Straight Outta Supertest: T37 and T49 Characteristics

Source: FTR VK community

T37 Light Tank (US tier 6)

Stats for 100 percent crew

Weight: 23,380 tons
Hitpoints: 680
Viewrange: 390
Radio range: 745

Hull armor: 25,4/25,4/?
Turret armor: 31,8/25,4/?
Engine: 500 hp
Power-to-weight: 21,39 hp/t
Maximum speed: 66/22
Hull traverse: 48 deg/s
Ground resistance: 0,767/0,863/1,438

Gun: 76mm
Penetration: 150
Damage: 115
DPM: 2180,5
Reload: 3,164s
ROF: 18,961
Accuracy: 0,345
Aimtime: 1,82s
Depression: -9/+20
Turret traverse: 45,9 deg/s

T49 Light Tank (US tier 8)


Weight: 22,628 tons
Hitpoints: 1100
Viewrange: 400
Radio range: 745

Hull armor: 25,4/25,4/?
Turret armor: 38,1/15,9/?
Engine: 550 hp
Power-to-weight: 24,31 hp/t
Maximum speed: 72,4/24
Hull traverse: 44 deg/s
Ground resistance: 0,767/0,959/1,63

Gun: 152mm
Penetration: 152
Damage: 700
DPM: 1904.3
Reload: 22,055s
ROF: 2,72
Accuracy: 0,575
Aimtime: 3,45s
Depression: -10/+20
Turret traverse: 45,9 deg/s

65 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: T37 and T49 Characteristics

  1. T49 ‘light’ tank, Here I Come!
    Oh God that derp gun on light tank with -10 depression :D

    • I’m trying to understand how in the holy hell can that small tank, while housing a 152mm gun, pull off such a large depression value!?

      There goes my “At least it’ll have shit depression” consolation.
      Fucking WG with their gimmicky tanks.

      • It isn’t gimmicky. The 152mm gun it mounts is a howitzer, not a true cannon. It doesn’t need nearly as much space as a true cannon does to recoil. The 10 degrees of gun depression is possible, since the howitzer is such a low velocity gun and most of the recoil is bought by the turret mounting rather than any recoil system on the gun itself.

      • It’s a “thrower”, the weapon is intended for missiles so it has very short gun breech, that’s how it pulls of -10 gun depression. I expect it to have very slow shell velocity because of that.

  2. Personally, I don’t know if I will be using the 152 mm HEAT-slinger. I’m going to guess that penetration is either AP or some special HE shell. I think I will stick to a possible regular AT-gun :)

  3. T49 looks like a lot of fun. But really the 59-16 needs a buff. All other t6 lts outclass it by far.

    Oh and that 152 seems to be AP only…

    • The 59-16 has insane DPM and the crappy pen even with gold. Everything else is OK.
      I eat Hellcats in detachments usually in a single drive by shooting.

      The 152 will have HEAT and HE. Can’t wait for that. T69 and SP shared crew will go to that line. And I will retire the kitten after the nerf. The crew can go in the SP.

    • This indeed! Was about to post on the forums in the 59-16 thread. At least a buff in pen would be more then welcome. Somewhere around the 120′s would make this thing vary capable of defending itself and attacking light armored tanks it it needs to.

      Same holds, TBH, for the MT-25 in that regard. That thing, although the gun is great at tier 5, it is outclassed with it, at tier 7+ in it’s role.

      • I honestly never found the guns on the MT-25 and 59-16 to be troublesome. The MT has so much speed that you can usually flank just about anything no matter the tier you’re scouting in, and if you can’t pen the sides/rear of something, either switch to APCR or move on to a different target.

        As for the 59, I would only ever shoot APCR at light/medium tanks to defend myself or at artillery to get me some scumbag kills ;) Otherwise, I’d HE spam everything else to distract them from shooting my allies and/or detrack them. Worked for the whole grind.

  4. Funny how everyone’s pointing out how the T49 LT will likely be OP, when the Tier 6 is a Chaffee that gets the same MM as a normal Tier 7 tank (ie no 10s!), and the Tier 7 has absolutely ridiculous gun handling and DPM for what’s effectively a really fast Tier 8 medium tank.

    • Seems like the M41 Walker Bulldog will be the go-to tier 7 US scout now. Similar speed to the T71 (albeit the M41 has a higher top speed), almost the same gun BUT it reloads 1 second faster between shells firing (minus the long autoloader reload), super fast turret/hull traverse (not to say the T71′s hull traverse was slow; just the turret was)

  5. any update on the RU251 armour? Wasn’t included last leak.
    Seems like all three scouts will be very different play styles

      • T37 better than AMX12t and tier 7 better than AMX 13 75. Fuck shit… I hate the fucking american tanks, they are never bad. Usually, they are the best. WG has to do something with americans… T57 is already the best tier X heavy autoloader too. No point on playing french tanks if americans have always better versions of their tanks…

  6. Any info about what plan do WG with elite chaffe??? i refer if we are going to have for free elite T37 or at least T37 with all modules except the grind to Bulldog…. and xp in elite Chaffe.

    Is not the same grind USA from T37 or from M41.

    I think the stronk scout tier 8 is going to be the LT-54 but this T49… is a great anty top tiers but a light can send it to the hell very fast, remember me a lot VK2801 that is horrible to shoot over mobile targets at certain range… i think if T49 can mount a normal gun i am going to use it over derp, a fast light made to engage enemy at range before be able to spot you or to engange lights/meds at very short range in mobile combat…. and well i think a fast firing gun can deal more damage over a top tier in bad situation and you can avoid him.

    PD: is a little strange test start in september… if they plan release 9.4 before 9.5 with UK line in 2014… maybe we are going to see short test??? 2 weeks???

  7. Hey SS could u tell exact how much XP we need on Chaffee and MT-25 in order to unlock upcoming T6 scouts?. Thanks

  8. I wonder if the 13 75 will receive any buffs with these tank’s new stats, although it already needed them with the existence of the T71.

    • French always have a better american version of their tanks. I am very pissed with that.

    • Will at least the French lights are more capable then lets say the MT-25 or even the 59-16, in regards to dmg output. I’d say first look at these two machines (bottom section) and then go look in the mid section for buffs

  9. Given T49′s light construction, I bet the velocity of its 152mm shells will be sloooooow. KV-2 will probably feel like a rail gun compared to this.

    • The missiles had a velocity of 330 meters per second, so it is lower than that, while the KV-2 was at least in the upper 400s historically.

      On the other hand I doubt the purpose of this LT ever was to snipe.

      • You are wrong, scouts are for snipe… doing pasive job spoting targets at 400m in a bush with camo net+camo+camo training is the only moment where you can shot, if enemy short range you simple cant shot, a scout in a good position giving team spot over enemy is to important to shot at short range.

        In a melee …. well, VS other lights is ok but i dont like “dance a Tango” with a med over my tier, something very common.

        In scouts i do more shots at close range but usually as vulture, moving to attack an enemy disctractec or under other attacks… but not a lot more than long snipe shots over tanks i can pen or show me a weak flank.

        T49 derp… is going to be horrible gun, the idea is not bad at all BUT needs a shell that can arrive before enemy die by age.

  10. Something that has always amazed me is that top scouts do not have the top view range in the game. Will it change with lights overhaul?

  11. Those view ranges are still absurd. Heavy tanks have that much. Medium tanks have higher view ranges. What’s the point of scouting when everyone can see their targets themselves?

    • Would like to now that as well. Don’t want to play MT-25 more than i already did. Hoping 65k would be enough for LTTB and some modules.

  12. Personally I am excited about the 90mm M41 gun on the T49. If it has the same reload time as the M48A1 it will be amazing. Don’t get me wrong the 152mm will be fun as well, but the M41 stats in game make it a great tier 8 LT gun.

    Currently the M41 has 263 avg pen with gold rounds and a .36 accuracy.

    • besides the damage, has there been any info on the other stats for this gun on the T49?