Hello everyone,
a couple of photos from the USA – AAF Tank and Ordnance War Memorial Museum in Danville, Virginia, as the title says. Photos were made recently by Polemarchos (US server). Thank you for sharing! Most of these vehicles are in process of restoration and the museum allegedly has a long list of other machines not on display, that are being restored even now.
There are at least two very interesting prototypes in this collection… check it out :)
M5 3in Gun
Canadian 25pdr Sexton
Gvozdika 122mm
Daimler Dingo scout car
76mm Sherman with dozer blade
Ferret scout car
M2 Cletrac
M3 Halftrack
M18 Hellcat
M42A1 Duster
M47 Patton
M48A5 Patton
M60 (the ingame CW reward tank)
M60A2 “Starship”
M108 SPG
M247 “Sergeant York” Division Air Defense vehicle (DIVAD) – small series was produced in 1985 or so. Twin 40mm Bofors on M48 hull.
Panzer IV Ausf.J
T48 – M48 Patton prototype
20 kiloton nuclear warhead “Honest John”
Need more works on those mannequin.
Some of them just plain goofy, and i doubt urban camo already invented when T-54 first enter service.
That Gvozdika 122mm is obviously Iraqi. It has 3 Saddam Hussein
doppelganger. Stronk murican humor.
It is actually 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya
And at least one of them is surrendering. XD
you actually use the word doppelganger?! wut?
Well its not the main thing there, but they could use some work. Last museum I was at Luxembourg – Diekirch, had some pretty awesome mannequins and scenes made from them but some of them were crazy goofy looking too. The usual was seeing a dude in some muddy foxhole that looked in all aspects – weathered gear, weapons, clothes – as a grizzled frontline grenadier, but his freaking baby face is photoshop-smooth, with makeup and lipstick :D
Those store dummies and the potted camo bushes are a hoot. LOLed at the Saddam lookalikes.
Is there a “body” lying under the T-34-85´s tracks?
I dont like this kind of shit…
But the boots of the RPG-guy near the T-72 are nice:)
However, the tanks are great, thx for the pics!
Yeap, its a german troper…
Murica: classy, as always.
Is he climbing out of a fox hole?
That warhead is….huge…
It’s a complete rocket (MGR-1), not just a warhead. The rocket itself is only 78cm in diameter, the warhead only slightly bigger. A rocket standing up on it’s tail always looks big. Put it on the launcher (in this case a truck) and it’s not all that big.
That T-72 smashing a murican car. Invasion!
I live about an hour from this museum, and have many pictures too. Hellcat is a nice one to see there :) The M103 is nice too
Happy to share! Glad you guys enjoyed :)
Very nice work, SS and team. Thanks for adding the supplemental information. The post looks great (as always)!
A little note about the mannequins and potted plants and all: the museum is basically run by a very small handful of volunteers (3-4 at the moment, if I remember correctly) who do everything from running the gift shop to restoring the exhibits. Most of the exhibits are donated (including the mannequins). The only money they have to work with is what little they get from the entrance fees and the gift store, and the occasional event they host. Unlike Kubinka or Bovington, it a private, not-for-profit foundation, and therefore is not directly associated with the military or the government, and to the best of my knowledge, it is not funded by either. They do an incredible amount of work with what resources they have though, you have to admit.
I really missed out. I lived about 35 miles from Danville for eight years, and I worked in Danville for two years during that time. Unfortunately, I didn’t discover WoT until after I moved to Missouri in 2012.
I could do without the dummies, but many of the tanks look great from the pictures. My parents still live near by, perhaps the next time I make it out for a visit I will go.
Now we just need to get those vehicles collecting dust and rust at Fort Lee, VA! I want to see that Ferdinand on display, damnit! Not to mention Jagdtiger…