T-54 Light and M41 Gameplay Video

Hello everyone,

one of the Russian players published two gameplay videos – of the light T-54 tier 8 tank and of the M41 Walker Bulldog (with autoloaded gun). He’s not saying anything that’s not totally obvious from the vehicle characteristics, so just have a look (you can even switch the sound off). He apparently likes both vehicles.



51 thoughts on “T-54 Light and M41 Gameplay Video

    • No, it’s already ingame but only avaible in Chinease and maybe on Asia server.

      Will never be avaible on other servers.

        • Oh, you mean that. K… .
          I think on Supertest they have all premiums from the game in their Tech Trees, they even can buy an Type59.

          • The very fact a super tester is wasting their time on the tank is important.
            Gameplay wise, the 112 is almost the same vehicle.

            As for the Typ59… it is overrated :)

            • 112 is not simillar to WZ-111 premium gameplay wise. The front armor and side armor is completely different and behaves differently as well. They only share turret, gun and mobility but the tactic to maximize armor usage is different.

              • Same turret.
                112 has better frontal armor plating
                WZ-111 has better side plating

                Slightly different armor tactics. Even better though, this means there is a reason for us to add it in!

              • The wz-111 felt really like an IS-3 when i played it. Maybe a bit better but didn’t play it enough to be sure.

        • a) Every tank ever in the game was tested by the russian super testers, even the ones for the Chinese server
          b)the fact that he is driving it means nothing, I can’t go into detail why and how, but trust me, as a former SuperTester I can say that it doesn’t matter

    • There is a time of the new year 2013 on Vietnam server when you can get one by spending most money on the rank , 5 tank have give away to the top 5 that use about 600$ in one day , that money later be gif to poor kid

  1. Oh man that Bulldog looks nice good speed VERY maneuverable and a 10 shot clip. My poor lil T69 may never get played again

    • 10 shot clip ….
      Dont think you can compare this to a T 69
      If you do what T 69 does and use the clip until its empty agaist the same targets the T 69 faces you wont make it very long in this low hp glasbox I think

      I would prefer better soft stats so it could use the clip on the move while you are spotting but it seems the aim spread is as bad as in T 71

      Hope it doesnt need so much time between the shoots maybe you could ambush or circle lone targets

      • From the vid, it looks like 2 seconds between shots. We’ll see what the MM is to see where it falls(T71 vs T69). Still looks fun

        • It s in the imho most interesting new scouts ( T 49) line
          so I ll see it soon anyway :)
          But I wouldnt overestimate how it looks like every scout looks fun on open maps like steppe or desert but how about the corridor maps or city maps

          last time I played my 59 16 I played in ruinberg first village second the city spotted 10 tanks and got onshot by is 3 ended the game with 100 experience
          so much fun … ;(

          I rather prefer a scout having something more than just spotting abilities these days lol

  2. that new HD quality tanks do not fit to old quality maps, cubic rocks, low res textures…

    • Let’s see the stats of the gun first. might be worse pen, damage, etc. also, the bulldog is much bigger. big scouts always have problems dodging shots.

    • Don’t forget about the reload time, nearly 30 seconds is really punishing when you are in a light tank and facing a bad situation. this tank will get trapped easier than t71. also, it is faster, but t71 seems more agile, based on my play, and accelerates faster. the bulldog, being bigger, will also have less camo.

  3. This Light T54 looks like a regular t54 with worse gun. Why would I even pick it instead of the regular t54? Its not even a lot faster so…

    • For 1 reason only, same camo on the move, t-54 is invisible while shooting and stationary this will be invisible while moving.

      • T-54′s pretty much invisible on the move too. I was playing on Sacred Valley and had one disappear, while moving, 70 meters infront of my Centurion 7/1.

  4. LT-54 is not very impresive… yea, he can rape tier 7-8 slow tanks but… well think in the MM of this tier 8 lights if he face tier 9-10 meds is food for them and monster guns pen it easy and really, its me or looks excesive slow and fat???.

    M41 is great but i dont see any advantage in revolver gun… i refer if you shoot 1 shell every 2s and reload in 28s… a regular gun for M41 sure has better ROF and maybe we talk about a reload time around 3s important diference in light VS light but a lot less important in less movile warfare and not a lot less when you face non revolver tanks and you dont need 28s to reload.

    RU251 …. when i see it i think “flat” good mobility, maybe the use of AP as regular ammo is a problem to fight at range and hulldown… maybe the vehicle is to flat to use all good hulldown positions, sure is better than LT-54 but lets see.

  5. I’d love to see gameplay with the Sheridan wannabe (or what was its name again? Screw it. I’ll call it Sheridan)

    • Maybe in future with alternative hulls… but i dont expect a lot fun with it, i play now a VK2801 battle with derp and well. tier 7 battle and i do only 600 damage with a lot of hits over not specially well armored vehicles… battle was saved because i do a great job as scout and win spotter … but with confederate medal only 600 damage… move this to tier 10 battles with a gun that reload not in 7.5s, it reload in …. 24s or similar… very very very low flexibility for a scout a tank that finds more than other classes not fair situations because his job is not safe.

      • if you face tier 7s like t25/2 load heat. you do 350 damage, I shot a couple of heat shells at medium armoured targets and the rest I shot was HE. top damage and XP that game. 2000 damage.

        • And yesterday i hit 3 times a chaffe lateral hull and only do 500 damage… derps are to random and not all vehicles you see are targets… for example i see the new lights with AP as regular ammo inferior to the one using APCR as regular ammo better dont talk about HE or HEAT slow shells with parabolic trajectory.

          Sure is going to give you a lot of fun but in average a non derp gun performance is going to be better and more profitable, i think in WZ-132 and i use the last 85mm not the top 100mm.

  6. Wait whats up with that autoloader on the Walker Bulldog? I don’t remember seeing anything quite like an autoloader of any kind, last time i was inside one. Huh.

  7. i need question about T-54, can happen t54 medium to light or more 1 tank per 2 t-54? … what replace is tier8 medium?

    • “In 1951, a new contract was awarded to the Rheem
      Manufacturing Company to build an improved version of
      the automatic loader. This equipment was to be suitable for
      use with the larger rounds used in the 76mm gun T91E3
      mounted in the T41E1 tank then going into production. The
      new loader incorporated two 13 round magazines and was
      able to select any one of three types of ammunition from
      either magazine. Thus the system could handle and select
      six types of ammunition. The loader was similar in design
      to the earlier model with the two magazines located one
      on each side of the hoist. Rows of lights on an electric panel
      indicated the type of rounds available in the two magazines.
      A selector switch allowed the gunner or tank commander
      to control which round would be loaded. The modified cannon,
      mounted upside down, was designated as the 76mm
      gun T91E5. Using an on board power supply, the new loader
      had a maximum firing rate of 26 rounds per minute.”

      Hunnicutt “Sheridan”, page 43.

      The autoloader for the M41 was actually 26 rounds. So given Wargaming’s general method of cutting magazine capacities in half (8 becoming 4, 12 becoming 6), the M41′s magazine should be 13 rounds.