Crytek Overcame Financial Issues?

Thanks to Mesotronik for the main source of this info.

Hello everyone,

since you are currently reading what is basically a game blog, I presume that you know what is Crytek: a game developer, best known for their indigenous game engine called CryEngine as well as some computer games, most notably the Crysis series. Recently, it was rumored that Crytek was in financial trouble and that Wargaming might be actually interested in giving a helping hand.

At that time, Crytek denied the rumors of financial issues, but as it turns out, they were true, as recently, Crytek came out and admitted them. Naturally, this in turn resurrected the rumors of Wargaming interest, especially since Wargaming confirmed they are thinking already about WoT 2.0 (and let’s face it, any such large WoT overhaul really needs a better engine). One thing from the article linked above is interesting though, the last part. Two parts actually. The majority of the article is PR fluff, but check this out.


“According to a statement issued to VentureBeat, the CryEngine developer was “in a transitional phase” and has since found the capital necessary to proceed with its upcoming project like Homefront: The Revolution and Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age.”


We’ve reached out to Crytek to inquire more about its mysterious new funding and to see if any of its already announced projects will be delayed or cancelled due to its recent financial woes. We’ll update as we find out more.

So, who else thinks Big Boss Kislyi made them an “offer they couldn’t refuse”? :)

32 thoughts on “Crytek Overcame Financial Issues?

  1. Or maybe WG funded their two in development games and in return they will get a cut when Homefront and HHGA will be released. Thus they form a trust bond and maybe one day WG will buy them.

    I wont be surprised to see Crytek’s games have Wargaming as a publisher.

    • Homefront has DeepSilver as publisher. Why in the world would DeepSilver let WG get a cut from Homefront? See how silly that sounds?

      • Money. If DeepSilver did not have the money to keep development they could share the earnings in order to save the game.

      • cimajes errmm there are games that have multiple publishers. Wargaming can simply publish Crytek games in CIS countries.

        Or as Zeus67 said. Maybe DeepSilver is not willing to invest anymore than they already did.

        • DS has more than enough money to publish the game themselves. They could even buy WG if they really want to…
          Also DS is and it will always be willing to invest,even in dying franchises/gamedevs (see stalker series, see metro series)

          We will see Homefront released no matter what, DeepSilver will make sure of that.

  2. Belarussian Don “Kislyi” Corleone, know that is a terrifying thought… ;)

  3. Good thing Homefront is still in development, that game seems to have a lot of potential. I don’t mind WG financially supporting Crytek as long as they don’t interfere in the development of the games.

  4. I still don’bt believe these WG-Crytek- rumors. It just seems too convenient, a well known software company gets in trouble and a big player swoops in and saves the day? And what for? Cryteks products don’t even match WGs requirements at all.

    WG needs an engine that relies heavily on server side features and a net code that can handle millions of simultaneously playing gamers, Cryteks products are optimized for client side beauty … they never had the playerbase and therefor experience for that kind of stuff.

    They already bought BigWorld, let them update the gfx engine themselves, they would know how to combine that with massive networking already.

    • That is the thing though, they have the BigWorld engine with its net support code, and they might end up just looking to upgrade their graphics engine. In which case which game developer has more experienced developers than Crytek when it comes to graphics. If WG have the net code sorted, it makes perfect sense for them to show an interest in Crytek and consider getting them onboard

  5. I think the smart move would be to just update through the launcher and keep it 1 game. & not make a separate wot 2.
    They wouldn’t have a split community, servers, forums, websites, employees etc etc. It would be easier to just release it through the launcher as an update to wot even tho it completely replaces everything.

    Yes that would kill the previous wot, but i don’t think they would mind that as they would not need to maintain anything from the old game and they’d be able to reuse their servers and everything they have after updating it.

    • It’s impossible to simply port a game to a completely different game engine just like that….

    • No, there should be. At least 2 versions where the tanks, gold and exp are shared. Physics can even be different for 2 different servers.

      Physics CAN be the same, but then Crytek looks awesome and has terrible bigworld physics… NO!

      2 different servers with shared tanks, exp, creds, gold, etc would be fine.

      Hmmm, maybe WoT CAN be better than War Thunder. xD

  6. Also it’s pointless to have current game next to 2.0. And when speaking about wot 2.0 are we referring it to graphic update or inclusion of T-72s and Abrams? Because you know Battlefield 3.

  7. For the love of god SS, stop it with Wg buys crytek thing.

    Crytek is making Homefront now. Homefront’s publisher is Deep Silver. DeepSilver WANTS the revenue from Homefront.
    DeepSilver is also much bigger than WG.

    Let’s think for a bit. Why would DeepSilver let WG invest in Crytek? Hmmm? See? It makes no sense….

    BTW, DeepSilver and the company behind DS has much more cash than WG.

    • Yeah your right I said this back when the first articles were posted it makes no sense for WG.

      • I remember reading on Kotaku that even Crytek employes were expecting DeepSilver to invest more or even buy crytek… But eh…

        WG is not as big as some people believe…and Crytek is not small enough for WG to simply buy it…

        • So, according to you, WG does not have enough money?

          What about WG sending the black helicopters, I MEAN, buying that whole bank in Cyprus?

          Is freaking Deep Silver bigger than the Cyprus bank? I don’t think so.

          If not, let SerB send in the black helicopters…

          • In 2009 Koch media (DS parent) had 330 million revenue. WG had 210 million in 2012.
            Since 2009 Koch media group grown quite a bit (bough a lot of new IP’s), and their revenue is much, much higher.

            Now make some simple math, what does it mean if in 2009 Koch media was much bigger than WG was in 2012? Don’t you think that now in 2014 Koch media has at least twice (twice is worst case scenario) the money 2014 WG has?

            So yeah, next time please inform yourself…just a tiny bit…

            Oh, also Koch media IS the biggest European publisher. Wargaming is also in EU right?

  8. Definitively we cannot rule out the very real possibility of that. But it sounds too good, to be true.

    Let’s face it – in multicores world, as it is todays, the BigWorld engine is not really very fast. It need very fast CPU to draw on screen similar amount of data reasonably fast, while WarThunder engine is quite happy with even lower specs CPU’s.

    While I do recogniye that the BigWorld engine had it’s advantages (mainly load time is a SNAP – but it could be, that 3,5GHz i5 + SSD + 8G of very fast ram have something to do with it :) ), the Crytek engine might be better, when come to many and many polygons on the screen (read – HD tanks).

    In short, I believe that if there is just a option “use HD models when available” and unchecking this means no HD models (at least not in game) completely, then everyone will be happy with WoT as it is.

    I’m happy, after the failure of v9 patch was kinked out, then only the MM suxx (tiers shold be par to par, at works +-1 tier) and that it is. Not change a bit, please! :)

    • But if tier spread is reduced, we’re going to see some MAJOR nerfs to tanks.

      Honestly, there’s no issue with the spread as it is, all tanks have their weaknesses, and being lower tier means you end up having to learn them, instead of just “point and click” that being top tier generally is.

  9. Wait wait wait… hold on a minute.
    You know Sony or even Nintendo could also raise money for Crytek, right? Why do you assume that the 2 things are connected to each other? I mean… other then that. Heck, even a bunch of kickstarter back-ups could explain it!

    PS: Maybe the spanish inquisition founded Crytek. ;)