Source: VK FTA community
Hello everyone,
another interesting vehicle showed up on supertest. This time, it’s StuG IV and it’s a tier 5 premium tank destroyer.
Statistics for 100 percent crew, preliminary price is 2k gold.
Tier: 5 Premium
Hitpoints: 360
Weight: 25,9 tons
Engine power: 300 hp
Power-to-weight: 11,58 hp/t
Maximum speed: 38/10 km/h
Terrain resistance: 0,863/1,055/1,822
Hull traverse: 40 deg/s
Viewrange: 310
Radiorange: 646,6
Armor: 80/30/? (yes, the side plates are modelled and are functional)
Gun: 75mm (StuK 40?)
Penetration: 106
Damage: 110
DPM: 1720,7
Reload time: 3,836s
ROF: 15,643
Accuracy: 0,345
Aimtime: 1,53s
Depression: -6
Gun traverse angle: 20 degrees
Hmm a stug that is like the stug but different eh?
The Empire captured it :D
You couldn’t make it a Tier 6 for Tank Companies?
Fail. So fail. I have been hoping for this tank at Tier 6 for over a Year.
Come on!
WTF are you thinking? Who makes these decisions regarding the German Tank Branch?
Do you have any idea how much money your loosing by creating these models?
Imagine increasing your profits by 25pct in the German models.
And gaining some respect from history buffs, german fanboys/ gurls, etc, etc.
The only good ideas coming out are the Stug Maus and the Proto type Maus.
Whomever came out with those, talk to him more or take the damm tape off his mouth.
Holy crap.
1) There’s already a Tier 6 German premium tank destroyer
2) Do you really want to play with the L/48 at Tier 6?
Dude, its the Stug IV. Its like taking the Is7 and making it a Tier 8 premium. Its the end of the Stug evolution.
Don’t you get it? This was their last chance to make a truly competitive Tank company vehicle for the Germans.
I guess it turned out to be the final nail in the coffin.
So disappointed. The Panther F looks like chit, this is a joke, the Waffles are complete fanasty tanks.
Gosh Dummit Serb. Its the STUG IV. Its a real tank.
I say, WG should take you instead as a head of the balance department and throw Veider out.
Because you really know what’re you talking about.
Bring Zlobny back?
The butthurt is strong with this one Woras.
Definetly strong in jon.
Everyone knows I should be the one taking that position.
The StuG IV is basically just a switch from using the PzKpfw III chassis to the PzKpfw IV chassis, since the III was being phased out. It’s not “the pinnacle of StuG evolution.
StuG evolution went further to Maus and E-100? :D
idk, stug 3g never had L70 afaik.
Stug 4 wasnt different. they just started to mount them on pz4 hulls once the factory making them on pz3 hulls was bombed.
gun was the same, and L48 is historical gun.. it would be viable as a tier 6 only if it had limited MM and L70.
“Waffles are complete fanasty tanks”
Actually all the Waffentrager with the exception of the WT E100 actually existed.
Why would you even be taking a non-turreted TD into tank companies in the first place….
The StuK 40 penetration would probably be more bearable if they weren’t using the penetration data from penetrating a plate at 30 degrees from the vertical.
I just find the L/43 and L/48 (as well as the 5cm L/60) just so disappointing and worthless. Each one of these guns should get at least 10-15% increase to penetrating at 100m range.
I seem to remember reading some test done by the Americans finding the L/43 to be almost on par with the 3 inch M5 AT gun while the L/48 out preformed it.
And I was kinda hoping the Americans would get the concrete StuG IV
Oh Kay.
Let me explain it another way. A Russian way.
Remember when War Thunder came out and you had to “finally” improve your game?
Well, if you let the Germans make, or anyone besides WG, make the German tanks, Your Russian Developers will then have to make, heres the good part you were ignoring, BETTER RUSSIAN tanks.
Yes, A Better IS3. Eh? Eh, think about it? More Cool German tanks, means Better Russia tanks to kill them.
Does it make sense now? BETTER RUSSIAN TANKS.
Armored Warfare is Coming. You’ve got most the idiots thinking the KV85 is getting a nerf, but some of us can tell the difference.
Good lord.
Yes, because you’re the idiot.
Lady Daigensui has spoken! all hail Daigensui !
AW is who’s project? Dont expect anything different :D
AW is Obsidian Entertainments’ project. are the publisher. That is a big difference to WOT, both because OE is not a Russian company and because (unlike WG) having a separate developer and publisher generally delivers a better product. are investors, Obsidian are contractors. What do you think, whose call it`s gonna be? The guys with the money or the work force?
Obsidian’s an American company which means German stuff will probably be stupidly OP because “Every American knows that American tanks are garbage, Russian tanks are worse and German master-race.”
Count on it.
and no ones going to give a single fuck about it cos we’re still going to play wot :3
@apollo except the Modern Tank Faction. or me. always wanted a merkava or Challenger. they dont feel so robotically generic as Abrams.
Abrams is outdated anyway, no matter how much tech you use on it it’s still obsolete in comparison to newer French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Israeli Tanks.
Dude, a tier 6 TD with 106 pen would be absolute trash, possibly qualifying as the single worst tank in the game. Even the Sau 40 down at tier 4 would laugh at it for its sheer badness compared to its peers.
Sau? it just has that tumor and slow reload. remove that and the EURU whiners will go “dis frenchy too op plz nerf” and all that
My problem with Sau was not the reload or the tumor. It was the horrific mobility.
People talk about the tumor like the SAu would be decently armored if it weren’t for that, when in fact it isn’t any less-armored than the rest of the tank. Any idiot with a 20mm can pen you right in your stupid face, and on top of that it’s slow and has awful camo (worse stationary than all other tier 4 TDs, all tier 4 lights except the AMX 40, and about equal with the smaller mediums).
But hey, it’s got higher shell velocity than the Hetzer, so your chance of nailing that streaking light is 5% instead of 3%.
Stug is good at tier5
I really don’t see why the Stug IV would be at tier6…while it’s a pzIV hull, it’s in it’s role and performance the same thing as a Stug III.
So why a tier higher?
Plus, if it were tier6, you would be tempted to use it over the Dicker Max, which is ridiculously good, and would utterly thrash the Stug IV.
Also, gaining respect from history buffs and saying that the Jagdmaus is a good idea is like a satanist bathing in holy water.
It’s a trash idea both historically, and gameplay-wise.
StuG deploying now!!
Quite nice! But the gun seems impotent.
I think it will have special MM, so it will not meet tier 7…
For me it is just Pz IV without a turret. So, meh…
But it is german, so I will get it anyway (german tank collector).
SU85i seems to be much better.
No armor, but it has awesome DPM and also hes special MM
The accuracy is abysmal though.
Why? Good RoF (with rammer + vents it’s like 3.2 or 3.1 sec, which ain’t bad), mediocre but workable penetration (trust me, I played the Matilda IV, I know what bad pen means), excellent accuracy as usual, very good aim time.
lets just hope it will carry more than 35 shells … thats the only drawback I see on my StuG IIIG
It should have 63 rounds.
Also L48 penetration is just wrong in the game!!! It should have around 120mm with normal ammo and around 160 with premium!
Pen at 100m was 106, so it’s actually ahistorically buffed in WoT.
It’s was 106 at 30 degrees offset
Yes, And now just add a rough estimation of that 30 degrees from vertical calculation to 0 degree
106 x 1,15 = 121,9mm
1,15 is a rough estimation to convert 30 degree from vertical to perpendicular to the plate
Or you could just divide by cos(30)
2k gold?! holy moly…
Not bad compared to 2.3k gold for the SU-85i
This is wrong in so many ways!
In life we are in the midst of death……
Oh yes another oportunity to blow my money into WG’s ass!
that gold from esl had to be spent somehow
Stug Lyfe chose this PzIV.
Do want!!
But 2k gold for a tier 5 isn’t a bit too much? With this pen it probably will has limited MM I think.
But tier 5 premiums were always 2k gold, all the other tier 5s are 2.5k and this one will be 3k gold, so why aren’t you happy with the 3.5k standard gold price? I mean tier 5 premiums have always been 4k gold.
The more tanks to shoot at , the merrier .
NOW MAKE THE NORMAL STUG have side skirts. God damn it WG.
This! A thousand times this. Why the hell normal StuG cannot have Schurzen? Why?! Answer me, Goddammit!
prolly cuz the whienrs will go “stug too op nerf plz” again…..and you know how much the devs are scared of the whienrs, right? only SerB outscare them.
Slow, fragile but decent gun. Guess it’s going to be a must hide behind bushes TD.
just like III G… the only problem might be that mobility nerf…
Finally- I’ve been waiting to add this to my collection for 3 years!
enough with the German tanks ffs -_-
This will perform like SU-85i. Which is great because I love that thing :D
Except 85i has a decent gun and this one has a crappy one. And top speed too.
That gun is poor at tier 4; it’s absolutely worthless at tier 5. I love StuGs but if this is going to be hobbled by such a shitty gun (in game, it was far more effective IRL than its in-game stats suggest but then WG don’t want German guns to be as good as they should be, do they?) I won’t be getting it.
A lot of guns in game are worse in than in RL including russian guns.
A lot of guns are better in game than in RL, including German guns.
Can you stop whining now fanboy?
The L/48 does suck, though. I like the ZiS from a T-34 a lot more or the 76mm M1A1/A2.
Does Germany REALLY need ANOTHER premium tank? Let alone ANOTHER premium TD?
Good god. Give the nations that are actually missing prem classes something instead of farming money from the weheraboos.
Also, I hate the way they’re making the skirts “spaced armor”. That wasn’t their function in real life.
Their function in real life was to force small-caliber rounds from anti-tank rifles to tumble and not penetrate the thin side armor. Those skirts, being very thin and made of mild steel, would’ve had ABSOLUTELY NO effect on the ballistic qualities of larger-caliber anti-tank rounds.
Wargaming is inventing function where function didn’t exist.
Even though they worked against HEAT shells?
Is there any evidence that says they actually did? I’ve seen nothing but the contrary. They weren’t effective in pre-detonating large-calier HEAT rounds. They didn’t even reliably stop panzerfaust or bazooka rounds.
They weren’t meant to stop any kind of HEAT, let alone HE projectiles (just like you said).
But depending on fuse sensitivity & delay they might have stopped some smaller HEAT rounds.
Shaped charges fired from recoilless rifles/ RPGs have very sensitive fuses because of their very slow velocity, they would surely detonate after hitting a mild steel plate, as they detonated after hitting human body.
Panzerfaust missle (grenade?) travelled at 30 m/s if I remember correctly.
Also I think tank HEAT shells vere pretty sensitive too to prevent bouncing off or smashing the round on the armor. So yes, sideskirds should protect from HEATs pretty well, as modern anti RPG armor consist mostly of steel rods.
Ingame HE shells detonate on very first surface they hit, or just behind it if they penetrate, so in real life they could protect tank if HE shell exploded on the sideskirt – the tank would be damaged but less compared to direct hit with a HE shell.
Will this model come as HD?
All new tanks come in HD now.
Well, not always since they sometimes dig very old stuff from the deepest drawers, but generally: if it does not have textures in the leak, it’s in HD.
yup, even the free tier 2 teke or keho or whatever it was recently is in HD
Of course, every new tank will come in HD
look at the details in the picture …
The real question is: does that mean that alternative hulls as modules were scrapped? It seems like a perfect candidate for such a spot.
You can’t use StuG IV for alternative hulls since there’s only one StuG IV variant (well, technically).
And using StuG IV as an alternate hull for StuG III makes no sense, they’re not based on the same tank.
this actually looks like not a bad little tank. its like the su-85i for the germans although i do have to say do we need more german premium tds???
also its good to hear that the side plates are functional on this because it pissed me off when i found out that the panther 2s small side plates are not functional yet they are for the jagdpanther 2 i was pissed off (im pretty sure they were to reduce the effectiveness of russian anti tank rifles) and i think the same thing about the side skirts on the pz 4 s.
why can we not get maybe a french light tank premium or a medium? or that low tier german heavy premium that disappeared from wargamings radar.
i have to say i hope that the panther 88mm german premium and the t-54 proto soviet premium come out in the same patch with hopefully the same matchmaking because the panthers gun is nice but it has low horsepower and -2 degrees gun dep i doubt it could cope well with tier 10s.
“it’s StuG IV and it’s a tier 5 premium tank destroyer.”
fueled by E 10 tears I see
Wasn’t E-10 already scrapped? They had problems with it’s lowering suspension as far as I know. Maybe I’m wrong(I hope so).
Lowering suspension was never meant to be introduced, I don’t see why there should be any problems with the suspension.
Also, it really grinds me when they use production vehicles as premium tanks. Premium tanks are supposed to be prototypes, 1-off conversions, things of that nature. Vehicles that were in some way, shape or form somewhat quarky or somehow unique.
Germany built well over 1,000 of these and they actually saw service..
Shouldn’t it be on the tech tree somewhere instead?
Where are you going to put it in the tech tree?
Tier 4 Panzer IV or Panzer IV H can link to it as a cross-over between that route and the TD tree.
Right next to the StuG III at tier 5.
It only fits on tier 5.
Technically, it’s possible to make it a PzIV side-unlock, but it’s pretty much the same as StugIII in gameplay terms, so why bother.
But yeah, this is against their own old “prems=prototypes” policy.
WG has answered the cry for less TD’s by adding yet another TD. I want it!
Battles aren’t going to get flooded with StuGs. If anything, it will appear about as often as a Dicker Max.
Because there’s no reason to buy it unless you’re collecting premiums.
“Because there’s no reason to buy it unless you’re collecting premiums.”
You rang?
I absolutely love my Stug III
this is a must have… gun doesnt look that good though.. but I’ll definitely enjoy it :)
ouch, just noticed those 11hp/t and and those resistances… :(
enough is enough!
uninstalled wot.
Real life is cool. Welcome!
uninstalled wot becasue they bring up some medicore copy-paste vehicle to the game you are not even forced to play ?
good, you should have done that back when they introduced chinks and they copy-pasted soviet tech tree…
I admit it, I am a sad bastard.
Like the Panther this too will be purchased immediatly on release.
If you buy this OR the Panther, both of which are pretty much copy/paste tech tree vehicles, I really feel sorry for you.
I’m going to have a hard enough time buying the Scorpion. 10k gold for 210 pen and no armor lolno…
Nothing to get excited about.
I like the StuG III but this thing… nope. Also, it should be put in the tree, not as a premium vehicle. It was mass produced.
I was hoping it would be alternative hull… because, well thats exactly what it was…
once the factory to make them on pzIII hull was bombed, they started to make them on pzIV hull….
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Why they add this a premium?…It could work very well as a crossover between the PzIV branch and the JagdPzIV…
Don’t you think there are enough crossovers between Maus line and JpzE100 line already?
I will definitely be getting this once available, I was wondering if or when they were going to finally put this in the game, but yes it should not be a premium since it was mass produced. I hope they put the machine gun on the roof on the final product to make it look more unique.
With such stats, this TD desperately screams for silly MM of T5 max…
Compared to SU-85i (which is rather mediocre TD) Stug IV has even shittier view range, mobility and gun (pisspoor alpha, less penetration and crap DPM).
If it wont get ridiculous MM of T5 max it has no point in game, unless WG will give it for “free” (gift tank or some “mission”).
Call me a pessimist, but I just don’t see how is this not going to be a failed opportunity.
eh… yeah, when i ask where is it, nothing happens…
2k gold?
Another case of WG ratcheting up the price of premium tanks.
What next – 1,500 gold for tier 3?
Is 1250 gold close enough?
Completely underwhelming, just like the premium Panther 2
Been with WOT for years. But this last year and the current plans and direction has me anxiously waiting for something new. This cut and paste shit is for the birds.
Have to admit ive stayed this long only for the friends ive made along the way. FTR is also a highlight of my day. Hopfully WG gets thier shit together.
If we’re going to have more premium tanks that were mass produced, hopefully we’ll see other variants like the Sherman IC Firefly (VC as regular tank), Marder III Ausf M or Renault R35.
Firefly and Marder variants are earmarked for the alternative hull project, until WG abandons the alternative hull project, they won’t be under consideration for premium release
They didn’t seem to bother adding the StuG IV as an alternative hull to the current StuG III Ausf G, so I don’t see why we can’t have other variants as premiums. It’s been ages since we last saw any news of alternative hulls anyway.
They didn’t seem to bother adding the StuG IV as an alternative hull to the current StuG III Ausf G, so I don’t see why we can’t have other variants as premiums. It’s been ages since WG first talked about alternative hulls anyway. They’ve probably scrapped it.
They’ve put the project off until 2015, there’s no confirmation that they’ve dropped it yet
And StuG III has plenty of other alternative hulls to choose from
This is just a worse SU-85I becouse the SU has the same reload and much higher alfa
Good job, make existing vehicle that saw service a premium TD and crazy AA vehicle concept (although built and tested, I give them that) a regular one. Because that makes sense.
Damn that gun looks like mini gun :D
Not a lot sense use it as prem tier 5… specially with a gun inferior to L48, i see it more as regular tier 5 with L56 and L70 as top gun options (i never understand why they cant mount L56 in Stug… here is a viable gun not like in JgIV).
Lets see how is it but i dont expect nothing special with a bad gun (gun is good in tier 4, under average in tier 5), bad camo, bad movility and a not special armor… and think in the very low vision range… better than others but with worst gun and armor… i prefer here T38, at least has ninja camo+vision and a very good gun traverse to maximize the use of camonet.
Maybe this tank could be a good gift thank for 5th aniversary… but with the last movement from greedyGaming …
SovietGaming strategy for german premium tanks:
Hey guys do you want your dear PzIV Vador (nerfed of course)? Yes? Ok, pay.
Hey guys do you want a stockest Panther than the regular stock one but with different look? Yes? Ok, pay.
Hey guys do you want a stockest JagdTiger than the stock regular one? Yes? Ok, pay
Hey guys do you want…
Same with Panther 2, same with StuG. At least JT88 and Panther F (will) have some assets (JT is nice cashmaker due to its tremendous RoF and gun and its T8 ranking, the Panther will perhaps be like this, more mobile, less armored)
And people still bying those jokes, being milked and happy to be fooled. Well done Sovietgaming.
Is there anything known about the amount of Crew members?
My Prediction it has 5 Crew
It had 4 IRL.