Hello everyone,
recently (27.7.2014), there has been an interview with Anton “Evilly” Pankov, “main operative producer of Wargaming”. Here’s what he said (keep in mind that on one hand, this guy was wrong before, on the other hand, he got promoted from the community department, so his info should be solid)
- Wargaming is working on yet unannounced projects, Evilly can’t talk about that
- Firefly branch will come this year
- FV4202 will be replaced along with the Firefly branch, close to the end of the year, either with Vickers MBT or Chieftain prototype, FV4202 will be changed because it’s the worst tank of its tier
- the Firefly branch will with high probability include TD’s
- it’s not decided yet whether the FV215b will be replaced by something else
- FV4202 will be turned into tier 8 premium tank, owners of the tier 10 FV4202 will most likely get the premium tank for free (!!!) the way it happened before with the T34
Crossed info is obsolete, see newer post.
- there are no plans to buff the VK4202P Ausf.B further
- KV-1S will be split as announced earlier in 9.3
- 9.3 will bring rebalance of specifically tier 6 vehicles, the entire tier has to be rebalanced because “we are removing the strongest tank of the tier”
- it’s possible that some premium vehicles (Pz IV/V and others) will be buffed in order to make them more comfortable to play
- WG considers the Super Pershing and IS-6 events to be sufficiently successful, in the future, there will periodically be more such events, allowing players to get hightier premium tanks, the next one should be in September with a “very interesting tank” reward
- new city maps were introduced because there was a lack of city maps in the game in general
- Stalingrad map is still planned
- Havok will be split into two phases – moving object physics and environment
- motion physics change will bring a lot of smaller changes that will however influence the gameplay, such as tanks not stopping immediately but stopping slower
- currently developers are working on several prototype maps, that have the Havok elements included in them, because object destruction requires the rework of the old maps to accomodate this change
- developers will try to implement Havok this year
- 9.3 will bring Stronghold fixes based on 9.2 feedback plus the option to attack enemy strongholds
- 9.3 should also introduce new fun mode (SS: as in, stuff like the soccer mode)
- 9.3 might also bring some tier 10 rebalances and with high probability a new city map and new “atmospheric” effects
- 9.3 regular tank content: US, Soviet and German LT’s up to tier 8 and rework of older light tanks
- 9.4 will not bring any regular (farmable) tanks, it will come in “late Fall”
- it’s possible that all the tanks will have viewrange reduced and LT’s will have it increased, so they become the “eyes” of the teams, but currently this is not being worked on
- for those players, whose battles load really fast and then they have to wait their entire countdown, the developers are planning to introduce the feature of switching between allied tanks (the way you can when you die) before the battle starts
- developers started to work on the upgrade of the cybersports mode (the test tournaments were a part of that)
- currently developers are working on a new game mode as well
- Gamescom will offer the possibility to play WoWs for the first time
Eh, just manted to link you this video :-)
See you in few monyhs, must grind the FV4202!
Well, I wanted T10 brit med anyway – so that’ll keep me motivated to get it :D
Good thing I started early.
Grinding the Cent 7 without premium is a true test of patience, although that may be because I started it right after grinding the 263, so my brain is in full delirium/rage right now.
Not the Vicker MBT plz, I require Chieftains.
And free premiums.
should be a bonus for people who have played fv since day 1!!!!!!! seeing as its officailly the ‘worst tank of its tier’!!!!
Ahh the entitled.
Free T34, kinda’ free IS-6, kinda’ free Superpershing, Lowe at half price and now free FV4202?!?! That’s why I love WG :)))) I hope this will be true but I doubt it. SerB made it clear that something like T34 case will not happen ever again.
I have the 4202 researched and I’m waiting for a discount to buy it.
his surname is Pankov, not Panov
Ye a typo
I am really upset, because we didn’t received the pzIV premium when they removed it and replaced it with another tank.
They never replaced the old pzIV with a new one. The tank stay the same, they just removed its turret and the L/70 and put them on the tier 6 premium.
Because the Panzer 4 was never moved or removed. Yes, it lost a turret and gun in a rebalance, but a lot of tanks lost guns in rebalances.
The Panzer IV Schmallturm is, for all intents and purposes, a different tank. A copypaste tank, but still.
Might also have been because there were 12’000 T34 owners on the entire EU server at the time of the switch (there were over 20’000 Löwes) while there were 110’000 Pz4 owners at the time of that split.
There is a significant difference between introducing 12’000 new prem vehicles at the same time and introducing 100k, it would make the Type 59 swarm look like nothing.
Probably. Although, considering the amount of Pz IV Schmallturms I see in randoms, I don’t think WG would have lost much money over giving them out for free.
I will remember to give mine more battle time for your benefit. It’s still my most played tank so far.
My precioussss(Pz IV S.)….
The problem there(Pz IV) is the similar to Pz. III/IV > 75 l48 is utter crap compared to 57mm on T-34 and there is no comparable alternative(which was promised).
- the Firfly branch will with high probability include TD’s
What is a Firfly tank?
- FV4202 will be turned into tier 8 premium tank, owners of the tier 10 FV4202 will most likely get the premium tank for free (!!!) the way it happened before with the T34
Now I am sad I don’t have the FV4202
- 9.3 should also introduce new fun mode (SS: as in, stuff like the soccer mode)
Yes please! I have no idea of what it can be as if these modes are completely random (Karl was very random, but Soccer mode wasn’t)
- currently developers are working on a new game mode as well
Possibly a new mode with bots? Like Co-op mode where you can take platoons (hopefully of 5 tankers) to fight enemy Bot teams. Or the ‘Tower Defense’ mode they talked about?
The Firefly was a british m4 Sherman armed with the powerful 17 pdr main gun. it was one of the few allied tanks able to penetrate heavier kraut armor during the summer of ’44 until the advent of large numbers of more heavily armed shermans.
- FV4202 will be turned into tier 8 premium tank, owners of the tier 10 FV4202 will most likely get the premium tank for free (!!!) the way it happened before with the T34
I really love my ’4202 but will happily take it as a premium. IMO, a late version Centurion should take the top slot for the Medium line. Maybe the Sho’t or Sho’t Kal (different tanks?).
I freaking love the fact that there is a high likelihood of a complete overhaul of the game in the long term and a refocus on new content in the short term.
I know the Firefly. But Firefly was spelled wrong and I do not know a tank called the Firfly.
Your attempt to make fun of a typo misfired badly.
Give the premium FV4202 to those who really believed in it – i.e. played atleast 1k games ;-D
worst tier X tank. pffft it’s awesome :-)
give it to those who got it before this time.
1k games on it is maybe a bit much to ask. ;)
Still, it was maybe my second Tier 10 vehicle I unlocked? Mostly because the British Med line was a JOY to play, the Centurions at least were a lot of fun. And beside that, the FV4202 is also my Tier 10 with the best winrate, currently still at 67%… granted, not a whole lot of games on it but still, I do not consider it to be the worst Tier 10, not by a lot. And with the reload buff in 9.2 coming up? I’m looking forward to play it some more. :)
- it’s possible that all the tanks will have viewrange reduced and LT’s will have it increased, so they become the “eyes” of the teams, but currently this is not being worked on
…. hope not, because team with better scout will have BIG advantage … now when your tomato scout is protecting arties from behind, you can scout yourself with practicaly everything (yeah 10-20m shorter viewrange doesnt hurt so much right ?) (except some really blind ones – KV line for example..)
- pz IV was removed ? damn, when ? i have one in my garage left … (yep its lost hist awkward turret with loooong stick but its still there)
and when will the fv4202 change come, SS? ill need to know how much i have to grind centurion 7, as i got it elited now.. :D
Dude it says in the article the end of the year. READ:- FV4202 will be replaced along with the Firefly branch, close to the end of the year, either with Vickers MBT or Chieftain prototype, FV4202 will be changed because it’s the worst tank of its tier
Off to grind the FV4202 as well here :D
I’m relatively close thou, only need 30k more to get the 7/1′s 105mm gun and then I just need to unlock the bugger. Wasn’t planning on ever buying that tank, since it’s one of the worthless CW Tier 10s, but now – it’s a bargain :D
Am almost done with the Centurion 1 your ahead of me
“- WG considers the Super Pershing and IS-6 events to be sufficiently successful, in the future, there will periodically be more such events, allowing players to get hightier premium tanks, the next one should be in September with a “very interesting tank” reward”
I smell type or KV5
Type 59? In your dreams. Type 62 maybe, but I’m thinking it will be a lowtier tank. There’s the Grosstraktor and the Ke-Ni Otsu lying unused, for example.
Also, the T23E3 is an option. They did say that non-CW players would have a chance to obtain it… though that was later denied. Still, it’s an option.
well since there contest are following a road of T8 premiums I think it will be one of them.
Except not really. There have been two tier 8 Premiums, but also one tier 2 (T2 Light) and one tier 3 (T-15). So 50/50 between hightier and lowtier.
And Type 59 is just out of the question. If they’re so adamant about not selling them, they’re not going to let everybody on the server get a free one.
KV-5 is also nothing I consider, since it’s regularly available and thus not ‘very interesting’.
M60 maybe? :D
Guys, you aren’t looking at the right choice.
Mostly because you forgot about it.
Its a tier 8 Heavy tank.
which has only been avaliable to regular players on the chinese servers since its release!
Some call it the “WZ-111 Zero” despite the fact it is just “WZ-111″
And besides, the other original 2 chinese premiums aren’t just bought nowadays.
Also, according to a person, it costs 20000 gold on the chinese server, who would wanna buy a tank, which is a rip-off of an IS-6 AND 112 for THAT price? the only way to give it to players would be through missions.
I think there was a suggestion that the Grosstraktor would be a mission reward. I can’t really imagine them doing two tier VIII premium missions in one year so I’m guessing it will be for a low tier. Also Type 59.. be serious.
“FV4202 will be replaced along with the Firefly branch, close to the end of the year, either with Vickers MBT or Chieftain prototype, FV4202 will be changed because it’s the worst tank of its tier”
HIGHLIGHT: “FV4202 will be changed because it’s the worst tank of its tier”
Good good WG. It’s my second tier 10. YOLO YOLO
Hmmm I was going to buy the T54E1 but now might save more get an FV4202 before they get rid of it :(
- it’s not decided yet whether the FV215b will be replaced by something else
They’ve been flipflopping on this for a fucking year, jesus christ I wish they would all start singing from the same hyme sheet
Welp, looks like I’m going to be working towards the FV4202 before it gets replaced. :p I want the Conqueror anyway and I’m currently on the Caernarvon so it shouldn’t be too bad.
Uhh the 4202 is on the medium line, the Caernarvon line is the heavy line. The heavy tier 10 is the FV215B
Whoops, brain fart, I meant the tier ten heavy tank. I’m on the Centurion too but it’s still stock and pretty painful to grind.
Edit: Kouga beat me to it :p
This is weird.
First storm says: Chieftain replaces FV215b, VIckers MBT replaces FV4202, FV4202 will NOT become free prem.
2 weeks later Evilly says something ENTIRELY different: It’s not decided (!?) what to do with FV215b, FV4202 may be replaced either by Chieftain or Vickers MBT, FV4202 becomes free prem,
So who should we trust?
I’d go with Storm, since he’s higher up. Plus, SS said that Evilly has been wrong before.
I thought Storm denied both replacing FV4202 with Chieftain and (in case it is changed into premium) giving it to the owners of its current version…
wow, 9.2 is not yet official and we talk about 9.4.
Never trust WG people, it’s just a propaganda ;)
- 9.3 should also introduce new fun mode (SS: as in, stuff like the soccer mode)
how about “Play without skycancer” mod?
Or maybe: “15 v 15 arty on city map”? I had that once with top tier SPGs, it was awesome.
Now I’m conflicted. I haven’t played the game in months but getting a tier 8 premium tank for free is tempting. If I remember correctly, I had some xp on comet. And, anyway, I have 156,464 free xp from WoWP and I don’t use it there so I can get a boost if necessary. Oh, and I forgot that I still have a few weeks of premium left from those 9 months I got for beta testing WoWP so grinding shouldn’t be too hard.
- 9.3 will bring rebalance of specifically tier 6 vehicles, the entire tier has to be rebalanced because “we are removing the strongest tank of the tier”
They are removing the hellcat now?
By removing they mean nerfing (removing the ability to be the best tank) and they mean the KV-1S nerf, so in 9.3 other tier 6 vehicles (including hellcat) will be rebalanced.
This whole sentence sounds fishy to me >_>
“we are RENAME only the strongest tank of the tier”
Way to many contradictory statements in this Q&A.
- FV4202 will be the new premium and owners get it most likely for free. Compared to the old statement “free stuff is bad” etc
- it’s not decided if the FV215b will get replaced. In old statements it was almost clear it will be a Chieftain. Now a Chieftain Prototype is even considered as FV4202 replacement. Which was even more denied in the past.
Pingback: [WoT PC] FV4202 evtl. als kostenloser 8er Premium | WG-News
FV4202 given as tier 7 prem to current owners? Now he’s just trolling me, after WG denied just that. Still, could be that they planned all the way and just didn’t want to let people know so long in advance, and Evilly didn’t get the memo :P Either way, until then I’m gonna enjoy my little 4202 as long as I can.
Another prem tank mission in September? If it’s high tier I didn’t expect one till about Christmas time. There had been talk about a medium tier Premium tank a while back for a Mission late summer or early fall I think.
interesting reward tank in september fingers crossed its T95E6 :) but i know we won’t get it
It seems it is time for a british tea and we should grind the medium line. I was holding a good crew on the cromwell, (I wanted to get the ace badge) but I guess I should transfer them to the comet and see if I can get 500k xp on that line in the next 6 months … but, is it worthy? would you do it?
… Great !!!
hell i would do it 10times if it was about the FV4202. But i guess im in the minority
Very happy if I get the new tier 8 FV4202 as a reward for having to put up with the piece of shit for 2 years but I’ll believe it when it happens.
Will make good PR for WG if it happens though and they will still make lots of money from people buying Premium account/converting free xp to get the tank unlocked.
Btw, noobmeter web site is down … is it related to the new patch? And, is there a new version of XVM for 9.2?
Sorry, I found the links:
One week back I read an article saying that definitely NO premium tank will be given as a gift like the T34.
FV4202 is not weak. I have around 2300 average damage on my b.chat, obj. 140 and FV4202: +/- 50 avg. damage.
It is considered to be a weak tank by potatoes and tomatoes…
Really, I was so happy when I sold my LOVED centu and bought my FOOKIN BELOVED Fv4202. Once you master the centurion line you will kick arse with the FV…
(warning: WN rating of 1600+ is highly recommended tho)
bullshit. Most of the best players will tell you the same. In the competition of E50M, russian meds, Leo and STB, that tank just is not competitive. Thats a pure fact. That doesnt mean you cannot like it, it just objectively is not as good as the other meds.
pure fact or the objectivity of “pro” players claim that?:)
Just because one feels better playing with E50m and perhaps performing better, that won’t apply the: “The fv4202 is worse than the E50m” sentence…
On the other hand I agree on the STB’s superiority. That tank is a beast, thank god ,just 2% of the playerbase is willing to farm it out
well im taking the stats of vehicles as a fact. Im not saying that nobody can drive it well, but that doesnt make it a competitive vehicle. Only good thing about the 4202 is depression and the gun – and its not even the best gun on its tier. Not to mention absence of HEAT ammo. The good hull armor is meaningless, since you got turret made of paper. If not compared to the others, the tank is not that bad and anybody can make it work, but when you got hands on the other mediums, you just see the truth :p
- Wargaming is working on yet unannounced projects, Evilly can’t talk about that
I bet he’s fired now lol
Ouncle Sam on July 4, 2014 at 5:30 pm said:
I think the FV4202 will be premium tank. Now if you’ll excuse me i’m gonna go start my way to the brit tier X medium. I sense a free premium tank. Sadly I don’t have premium account so it will be 50% slower. I’m not really sure if I can do it without it, but it’s 50€ or 20€(?) for free so must try to get it. I hope I will not fail, but it’s an option
I was foocking right! Sadly i’m at Covenanter. So fock dis shiet
Sorry S, but this info policy is getting more and more bullshit.
Recently you promoted the news from WG that BOTH, the FV4202 and the FV215 will be replaces. And ALSO there was the news that all those FV4202 users who thought they might get the chieftain should stop dreaming, since the Chieftain will be a HEAVY TANK.
Also a recent news you posted stated clearly, that the FV4202 will NOT be a free T8 Premium.
Now everything is turned 180 degrees. Which information do we trust now?
Can you please indicate when something is WG official or just a BRAIN FART of some random employee you got to talk to?
Why do you blame me? I am not the person releasing conflicting info, I just collect everything and translate. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.
Geez SS, I said the INFO POLICY is bullshit. Not your translation. And I asked you to PLEASE indicate what is probably NOT reliable. So reason to snap,
On the other hand what IS actually confusing on your part is, that you point out that this “guy” has been wrong in the past, but you deem him more reliable now. So yes, there is your “blame” :-P
He got promoted :P Which means he has access to more reliable info. That’s how it works in WG anyway.
I’d really like to see the replacement of the FV4202 and the september mission with tank reward connected :D.
No offense, but it’s bullshit that now everybody grinds out the FV in order to get a free premium. Let the September mission be something like: earn 10 ace tanker badges with the centurions and the FV. As a reward in the next patch you will get your FV as a tier8 prem PLUS the new t10 med. Those who failed to complete the mission would only get the new t10.
I still think that the FV is not the worst t10 med… It’s so awesome, though hard to master. Though I dont have the M48 i think its inferior to the FV.
p.s: i will miss my beloved FV I achieved my Ace badge with her in my 5th game, currently i hv ~2800dmg on average with her (with like 80matches – as i don’t like playing with my t10s alone).
One thing you should consider by the way:
The contradictions make sense since we are talking about WG. Now they’re claiming that you will get a free t8 prem. All you need to do is to invest in the british med line. “Come oon spend all your free xp and gold on that line you will get a “FREE” premium ;)”
((( or you wont ;D )))
“- it’s possible that some premium vehicles (Pz IV/V and others) will be buffed in order to make them more comfortable to play”
Any chances for M4A2E4 to get a buff ? To make it from “worst t5 medium tank” into “t5 medium tank” ?
Interesting info.
Buff VK tier 8 … good heard this, maybe they are going to add it a new gun??? or improve his mobility a lot to use it as fake med??? i dont think in an armor improvement because with this Tiger II is going to be over it as all terrain option.
FV as premium and for free??? great, maybe they anounce it to soon but well, how many people search info for future months??? i remember how the changes in T34 and IS-4 take a lot of people by surprise… the day before change!!!!
September grind special… ufff i only do the SP special because i dont have nothing more to do but if they release this with the new lights… depends a lot of the prize (i leave IS-6 special because i prefer a lot more elite japanase tree) but if i am not wrong next week we have the WG aniversary gift tank… Ke-ni… maybe in september we have a total new tank… a premium missing, maybe hydro??? i never see one in server even after it was a bonus in the hardware pack.
More urban maps??? OMG NOOOOOOOO first implement the option to made players SELECT what maps they want play… more urban maps is going to remove the arty in game,
LT more vision range and regular tanks less… is an option but i expect it doesnt be something to excesive… lets see how are the new LTs but many low tier scouts need a buff and not only in vision range (some are slower than non LT tanks one tier or two over them).
Buff VK tier 8?
That thing is a beast :O
It’s fine as it is now…
- WG considers the Super Pershing and IS-6 events to be sufficiently successful, in the future, there will periodically be more such events, allowing players to get hightier premium tanks, the next one should be in September with a “very interesting tank” reward
God I hope the amount of XP to get for w/e it is..isn’t outrageous since for some reason NA servers have to collect 100,000 to the 75,000 on others..and all tank nations ugh
Yep, but NA had 12K worth heavy tank and the rest just a 7.2K worth medium. I have gladly farmed out the increased xp for the T-34
Yay! get to keep my baby. LOVE my FV4202 <3
Btw whats a firfly? lol =P
Changed the post.
- it’s possible that all the tanks will have viewrange reduced and LT’s will have it increased, so they become the “eyes” of the teams, but currently this is not being worked on
This would be an extreme buff to TDs meaning playing anything other than TD or light tank would be completely useless, it would remove all Medium and Heavy tanks from this game permanently.
Now, now… don’t exaggerate like that…
It does not say NO viewrange, just a bit less (400m->380m maybe)
- developers will try to implement Havok this year
Holy crap! 2015 then…
- motion physics change will bring a lot of smaller changes that will however influence the gameplay, such as tanks not stopping immediately but stopping slower
no more fast peaking from behind cover, yay :D
“9.3 will bring rebalance of specifically tier 6 vehicles, the entire tier has to be rebalanced because “we are removing the strongest tank of the tier”
I sense a disturbance in the VK3001H/vk3601H line…as if thousands of tankers cried out…
FV4202 will become OP on 9.2 with the increased DPM (=