
A few “Italian” answers (please note that this does NOT mean they are coming anytime soon).

- for now, there are likely no other Italian tier 10 candidates apart from the autoloaded Leopard
- Italian heavy candidates are P.75, P.40, P.43 and P.43bis, but the P.40 and P.43 (and their subtypes) are (using German measures) more like medium tanks, the P.75 is kinda like Neubaufahrzeug.
- regarding SPG’s and TD’s, Italians have only lowtier to midtier candidates

A former developer, regarding the testing on supertest (specifically the fact, that in 9.3 supertest, one Abbey location became bugged and tanks fall through it):

“The amount of testers on both the supertest and internal WG test is too small to check all the spaces, especially such retarded places where 90 percent of players almost never goes. That’s why in fact we have the common test. What pisses me off significantly more is the fact that even based on the results of the common test, measures are rarely taken due either to stupid bureaucracy or the limits of the engine, not allowing anything to be fixed quick.”


“The people have little time to test + they recruit anyone as a supertester these days and they don’t even listen to this weak testing (at least that’s my impression). Or they don’t explain why they left everything as it was, which causes additional butthurt of supertesters and messes up future quality testing, because it promotes the “why the fuck should we care, they don’t listen to us anyway” feeling amongst the supertesters.”

The bug, shown above was apparently discovered by supertesters, but WG did not listen for reasons listed above. The former developer further states that according to him, the supertest outlived its usefulness and would be more useful to be replaced by mass testing events.

62 thoughts on “7.9.2014

  1. I would love italian tanks that shots spagetti and that the tank commander should be the pope

  2. “why the fuck should we care, they don’t listen to us anyway” feeling amongst the supertesters.

    Now i understand, how was possible that the retarded 8.6 artychanges (especially the ridiculously overnerfed aiming circle dispersions) could come to live server…

    • Not sure if this ever came up, but AFAIK most of the time arty/TD doesn’t have the same balancing process as tanks. That’s why they usually come retardedly OP/UP or just stupid.
      And the funny thing is, there’s not a single thing that testers can do to fight this. The entire balancing process should just undergo serious changes.

  3. WG should spend more money into the development of the game (WoT) itself and not invest millions of $$ in PR and advertising. I’ve read somewhere, that 90% of the income of WG is spent into anything but the game of WoT.

    Wake up WG!

    • And it shows. This game is just feeling dated now. The same old game modes. WG can push in as many new and powerful tanks as they want, but as long as the game modes and gameplay remains the same, they aren’t retaining anyone.

      • What this game needs is for example PVE missions (just like in the AW video) not another 100 tanks…

  4. This is the problem… WOT is now an old game because simple cant offer nothing new in gameplay… after years we have basically same 15 VS 15 with no respawn and a base or two… no chance to increase the number of tanks per side, no diferent game modes (respawn, scort, cooperative) and the same shit MM… now at least with new tier 8 scouts they fix it more in the tier area but not in player area, add to this unable to select the map you want play and you have here WHY AW that is in the end a copy paste with modern tanks generate that amount of interest, if AW is MORE GAME than WOT sorry but i dont have problem to send WOT to the limbo, simple i cover my limit of bad experiences.

    Supertest is a bad joke, even after regular test WG release bugs that are well know and hunted by testers… i remember the bug in HE ammo in 20p… it was notice in FIRST test and WG ignore it, simple WG ignore non RU forums and looks like even in RU forums they only read the things they want read.

    • They tried to offer new modes like the historical battles, and nobody has played them… It is hardly the fault of the developers if nobody plays their game modes.

      • If the mode sucks big time, people don’t play it. HB as implemented, was a huge fail.

        BTW it’s a shame, lot’s of players are still intertested in HB. But they need to think it through to make it desirable on all tiers, instead of few “most OP” tanks.

  5. I wonder how the fuck did that bug/hole appearead in the first place. They obviously had to fuck up something themselves in map textures(hitboxes) and second how the fuck is that a retarded place where 90% of the people don’t go when it’s actually one of the main points of the map where people go pretty much in every battle.

  6. First day I logged into Test server that map was what i played first and I was riding in the T49 and a 121 med got stuck in it and I took a screen cap of my own of the numnuts in the sunk ground good stuff to find

  7. New Russian Lights SUCK.
    Basically a faster t43 with t10 mm as the LTTB.
    and a CRAP Stock T54 at t8.

    RU251 looks interesting. But I think it needs a ROF buff from 5.12 sec’s with vents, rammer, BIA crew to around 4. considering the batchats, lor 40t’s, amx13 90′s, t49 derps in general, and the rest of the t9/10 monsters as well. 5.12 is too slow I think. Plus WG is being placing a fxp sink into this tank in forcing a middle engine that is locked while your top engine is unlocked if u have a leopard pta.

    The American line looks to be the most interesting. The T37 is the Chaffee we have now, on steroids. The clip gun is interesting, but the 150/199 pen gun with the same ROF as the current Chaffee looks awesome.
    M41 should b the t8 I think. it is far better equipped to b the t8 then the t49.

    t49 is a joke. The derp does not make sense in a light tank. u r zipping around hitting auto-aim, and praying u hit to begin with, and assuming that u do hit, praying that u at least do dmg. shooting heat makes no sense since it lacks pen. so HE is all u have, and I doubt any1 will get rolls over 100-200 while shooting a t10 monster, then survive the escape for the 19 sec reload (18.2 with BIA, Vents, Rammer, Cola).

    • WEAK new tanks.
      WG know’s their thing, and they should improve the tanks so that they may b usefull in their role.

      T49 will be camp camp camp camp camp camp camp.

      • Ru 251
        >240 alpha
        >190 pen
        >mfw he wants to buff the reload

        Of course the T49 will be camping. You have to remember it’s first duty as a LT is to scout.

    • 5.12 seconds for a 90mm gun is already plenty fast. Yes a 13 90 shoots faster, but that is 2.71 seconds in between shots and the 13 90 takes 42 seconds to reload.

    • The “Light T-54″ is essentially a Type 59 with a light tank’s camo bonus. How is that bad?

  8. lol why do dumb daft fanboys defend wg so much, easily one of the worst devs out there. can’t even take care of their ip.

    “if you don’t like it, don’t play it.” stupid reply, show me a game as fun as wot and i’ll happily quit this game. wt is to complicated for me and armored warfare is so far away.