Enjoy :)
Send your epic 9.2 (and very soon 9.3) replays at darthworas@gmail.com.
And dont forget to send upcoming Tank Race replays too!
Enjoy :)
Send your epic 9.2 (and very soon 9.3) replays at darthworas@gmail.com.
And dont forget to send upcoming Tank Race replays too!
Woras graced us with a very long one this time !
Edit :Wait wut ! if you hate arty , why are the first replays full of arty ? xD
Edit 2 : 2:50 my favourite unicum’s replay :O kpt !
WOW! 2 parts! Awesome Woras! TY!
Because I manage to separate in-game playing and video making.
Stronk self control ! Thank you for the videos
8:20 i was like omg with my Lorr 40t:p
Well you hate em enough to teamkill one with “gunshielding” :p.
No replays where those shieldings were used properly instead of Teamkilling arty?? :D
Because, like some potatos still say: “Arty is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to play”
The hard part is not raging at RNG.
Yea, its pretty epic Woras. GJ
can’t watch nr one ..
Youtube unblocker or proxy then.
5:30 for shame Woras. That’s dentrimental to your team.
Battle was already lost, might as well punish clickers.
13:04 Platoon (dead of course) is trolling to only survival VK, I simply don’t understand nerds, if they could do better why they didn’t?
How to lost battle in 25 seconds:
That’s funny, I send him my replay with kill of sneaky tank, and he didn’t used it. Nobody likes me. ;(
Describe the replay.
Did you give him enough detail about what happened and when it was in the battle. He doesn’t have time to watch every replay for the full battle, especially if you don’t give him detail. Ask yourself if you’d watch a replay of some battle you received with a simple note to watch, especially if you received dozens of them?
It might have been blindshot (i dont remember), but council voted ‘nope’ on it.
Council voted nope on my GW. Panther 1k meters almost blind ammorack-one-shot of an IS-3 :D
But one of my replays made it to GER so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
I’ll be on GER again soon! :D
In part 2 at 5:30, wtf happened?
His shell started traveling from place in gun that was in destroyed tank behind.
The tank behind was Woras. and it was alive. he put his gunbarrel in the arty’s gun to kill him.
I watch CSI, you know? He killed himself. Accidentally.
I was just standing there :D
I’m pretty sure Jingles already featured the very first replay.
Part 2 6:30! That KV-5 was a true banzai attacker!!! SO EPIC!
Watching these replays Windstorm has to be most retarded map they’ve ever made. Those narrow bridges and passages while water channels being all around you is simply retarded in a game with tanks. I was a victim on that map too. How the fuck to play the map when there is 3-4 tanks in a square that has barely enough space for one tank to move. Only WG brainiacs could come up with something like that. Visual aesthetics>gameplay
Don’t like fighting in narrow squares? Don’t go into narrow squares!
Ok SerB! (¬_¬)
First – WHAT IS THIS SOUND MOD ? Jesus, it sounds so juicy…I’ve been using gnomefather sound mod for a long time and I’m 100% sure its not gnome…anyone knows ?
Second – this cromwell shooting s-51…epic. What actually happened there ? He was aiming at s-51 gun, is it counted as a spaced armor ??
WWIIHWA, aka, Kriegstreiber’s.
HE for 15 times xD
Thanks for answer :)
And yea, I saw it was HE but still, all those times and nothing ? Not even a scratch. So, RNG or this gun part on S-51 is spaced armor ? (I don’t have any tank viewer, cant check it for myself :P)
Any gun is spaced armor.
There, gave you two likes!
One for the awesome videos, 2nd for the awesome audo track, ‘specially the Hellmarch part <3
T92 power :D love it (and your videos ;) )
I want to precise the 3:00 bot in the 2nd video was shooting exclusively HE.
Strongest facepalm of my life.
(and he won while I died with 4 kills and Master Class)
Dat Cromwell vs S-51… sickening :P
hmm.. i’m very suspicious some of em are using Warpack Mod.
Exactly how? Precise damage markers and minimap work wonders.
I’ve enjoyed both parts very much.
Thank you. :)
Love the way of killing ally artys hahaha, too bad i think it still can get you banned. But nice way to to destroy the game of those game destroyers
Technically – its arty teamdamaging you :)
Practically – its super hard to do such and not worth the time.
Yay! i got in =)
Good job Woras!
Your super leading blindshot is awesome flooodi. Mine is featured a few parts later.
Thx Woras!