
Kinda forgot about it, but if you are interested in some exotic armor, you can check out Listy’s article on Disston tractor in Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, there is practically nothing new today, so let’s have instead some… insider info! An assortment of random WG RU facts, that didn’t really fit anywhere.

- some developers watch Markiplier and Pewdiepie on Youtube in their free time (SS: no idea who they are)
- a few devs that play in their personal accounts have actually an average win rate of 52-54%
- a recent inner poll showed medium tanks are considered the most fun to play, and the least fun is artillery
- developers from Minsk sometime watch streamers on USA/EU, but they never speak, they dislike players who cover up their maps with images while streaming (because it leads them to think they are hiding illegal mods)
- a few of them  like watching MightyJingles, but they didn’t like the nickname Jingles gave to the JPE-100 (SS: not sure what the nickname is, anyone?). However, they respect him.

- developers refuse to do any changes to UI or mod support until after Havok, the reason is: “a lot of stuff will change, we want to have clean interface first before even working on mod support, if any, but the list of illegal mods will be lengthened after Havok introduction”
- one developer is actually looking over data feeds on the USA cluster to find a “really good player”. Once he finds him, he will tag the player and track his battles with statistics and may ask him a few questions personally if possible. He calls “really good player” a player that doesn’t use platooning to inflate stats (something about a % of battles without platooning) and has average high experience per battle, or is actually “nimble” and “aware”. He may or may not reveal who he really is to the player, whiny players will not be even asked. Likewise, he will do the same for EU/RU clusters, which one he does first is still undisclosed (most likely RU, then EU).
- apparently, some time ago, the EU staff whined that players were actually asking direct questions on the Russian forums in Russian, instead of asking them “via official channels”, leading to the official news channel to be largely ignored, and to a large amount of people starting reading FTR.
- developers, SoO & PR staff are now fully aware of FTR and the “fun mode leak”, their responses are varied, the most fun is “oh shi- the CCCP is watching us!” and “in Soviet Russia…” jokes… :)

116 thoughts on “11.9.2014

  1. Jingles calls it the Jageroo…though I have a feeling this actually caught on from QB since I heard it earlier from QB… And let the comments be full of this XD

    Edit: What the hell is SoO?

  2. PewDiePie is basically a guy acting silly while playing video games and recording himself. Kids seem to really dig it, and he’s made millions of dollars with his YT account.

    • Nice nickname for PewDiePie….. for french with bad accent :-) it seems like “Pue Des Pieds” … that is “Smelling Feet” :lol:

      Sorry for trolling ???………EEErrrrr. No

      • Un francon qui est jalous de succes d’un autre… Quelle surprise ma foi. Pauvre con, vous les francons n’ont jamais eu de petrole NI d’idees. Accepte-le et ne te moque pas des autres – tu n’en deviendras pas moins minable.

        • A francon who is jealous of success of another … What a surprise my faith. Asshole, you never had francons petroleum NI ideas. Accept it and do not make fun of others – you do not will become less miserable.


        • Jaloux ? De quoi ? de ne pas faire des videos qui font rire ???

          Siemka, si tu relis correctement mon post, je ne me moque QUE de son pseudo, pas de ce qu’il fait …. d’ailleurs, vu les autres commentaires, je n’ai pas envie de regarder.

          Mais continue comme ça, et tu deviendra “Master-Troller”…..

          And avoiding G-Translation ( XD )

          Jealous ? For What ? Not making funny videos ????

          Siemka, read again my post…. I’m just trolling about his nickname, not what he did…. btw, looking to the other posts, I’ll not spending time to watch his videos……

          But stay as you are, and soon, you’ll be a real “Master-Troller”

          LOOOOOOLL !

    • Just watched PewDiePie’s most popular videos, because I did not know him as well. It was a shock to see that so many humans think this shit is funny and it was even more shocking to read that he earned millions of dollars with it. Seems that most people do not know how to have fun and I am not surprised anymore why the entertainment industry is making so much money…

  3. @Silenstalker (SS: not sure what the nickname is, anyone?).

    The only thing i have heard is The Jägeru during his gameplay. Quickiebaby used it too.

    Edit, well, see many know of the “nickname” already and are watching their uploads. :-)

  4. Jingles giving nicknames to tanks are the only thing I dislike about him, the rest of his content seems good.

  5. - a recent inner poll showed medium tanks are considered the most fun to play, and the least fun is artillery

    Arty can use a little bit of a Aim time Buff…. (I mean like 5% is really good already…

    • Yeah, it’s really frustrating to play arty right now. Sometimes it’s as accurate as a laser, other times I just couldn’t hit a Maus fully aimed. The splash radius is too small , and when it hits it really hurts. I was one-shotted by a M12 yesterday, and I feel arty is just so…unbalanced. How about this, delete arty’s God view mode and just give it a normal sniper view. Give it an aim time buff, a reload buff and a slight accuracy buff. Change the HE mechanism, reduce the alpha and increase the splash radius(like a 155mm shell would only do 400 damage at max on direct hit to a Tiger II’s front, but it has a 20m splash). Then give them normal hp, now they would have to play like a TD, but they have worse damage output in exchange for splash and module damage. Also, they have worse camo, they’ll still sit behind TDs, but they can’t hit all over the map right now.

      • Well, I had such hits when grinding GWTiger (P) with stock cannon (17 cm). Although hitting Lowe’s front with GWPanther with 0 damage was funnier.

    • Arty not fun to play? GOOD, keep suffering clicking baboons for ruining the game for everyone else.

      • 50% increase in aimtime sounds like a better idea. Spend some more time before you click someone, turd.

      • The main reason I play arty from time to time are those whiners like you. “mimimi, noob clicker, play real tank….” bla bla bla….

        So you don’t click to fire in your “real tank” eh? And most time you just don’t realise how often arty misses you before it hits.

        Arty is in the game and will stay, deal with it.

    • blame EURU whiners those monkeys can only whine not fight.

      at least SEA tards dont whine. they’re like a dumber human version of bots. muted.

  6. ” some developers watch Markiplier and Pewdiepie on Youtube in their free time (SS: no idea who they are)”
    PewDiePie is the most popular YouTuber. Millionaire as well.
    Markiplier is popular too. Again a YouTuber.

    Do they read FTR and its comments?

    • i still do not get the concept of “sucking so bad you’re actually good”, which defines poo-die-pie. never watched markplier though, think ima just stick with Muselk Delfy and NISLT. TF2 montages are mentally fun. TF2 pro-play? divine.

    • Yes, we really want Havoc.
      1. It will make environmental interactions more realistic (buildings, walls, shots, tracks, etc)
      2. While the Havoc component is multi-core compliant, the REST of the rendering engine is NOT. You WILL NOT see an increase in FPS when you turn Havoc on. You will still have one core at MAX.
      3. Being a MMO has NOTHING to do with the graphic details and the rendering engine used.

      • “1. It will make environmental interactions more realistic (buildings, walls, shots, tracks, etc)”

        So now instead of just shooting randomly at the start, tomatoes will also continue to shoot randomly throughout the game just to watch stuff break….sigh

        • Personally, my friends and I will hop into training rooms to see what can and cannot break, and if the rounds will continue going after impacting the objects.

        • the only good thing for tomatoes shooting randomly at building (and that building is destroyed) is no need for arty user to wait some prey on open space (if they didn’t get trolled by the new Walker Buldog line of course)

      • 2. While the Havoc component is multi-core compliant, the REST of the rendering engine is NOT. You WILL NOT see an increase in FPS when you turn Havoc on. You will still have one core at MAX.

        In this day and age everyone seems to be an IT expert, problem is thier not! Indeed you guys clearly have no idea what multi threading actually means and how it works and I’m not going to explain it again, its been explained and ignored enough in here, besides it is actually a VERY complex topic. WG is completely correct when they say multi core support will not increase FPS by much, sure you will get some gain, maybe 2-3 FPS (yippeee). The real gains will come from
        1. Upgrading to DirectX 11/12
        2. Optimizing Disk IO (read: reducing redundant disk reads)
        3. Small incremental code optimization

        So if you really want an FPS increase, I suggest you start moaning about DirectX, mid to high end sytems will probably be looking at anywhere from 10 to 30 higher FPS.

        So please stop rabitting on about multi core support, its getting as tiring and annoying as the whole skill based MM BS.

  7. - developers from Minsk sometime watch streamers on USA/EU, but they never speak, they dislike players who cover up their maps with images while streaming (because it leads them to think they are hiding illegal mods)

    Such as that Sela dirtbag using Warpack stuff. So much with unicum skillz lol! Shame WG didnt banned him permanently.

    • I don’t think he used warpack and, last I heard it had something to do with the white corpses mod.

      I really can’t blame any streamer from covering up parts of their screen to “cover up” any “illegal” mod. They haven’t even made it clear which mods are banned and which aren’t. The list is hidden somewhere deep in the forums. There isn’t an ingame notification about it and they didn’t post it on the portal either. How is anyone supposed to know really?

      It’s fine for them to ban people for using “illegal” mods but they don’t provide us with information about said mods nor do they give warning to players like Sela who had no clue what was going on.

    • another baddie trying to excuse his own trash play by convincing himself others cheat, deniers gonna deny, too funny. No amount of ‘warpacking’ will turn a baddie into a decent player, otherwise every tomato in the tier 8 prem with black stats and 20K games could be a purple pro.

      People cover their maps to prevent stream sniping, have been in games where it has happened, the guy doing it even admitted to it.

      BTW baddie too scared to show us your WoT account name? Lel.

      • Such as that Sela dirtbag using Warpack stuff. So much with unicum skillz lol! Shame WG didnt banned him permanently.
        lolololo so much denying and so much stupidity

  8. - developers from Minsk sometime watch streamers on USA/EU, but they never speak, they dislike players who cover up their maps with images while streaming (because it leads them to think they are hiding illegal mods)

    Seriously ? Every time any WG RU employee talk about NA server is to bitch about it or to comment about how bad our “Pro” league is (They actually commented that on the forum ….)

    And concerning “Illegal” mods, did they forgot that we were asking for a year to have an actually list of banned mod but they never come up with it. The CoAF had to come up with a “guideline” to help NA player.

    Still no list at this date.

      • That’s pretty much how it works. They say it’s mods that give you an “unfair” advantage which is weird considering XVM with all the minimap stuff enabled does give an advantage to it’s users but it’s totally legal.

        I’m guessing the advantage isn’t unfair enough.

          • Yeah, but when they find out, by watherever manner. You’re screw.

            So the lack of precision is just hurting everybody:

            -Player don’t know what they can or can’t use
            -WG have to spent time asking for replay every fucking events.

            It’s getting boring

        • You are allowed to have an advantage, just not an “unfair” advantage.

          It basically boils down to and advantage that comes from using info that you cannot normally have access to is unfair. An example of this is:Destroyed objects on the minimap, transparent vegetation, who shot you when they have not been spotted, tracer and redball mods, 3d Hit Skins, etc.

          • I can see destroyed object far away being destroy, why i can’t use a mod that show it to me on the minimap ?

            I can see through vegetation already when zooming in, why can’t i use a mod that remove them completly ?

            I can know what kind of shell hit my tank by it’s sound or ricochet effect, why can’t i use a mod the tell me ?

            I can see tracer from gun barrel already, why couldn’t i use a mod that make them more visible ?

            See, the system is here for a reason, i understand. But at the moment, there’s not “YES” or “NO” zones. It’s all up to you to determine if it’s legal or not.

            Wich leads to cases, where some player determine that X mod doesn’t give an unfair advantage and some do

  9. We want Afghan branch in WOT !!!

    Start with Disston at tier 1, then figure it out up to tier 8, from then on it’s t-54 and t62A Afghan captured versions.

  10. Hi, this I believe was coined in mid 2013, its due to the name when on wotreplays looking like, misspelled for short


    it thus became easier, in english to say jager00 , or jageroo

    QB uses this a lot, the german name in english is a mouthfull

    jagdpanzer auf e100 etc etc


  11. - apparently, some time ago, the EU staff whined that players were actually asking direct questions on the Russian forums in Russian, instead of asking them “via official channels”, leading to the official news channel to be largely ignored, and to a large amount of people starting reading FTR.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D…. The EU guys just don’t can answer every question and in minsk noone seem to care what EU players think.

  12. Markiplier is a youtube lets player, real nice guy, like him alot better then pewd’s though the two do know each other and I believe they are friends, not sure.

  13. - one developer is actually looking over data feeds on the USA cluster to find a “really good player”. Once he finds him, he will tag the player and track his battles with statistics and may ask him a few questions personally if possible. He calls “really good player” a player that doesn’t use platooning to inflate stats (something about a % of battles without platooning) and has average high experience per battle, or is actually “nimble” and “aware”. He may or may not reveal who he really is to the player, whiny players will not be even asked. Likewise, he will do the same for EU/RU clusters, which one he does first is still undisclosed (most likely RU, then EU).

    Why does he look for a player? To sacrifice him? Or to interview him? He wants a soulmate? Or just a guy who will go platoon with him?

    • Yeah I questioned this too. I did like the part about a non-platooning player that doesn’t stat pad.

  14. Pingback: World of Tanks news 11 09 2014

  15. >Looking for 1 good player who doesn’t platoon

    That’s easy. For the US cluster that would obviously be Zakaladas. Solopub-only is a lifestyle yo. I can count our good solo-pubbers on 2 hands.

    Don’t the NA branch know anything about the NA cluster other than being total noobs?

  16. ” – one developer is actually looking over data feeds on the USA cluster to find a “really good player”. Once he finds him, he will tag the player and track his battles with statistics and may ask him a few questions personally if possible. He calls “really good player” a player that doesn’t use platooning to inflate stats (something about a % of battles without platooning) and has average high experience per battle, or is actually “nimble” and “aware”. He may or may not reveal who he really is to the player, whiny players will not be even asked. Likewise, he will do the same for EU/RU clusters, which one he does first is still undisclosed (most likely RU, then EU).”

    Ow, fuck…I must hide…

    Or I could just leave my solo adventure and start platooning…I heard it’s fun to pad the wr in platoons.

  17. “developers from Minsk sometime watch streamers on USA/EU, but they never speak, they dislike players who cover up their maps with images while streaming (because it leads them to think they are hiding illegal mods)”

    Maybe somebody should tell the developers from Minsk, that there are no illegal mods. nRicochet the retarded german community manager stated several times – there are no illegal mods – everybody is allowed to use as he thinks it’s fair.

  18. “apparently, some time ago, the EU staff whined that players were actually asking direct questions on the Russian forums in Russian, instead of asking them “via official channels”, leading to the official news channel to be largely ignored, and to a large amount of people starting reading FTR.”
    xOlsenX – known as Neo-Nazi and moderator in the german section of official forum has wrote me personally: “Go and write direct to Minsk – we don’t care”

    And now the stronk nazi is whining – nice.

  19. “-few of them like watching MightyJingles, but they didn’t like the nickname Jingles gave to the JPE-100 (SS: not sure what the nickname is, anyone?). However, they respect him.”

    I wonder if they also watch his War Thunder vids as well. I mean there’s no doubt they must be aware of War Thunder’s existence. Just sayin’
    And what’s wrong with the Jingle’s nickname for the JPE-100? I like the sound of “the mighty Jaegeroo.” makes it easier to say and also associates it with stuff like the fearsome Japanese tengu or monsters.
    they probably think it sounds closer to kangaroo

    Do they watch Quickybaby tho?