16 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: T-34-85M (few more pics)”
T-44? I think you missed a ’3′ in there somewhere. Got me excited for a bit thinking they might be bringing the T-44-85 premium back
fixed sorry
So basically armour like T-43 but at tier 6?
Working as intended.
Better armor than T-43, this one is more sloped.
I’m confused, is this an alternative hull or a brand new tank? If so, what’s the use of the ‘regular’ t34-85?
-edit- I suffer from a terrible disease, post-before-read-ism lol
So that’s 75 armor sloped at 45°? I’m not sure this will help much against 150-175 pen guns. Maybe if it gets really good matchmaking.
Could help against low-pen American 76mm guns, and up to 150pen when angled. Though I’m not sure if a T-34-85 driver should even stay still long enough to angle his armour in the first place.
75mm at 60°, which is very good for a tier 6 medium tank.
Its just me, or i seen a lots of premium tanks coming in???
It’s in distant future. It just got into supertest, could be implemented in like 9.4
Why couldn’t they put in a T-34E instead…A T-34 with the early turret and more armor.It was actually built and used in combat.
Because the Soviets already have a Tier 5 premium medium tank.
And it’s shit.
Only the gun penetration is shit.
Roadwheels shall have rubber on them… Pattern is there but they should be black instead of green :P
T-44? I think you missed a ’3′ in there somewhere. Got me excited for a bit thinking they might be bringing the T-44-85 premium back
fixed sorry
So basically armour like T-43 but at tier 6?
Working as intended.
Better armor than T-43, this one is more sloped.
I’m confused, is this an alternative hull or a brand new tank? If so, what’s the use of the ‘regular’ t34-85?
-edit- I suffer from a terrible disease, post-before-read-ism lol
So that’s 75 armor sloped at 45°? I’m not sure this will help much against 150-175 pen guns. Maybe if it gets really good matchmaking.
Could help against low-pen American 76mm guns, and up to 150pen when angled. Though I’m not sure if a T-34-85 driver should even stay still long enough to angle his armour in the first place.
75mm at 60°, which is very good for a tier 6 medium tank.
Its just me, or i seen a lots of premium tanks coming in???
It’s in distant future. It just got into supertest, could be implemented in like 9.4
Why couldn’t they put in a T-34E instead…A T-34 with the early turret and more armor.It was actually built and used in combat.
Because the Soviets already have a Tier 5 premium medium tank.
And it’s shit.
Only the gun penetration is shit.
Roadwheels shall have rubber on them… Pattern is there but they should be black instead of green :P