9.3 Reworked Murovanka

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/44161-brideshead-ehh-murovanka-revisited-sneak-preview-from-93/

Hello everyone,

not exactly a supertest thing, but this is apparently how Murovanka will be reworked in 9.3.


88 thoughts on “9.3 Reworked Murovanka

    • It looks that way from the video. Both bases have a massive back area to work with now and there’s extra room at the encounter flag area.

  1. Rip murovanka…

    seriously whats all this? More and more hills and cover on all maps, so u cant engage enemies on more than 50m?

      • This philosophy actually removes the last bit of historicity the game had to offer. Conventional engages were on flat terrain at long distances (hence almost every tank had that what we call “prem camo” back then…)

          • Uhm…I think I stressed “the last bit of historicity” good enough…not like I’d expect much realism.

            If WG would go for an entirely fictional game, then WoT would look entirely different. So I think historicity is one of the things that matter for WG.

        • any maps is FINE to me. but I really dunno why most people keep complaining even they are already using OP stronk russian tanks and autoladers

  2. Does not look too bad. We’ll see when it goes live. But new map development team strikes again – instead of magic forest, we get magic bobsleigh track… …

      • Lights and SPGs will maintain the role they had on current map. TDs do have spots to ambush. It’s just that the map got bigger, really.

    • I like rolling terrain for cover but this is getting a little ridiculous. The magic forest now has a garbage dump for terrain, just like the new El Halluf north.

      Just… keep in mind the little long ranged fellas and scouts, will ya WG? The old El Halluf used to be ridiculously bad about long ranged fire in the middle but the magic forest on Murovanka was always an interesting, usually fun tactical exercise.

      Gonna miss those fun scout runs through nothing but bushes. :<

      • The old magic forest was loads of fun in stugs, jpz IVs, and jagdkitties… In the confusion high ROF and good camo made for some good hunting – always had an impact out there… Curious about the new one… And here’s an idea for you WG: introduce map based statistics! Would love to know if winrates are significantly different from map to map and base side to base side…

  3. I like it! Enough depressions and small hills to peek a boo for active and passive scouting. Enough cover to “cover” the approaches with TD’s. SPGs will now need the scouts.

    • T32 with optics is the best scout in current meta anyway … light tanks are dead, they can distract enemies, help in late game as flexible flankers, but early scouting is suicide.

  4. It doesn’t look bad, very open with lots of cover, however I don’t think the magic forest needed more hill cover and segregated paths. They did do one thing right with the magic forest and that is putting a hill at the western edge so that you can’t fire from inside it the whole way across the map.

    • Yeah, great change. Now these heavy players can play with one hand on east flank not worring about being exposed to everything across entire map because that’s what HT is for, sitting still on top of the hill masturbating.

      • you know how funny it is to see you tards crying right? i play mediums and i can clearly see this is not a great change for heavies.

        person who gets hit the worst are lights, then td’s.

        fucking tomatoes.

  5. finaly the broken forest and the place around A1(this only when ur arty sucks or there is none in the game) fixed

  6. I don’t like the hills in the forest and the forests in general suffering from “Agent Orange bombing”….
    Some features are cool like extended map and more possibiliies to mount a last ditch defense at bases but then again TDs are those that suffer the most. Most of these depend on cloaked shooting and long distance combat as being fragile or slow as hell with some exceptions offering good armor and mobility. Now there is less cover and more obstacles due to more hills (those in forest looking very artificial btw) and rural buildings.

    I know there are people who cry because of “TD flooding” but this is the wrong approach to find a remedy…

  7. if this is true , this map is a medium tanks map , all other classes will be crushed in this kind of map

  8. Oh yeah! I couldn’t see this map anymore! Was so unfair from one side to another. The rework seems really good. Light tanks will be happy here.

    • Lights will be destroyed in 5 mins. All of them. Because of those little bumps, you won’t see sh*t (spotting is stronk you know), meds will YOLO at your face and if you are lucky enough that none of the previously mentioned things happened to you then TDs will snipe you out from 500 meters at the “key points”.
      Old Murovanka: Campfest
      New Murovanka: Rushfest

      • actually he is right, if light tanks play the map properly they’ll be fine, if they do.

  9. Well, nothing new, same things we see in last reworked maps… more broken terrain, mini-covers for fast and well coodinated attacks using hulldown capable vehicles and shit and blood for vehicles based in camo and that need avoid close combat…

    After see this and if this is the maps future i think they need buff even more scouts and well, give armor to all glass canon TDs because find a position to fight at range is…

    Heavy tanks and meds are WOT future, vehicles to cover special areas dont have room in WOT.

    PD: maybe they need add something special for SPGs like ultracamo, same for TDs and lights… why not move like pre-physcis??? i refer they suffer less jumping, they can drift more but can move faster in irregular terrain.

    • “maybe they need add something special for SPGs” – yeah like electric shock every time you try to enter battle with one…

  10. Looks like they blocked some long range sniping possibilities … but at least they didn’t turn it into 3 corridors map, like so many others.

    Plus, it looks believable, unlike many maps with silly cliffs and extreme hill obstacles.

  11. Whats with the massive deforestation? Passive scouting seems to be on its way out. I can understand cutting down trees to kill the camping TD game but scouts are becoming more and more useless.

    • does kinda fly into the face of an anticipated buff, and readjustment for light tanks & scouts in 9.3 doesn’t it?

      If you don’t give TD’s atleast somewhere to go, then they will not last much longer on these maps.

    • In this case..good, maybe all those bads will stop going and sitting in the magic forest until spotted and slaughtered.

  12. Well they should give it a new name. It looks almost nothing like the original and surely will play nothing like it did before.

  13. So the forest is not a proper forest anymore, and it becomes… you guessed it: another maze with protected sides.

    Just another butchered map…

      • Withdrawing it would actually have been better and more merciful instead of butchering it like this..

    • But the sides are not cliffs, and you can move around freely. Now that’s quite an improvement to the changes we’ve seen recently.

  14. What a shit map it is now. Can’t even scout for shit in a Light Tank anymore. These map nerfs for TDs affect fucking Light Tanks too, you dumb fucking devs.
    Fuck sake.

    • They don’t care. As long as the money keeps coming in, and people keep struggling on these maps. Look I play some heavies myself too, I’ve got nothing against them. But, drats, your right, this will affect things in other ways across the game I don’t think they will be aware of until the players begin to rebalance themselves?

  15. It’s almost like the map designers don’t talk to the vehicle designer-balancers.

  16. The new map looks beautiful.
    I bet all arty players starting on the north base are like “yes!!!!!111, we can drown us now, too”.

    • I prefer buildings :D but yes, at current Murovanka you would need to drive all the way to other corner to drown :D

  17. is it good or not we will see,,but atleast is better than now.for ffs map has to suck before they make decent shit.gg WG

  18. I played 90% of my 17k battles in heavies, so I love this map with all of its undulations and hull covering hills.

    I know you snipers hate the new hilly maps that interfere with your shooting lanes, however, I view snipers hiding and sniping from 400m away as most folks view arty. Easy mode.

    • How ironic…

      Because it’s so much easier to avoid detection, being aware of how the detection & camo system works and being completely ineffective in brawling, preferrably in a turetless TD.

      I’m sure it’s so much more difficult to play a KV-1 than a Stug III or SU-85.
      Or a T57 Heavy than an Obj. 268. Etc.

  19. The magic forest lost about all bushes and is more hilly: FINALLY THE MIGHTY CAMPFEST IS BROKEN!!

  20. Same handy work of the same map folks with the same “finger print” of design work from the other maps. Strip mine all the trees down, most bushes, put up collaspable structure cabins that can be shot down so you can’t hide, then you can chase each other around in “Circles”, until someone runs out of fuel, then you can blow them to bits! :D

    Genius Wargaming! They say we are responsible for this, because they said this is what we wanted? But nobody came to me with a “poll” or community questionnaire asking, how would you like the maps changed? :(

  21. This design sucks.

    Why WG destroy all cool open maps. Malinowka got destroyed and now Marowanka get destroyed.
    Why do WG make such shit? Is it really the case that 3 or 4 open maps where you need skill ve to be removed cause of all that players that suck?

    But I found some elements in this map that seems to be really useful and will open new ways through the middle, hopefully.

  22. Who cares about support classes??? really last year WG simple wipe out scouts and arty… and new maps are rebalancing to prevent TD superiority, problem is that not all TDs can life in first line fighting at close range.

    I think is time to start thinking in do a true change and increase the team sizes with map sizes… practically double map size and increaste teams to 20-25, they can test this as a game mode with some kind of skill based MM special for it or i think in a few months i leave WOT and try OTHER game that is similar to WOT but looks more “modern” and that it devs are learning about WG fails.

  23. Yep, with this changes new reworked maps are playground for MBTs or you are grinding a certain line or on this new reworked maps a lot of special tanks are simple out of the war, some grinds are going to be painfull… Sturer, AT UK serie, T95 …

    The fun thing is today with the amount of vehicles in game WG cant simple rebalance all tanks and adjust them to new map reality… i think WG is in a moment where they simple dont know WTF do out of do this changes that dont solution a shit and open new problems in the game.

    • I think WG is just trying to do what most successful companies do, keep their largest market base satisfied. That would mean keeping the heavy tankers happy, since they are the most used tanks.

      When the maps offer wide featureless steppes, they are great for snipers and arty, but terrible for slow heavy tanks. The slow heavies dare not venture forward, and the snipers and arty wait for targets to become lit. The battles become one boring camp-fest, until one side becomes impatient and rushes into no mans land.

      The solution to campy maps are trenches (they’ve been in use since war itself), or in WoT case, hills, valleys, buildings, ie COVER for advancing tanks.

      Until you all propose a better fix to campy maps, then it looks like more hilly, undulating maps are in the future.

  24. ” we are going to rework a map” .. with google translator from WG to Human => ” we are going to destroy a map and make it only playable to 1 kind of tank”

  25. wow attack is going to be possible on this map now not just camping bush and the forest is for speedy tanks and the west flank is for the heavies should be interesting. also less tank destroyer dominance on this map is nice to see. these are much needed changes.

    • Slowly there will no maps for soft TDs…
      Damn those T10 armor/gun monsters, but lower tier turretless/armorless TDs: Nashorn, Dmax, ARL, Stug and so on… will suffer!

  26. Let’s introduce broken shitty T10 TDs that will fuck up game balance so hard that we will come up with genious solution to make all maps into 3 fucking corridors for morons to tunnel in. Yes, exactly what this game needed. Remove all soft cover and add useless terrain to prevent sniping longer than 200 meters. Voila. No one will drive a TD anymore on those shitty maps. WG is beyond retarded. I’m btw glad that i ditched playing mostly TDs(not t10 but actually mid tier TDs that will suffer the most from these changes) and switched to heavies/mediums.

    I’m fucking fascinated by WG’s mentality. Hey guys, everyone is whining about TDs because T10 shitlord waffle/183 are broken pieces of shit. Better “fix” those maps to reduce TDs dominance. *couple of months later* Hey guise, those t10 TDs are still ruining balance, but on the other hand no one is playing mid tier TDs. You know those TDs, that don’t have godlike armor combined with even more godlike cannon and actually have to rely on camo and sniping. Fucking geniouses, i tell you.

    • It’s part of the big master plan I think? They have made plenty of money from people going after the TD tree, spending money to free XP to get them, then there were too many of them. So, now they come up with this map constraints, to make it impossible to play those under these map conditions, so people will sell/dump them. Now we begin the lemming push to rush people into getting Heavies, & Mediums, who knows what will happen to lights? (9.3 ? beyond?) So, we will fill the game with these types of tanks again, people will free XP, and spend more money to get them $$$.

      Then WOT LABS will change their expected damage numbers again in their stats metric, and tighten up levels of difficulties for those horrible colors they just changed too.

      I’ve got a chain saw they can rent if they need one?

      • Yes, i concur with said. I mean it’s not really a top secret that WG is doing that for years. Release OP/broken shit. People free exp it. Everybody starts playing it(because why not) and then they just nerf it, but in most retarded ways and fuck up the game’s general balance even more. They are truly clueless, but i mean you can’t expect much from sovjet patriots that refuse to employ better programmers simply because they aren’t russian/belarusian. Kind of sad to see great game slowly losing quality because it’s made by braindead commies.

      • “Then WOT LABS will change their expected damage numbers again in their stats metric, and tighten up levels of difficulties for those horrible colors they just changed too.”

        Umm there was only ONE new colour added, which was the teal for 53-55% WR/ 1600-1999 WN8, the rest were the same colours that were always used. Secondly the rating changes are based on actual stats, so its not wotlabs fault if stats change, just like how 650 WN8 is now average, nothing they can do about retards getting worse at the game…

      • “So, we will fill the game with these types of tanks again, people will free XP, and spend more money to get them $$$.”

        Or they will simply leave, as thousands of people have done since 9.0. You can see it in the number of server users (1 year ago it was 300.000 every evening, now they barely reach 150.000), and most notably when the test versions are released (long queues to enter prior to 9.0, no problems since then).

        WG is losing users at an alarming rate, and they are trying the most stupid things to try to get them back (unsucessfully, of course).

  27. Every map that had any cover for TD’s has now been made TD unfriendly. Jesus fucking Christ.

  28. After WG has maximized revenues for OP vehicles and/or certain lines, they nerf them directly or change things (like maps) to force players to free exp to tanks which become the new flavor of the month. Once revenue slows for that flavor, WG will come up with something else. Anyone care to guess what will become the new flavor after WG has used up the hvy & med lines.

  29. And this is why free to play aka freeimium games suck. This free exp (with money) to this then nerf tactic is one of many money grabs games like this do.

    WOT, WT, and Lord knows how many other freeimium games are simply revenue hoarders disguising themselves as games.

    One day in a magical dimension, a company will develop a good pay to play tank game.

  30. So many people saying shit, oh my god… ô_o

    If you find so many shitty things into that game just go the fuck away guys.

    • Dont worry Armored warfare is close, sure after AW release in 3 months WOT is going to have problems to have servers over 100.000 players in a weekend.

      Well, if guys that PAY to play find the new changes STUPID… you know, if who pay your salary is not happy and now THERE ARE COMPETITORS i think is time to start working on the fuck game and stop talking shit, you know “in WOT there are no bots”.

      When WG anounce WOWp and WOWs i say that this could be the worst and most stupid movement in WG history because they invest A LOT of resources, money and time in 2 total new games when they were in the key moment to made a solid base for WOT… well time give me the big “you are right” because WOWp was a disaster, a ultramegahyperfail, WOWs interest is lower than i expect (and game looks more complex and less noob friendly than WOT) and WOT has now 2 competitors that can ruin it hegemony… WG could be in 1 year with 2 games that dont provide enough incoming (one could disapear in 1 year…) and their only money grinder could lose his actual value… and lets see if WT evolution and AW could be able to kill WOT…. is not the same try improve/balance WOT as is now than do thigs WELL and with BRAIN since first moment.

  31. I’m happy that there have been changes to this map. How often if you start on the North side would you see a cluster of vehicles hiding around A1 (when all you needed was a spotter there) but also hiding in the magic forest itself.

    The undulations in what was the magic forest could be interesting and allow some vehicles to go hull down.

    Having said that I’ve not been playing WoT on a regular basis for quite a while. I’m also takng a break from WT – I’ve nt flown many battles since the rank/tiers were compressed and the grond forces is OK but needs more work. I’m looking forward to Armoured Warfare although I tend to not play games in the modern era.