
- regarding the fact that on some sites (wot-news, vbaddict) some vehicles appear as underperforming and need buff – “we do not balance the tanks according to 3rd party sites”
- IS-7, IS-4 and Maus guns to be buffed? “If we buff their guns, we’ll have to nerf other parameters”
- Indienpanzer is not “suffering” apparently either (SS: as in, it is not underpowered)
- the “rule of 10 calibers” applies only when main armor is penetrated (eg. when dealing damage), not after the penetration of spaced armor
- for the purpose of the spotting mechanism change (second part), bushes will count as obstacles, so if you got spotted while standing behind the bush, you will disappear when the camo penalty for shooting ends
- basically, regarding the point above, Storm confirms that a tank, that gets spotted on the open field will never disappear, unless it drives behind an obstacle (a bush) or out of view range

- maximum spotting distance will not change
- 565 meters maximum drawing distance is not “too little”
- FV304 will be nerfed
- there will be some fixes in the Team Battles mechanism this year (SS: the player mentions situations where some people take a few tier 2 tanks and join the automatic team search)
- regarding the UI, introducing garage dynamic tank characteristics in garage is “much more complicated than introducing a reload timer”
- Overlord on WoT Blitz for Android: “By the end of the year most likely. No fixed date for now. Really lots of work with all these hardware and software versions on android.”

102 thoughts on “16.7.2014

    • Some months back they said it’ll need more market share before they consider it.
      So no, it’s not in the works at the moment (pray for the success of WP ;)).

    • first the SU-5 now the fv? arty players can’t rest in low tier :D you need to find another fun arty, i recommend you the m53/55 its fun

      • Too high tier, the pressure to be somewhat useful is too great, and you don’t get to platoon-troll with a 10 second reload.
        Plus it’s not a “pick me up for a quick 4 minute game and make 20-30k credits in the process” vehicle.

        A unique arty, like the SU-26, destroyed.

        • That’s exactly the problem. It’s “fun” because it is way too strong. It vastly outperforms all other T6 arties and stat padders have flocked to it in huge numbers.

          It is the single most annoying arty, especially if they’re in platoons.

          • 500m range and shell that take over 4 seconds to travel that long…STRONK!

            It’s not fun because it’s 2op2quit, it’s fun because it’s fast, doesn’t take forever to aim and has the vertical firing arc required to whack campers.
            It’s the same as an SU-5, two tiers higher and with more shells and faster for crying out loud.

            • Except that I have never seen any other T6 arty driving at full speed and hitting things on the move, the 500M range is negated by the speed and shell arc and the reload + aim time makes it way more dangerous than a regular arty piece.

              Just look at the stats of it compared to any other T6 arty and try to deny that it’s overpowered compared to them.

              • Congrats, you’ve seen RNG videos.

                Every single game, I try that, I have never actually succeeded. The only worthwhile thing I’ve done was hit a target while my reticle was huge.

                It has better stats because *surprise*, decent players found out it was fun and could do something none of the others could, and went for it.
                The British tanks aren’t exactly the most popular, arty the most loathed type of vehicle, put them together, and you have one of the least played vehicles in the game. So of course that stats are going to be skewed.

                But since there’s no use arguing, let’s make ALL tanks in the game shit and boring to play, because perfect balance.

                • You seem to be completely missing the point that EVERYTHING stats-wise shows them as significantly overperforming against all other T6 arties. This alone shows they need a nerf.

                  Unless of course you would rather all other T6 arties were buffed to match it and completely throw mid tiers off balance.

                  If that makes the game boring to you because you actually have to compete with opponents that are equally performing then that’s your choice. I know I am not the only one saying it should be nerfed and it seems like a no brainer to me that it needs it.

                • I’m betting the VK72 is also showing a significant overperforming…

                  It’s not just the tank, it’s the people playing it.

                • @exocet6951 It is overperforming if you look at E-100 much overperforming lol its even faster op fake tanks is op

                • Nothing to do with the fact the only people to have them were people who succeeded in a CW event, so better than 95% of the other players?

                  Same deal with the FV304.
                  You have 2 people playing it: people who find it fun, who sifted through the entire game (therefore are better and more experienced) to find it, or people who are masochist enough to play arty and British at the same time.

                • only because you can get them from entering the campaigns it doesnt make the players 95% better than everyone else, a lot of retards play clanwars and a lot of average players can get one just simply by playing a lot of clanwars and getting enough fame points.

                  campaign tanks are really easy to get if you take the time.

    • It had to happen eventually. 400~ games in it was enough for me anyway. Finally sold it recently and moved on to the tier 7 which, although not OP, can be quite fun.

      • there is always the Bishop. It has the same gun and most of the times can take a shot or 2.

        • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

      • I just started the grind for this arty and was going to buy some gold to move up the line faster. After this news I am going to stop grinding this line. To bad WOT dev’s no money for you!

    • Hell has frozen over, the world is going to burn the last great fun tank is going to die we all must quit now before any more tank’s get hurt in the process :P

    • boo hoo they are nerfing my OP arty…haha suck it. The game is supposed to be fun for all, not just fun for people who play broken trash and ruin it for others.

      • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

    • Just about to finish my FV304 crew’s 3rd skill/perk. I guess that I need to cause a lot of butt hurt, tears, and rage to complete their 4th skill/perk before the nerf. Time to rain down some steel. *LOL*

    • On maus it has the E-75 gun(or Ferdinand if you want) and has very low RoF. That is prob why. I like the Maus however but it could do with a slight RoF buff.
      On IS-7 and IS-4 i dont know why they complain, i dont drive them.

    • bad firepower, bad armour on is-4/maus(tds go through them.) and bad mobility iin is7′s case,

      those 3 are very power crept tanks.

      • IS-7 is fine, Maus and IS-4 not so much. They could use some buffing. But only slightly cause they aren’t THAT bad.

  1. Maus gun buffed? lets nerf the maximum speed from 20km/h to 19,9km/h

    the maus/e100 128mm gun allready nerfed… the rof was 11,2s before and it was cool, now a much smaller tank with the same amount of loader with the same gun load faster….

      • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

        Usual WG explanation:
        “Loaders in RhmB have more space. More comfort = faster reload.”

  2. Why does everything have to be so hard for Wargaming?!
    How hard is it to show some altered stats for a tank?!
    They already have the formulas fo the dynamic stats, why is it so hard to display them in the U.I?

      • exactly my thoughts. Dynamic stats is already a part of xvm and they didnt complain about it “being complicated”. I just sometimes think that WG just got stuck in like 2004.

          • well I do, its more matter of a principal. Cause if they cannot implement such an easy and simple thing in a reasonable amount of time, thats not good news for further game development :)

  3. - regarding the fact that on some sites (wot-news, vbaddict) some vehicles appear as underperforming and need buff – “we do not balance the tanks according to 3rd party sites”

    Neither they do balance according to their own…
    If they do – 1.5 years to realise that its OP…

  4. - FV304 will be nerfed

    -.- Well..nerf it… the average of 50 dmg per shot will go down to 10..????
    the reload will go to 15 sec. ????
    the max speed will go to 30 ????
    max range will go to 300 meters..????
    So this means the FV304 will be just like SU-26.. NEVER played again by anyone..

    The speed and the reload are the only things that make this arty playable..
    Yeah sure.. the occasional 1 shot on a Hellcat or a Pz sfl ok.. but what about when I shoot at a kv1..
    40dmg.. 15dmg.. 21 dmg.. critical hit (no dmg)..

    Please FFS just let arty be.. WG you allready nerfed arty to death…
    Maybe if you would watch some gameplay instead of listening to all those whiners, then you would know that 9 out of 10 of those whiners are in the open and standing still… so why would arty not shoot at them.

    I’m getting less and less interested in playing this game with every patch..

      • Woras you have no idea how wrong you are there. the FV304 500meter range means you cant camp at base with the FV304. It needs its speed accuracy and aimtime to counter the 500m range of the gun and low damage it gets alot.

          • Oh.. I guess you are one of those standing-still-in-the-open-whiners???

            Do you play arty “in general”?
            Yes I’m sorry.. I am a player who loves to play with arty..
            And I am a damn good arty player if I say so myself..

            So no.. I am not a basecamper arty player.. especially not with BC 58.. If you ever see me ingame and I am driving it… just try to find me.. most likely that I would be behind you.

            Yes there are a lot of noobs just pointing and clicking..
            But believe it or not.. playing arty.. and being good in arty actually does take some skill..
            Yes.. everyone can shoot a E100, Maus, T95.. especially when they are standing still..
            But I am 1 of those arty players who shoots a BC 25-t, T54, Obj.140 and such… on full speed…

            That my friend.. is not clicking.. that is calculating movements, speed and terrain..

            • “That my friend.. is not clicking.. that is calculating movements, speed and terrain..”

              LOL you can try to delude yourself that playing arty is skill, sorry its mostly sitting in one spot and rolling dice, that batchat, 140 or whatever you hit..RNG was just kind to you and unkind to the poor guy whose game you ruined.

              Anyway hurry up and quit already, may more clickers join you in quitting.

              • Rest assured.. if I see you in an arty I will stop for you.. so you can finally do some damage for the first time…

                oh wait.. you dont play arty… so that means you really know what you are talking about..

            • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

              Also fun fact the fv304 can go scout mode more then any other tank that has any balls.. hell i can solo kill a td on my own in my fv.. t10 tds infact!

          • Let it keep the speed but nerf reload or dmg. Imo the unique feature is that it win close games becayse of its scouting capabilities. this way it will still be a great tank in the right hands.
            Power to the UP!

    • If you are getting so low damage on your fv arty I suspect you are playing it wrong. Low damage usually happens when you are too close to the target and you end up hitting well armoured front or tracks covered sides. What you need to do is to get on the very edge of your firing distance. Due to the shell fly time it will be more difficult hitting the enemy, especially when on the move, but the pros are well worth it. Pros? The amazing shell trajectory will mean that at the edge of the firing range your shells will fall down almost vertically. There are 2 significant advantages this gives. First, you will likely shoot over most obstacles, denying enemy arty safe locations. Second, you will be hitting weakly armoured top armour. Bad shots will net you around 100 – 150 damage but 400+ damage shots will be plenty, even on tier 8 heavies.

    • If WG want to nerf the Bert, just nerf its module damage, (so it cant permatracking) and it will be fine

    • “So this means the FV304 will be just like SU-26.. NEVER played again by anyone..” – one can hope, and joined by all the rest of the arty.

      • I still play SU-26 – with the stock gun – and can be effective with it (btw, i won 3k gold with it in the arty contest last year)
        I wonder how Bert will be nerfed? It will be fucked up 8.6 style (Fuck You Zlobny), or it will be “see, i nerfed it!” style (for example reload time nerfed by 0.3 sec, backwards top speed by 1 km/h etc)

  5. - Indienpanzer is not “suffering” apparently either (SS: as in, it is not underpowered)

    Wut? Who asks these questions? Indien is perfectly fine, I would even say that it’s one of the best T8 meds.

    • Yup, not suffering, that’s why it’s getting a buff in 9.2, because it’s perfectly fine – WG logic FTW

    • “Wut? Who asks these questions? Indien is perfectly fine, I would even say that it’s one of the best T8 meds. ”

      Totally agree , good gun (DPM, accuracy, pen), good mobillity, decent sloped armor, very good gun deperession . Only 3 weakness it looooong aim time (can reduce by GLD and stab), slightly bad gun manlet and low viewrange (only 370m)

      But I dont understand why IndiPz get DPM buff in 9.3 even it perfect already.

      Veider said “we also took a look into less porpular branches, … and the branchleading to Leo1 german med” .And all of them get ROF buff

      Why dont buff M26 and whole US med line ?

      • I wouldn’t say that long aim time is problem on Indien – I could shoot while going full speed and still hit pretty often. I have a feeling that after that buff they’ll nerf it someday below the current level…

      • “But I dont understand why IndiPz get DPM buff in 9.3″

        I’d guess because DpM was one of its selling points over Panther II, which was buffed some time ago, so it no longer applies.

    • the same guy who woke up one morning had **** for breakfest and though nerfing the FV304 to the ground would be funny, WoT is getting more boring TD’s that are OP are fine but as soon as a Heavy tank or a Fast mobile short range morter is a little OP or is fun to play they go all crazy and nerf it to the ground while laughing there faces off as the people who play for fun leave the only time they don’t nerf a OP heavy or Arty or short range morter TD is when they play them but seems none of them have played the FV but all or them play the T57 heavy and EVERY OP TD

    • Yes IP is an awesome tank, better than the PTA which follows it for tier.

      • Hunt3r what the fuck are you talking about moron? You’re seriously beyond stupid with everything you said. And i’m to fucking bored to explain in details why and i doubt you’d understand it even if i explained it to you. If you aren’t that fucking dumb you could see how every recent map change has been made to benefit heavy tanks and destroy TDs so stfu about OP TDs and l2fucking play and by play i don’t mean clicking with your retarded arta. TD so OP and yet you failed in every single of them based on your avg dpb on them.

  6. The FV304 will be soon be played by less people, which is good. Next step is to separate the SPGs branches and form a new game called World of SPGs and then WoT will be twice more enjoyable.

    • While I love my fv304 and I fear it will be nerfed into oblivion, like they did with su-26, I would gladly give away all my arties without any exp or credits compensation, just for the sake of the gameplay. Yes, sometimes I am that scumbag clicker, it’s fun, but I do it only because I can and because even if I didn’t, others would anyway. But wot without arty would be a whole lot better.

      • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

    • You know what happened after 8.6?
      All arty players switched to TDs and flooded the game with even more campy behaviour because TDs don’t have a hardcap…

      And… did you look at the tanks which are in a que?
      You see like what? 16 artys?

      They just need to even out the distribution more, like implementing an even lower cap for artys in Randoms and all is fine.
      The argument from WG with “we don’t want long waiting times” is complete bullshit!

  7. I dont understand why IndiPz get DPM buff in 9.3 even it perfect already.

    Veider said “we also took a look into less porpular branches, … and the branchleading to Leo1 german med” .And all of them get ROF buff

    Why dont buff M26 and whole US med line ?

    • Tank that sucks in USA medium line is top tier M48 Fatton. Everything else is fine. One of the best medium lines. Too bad T10 is shitty.

      • Took me 1300 battles in it to see how cool it is:)
        and now it’s buffed
        slow learner..

      • The Pershing is slowly starting to fall behind at tier 8. The only thing it has going for it is decent hull down capability and accuracy on the move. It has the third worst standard penetration of all the t8′s and it’s not all that accurate to compensate and with 9.2 it getting out-DPM’ed by the Indien Panzer and the T-44 so yeah, i think it’s time to show the Pershing some love too.
        As for the M48, no argument…

  8. >>“we do not balance the tanks according to 3rd party sites”<<

    Okay, fair enough, but they must be listening to *somebody* out there for all the weird decisions they have been making lately, random buffs to tanks that don't need it, hard nerfs to fun tanks…

    I mean, who IS WG listening to then?

    • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

  9. FV304 will get a nerf… and you know whos grinding a FV304? Thanks for the timing WG!

  10. FV304 will be nerfed

    Best news of the year…

    T18, KV1S, T49, FV304, HellCat

    The douche chariots

    • Its a scout tank not an arty ive always used it as such. when they took away my t-50-2 i had no other reason to play wots i enjoy speed. i enjoyed it so much. and they took away my arty. then the fv304 shown up. and that made me play again. now i have to go back to just quiting wots till the new scout tanks come in. And btw kv-ass players are going to be raging and so are hell cat players as all the t6 tanks are getting nerfed. as for the fv304. they might nerf the time to shoot aka travel time again to 6 seconds? and whats a better way to coninsate for the nerf as wg has said they will do for nerfing. Better engine power of 600? maybe turning faster of 28 degrees? faster aiming time etc etc.. they dont just down right nerf a tank anymore they nerf the abusement of it and buff something else. Hell they may even give ot a prem shell now or evem an ap shell because of it. leave the arty as it is. or you will see it buffed in another skill. as wg said they no longer down right nerf a tank anymore. they buff it in other specs. so your actully buffing the tank in close combat quarters now.

      and no fv304 isent a duche, its the only arty that takes skill to play. they HATE clickers and asshole scumbags dont compare bert to the others please..

  11. - IS-7, IS-4 and Maus guns to be buffed? “If we buff their guns, we’ll have to nerf other parameters”
    those tanks can’t keep up with their own tier tanks , the maus has really a bad gun , is-7 gun is totally RNG more than usual and is-4 gun was nerfed by 10 mm down to 258 mm of penetration.
    if you buff the maus , don’t buff the gun , just remove the stupid weak spot in the turret !
    or make it a tier 9 and bring a better tier 10 , because maus lost it’s place since the tier 10 TD crap.

    • IS-7 is strong, all it really lacks is hit points considering its weight.

      Maus is terrible, I want WG to think hard about how OP a maus would be with a 8 second reload. Oh… it still moves at the rate a black hole decays, so it really wouldn’t matter but atleast its reload matches it’s gigantic turret

      IS-4 is largely worse than the ST-1 in its current state. Not that bad on its own, but beaten by its predecessor.

  12. I had great fun in T-50-2. Played almost 1000 battles with it. WG took it away and gave the awful MT-25 back.

    Cried a lot.

    Cried untill British arty was introduced and I have founf the FV304.

    Had great fun in FV304. Played almost 500 battles with it. Now WG wants to nerf it to hell.


    I’m sad :(

    RIP T-50-2 [*]

  13. i dont even know what to say after all these anti-arty crybaby comments… so dense heads
    whatever, wanted to sell hellcat and fv anyway, they got dusty in the garage

  14. - 565 meters maximum drawing distance is not “too little”

    Tell that to my tier 4 TD the American T40 that has shot and damaged tanks at 684m that I documented and other tanks that I’ve surely damaged a tank at or above 700m.

    I stopped tracking the high range shots after a while but I consider them a part of the game so if you clip my draw distance at 565 meters and keep me from sniping things in the 566-707m view range you are reducing my maximum draw range.

    I’ll agree that it makes sense to limit the draw range until the server load issue is fixed by the to be developed code but I’d like to see the draw range circle start out at 565m now and move to 600m later and then to 700m after that (knowing that it might be a year or two for such a change to occur).

  15. - regarding the fact that on some sites (wot-news, vbaddict) some vehicles appear as underperforming and need buff – “we do not balance the tanks according to 3rd party sites”

    “We don’t even balance!”

    - basically, regarding the point above, Storm confirms that a tank, that gets spotted on the open field will never disappear, unless it drives behind an obstacle (a bush) or out of view range

    This means: “active scouts will suffer.” O.K. :@

    - regarding the UI, introducing garage dynamic tank characteristics in garage is “much more complicated than introducing a reload timer”

    “… It needs 2 algorithms. Reload needed one.”