Line and Erlenberg has like 500% more chance of dropping, but Airfield and Westfield about 10% compaed to other maps..
In last days I had several cases, when I got Siegfried Line or Erlenberg Assault 3 times in a row from same spawn point. How possible is that in your dev maths?
thats why I turned of assault!
having Erlenberg 7 times in a row is pretty common.
Not that its bad map, I’m just fed up.
Yes, that’s the case – I really like that Siegfried Line (and Sand River) Assault, I always do fine in there, have zillions Ace badges on those scenarios and that’s why I don’t turn it off, but anyways.. it would be nice to play some other maps too once in a while..
the issue is, as maps are random so are the modes.
lets say you got 3 modes for erlenberg, while only classic mode for some other map.
lets say you played classic on erlenberg. Now its turn to play assault. – it will randomly choose a map from (assault enabled maps) – that means erlenberg has a chance again while some other maps (non assault) are out of the game…
At least thats what I think, … in the end you play erlenberg all the time but each time different mode….
I disabled both assault and encounter and result was 100%, well 150% positive and positive only…
1) less noobs – they dunno how to turn it off
2) map repetition dropped significantly – I used to play sand river 8 times in 2 hours !!! Died in one tank, jumped into another and bam, sand river – this almost dissappeared and now when I get same map multiple times, its at least 5 games later
3) less frustration of noobs going spearhead when they should´ve stayed at the base and camp (that´s what they do in every game, except encounter :D)
- it was not considered to reduce FV215b 183mm alpha (while compensating DPM with reload time) to for example 1400 damage, because “1400 almost prevents the possibility of playing during penetration” (SS: not sure what that means – that it would be not enough for glass gun?)
It was meant here that if just to reduce damage – 183 wouldnt one-shot anymore, but will still extremely cripple a tank.
And 183 isnt a glass cannon.
first, I’m not 183 driver.
second, nerfing its damage would make it the same as every other t10 TD.
Sure its pain to get oneshoted, but every time it happens to me, i was sitting on one place for too long.
It has to aim. damage nerf would make it just another boring T10 TD…
Im all for balancing and stuff, but this way we will end up with all tanks being the same.
Might as well have just ONE generic tank, lets call it “THE TANK” all of them will have same stats.
Perfectly balanced and boring game. “World of THE TANK”
there is only a few unique vehicles, why do we want them removed ?
I dont play chinese at all because its basically copy paste soviet tree with some US and FR vehicles in lower tiers. That nation is absolutely boring. Might as well remove it for the sake of less MB to download with the client
- developers have not yet decided how to correctly implement a general accuracy nerf (SS: was announced earlier)
Up to arty ass that nerf. All tanks are fine as it is.
have you ever played arty ? :D
I’ve tried up to tier 4, couldnt stand that longer. Cant imagine aiming for 10 seconds, miss and reloading for 2 minutes :D
Fuck arty – it must be removed from game all together.
Remove yourself from the game.
Do you have any logical arguments against arty or you got one shotted too many times and now you’re pissed?
yes, there are lots of logical arguments for removing arty, and most good players don’t need to hear them. its just obvious.
*the existence of arty on a map closes large portions, because they aren’t playable. without arty, every map becomes more dynamic, fun and strategic.
*arty promotes camping, and punishes people who play in such a way to move the game forward.
*arty has a large luck to results ratio, and invalidates skill of the victims. luck is VERY important to the game, and the +-25% to pen and damage are critical to the health of the game, but if luck becomes too big, it makes it frustrating to be a skillful player, who gets randomly punked while making high percentage maneuvers.
*arty cannot be directly responded to. most tanks in the game can dish out damage, but are vulnerable to counter attack when they fire. players getting hit by arty, or focused on have to just take it. there is no direct offensive response, only hiding, which leads to lame gameplay.
Fuck arty.
It makes the whole game worse, and no benefit it offers outweighs the detriment to the game that it offers.
Why dont you guys simply get an arty yourself, learn to play it (what if I told you it takes some skill to play arty) and troll people the same way they trolled you with arty. And weesh, if you are as skilled as you claim to be you should know how to easily avoid arty.
I do play arty…but only enough to get into their heads. I need to know what it is capable of, and how to best combat it.
The problem is this: I see the bad effect I have on the game, and I feel bad about it. I don’t LIKE to troll players. I’d rather the game be better.
Also, your question seems to say “arty is fun for the arty players and bad for everyone else. why not just play it so that you are on the other side too?” Because GOOD game mechanics are fun on the giving AND the receiving end. Good game mechanics have fun counters and fun counter-counters. A mechanic that is fun for one player, but unfun for everyone it is inflicted on is a BAD mechanic. Why would I feel good for ruining another player’s game?!
If I could understand arty WITHOUT playing it, I absolutely would.
And yes, I can mostly avoid arty, but it is soooooooo boring to do so. Some maps become effectively very small with arty, and so many possibilities are unleashed if there aren’t any!
People keep clamoring for bigger maps, and they are right to do so. However, if they removed arty, the maps would feel bigger.
Because whining is easyer than using the WASD keys….
Rarely (VERY rarely) i see players who actually DO against getting hit by arty (moving constantly in non-linear pattern) yet most players just camp and shoot shoot shoot… and using common camp positions are not a good idea because an experienced arty player may pre-aimed there and can send an unpleasant surprise as soon as he gets spotted…
When I get hit because I’m standing too still, that is clearly my fault.
When I don’t get hit, because I spend the whole game spazzing back and forth instead of concentrating on the strategy and DON’T get hit, that is the mechanic’s fault.
When I don’t go to alternative parts of the map because I know that there is no way to avoid arty there, that too is arty’s fault.
It’s not about being hit. It is the threat of being hit that ruins games.
“Because whining is easyer than using the WASD keys”
Get over yourself. Bad mechanic is bad. Pretending otherwise or saying that non-arty just doesn’t respond correctly speaks to a misunderstanding of the situation.
Responding correctly is the problem! The correct response leads to lame game play. THAT is why good players hate arty.
BS, why is it that most times when I get hit by the one fingered dice rolling machines its exactly when doing good game play, such as pushing key map positions, flanking, fighting other tanks, etc., not when sitting still as you say. When you sit still somewhere (again like arty) you don’t get spotted and nuked by a mouse click and RNG. Weesh’s list of points above were a very good summary of what is wrong with arty. Arty punishes good game play, and lets bad players ruin the game for others, it has to be fixed or removed.
“wish there was arty” – said no one ever on a map with no arty.
i play arty and i can tell you it’s a broken mechanic. the fact i can sit in one corner of the map and shave off anywhere from 100 to 33% of someone’s health with no return fire is bs.
yesterday on northwest, my team on north spawn lemmminged towards west. while the enemy had more mediums, they pushed mid and east. my tds defended that east area and were gonna get overrun.
but fear not super arty is here to save you, did critical damage to the enemy.
Have You ever FV304?
As much as I hate getting hit by an arty and I´m always pissed when I do, I admire players who know how to use it properly and do magic with it, I couldn´t just for the fact I dont have patience to what you mentioned…Got up to tier 3 arty and said screw this, man…
Why dont you guys simply get an arty yourself, learn to play it (what if I told you it takes some skill to play arty) and troll people the same way they trolled you with arty. And weesh, if you are as skilled as you claim to be you should know how to easily avoid arty.
I’ve played it.
I got sick of it.
It’s retarded game mechanics.
It requires no skill at all.
You’re a moron who can’t play anything else and still do dmg except your retarded cancermobile.
You’re a moron.
>> – developers are considering camouflage rework (nerf), when a player asked whether RhB camo will be nerfed, Veider stated: “We are considering it. But we will not nerf RhB specifically, we will implement something systemic.”
Read as: “we are considering to screw up gameplay for everyone besides tanking heavies”…
That’s exactly what they are doing with all recent map changes.
And you don’t have to be a fortune teller to see, what will happen in a year or two – noone will play paper TD’s, arties and light tanks anymore, because they will have nothing to do in all those tunnel maps. Then devs will realise that and start to rebalance all over the place.
All that rebalancing is fine to a certain level – change just couple of maps, make small nerfs, leave some variety.. but no – they nerf stuff to the ground and change all maps like on conveyer.
sorry, doublepost
Serious optimization (terrain render)? “When it’s done it’s done”
As in 2020?
“Well at least its done.” – Serb(Talking to the last player in WoT.)
(Talking to himself)
- IS-7, IS-4 and Maus are doing fine statistically
Whats wrong with the IS-4 and IS-7? I know that the Maus is a rare tank because many people dislike it, but the Russians dont seem to have these problems. Do people want them to get nerfed?
No, I believe that people wish for them to be buffed due to powercreep. But they are still alright…besides the Maus.
they are dogs, is7 is probably the best out of those 3 but it’s still very lacking.
the reason wg won’t buff them is because too many people have is4/7 and maus. they can’t make a profit from a buff.
So that’s why my lower tiers get so much Himmelsdorf… bah.
I feel the monstrous alpha of some tanks makes them less like part of a game and more like being hit by a lightning bolt…or a meteor. Of course, you know when you do something really stupid in this game, but when you get blasted without warning (often before sixth sense alerts) it is no fun. It is DOUBLY no fun because the Warpack users receive warnings which make these events much less likely.
Those are my two biggest beefs with the game- ridiculous alpha for tier and users of Warpack and similar cheats. Bot are bothersome, but not as big a concern for me.
Why the fuck would they nerf accuracy? It’s not like it’s super OP(even if it was there’s nothing wrong with tanks being able to hit pinpoint accurately at distances we have in WoT) so why the fuck would you nerf the thing almost 100% people liked when it came to more RNG based bullshit that players absolutely hate. WG why are you fucking morons??
Guess the bads cried again since all that licking windex off windows must have affected their already worthless motor skills and they can’t even hit anything with the better accuracy we got, so they need to get it nerfed so they don’t die as much, after all 80% of the player base are worthless trash tomatoes.
“- Q: “Why was FV215b 183 nerfed when Veider said 7 months ago in an interview that it won’t be nerfed?” A: “Situation changed.””
A lot can happen in seven months. Get over it.