20 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: HD Jagdpanther and T-34

  1. I wonder – who cares?
    It doesn’t affect gameplay in any good way, it may affect in bad – lowering fps on a machine, it is only visible in hangar, targets are still low polygon number models.

    • yeah only your tank looking HD is a let down….honestly Wargaming should focus on optimization just look at how gorgeous War Thunder is and it runs pretty smooth

  2. Pingback: [WoT PC] HD-Modelle: Jagdpanther und T-34 aus dem Supertest | WG-News

  3. i guess i have no choice, i really have to play the jg pz IV now no matter what… i so hope i won’t fail in it big-time, i heard it’s horrible.

    • Not horrible at all if you use it with the 75mm/L70 as a true TD, that is, sniping at targets far away.

      Do it now, before WG destroys all maps and makes this kind of tanks disappear forever in WoT.

  4. So is it gonna be only T-34 and chinese Type T-34 will stay low res, like they did with Type 58 and T-34-85 ?

    Fuck that, no wonder WG states nobody plays Chinese tanks, not only they make em weaker in every aspect with worse gun handling, they don´t even retexture em, when they do exactly the same Russian tanks :/