Hello everyone,
recently, an interview with Viktor Kislyi (yep, yet another one) came out on the portal. You can read it if you want to, the link is above, but here’s a TLDR version:
- more than 90 mil players (SS: wasn’t it 100 mil earlier?)
- February: record – 1,1 mil players online at the same time
- we’re constantly updating… bla bla bla… historical accuracy… bla
- WG has 3500 people all over the world in 16 offices
- apparently the reason WG moved west a lot (SS: as in USA) was the release of Xbox WoT and Blitz
- Android Blitz – “couple more months of testing” (followed by a description of what Blitz is) – “so far it’s looking good” with release numbers
- 25 percent of all users are paying players
- bots in WoT are “definitely a problem”, VK adds that it’s however a “lesser problem in WoT”, as the game contains no grinding per se like Warcraft for example. According to VK, bots are “not viable” on high tiers, because you pay too much for repairs
- the biggest spender player in WoT spent like 10k to 15k USD in 2 years, it’s “very difficult to spend more than 100 to 200 USD”
- VK thinks WG can still “analyze and fix” WoWp
- some well-known bland WoWs stuff, no ETA on anything
Overall, quite a bland review, but then, Viktor Kislyi is the CEO, he’s not responsible for micromanaging everything.
hmm, no 25% rng stuff?:D
I wonder who’s the guy who spent all of that money xD
the fabled rich saudi prince I guess
” WG has 3500 people all over the world in 16 offices”
Why WG… why cant you code the damned game better. Just… forget every other thing you are doing, make WoT (and even WoWP) run better. By any means necesarry.
Do the multi core, true multi core, like the 4A engine (you have the money to do this to an old engine), use all available RAM (fix the SSD-HDD issue. Only WoT has it…), improve your render…
Just… do it… please…
Because about 3300+ of those people aren’t developers?
I… obviously… KNOW… that.
4A have a total of 90!!! people. Comparing their games to World of Tanks is like comparing a PS4 game to a PS2 game…
If they have 3000+ people, they have the money and talent to fix the problem. Why is it not fixed?
because at least ~2500+ out of 3500 employees are working in support and other costumer related tasks and therefore dont (have to) know how to program maybe? (+ add the number of 3d artists, research ppl etc.)
I’m pretty sure u have no idea how a firm works, where most of your employees in such a costumer orientated organization would work and what an employee should and shouldn’t do and moreover I’m 100% certain that u wont enjoy a game programmed by for example a 3d artist.
Why… do you… people… instead of daying somethig of value go on to tell me obvious BullShit?
If WG has the money to have 3000+ people, then they have the money AND manpower to fix the fucking engine.
4A have a total of 90!!! people. Comparing their games to World of Tanks is like comparing a PS4 game to a PS2 game…
GSC game World had around 100 people at most when making STALKER. Some of the things they did STILL havent been beaten, 7 years later.
Crytek had only 22 million for Crysis 1. WG makes more every week.
Seemed extremely obvious to me…
I think that is yours who doesn’t know how work a company that develop SOFTWARE this includes FIRMWARE, that aims quality.
If you see over the world the most company that get good products most of 60% of the people are PROGRAMMERS this includes 3D design ( Vectoring and others…) because DRAW a paint is NOT a design a game you have to have a idea of what are the vectoring and how to take advantatge of vectors to draw from simple to complex figures then you can DRAW a paint.
If you think that have 60% that only PAINT and don’t know what is a vectoring and how the graphic cards works your company is lost.
Finally a 3D designer can make a beautiful 3D figure but as they doesn’t know nothing about vectoring or openGL or Directx, he makes a unoptimized image that you have to manipulate with a NVIDIA TITAN in order to render it.
I know it because in my deparment we had a 3D designer (not a 3D programmer as now) and he did a beautiful GUI’s but not feasible to implement on the required hardware, because he didn’t know nothing of how hardware works.
A 3D programmer knows how to make a 3D figure making the most optimal draw and render code.
3D designer != 3D programmer but many times in credits of games they are togheter in 3D design area credits.
F*cking idiot and his lies, a snake would tell better stories.
Most of Viktor’s interviews could be shortend to this: “we’re constantly updating… bla bla bla… historical accuracy… bla” just with more bla
“WG has 3500 people all over the world in 16 offices”
10 People for programming : 3490 for marketing.
GJ wargaming…. I’m actually a programmer on Embedded devices develop deparment, we are 5 Firmware developers and 1 Gui designer – Developer and finally 1 Manager of our department, there is others deparments and structures like ours , we are in total 200 people, that almost 60-70% are programmers and the rest managers and marketing.
I’m convinced that wargaming is subcontracting 3rd company’s in order to develop the game is not possible to do that with 10 people working on code and want to get reasonable quality on a product.
Or the 10 people that they had are the best programmers of the world….
To give an example rockstar north they were 25 people in order to develop first GTA, now for develop GTA V there is more than 1000 people working on it, this is a official data from rockstart north, this is 100x more than wargaming says.
VK would never hire western capitalist spy programmers. So they’ve hunted down all 10 belarussian ones.
Maybe, but just maybe a firm developing a MMO needs more ppl in other tasks than some random “Embedded devices develop deparment”?
The have to have mods for there forums, community teams dealing with events, content-ppl creating content for the HP, translators, translating that content, shit lots of support employees to deal with all the retarded question a tomato can ask. Then marketing, ppl coordinating all those teams. Moreover you need ppl for research in all kind of archives, mapdesigners, balancing specialists, 3d artists and maybe then u have some space left for development.
Just saying comparing a 6 man team/200man firm with a multi-million company with 3500 employees working in a totally different field is, well , retarded.
First point – Firm developing a MMO???? are you making a JOKE? what a troll, you don’t know what is a firmware , man…. check what is a firmware then analyze your first reply is simply ridiculous a game doesn’t have or is a firmware.
Second point – Ok I agree with you about translating and forums.
Third point- You are wrong other companies like rockstar north fullfils my comparison, as you can check they had more than 1000 programmers (code and 3d graphics) working on GTA V and rockstar is multi-million company.
Waste money on marketing than develop or subcontracting for develop the game = FAIL.
“bots in WoT are “definitely a problem”, VK adds that it’s however a “lesser problem in WoT”, as the game contains no grinding per se like Warcraft for example. According to VK, bots are “not viable” on high tiers, because you pay too much for repairs”
So…. “bots in WoT are definitely a problem ……[but] a lesser problem in WoT”…
Hmmm….. Makes sense….
and no grinding?
Yeah.. right…
I liked the no grinding part too. I guess he does not play much WoT, probably because he spends too much time playing WoW. I suspect that he is a DK player.
Nah… i bet he plays Allods :D
VK thinks WG can still “analyze and fix” WoWp – oh, that is really easy – enough is to read their own fucking forum and see, what the problems are, and then fix them instead of making them worse.
My personal best – frag for ram – great thing teaching half of new players bad habits and throwing away from the game the other half – fix by WG – make planes ghosts and random one surviving collision with minor HP losses.
And not to touch things that work – like controls in 1.5.
WoWP was dead by design, but I’ve got a nice amount of gold and premium time from it, and that was the plan.
I have to agree with you.
It reminds me of the Monty Python Parrot sketch – this thing would not go voom if you put 10 thousand volts through it…..
Really? In 1.5 they lowered dmg made by ramming so people with 10HP left couldn’t destroy a plane with full HP with intenitonal ramming. And on forum players started to complain that its “unrealistic”. If they want to fix WoWp they should stop reading forum because 90% ppl who write there are retards or trolls.
Whats the point in have 3000 guys working for you if very few work in the games and they need divide in 3 games… where 1 is a Zombie (really the best thing they can do is kill WOWp, stop wastin resources, time and money on it and try made WOT not a victim of new tank games).
WOAAAAA bots in WOT????? imposible, they say in WOT bots are a myth??? o well, maybe some big boss play the game and find that reality fucks his world of pink colours, unicorns and rainbows lol.
Sometimes i find WG top bosses like politicians they life in a pararel world where all works fine and they allways hit with their decisions… but every 4 years (or 5) reality made them leave their throne (here are the new incoming games, lol i think AW scare a lot WG guys).
“- the biggest spender player in WoT spent like 10k to 15k USD in 2 years, it’s “very difficult to spend more than 100 to 200 USD””
How the FUCK do you spend 7500USD per year on this game? How is that even possible?
Hmm, maybe buy every premium tank, sell some that don’t fit, buy again to just have them, play like a tomato – convert gold for credits to fix tank, spam gold ammo, convert exp for top tiers, convert gold to credits to buy them, play them like a tomato…
Then make another account because other call you wallet warrior or bot and do exactly the same.
‘- VK thinks WG can still “analyze and fix” WoWp’
I bet their analysis result is going to be “It’s still too hard. More autoaim”
The current status of WoWP is that it’s too hard for total newbies, but at the same time their attempts to make it easier for them they have simply nerfed high skill play. Right now it’s more difficult to learn than WoT but it’s impossible to master as there is nothing to master. Autoaim will kill you regardless of how well you fly.
Other issue is the height compression. The metagame forces planes to high up where flying is like commandeering a submarine instead of flying a plane. Thus it’s not really a game about planes at all.
Fix those two issues, give us clans and I think WoWp would increase in popularity a great deal.
- more than 90 mil players (SS: wasn’t it 100 mil earlier?)
10 M are unused zero battle accounts
- bots in WoT are “definitely a problem”, VK adds that it’s however a “lesser problem in WoT”, as the game contains no grinding per se like Warcraft for example. According to VK, bots are “not viable” on high tiers, because you pay too much for repairs
It seems “high tiers” means “only tier 10″. And about the “WOT is not so ‘grindy’ as WoW” part: So if i play as much with my T-54 as i did with my LOLtractor then i can unlock the T-62A? No? I have to play 50 times more? And that’s not grinding?
- bots in WoT are “definitely a problem”, VK adds that it’s however a “lesser problem in WoT”, as the game contains no grinding per se like Warcraft for example. According to VK, bots are “not viable” on high tiers, because you pay too much for repairs
I was playing WoW and there was absolutely much less a grind (grind from lvl 1 to lvl 90, i did in 1 week). I am playing WoT from close beta test and i have 2 tier 10 tanks. So WoT not grindy ? Don’t BS us VK. Now we know that you are same asshole as most of WT employees. Deal with bots already.