Straight Outta Supertest: T57 and Hellcat Nerf in 0.9.3


Please note that this list is NOT COMPLETE and NOT FINAL!

There is a list of fake changes in 0.9.3, that appeared on RU forums. The list is mostly a fake, but some parts are true.

T57 Heavy will be nerfed in 0.9.3. Specifically:

- accuracy on the move nerfed by 25 percent
- aim time and accuracy loss from turret turning will be nerfed as well

Hellcat will be nerfed thus:

- stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent
- terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent
- terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent
- maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent

T18 recieved a (yet unspecified, but big) nerf.

The Tiger P, Chi Nu Kai, Hetzer and Churchill Gun Carrier changes from the original post are fake.

122 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: T57 and Hellcat Nerf in 0.9.3

    • manual loader be like: aaaaah yes… reduced pain in the @ss, and users be like: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! curse you WG!!! :v

  1. “Stock tracks accuracy on the move”
    wait what . tracks affect accuracy? since when.

    • Of course. Tracks have a parameter, how much accuracy loss they cause when they are a) moving b) turning on the spot (two separate parameters). These losses add up if I remember correctly.

      • Never seen it mentioned in any patch notes that tracks are related to accuracy, and characteristics only list traverse speed and load limit in game. This is the first I’ve heard of it.

          • It’s not on any official wot sites like the tankopedia or wiki. If it’s a thing it’s legit just a hidden stat not listed anywhere as far as I can tell.

            • Dont use official only sites. Yes, its legit and even devs had discussed it before.
              Its logical BTW, look at T-62A Horse power per tonne and look at IS-7 horse power per ton
              Its obvious there are hidden stats.

        • I think that they were obvious since you have two drivers perks/Skills: Smooth ride and clutch braking that have impact on accuracy.

        • Well these “complicated things” aren’t published by WG which is frustrating but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. it’s pretty darn obvious if you play arty.
          Also camo stats aren’t published either but it’s ridiculously obvious that different tanks have different camo ratings.

    • In fact that makes perfect sense: in reality good suspension = less vehicle rocking = easier to aim when moving/turning…

      • Sort of, what “good suspension” actually is varies based on what the engineer thinks he’ll need. Soft suspension will allow your vehicle to move up and down more while driving across uneven terrain, thus providing a smooth ride, but the tank will rock a lot when you fire the gun, as the soft suspension will provide little to no resistance against the recoil.

        Hard suspension will not absorb the shock of moving across uneven terrain well, thus making for a very bumpy ride, but because it’s stiffer, it will resist the recoil force of the gun more.

        There are of course other things that affect how much a tank will rock when firing it’s gun:

        The more mass an object has, the higher it’s inertia (resistance to change in motion). What this means is that a heavier tank will resist recoil forces from a gun better than a lighter vehicle would, thus causing it to rock less upon firing (but heavier tanks tend not to move or maneuver very well.)

        More contact with the ground (wider, longer tracks) can help to stabilize a vehicle while firing, but larger contact area with the ground can impede a tanks overall mobility (it increases ground resistance.)

        A wider track base (increased distance between the tracks) can improve stability as well, but can impede a tanks ability to turn well if they are too far apart.

        Height also affects recoil resistance, the higher a tank is, the higher it’s center of gravity will be. Basically, a gun mounted atop a very tall tank will have more leverage against the vehicle, and can cause it to rock more than if it were mounted to a short tank, with a lower center of gravity.

        Mounting the gun at the high point of a tall turret on too short a hull will, however, not cause the entire tank to rock while firing, the hull will be quite stable, but the turret will rock quite a bit, in extreme circumstances this could cause the turret to be blown backwards off the hull entirely. However, it must be noted that taller turrets can allow for greater gun depression and elevation angles.

        Mounting a gun in a low position in a short turret can reduce your vertical firing angles, but will reduce the ability of the recoil to blow the turret off. However, if such a turret were mounted to a tall vehicle, the hull would rock more, as the gun would be closer to the turrets mounting point to the hull, thus providing more leverage against the hull, than against the turret.

        There are other things that can change a vehicles resistance to rocking against a guns recoil forces, but the above listed would have the most noticeable effect on it.

  2. T57 Nerf was not as serious as I thought thank god.
    Looks like My grind thorugh T54E1 is still worth it.

    Hellcat nerf – More than welcomed.

    T18 – Mmmm? I think it need to be gone. Noobs Still dont stand a chance against it’s 75mm.

      • Why have you overlooked accuracy nerf ? It will be now very inaccurate while moving. This thing will be forced to more stationary play-style.

        • Which I do anyway! Yay! I f***ing hate trying to use it as a medium anyways. Maybe now it won’t get placed with the fast attack squads in Med TCs and Stronkhold skirmishes.

          The reverse speed nerf was a bit harsh, but at least they didn’t touch the camouflage value. After the unnecessary demasking-from-firing nerf a few patches back, a camo nerf would be comparable to a Rhm.B.WT with horrible DPM and the camo value of the Ferdinand.

  3. They just had to nerf the OPCR shell for the Hellcat. That was pretty much the only thing needed.
    But hey, now it won’t be able to move, but it damn well will be able to frontally penetrate angled KV-4′s.

    • That would hurt other tanks too. The M6 and T21 (and T29 if you want to go there) use the ‘same’ gun (just not TD version) and thus fire the same shells.

      They could change this but why?
      I’m OK with it having high pen. It’s a TD after all.

    • Well, If they want to give it a fictional 76mm M1A3 gun with 170 pen and 15rpm (Essentially an american 17-pounder) I’d be perfectly okay with that. Or give it the 17-pounder itself. The gun’s been mounted on the M10 Wolverine (Achilles), why not the Hellcat?

    • They have nerfed it unnessecarily already , i think u should go find another game to play instead of trying to ruin this one

  4. Hellcat nerf – perfect, just what it needs.
    T57 nerf – how terrible! I mean, what the actual fuck? OK, it’s gonna take a bit longer to aim after moving now, but how does that differentiate it from 50B as it can still snipe from afar pretty accurately.

    • Im sorry but for me it sounds like “I dream about the WoT where every tank is exactly the same and the only difference is what they look like”. Hellcat will be nerfed exactly in the way it stands out, i dont say it doesnt need to be nerfed, but damn, let tanks has som differences!

    • Thing is, T57 Heavy is mean to be a brawling auto-loader. AMX 50B is meant to be a highly mobile sniper auto-loader. Making an accuracy nerf to T57 pushes it to close-combat. I think it’s a good idea to make both have identical damage output while tampering with their accuracy. The Frenchie is faster and better at long range while T57 remains effective at close to mid range thanks to its armor.

  5. I get that something has to be changed, but what I do not get it the direction WG does it in.

    Originally the Hellcat was a mobile, meaning fast turning tank. Al bight; a light tank with an 76 AT gun, the 90mm was a prototype build which is fine. Yes I think the 90mm needs a longer reload and longer aimtime…but only for that build.

    My opinion and I don’t think most of you share it: I’d rather have them remake the Hellcat all together
    - stock like now
    - a 76mm M1A2 version:
    more nimble in hull traverse, on a newly to be added 2nd type of tracks, stock turret with a bit higher traverse speed. Very small buff to the A2 gun pen&dmg and a nerf in aimtime for the TD.
    - the 90mm version:
    only mountable on current top turret AND top tracks. Because of the up armored (heavier) turret and gun, you need tougher tracks, which trades in: terrain resistance, top speed and hull traverse; for higher load capacity, so it can mount them. 90mm slower reload and aim time because of recoil.

    Now you have two viable options. Hard hitting alpha but ‘cumbersome’ and nimble/low alpha more of an harassing TD.

    • So you basically want to make the elite Hellcat into a Jackson… Such inventiveness, wow.

      • Well in my opinion sort off, but still more maneuverable than a Jackson as the M18 has no hull armor ‘compared’ to it.
        The 90mm though should have worse soft stats (aimtime/reload) compared to the 90mm on a Jackson. As I read somewhere, and correct me if I’m wrong, the 90mm project came from the M36, to up-armor the Hellcat from the 76mm it had. So it would fit the picture a bit.

        For me, I would rather the M18 to be a harassing style TD with a buffed 76mm low alpha/righer ROF. Not the high alpha we have now.

    • A TD is meant to be mostly stationary vehicle, not a medium tank clone. Hellcat is currently just an upgunned medium with slightly anemic turret. I support WG approach in that the try to mess with gun handling for Hellcat, it will force this vehicle to be more stationary. Firing on the move will be far less accurate now. It’s a perfect solution IMO

      • I have little problems with the NERFs, except for the reverse speed. It’s only purpose it to get the Hellcat killed sooner.

      • Um historically the Hellcat was not what people in this game think a TD is. hellcats entire purpose was to shoot and scoot. It’s speed to move around and get out of trouble was it’s entire purpose.

  6. Untill they nerf the clip reload time of the T57, the thing will still be broken. An autoloader should not have some of the BEST DPM at tier 10.

        • @ OP , seriously quit crying about every tank in the game and learn how to play , i have noticed 90% of the time the ppl crying our for nerfs are the ones who suck at the game , OMG its the t57′s fault his DPM is too high , please nerf other tanks until i can keep up , maybe you should go find something more your speed like candy crush

  7. Ok, but to be clear the nerf in reverse speed in hellcat is total stupid if now a hellcat that try retreat has a great chance to be killed now sure is going to be killed.

    All mobility nerfs are strange because are tanks with much better stats shoting in movement i dont have hellcat as a shoter in movement.

    remove 90mm??? lol do this and you sure find a ton of hellcats as M48s in tier 10 battles.

    For me if they touch hellcat shot ability in movement … WTF they nerf mobility??? is his advantage over jackson… now jackson is going to be “op” lol.

    EDIT: T57 is all autoloader, are heavies more mobile than him and more armored… apart this T57 is the unicum revolver tank with better DPM than regular gun tanks… apart this you notice that autoloaders CANT MOUNT RAMMER??? all tier 10 non revolver has 10% more ROF than stats show unlike revolvers… and well, we can talk about WT joke where in tier 10 has worst DPM than both tier 9 TDs with worst camo and armor (usefull armor, WT hull is stronger than JT but you know who shoot a WT hiding the paper turret???).

    • You do realize even with Rammer mounted on the other heavies, the 57 still has some of the best DPM.

      • The T57 has the best DPM of all Heavies, Mediums and it it very very stiff competition for even T10 TDs.

        • So what ? Does this mean any time any tank is the best at anything it must be nerfed ? Should all the tanks be exactly the same??? What is the point in playing WoT if they are all the same??? It has good DPM, it hasnt got the armor the other heavies have , or the HP , it’s called a trade off , or have you ppl completely missed the point of playing competitive games??

  8. Pingback: Zmiany w pojazdach T57 oraz Hellcat 9.3

  9. The big nerf obviously is the reverse speed, which affects top players in Hellcats most, as it will prevent Hellcats from driving so far behind the bush, the shot will not de-camo the bush before the spotted enemy becomes unspotted again.

    And here you people bitch about a 90mm gun on a Tier 6 TD – that is actually fine. People considered the 8,8cm pak36 on the JP IV to be insufficient for Tier 6 and you talk about putting a 76mm peashooter on a tier 6 TD? Whittling down a heavy tanks hitpoints, 7% at a time?

    The Hellcat nerf isn’t specifically a nerf to the Hellcat, but a nerf to a combat maneuver that was borderline exploiting, and that only could be pulled off by one tank in the game with adequate success. Since no other tank can do it, WG just nerfs the tank instead of fixing the broken mechanic. So this is just a bandaid fix thrown at a problem, and it works because of the uniqueness of the situation. At the cost of the Hellcats reverse speed.

    • This reverse speed NERF is the worst of the bunch and COMPLETELY unjustifiable.

      IRL the Hellcat’s reverse speed was 32km/h. The ingame 20 was bad enough but 12 is complete BS (63% reduction). I dare anyone to show me ANY tank in WoT that has any IRL factor reduced by 63% in game.

      They are in effect not changing how well the hellcat shoots but just making it easier to kill by making it stay out in the open for twice as long (in combination with the track nerfs)


          The combination of the 90mm M3 and the M36′s turret weighed 2-2.5 tons more. The top speed wouldn’t have been effected. Acceleration may have been slightly effected but top speed, which is reliant on gearing, wouldn’t have been.

        • The 90mm was a prototype, just as there are MANY other prototype (not to mention make-believe) tanks in WoT.

          Along with the Jackson’s turret & 90mm gun, the Hellcat would have received wider tracks to deal with the added weight. In NO way would this have made it go 63% slower in reverse.

      • The hellcat never mounted the Slugger’s turret or 90 mm m3 gun either, and no, an one-off prototype doesn’t count.

        I still think the Hellcat should be a T49 on steroids: low alpha gun but great mobillity.

        • 1-off prototypes don’t count?

          Better get rid of 3/4ths of the tanks in the game. Because xCaptainObviousx says 1-off prototypes don’t count.

          Pssst. Just a small FYI. There are a great number of vehicles in the game that DIDN’T EVEN MAKE IT OFF THE DRAWING BOARD.

          Compared to vehicles like the Panther II, E-100, the entire German 2nd TD tree, many of the Japanese tanks, the T110s (all of them), a functioning 1-off prototype is a major achievement..

          Had the invasion of the Japanese mainland started, these would have been sent out as field mods for the M18.

      • Historical accuracy, lol. That’s really the worst argument to disagree with a nerf. I explained why it was nerfed. Historically, did tanks move to a position they couldn’t see their target anymore, then shoot at it?

    • Sure it can be made viable with a 76mm peashooter. You only need to rethink the whole concept and rework the whole tank.
      If you do it like it is now, yes indeed the M18 would be more then useless in tier 6 as a TD, so you are correct in stating in its current form it would indeed not work.

      How WG does it now with the stats, is like it’s completely set in concrete. Which its not, in every decision it can be to chosen to go left/right/up/down. WG seems just rusted solid in how they tackle problems.

      • Without the 90mm, you’d have to:

        Increase the penetration of the AT variant of the M1A2
        Increase the damage of the AT variant of the M1A2
        It’d have to fire at least 21 rounds/minute at 150 damage/round to be anywhere near viable.
        The turret traverse would have to be increased to match the Sherman.
        The reverse speed would need to be it’s historical 30+ kph
        The forward speed would need to be it’s historical 80+ kph, and it’d actually have to reach it quickly and be able to maintain it.
        The general mobility would have to be on Chaffee-levels.

        And then MAYBE it’d be viable without the 90mm. In a lot of ways you still might as well just play the M4A3E8 or T49 tho…

        • … you sound like the Easy 8 doesn’t exist. it’s not that fast, doesn’t fire that quickly, isn’t that accurate and doesn’t have such good soft stats and it’s still t6

          • EDIT: noted mention of E8
            The hellcat would be faster and more stealthy than the E8, wouldn’t that be to some advantage?

            • Hellcat would only be effectively faster with some serious mobility buffs.

              As it sits right now, the Hellcat may be “faster” in a LONG straight line, but the M4A3E8 is far more mobile in general.

              M4A3E8 also has very good protection for it’s tier as a medium tank. The glacis is trollish and the turret face is too. The M18 would have no speakable protection. If it lost the 90mm, it’d also lose the M36 turret and it’d lose it’s mantlet as well.

  10. Reverse speed nerf is bullshit. I would just take away the 90mm and leave the rest the same. I fight my T57 up close anyway, so I will manage.

  11. Well, i already sold all of my tierX tanks along with T57. I had enough of wg nerfs. I sell all tanks which are nerfed or to be nerfed. The max tier which i will play with is max. tier8. And every nerf will result in selling. When they F*CK up all my favourite tanks i stop playing wot. What a retarded developmnet policy is to turning every good tank to sh*t. They should buff weaker tanks to be match to the good ones.

      • WOW great thinking there. Instead of nerfing clearly OP tanks, just buff them so they are all OP. You are the key example of a person that should never comment on game balance.

        • shall I ask you how many T10 battles have you played? What the heck do you mean by “just buff them so they are all OP” ?? do you consider Leopard 1 as OP? FV4202? Does 0,5 sec reload buff make them OP?? seriously?

          Im not saying that they are doing any spectacular job regarding game balance, but there are were only four really OP tanks on T10 – FV183, WTE100, T57, Foch 155. Three were nerfed (FV and Foch in a good way, WT not so much but still,) and the fourth nerf is coming. I just pointed out that the way of thinking “ahmagad they nerf my tank i should sold it now and never play this fcking game again” is truly retarded for me. After the nerf, everybody has the same conditions and its only up to you to adapt to it. And if you are not able, just go and play another tank. It makes no sense to drop playing whole two tiers just because of some nerfs.

          • Umm……it’s call sarcasim? I was saying tanks like the 57 should be nerfed to match the other tier 10s, not buff the other tanks to the levels of the 57, as the original post would perfer it. Also the original guy is just being a cry baby.

            • I admit i really didnt notice the sarcasm in your post, so sorry for that. Other than that, (if you are being serious now), I by no means think that the buffs of the other tanks put them onto T57 level :D they just make them slightly more competetive, not “buffing to match OP performance”.

  12. Quote: T18 recieved a (yet unspecified, but big) nerf.

    And this line of text was enough to launch me into a happy dance. I can’t wait for the shitstorm, the drama and all those sweet, sweet tears off all peadobearing statpadders. Happy times.

  13. Retards at WG development need be fired. Whats issue for KV-1S can’t be killed by average tier 6 in two shots while it can do to another tier 6 tank … Solution reduce hit points to average two shots by tier 6 480hp any thing else is ok. Hellcat everything is ok this tank is easy to kill even 1 shot(KV-2) only skilled hand requested to show decent results…. consider Leopard 1 for tier 6. T18 main advantage armor form MG guns in front and howitzer for skilled players … no problems at all. Event T1 with Browning auto loader cannon pen it in front … About tier 2 other tanks no talking any non mg gun penetrates it in front. Yes aiming take ages so if howitzer hit any target too static …. need. About bounces WOT has strange mechanics if any tank moves and You hit it in most cases it ricochet personal experience T1 bounce Is-3 two shots amx 1390 bounce Borsig 12 cm gun shot … Poorly executed model shame WG !!!!!!

  14. This is fucking stupid.

    You know how to fix the “Overpowered” hellcat?

    Nerf it’s on-the-move camo a bit and nerf it’s view range down to 360.

    BOOM. You just fixed it.

    Nerfing it’s mobility (even further than it’s already nerfed), it’s DPM, and especially it’s reverse speed is retarded as fuck.

    Why the fuck are they nerfing the reverse speed? The fucking thing RELIES on being able to shoot and get the fuck out of the way.

    Seriously these are the dumbest nerfs in the history of this game, and never has a vehicle been assraped as hard in a single patch as they’re raping the Hellcat. Completely unnecessarily.

    • yup, the issue is that the hellcat has much better view range Vs camo than it should. Results in ability to self spot while invisitanking. Who cares what the armor is or the dispersion on the move is when they can camp a hill top and murder all the things without being spotted.

  15. Also, to anyone saying “Take away the 90mm”

    You’re out of your minds.

    You take away the 90mm and you’ve got an M4A3E8 that’s worse in every way except theoretical top speed.

    You’d need to increase the damage and pen of the AT variant of the M1A2, increase the turret traverse to historical speeds, buff the mobility to be greater than the T49, and that’s just for STARTS.

    No. The 90mm is essential. Otherwise there would be absolutely no point to the vehicle and you might as well just play a T49 or M4A3E8.

    • If they remove the 90 mm they would buff the turret traverse and ground resistance, I bet that the Hellcat would reach that top speed if they reduced the ground resistance to T-62A levels.

  16. Of course. They got their money from people blowing gold to free exp their way to it and it’s not super-profitable anymore. Time to nerf it to make way for the next OP flavor of the month.

    • Agree and a reminder that freeimium games like this are money grabbing outfits disguised as a game.

      Not to mention all the butthurt from unicumineachothersfaces crying about it.

  17. Finally. So needed nerfs to one of the most OP tanks/TDs in a game.

    Shame we have to wait so long for that ~_~

    • Lol. “Most OP”…

      And yet it’s one of the vehicles I fear least because it’s so retardedly easy to kill and so very few people actually play it right…

      When I’m playing a tier 6 game, the M18 is pretty far down my list of vehicles to watch out for. The KV-1S, the KV-2, the artillery, basically anything that can zap you off the map in a single hit are far more dangerous.

      If you find yourself being constantly killed by M18s, you’re just bad at the game. The M18 is very easily countered. Especially since so many people are bad at playing it.

  18. T18 nerf :c
    oh well. it was too OP, but a helluva lot of fun to drive.
    T57 needs to be slammed and welcomed to the jam in terms of nerfs. Add to that reload, no autoloader should reload in 20 seconds.

    • Are you the authority on how long tanks should reload in ? Honestly , i am sick to death of seeing ppl jump in with arbitrary numbers deciding how the game should be , as i said to others if you suck at the game go play something else , or suck it up and learn to play , simple , crying foul because your inability is holding you back is just pathetic

  19. well thats the thing. You can NEVER satisfy everybody. Shitloads of people whine about T57 being OP, and yet at the same time when they nerf it, the crying starts. Imho if they nerf magazine reload/time between shells, the tank would lost it uniqueness. make aim time 3 secs, nerf accuracy to like 0,39 and you are fine.

    About the hellcat. They are nerfing the right vehicle, but on the wrong places. Aim time 2,3, viewrange 350-60, DPM to 7 RPM (which is how it is gonna be in 9.3 i guess ) and nerf camo, so tomatoes who dont know what they are doing wont get away with it anymore. I wouldnt touch the mobility, which is one of the tanks best flavors.

  20. - accuracy on the move nerfed by 25 percent
    - aim time and accuracy loss from turret turning will be nerfed as well

    LELZ! guess il have to install EGD and switch to the acc perks for the turret.

  21. The nerf of the reverse speed is devastating. I for the life of me cannot understand why most of you are worried about the other Hellcat nerfs. The first time you run it and go into reverse, you will realize how bad it’s balls were cut off.

    You could of simply gave the TD it’s historical 75MM, removed the 90 and called it a day. The TD nerf two patches ago removed the biggest advantage it had.

    • You talk about “cutting it’s balls off” and then you suggest pulling the 90mm and sticking it with the 76mm and “calling it a day”?

      That wouldn’t just cut it’s balls off, that’d cut it’s head off, and then throw it in a sausage grinder, and then serve it as a pizza topping at a shady Italian joint…

      The only way the M18 would work without the 90mm would be to:

      Increase the penetration of the 76mm M1A2 AT variant
      Increase the damage of the 76mm M1A2 AT variant to at least 150
      Make sure the DPM is higher than the M4A3E8. Significantly higher.
      Turret traverse would have to be at least 38*/sec
      Increase top speed to 80kph
      Increase reverse speed to 32kph
      Adjust ground resistance and general mobility (including hull traverse) to match the M24 Chaffee

      Then MAYBE, and only MAYBE would the M18 be playable without the 90mm.

  22. The Hellcat… a lightly armoured, fast, manouvrable tank, with a killer gun.

    Nope.. WG fuck up a tank because it doesn’t suit….

    Continuous nerfs to the hellcat for years, and whiners are finally getting their way.. it will be nerfed out of playability soon…

    The M18 Hellcat was one of the very few tanks in WWII that the crews actually liked… they could fly all over, peek out, shoot fuck out of someone, turn and run like the fucking wind before they get a shot off…

      • Go back thru patch notes. The M18′s been nerfed at least twice.

        Turret traverse got nerfed from 18*/sec to 16*/sec, I believe at one point it got nerfed in it’s hull traverse, it’s accuracy during turret rotation has been nerfed at least once..

        It’s been nerfed before. These are just the most harsh nerfs yet. To any vehicle in the game…

        • ah okay sorry, probably didnt follow that or havent been playing the game then. :)

    • so let’s make a tank that can kill all tanks but none can kill it because that how it was irl…

      • Nope… it required a skilled crew, if it got hit, it was history..

        ..but its ability was fast, manouvrable and hard hitting…

        In WOT it now can’t move, cant accelerate, cant turn the turret (it should be fast hydraulic not the crappy hand cranked it is now)… and they keep fucking the gun up.

  23. I have a thought:
    1. Leave the Hellcat alone and give it back its speed and maneuverability.
    2. Make it Tier 7 with Limited MM so it never sees Tier 9 since that 90mm has no business at Tier 9 as a TD. This also means that it will never see Tier4 tanks anymore unless someone joins a Fail Platoon.

    Than again, I’ll have to find a new scout tank for Skirmish and Tank Companies.

    • Or just leave it where it’s at, nerf it’s view range down to 360, nerf it’s camo slightly, and leave it alone.

      Those are the only things wrong with it. The fact that it can spot for itself while remaining invisible. Change that and it’d be fine.

  24. Considering that the T25/2 is not really better than the 90mm Hellcat,with worse mobility and barely better gun (a mere 10mm of penetration more and very,VERY slightly increased DPM),i would be all for splitting the hellcat into a 76mm version at T6 and a 90mm version at T7.Maybe with limited matchmaking,as suggested above,to compensate for the weak pen,in both cases,but that would have to be decided in testing i suppose.In turn,they could give both of them a more historically accurate mobility,better gun stats on the respective guns and better turret traverse aswell (personally,i think that something around 22-24°/s would be enough).That way they could also replace the T25/2.

    Just a thought.

  25. Mobility nerfs for a tank that relies on its mobility for…getting into position. Where it sits and snipes for most of the game. Huh.

    WG, you do realize we’re talking about a TD here, not a brawling medium, right? Cutting its mobility was largely unnecessary, it was only a small part of what makes the Hellcat powerful…and when combined with all the other nerfs, there’s now pretty much no reason to use it over the Jackson. Ability to go 72kph in a straight line, after getting a boost by finding a hill to run down? Whoop-de-doo.

    It’s funny that they’ve done this, though. Normally WG gives poorly-armored vehicles utterly bullshit gun stats and calls them “balanced”, particularly when it comes to TDs (oh, hi there newest German TD line). Now they’ve just gone “fuck it” and nerfed *everything*.

    About the nerfed reverse speed: why not just back into firing position at an angle? The engine deck only blocks the gun depression for a fairly small cone rearward, and it’s not like your frontal armor was doing anything anyway. Shoot and scuttle forward at 30kph.

    Saw some stuff above about the T18 being a bad fit as arty, and I have to ask…why?
    Smack it with a massive nerf to accuracy while traversing the gun and tracks so that, while it can bounce shots frontally, it won’t (well, shouldn’t, we all know how the RNG is) be able to snap shots at things in front of it. Nerf the traverse speed so it can actually be circled by the majority of tanks at its tier, rather than the medium-tank traverse it has now. Rework the gun stats so it fires faster and more accurately once aimed in than the t57 does; this should be balanced out by its huge reticule bloom when moving the gun. Good against stationary targets, bad against moving ones, whereas the t57 is a general-purpose arty.

  26. So the most agile and fastest tank up till Korea is now turning even more like a pig.

    Only WG thinks taking a tank that is OP then nerfing its camo after shot, mobility, aim time on the move and stationary, its reload and its passability will make it balanced.

    In other news the KV1s lost depression….That is all, nothing to see here.

    Seriously though, the 1s and Hellcat will still be unbalanced in the super camo or super high 183 level alpha departments, now the hellcat will just suck. So they wont remove raging about getting killed by invisitanks but ruin a tank in the process.

    All the Hellcat needed was to be broken up into 2 tanks like the 1s. The Hellcat with 76mm that is as mobile as a ELC but with open top, and the “Super Hellcat” with 90mm that turns like a pig and once fires is seen easily.

    Bam fixed, now if a 90mm HC wants to shoot its 240 DMG it probably will die unless very smartly positioned but wont die when not firing. Also you retain the HC`s real life speed and agility in the 76mm version.

  27. I see a lot of M18 drivers shooting more premium ammo after the next patch…

    And then the whining starts again.

  28. that’s not a nerf if you play the hellcat like a TD ! lol
    That’s a nerf if you play your hellcat like a cromell or a E8 sherman lol
    For the T57 heavy, ok i guess i will have smooth ride and snap shot and BiA , and keep the highest DPM at tier 10, still strong tank in close range!