
Not much today.

- you can see the number of online people on the server, when you press “Escape”, in the menu
- Storm is aware of the Hellcat track bug in 9.3, it will be fixed
- in 9.3, Churchill III XP is bugged as hell (SS: one player shown statistics with 19900 average XP per battle), this will be fixed

32 thoughts on “8.9.2014

  1. - in 9.3, Churchill III XP is bugged as hell (SS: one player shown statistics with 19900 average XP per battle), this will be fixed

    Best T5 premium :D

      • And you pulled those number from where? Out of your ass?
        Not saying the guy stating “90% of the players do go there” is right but both of your comments are useless as nobody beside WG has access to full data.
        tl;dr stating 90% go there without knowing the statistics is dumb. Contrarguing with other imaginary numbers is even dumber.

          • It’s certainly fair to say that 90% of the players that go to mid and don’t die right away will go to that spot during the match. Or at least 80%

        • Actually if you look at heat maps made from replays, they are probably accurate to within a standard deviation or 2 for the full population/battles.

    • This is the full code of the Hellcat-tracks:
      Now find the error :D

      Nah, just kiddin’ I have no clue of programming xD

      • I quite liked the hellcat tracks, proper tracks can sometimes slack that much, it gives the tank a nice look in my eyes, but for example the straight tiger and panther tracks look silly, they would never be that tight and that would only happen when they are going at speed

  2. - Storm is aware of the Hellcat track bug in 9.3, it will be fixed

    Hey I just met You.
    And You’re Tracks look crazy!
    So Tension them Maybe?

  3. “- you can see the number of online people on the server, when you press “Escape”, in the menu”
    This RU players and not like that removed from the hangar.

  4. SS, Churchill 3 guy has been playing fixed battles for who knows how long, it’s a screenshot from the main server (no _RU at the end of name). So no, not a bug, unlike retarded “tanking” XP.
    If we’re talking about the same thing, of course.

  5. - in 9.3, Churchill III XP is bugged as hell (SS: one player shown statistics with 19900 average XP per battle), this will be fixed