Straight Outta Supertest: 9.3 New Medals

Source: VK Wotleaks community


From left to right:

“Bonebreaker” – for hitting at least 5 enemy tank modules or members of crew in random battle
“Supersticious” – survive victorious random battle while recieving damage from at least 4 different enemy players
“Demolition Man” – for ammoracking an enemy in random battle


From left to right:

“Shoot to Kill” – cause more damage to enemy than is the amount of hitpoints of your tank. Fire damage and ramming counts, but it is not awarded to arty
“Reliable friend in battle” – do not damage any allied tanks in 50 random battles (damage to modules, unless they get destroyed, does not count, non-penetrating hits and ricochets also don’t count, series can continue on any vehicle)
“Impenetrable” – recieve more potencial damage (damage blocked by armor) than hitpoints of your tank, only in random battles and you have to survive the battle

57 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: 9.3 New Medals

  1. At least the medals here have good incentives it seems.
    Do damage to get medal, dont shoot your allies and take hits without dying.

  2. “Bonebreaker” – for hitting at least 5 enemy tank modules or members of crew in random battle

    My E-25 gunner with Deadeye skill says hi <3

  3. KV-2 says hi to Bonebreaker (one shot, 5+ modules sometimes LOL). As for Impenetrable, I can see Maus, KV-220, and KV-4 farming those.

  4. Will these count for Heroic Resistance or whatever it’s called?

    l.e.: On a similar note, I’m still waiting for them to have the decency to implement the “Deal more damage than the rest of your team combined” Epic medal. Because tomatoes.

  5. Those should be very easy to get….a bit to easy.
    I bet they will be removed a couple of patches later (or at least changed)

    • Exactly my thoughts. Good player will get Shoot to kill medal in at least 90% of battles he played.. Unless it will be awarded only to one player in a team, or some other restrictions like that.

  6. If those new medals can be given to more than one player a match and they also give courageous resistance a lot of my losses are gonna get a lot better >_> mainly from bonebreaker. Tho tbh at higher tiers supersticious will be hard to get if it’s only for tanking hp damage cause even in a tier 9 heavy you can quite often die in like only 3 or 4 hits to begin with since there’s so many tds that hit for 750+.

    • Only if some meaningless medal is more important to you than actually winning a game. Otherwise why the fuck would you shoot HE in jgpzE100 unless there is waffle only alive.

  7. i’ve been ammoracked more times than i’ve ammoracked since they introduced ammorack explosions…

    and interestingly, the only ammorack kills i’ve done since then are 2 arty kills (bert and grille)…

  8. More Suggestions:

    - “Smart Ass Medal” => Player successfully pressed the battle-button
    - “Forward Hero Medal” => Player succesfully pressed “R” several times
    - “Italian Hero Medal” => Player sucessfully pressed “F” several times

    • funny :)
      I’d also like medals for scouts. Like spotting one enemy or have one radio assisted damaging shot.
      That’d be great
      Edit: -*not as big of a jerk as you could have been* => Player is last surviving member of the team and doesn’t kill himself. Only achievable in artillery

  9. “Impenetrable” – recieve more potencial damage (damage blocked by armor) than hitpoints of your tank, only in random battles and you have to survive the battle

    My Pz II Ausf.J will be pleased.

  10. Finally some medals which does not require killing 4 tanks while reversing, wrestling 2 crocodile barehands and at the same time making love to a community member, in team battles only.. “show dominance” medal

  11. ” “Shoot to Kill” – cause more damage to enemy than is the amount of hitpoints of your tank. Fire damage and ramming counts, but it is not awarded to arty”

    I guess this will be the new “most awarded” medal once it gets added. You can easely do it on low tiers and good players will get it most of the time.

    I wonder if it counts towards courageous resistence, if it does then all my defeats will be more satisfying.

    • If its courageous resistance, 60% of my defeats will bring me decent xp! :D
      And i will stop facepalming the whole day (at the end, it begins to hurt) because I got 300 xp for 1700 dmgs on my T25AT thanks to tomatoes.. ^^’

      • These are honorary awards. Will not count as courageous resistance. Nice to have but will be handed out as candy to children.

    • yeah, this is a must get in basically every battle for anything that isn’t scouting. If you don’t, you were dead weight to your team.

      I hope Supersticious gets awarded when you received hits from 4 different players, not just penetrating hits.

      • “If you don’t, you were dead weight to your team.”
        Except perhaps on the heaviest tanks with absurdly high HP like the Maus and the TOG II*.

  12. “Impenetrable” – so, instead of proper xp and credit rewards for tanking, we are getting a new shiny.
    Fuck you, WG, this is a mockery.

  13. “Reliable friend in battle” will be more rarer than Raseiniai Heroes’ Medal ))))

  14. Better than previous:
    I spam gold in an autoloader medal aka “High Caliber”
    I spam gold from bushes 300 meters medal aka “Tank sniper”

  15. With every patch there is shit ton of new medals. It’s fine with me, but lots of medals kind of devaluates getting one since you get the medal for pretty much anything you do.

    • I was skeptical about how easy these are to get, but if you consider newer players, it’s a good addition.
      plus, who doesn’t like getting a medal in battle?

  16. 50th battle without damage to allies…plays in E-75, AMX 13 90 bumps me from the side at the start… “-25″

    • Basically, to get this medal, don’t play your Maus, or KV-4, or TOG II*, or E-100, or T95, or [...] during 50 battles.