
- the information that Firefly was planned for patch 0.9.5 is correct (SS: this however can still change, currently the 9.5 is planned for mid December)
- attacking other Strongholds owned by other clans will work roughly as clanwars, only instead of gold, you get the industrial resource
- apparently, there was a bug in the rules/shop on the Russian server, where – if you bought a vehicle in the shop for discount and you already had it, you recieved its original pre-discount price in gold as compensation (SS: as in, buying something worth 1500g for 750g, you already have it, you get 1500g instead). This was recently fixed (causing some butthurt on RU forums).

26 thoughts on “17.8.2014

  1. - the information that Firefly was planned for patch 0.9.5 is correct (SS: this however can still change, currently the 9.5 is planned for mid December)

    Hope they won’t fuck it up :)

  2. 9.5 in mid december ? Wow that’s fast, if they keep up the temp I might get MUH FRENCHIES and chinese TD’s before 10.0 :DDDD

    • Well, count roughly 1,5 months per patch. 9.3, that’s mid September (+/- few days), 9.4 is likely early November then and 9.5 mid to late December, they want to make it for the holidays.

  3. Ok, looks like I have til mid December to unlock FV4202 then…better get grinding!

  4. Regarding gold bug – so I see that it was a long term situation where ru players had access to cheaper gold (half price), do you think that it was intentionally backdoor?