
Hello everyone,

as you can see, we have a new design. Slightly. I am as surprised as you are, because it’s apparently a byproduct of WordPress updates, which in turn were necessary due to some security weaknesses. Oh well.

- there are (vague, distant) plans to encourage and reward players for “tanking” (SS: soaking damage)
- the changes, that happened in 9.2 to FV215b (183) – specifically a nerf due to the overuse of gold shells – do not automatically imply that the gold shell system is not balanced and needs a fix
- your chance to be on the top of the team depends on the percentage (composition) of the tank tiers, present in the queue at that actual moment (SS: this is the reason why you can’t see tiers on the queue screen anymore, there was a mod that abused this, allowing you to have a significantly higher chance to end up as a top tank of the team)
- a new game mode (SS: mode as in HB, team battles, etc.) for solo players (not requiring a team) playing high tiers will come soon (SS: likely a “garage battle” mode)

Also, two interesting stories appeared on the Russian forums. I have no idea whether they are true or not, but they certainly are entertaining. One is that the gold ammo for credits came actually to be as a solution from the head of Zlobny (former chief balancer) for the issue, where noobs in light and medium tanks were not able to penetrate heavies from front, complained about it and then the statistics of the meds and lights were distorted. It backfired, but by the time the side effects became noticeable, it was already too late to disable the entire system.

Second story was that Komarin came to be as a map, when Slava Makarov, one of the original WoT creators, drove a car and made a smoking stop near the village of Komarino, not realizing he parked on a swampy ground. The car got stuck and his phone was stuck inside the car as well. The map is based apparently on the landscape of the village, where he was waiting for WG staff to come pick him up.

No idea whether they are true, but… I wouldn’t be surprised.

48 thoughts on “25.8.2014

  1. New design looks unusual, but it is now a bit easier to read and looks more “slim”. The background should be better aligned with the borders of the text though, looking a bit “cut-off” (can’t put it in better words, sadly).

    • I have the exactly opposite experience. Its so slim I get to try and read some of the nested comments with 1 letter per line and vast amounts of empty space (too slim). This on a phone btw.

  2. Now they are going rename Komarin as “The Thing from Komarin, true history”??? hahahaha

    Well, the gold ammo problem has a simple solution but WG NEVER hear what players says… curious only hear the tipical idiots doing idiot questions… why not limit gold ammo load with a % based in the tank ammo load??? if you load x regular AP/APCR you can load a max number of y gold ammo… this only affect gold ammo you buy with credits, if you pay with gold there is no limit or is bigger.

    • Because f.e. if u use 20% of ammo, a FV Td can take 2 shells with him, while a maus still has 12.

      • It doesn’t have to be the same percentage across all tanks, in fact it shouldn’t be. It should be varying percentages depending on the total ammo load for any given tank. That way you don’t have situations like that.

      • So? Maus actually needs those rounds more than the FV. Limiting gold ammo for a certain percentage would at least stop those annoying statpadding noobs.
        But WG won’t do sh*t, because it makes them money. Those retards either buy a high tier premium or a premium account to farm credits.

    • YES, I keep saying this, that would solve EVERYTHING. It would allow everyone to purchase gold ammo without paying real money (no pay-to-win), it would still allow people to actually carry gold ammo (won’t have to remove it entirely, which isn’t really an option), and (chiefly) it would stop the gold spam! Though the % limit should be the same regardless of whether you pay credits or gold. If historically, real tanks had a small limited supply of the “gold” ammunition then reflect that in the game. It’s such a simple damn solution but WG, for some reason, refuses to implement it!

    • Percentage won’t work, it should be # + x%

      So a 183 can still haul 12 HESH since the criteria for TDs can be, say, 10 + 20% (for a TD with 60 rounds this means 22 SPREM)

      Sound reasonable?

      • Well, some NA unicums have proposed a maximum of 10% or 10 rounds, whichever is LESS.

        In other words, the 183 would only be able to take 2 or 3 HESH rounds whereas a tank with lots of ammo (E.g. TOG II*) would top out at 10 rounds.

        Honestly, SPrem isn’t that big an issue.

        What is a big issue is the complete disaster that was the supposed artillery nerf. It worked for a while but people have now gotten used to the changes and artillery is, if anything, even worse than before. Their ability to deal damage and deliver one-shots has gotten much worse and the accuracy changes actually buffed arties ability to engage in TD mode horseshit.

        While this may be “realistic”, it sure as hell isn’t fun.

          • Learn 2 Play vs Arty…

            Oh wait…

            I know this one…

            “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”

            People will go to any end to justify their ability to whack off while playing…

        • the 10%/20%/whatever% limit is actually a pretty good idea, because tanks with small caliber guns are the ones that generally need to have some premium ammo due to low pen, and those tanks are generally the ones with high ammo capacity due to said low caliber, while the tanks with big guns will mostly have to settle for a 1-numbered amount of gold ammo.

    • I know right? It is not like slow, heavily armoured tanks that get their armoured nullified at a push of a button get to have a feature, where at a push of a button, makes them fast and mobile or reload quicker.

      Premium ammo makes tanks that were balanced around their armour and thus suffer reduced mobility and firepower, like the Maus, KV-4, E-100, T95, etc completely at a disadvantage.

      I like how the players that love to spam premium ammo like to say “It is there for credits, use it too! It is in the game, so there is nothing wrong” don’t realise that it fucks with balance and doesn’t make the situation for slow, and heavily armoured better even if the use premium ammo.

      • I like how the players that love to spam premium ammo like to say “It is there for credits, use it too! It is in the game, so there is nothing wrong” don’t realise that it fucks with balance and doesn’t make the situation for slow, and heavily armoured better even if the use premium ammo.

        That Sir is why they use it and say what they say.

      • I don’t know if you guys have been around for the first two years, but impenetratable heavies didn’t make the gameplay better. Quite the opposite. Heavies were unstoppable fortresses that couldn’t be penetrated by lower tiers or meds of the same tier.
        There are several good reasons for premium ammo to be in the game: bottom MM, lights, RNG, etc. But the main problem with prem ammo is the 25% RNG. Because of the high RNG range you need absurd penetration values to negate bad RNG for clanwars or tournaments. And this results in gunmantle penetrations that should not happen. But Wargaming refuses to reduce the RNG as well as to put a limit to the loadout, which would help.

        Btw. you argue with the E-100? The tier 10 tank that profitted the most from premium ammo and would be useless right now without it? lol.

  3. Well, ammo load in tanks usually is something well study in armies… of course crews adapt it to their way of see life but usually the ammo load is something pre-defined for example i see A LOT of players that simple dont load HE ammo… god, i understand limit load in certain tanks but the only tank where i dont load HE is failpanther because i cant load it… even in Sturer of in FV183 (in test servers, i have in regular the TD in garage but not ready for battle) 1-2 HE shells are a must have to hit a “concrete head tank” or to blow up a cover for enemy.

    In the end prem ammo problem is you can fight a low tier battle to load 3-4 shells in a top tier, do this 4-5 every day and you can find a goldy spammer later… one thing is use gold when you dont have other chance (specially in scouts with not good HE) but when in a scout you are killed only by gold ammo… this shows how easy is now use it and part of the game balance goes to the hell…. and is not like game balance shines.

    • depends on gun…
      I see no use of HE in 7.5cm on StuG. that HE often does no damage. Yes, often it hits kv-1 for 0 damage even though I can shred it with AP.
      Not talking about 36 rounds ammo limit. HE is waste of time and credits.

      on the other hand, KV-2 + derp is HE only :)

      • Well at that tier, gun calibers are still rather small, so using HE is not really an option.
        It’s only really after getting 105mm guns that HE rounds start being interesting.
        They tend not to bounce save for the most armored parts, and generally pack enough damage to be worth it. That’s the main reason I don’t use HE on the T-62A and clones. 100mm HE is not reliable, and the damage output is just not worth it on unarmored targets.

        No excuse for 120mm guns and up, though.
        Can’t pen a VK4502P with your IS?
        A well aimed HE at the base of his turret will severely teach him a thing or two about investing in spall liners.

        Alas, noobs, tomatoes and baddies don’t understand that, and will continue to spam gold ammo, so WG will continue to make money off people buy prem accounts and tanks just to sustain their bad habits.

  4. I would agree – limit gold to a % or # in a loadout. the % or # will need some work as a flat % or # may not be appropriate – but right now it may be “working as expected.”

  5. Or, you can buy up to x% (or whatever limit) of your capacity (or some other limit) from credits, if you want more gold shells, use gold. Would be the simplest I think. And if you want to drive full gold, its still possible.

  6. Mr Slava got stuck in swampy s**t and now we have to aswell… thats one way of relieving your frustrations

  7. “Second story was that Komarin came to be as a map, when Slava Makarov, one of the original WoT creators, drove a car and made a smoking stop near the village of Komarino, not realizing he parked on a swampy ground. The car got stuck and his phone was stuck inside the car as well. The map is based apparently on the landscape of the village, where he was waiting for WG staff to come pick him up. ”

    Smoking is hazardous to your car!

  8. They will never ever EVER nerf or remove premium ammo for credits. It’s giving them too much profit. And beside that all those stat padded unicums would cry and blackmail them to bring it back.
    Also I don’t buy this story at all. Before they introduced premium ammo for credits they nerfed HE ammo efficiency against heavy armor. It eliminated any possible alternative for damaging tanks with armor you cant penetrate (and cant flank or aim at weak spots).
    Really ? Crying med and light tank drivers ? If you want to shoot enemy heavies from front then play in TDs or heavies. Simple. Pathetic excuse to cover move that made this game more p2w aka gave them more profit.

    • You do know unicums existed even before gold ammo for credits? Just because you suck at the game it doesn’t mean everyone does.

      • You know, you are one of the most irritating commenters on this god damn site. NOT FUNNY but irritating…. i just simply don’t know what was the purpose of your comment in this case…
        I can only think of 2 reasons:
        a, either you are mad at everybody and you comment in order to generate conflict and give yourself a reason to prove how your opinion is the only valid one OR
        b, you are simply retarded and you couldn’t understand BloodiDodi’s comment in this particular case… if that is the case i DO apologize for my comment…i didn’t know you struggle understanding complex statements…

        About unicums… yeah don’t try to explain me that the vast majority of the unicums would remain unicums if prem ammo would be removed, that’s just plain bullshit… (an example is QB who tends to load 45% of its total ammo with PShells, and he likes spamming them) the number of unicums would drop drastically if WG would have removed PShells. (moreover your statment about unicums existing before gold ammo for credits…yes i guess you knew that pro clan members gained gold for CWs, and they had the chance to spend all their golds on statpadding…)

        Lastly, please go back to an arty thread and troll there punk… that would be better for all of us…and for you perhaps.

        P.S: i don’t care whether you have the right to share your opinion with the audience…i have the right not to tolerate your gypsy like attitude towards others…

    • I’ve never noticed strong correlation between rating and wn8. Real difference is being patient, relocating and attacking tanks that are distracted and creating inconvenient situations for enemies.
      And honestly, when I drive Patton against 10 heavies and TDs as T110E3/E4/JgPzE100/Foch , I tend to load premium at the start, because standard ammo can hardly pen lower plates, chances to pen side at angle are small, and there is no option to flank at the start. Ofc I won’t reload to kill suicide scout and he will surely complain about gold noob.

  9. “Second story was that Komarin came to be as a map, when Slava Makarov, one of the original WoT creators, drove a car and made a smoking stop near the village of Komarino, not realizing he parked on a swampy ground. The car got stuck and his phone was stuck inside the car as well. The map is based apparently on the landscape of the village, where he was waiting for WG staff to come pick him up.”

    So, basically someone got fucked at a place and thought the players should suffer as well on a bad designed map