Hello everyone,
in Test 3, the hangar UI got reworked a bit again. They added the server designation to the upper left corner.
Furthermore, pressing “escape” (or clicking on the cog button with the server name) opens the menu that now has an online counter:
Pressing the player name opens a menu, where you can see player statistics and newly also clan statistics.
Clan statistics look like this:
Oddly enough, in test 3, the bug with the sunk turret of Ru251 was not fixed, but the armor schematics of the T67 tank destroyer (former T49) were.
The online player counter in the ESC menu was there in 9.3 test 1 already
And the clan statistic looks exactly like current (9.2) clan skirmish statistic
I got a suggestion for WG
Make SS’s account a priority tester .
I should start a petitation on the forums about this . His posts/reviews substitued the need to download the CT myself OR watch a video ( bad conncetion ) . And i would love that he’d get something in return
WG doesn’t like SS because he leaks from the supertest.
Well he still does half of their work for them . He deserves more .
That is the other reason why they don’t like him.
He’s not a supertest leaker. He just re-posts the leaks from the supertesters or other sources.
Yeah that’s impossible. As far as i know WG hates SS.
SS won’t be a tester or a WG employe because his professional qualities are overshadowed by considering himself a political expert and brainwashing blog readers with terrorist-backing United States propaganda.
If only he stayed away from politics (that he doesn’t have the slightest idea works how) things could be different.
blondie_ahead, reddit moderator, atheist
btw al-bagdadis beard is way longer…
Shush both of you , i dont want to discuss niether politics nor terrorism here , because this is a place for WoT players , and WoT players are dumb as fuck .
No no. All WoT players aren’t dumb. It’s just you and a few others (loud minority).
Oh wow… So he cannot post political posts on HIS OWN blog?
Don’t like his opinions, go away… Or create your own WoT blog, where you won’t post anything about politics… Or post your own opinions…
Your reading comprehension skills suck. SS has proven that he can and will post political-based stories, though there have been forewords prefacing some lately. The question is whether he should, on a blog that is based around WoT news, information, leaks and some history related to possible future content.
Bono can beg everyone at his concerts to donate the the poor, but he SHOULD really just sing.
I didn’t know the invasion of Crimea was propaganda. Did I miss something?
You only missed the invasion since there was no such thing, otherwise no big deal :)
Oh, then all those Russian paratroopers from Pskov (and many others) are still alive? Tell that good news to their mothers.
I assume you don’t have any proof that some paratroopers died? Other then “yea there are some dead people, it was on the fox news”?
Already saved the Test 2 RU 251 model in case they forget about it.
you have a great clan mate,
you get all 4 letters and you have to make IKEA from it yourself ^^
Isnt SS from RISE? Or R1SE? Or RIS3? Or R1S3?
my guess is R1SE
edit: yup it’s R1SE
Clan tags get effed up it test servers
i know
the T67 TD still shows open top as tp turret in test – is that a planned nerf or the initial mistake not yet fixed?
Thats more of a buff since it now has 20m more viewrange due to its open top. Also that was done to fit the T67 which its name its now using. The Chieftain was talking about that in his stream before the light tanks were introduced, that when the new T49 comes the old one is getting renamed and therefor receives the open turret that was needed to fit the top gun 76mm gun.
Thanx Bikaz0
Bikaz9 – oops – big finers