
Nothing much today (don’t forget to change your password on EU and US server for free 300 gold). If you are however interested, there are two things I wanted to link.

First is yet another Chieftain’s Hatch article, this time about the Sherman PR from 1942. Some interesting read.

Second is an article by Listy on Overlord’s blog about the British WB1 tank. Never heard of it before? No worries, noone has. I kept teasing Listy about this project for months because it’s his “white whale” – there are scraps of information, but noone knows what it really looked like. Good luck finding more though :)

In two days, Storm is planning a big stream, where he will allegedly (according to RU staff) talk about future features. In Russian of course, but that’s what FTR is here for. Should be interesting (topics will cover for example Havok, gold ammo etc.). He will also be playing WoT on Ru server, of course. Damn, he should come to EU using roaming. That should be fun!

- no plans to unify gold and premium account in WoT and WoT Blitz
- T110E5 will apparenty not be nerfed
- Q: “What will there be in WoT 2?” A: “WoT 2.0? What is that? :)”
- during ammorack explosions, remaining shells are not “used up” – you don’t have to buy them all back even though they all explode. This is so the players don’t suffer.
- it’s completely possible that new premium tanks will come soon
- it’s completely possible some of the removed maps (Port, Dragon Ridge) will return to the game after they are reworked
- there will be no “zombie mode” in WoT, it was only mentioned as April 1st joke
- crew visual models are not planned
- M6A2E1 buff confirmed (it loses its top battletier, thus getting limited MM)
- larger platoons are not planned
- the AFK and leaver punishment system will come in 9.3 – the only thing that was removed was the suicider punishment system, which needs to breworked
- there will be new tier 8 premium tanks
- “many new and nice, interesting things” will come in stronghold mode
- the XP bonus for “tanking” will not appear in 9.3, it will be reworked and it will come later
- Q: “Storm, what is the fate of 7/68 mode? What about team battles for tier 10?” A: “7/52″ (SS: take it how you will)
- apparently, according to Storm, the XVM minimap with tank names option mod is very resource-requiring
- on very weak computers (“calculators”), XVM can cause up to 30 percent FPS drop
- about half of WoT players have very weak computers

87 thoughts on “22.9.2014

  1. ” three man platoons are not planned”

    what? i don’t understand, i thought platoons are made out of 3 players!

    • i bounce shots quite succesful with T110E5 cupola, from time to time. Very stronk tank, but its not overpowered/ unbalanced. Hope they dont nerf it tho..

      • Not to mention that you’re basically screwed if something gets behind you, as a T110E5 driver found out the hard way when my Tiger II with the stock 88 mm gun got behind him and started putting shots into his engine (would’ve had the kill if my last shot didn’t get a low damage role, allowing somebody else to get the kill).

        Moral of the story: don’t ignore bottom tier tanks if they manage to flank you. I managed to do over 2000 damage in that game without taking a single shot of return fire at all because the enemy thought “oh he’s a bottom-tier heavy with the stock gun, he’s not a threat”.

      • I have very mixed feelings about armor, there are games when i’m trying to be hulldown (eg. sniping arches on Ensk), move sideways so I miss half of my shots, but I’m hit into the cupola by wz-120 three times in a row at 250m and commander has only two lives. Or games where E100 hits me by AP from beyond visual range. There are others where I bounce 4500dmg from tier X heavies and TDs. Sometimes it works, sometimes I feel like Fatton can bounce more and avoid much more hits.

  2. - there will be no “zombie mode” in WoT, it was only mentioned as April 1st joke

    I think we already have that. 90% of players act like zombies

  3. What? NERFED?! Many players on NA regard the T110E5 as one of the more boring/generic, mediocre heavies because of power creep and the giant massive tumor weakspot.

    • On the EU server its renowned for being OP, with the majority of clan matches filled with them..

      • Yeah very OP, i have 2300avg dmg per battle and i have one star on gun barrel what means that 65% of EU players cant do more than that, if WG didnt change formula ofc

    • It’ a heavy with good firepower, good mobility and good frontal armor. The tumor is actually quite well armored for a weakspot, and the good mobility makes it a difficult target anyway.
      I dont believe it’s really OP, but to call it mediocre is certainly far from doing it justice.

    • tumor: 180 armor at the base, 250 on the machinegun. Wow so a huge weakspot on a thing which move this fast….

      This is the n°1 tank i hate to deal with.

      • “This is the n°1 tank i hate to deal with.”
        Same here.
        But I would not call it OP either.. It’s challenging to play against one…

    • Any movement makes the tumor a risky click. The massiv holes in the lower front next to the tracks are where it’s at.

    • And yet no heavy has outclassed it in flexibility, every other HT is specialized. Closest thing to outclassing it is the T57 but it has worse gun handling, mobility and armor.
      Also, the tumor is very manageable if you move your tank diagonally.

      • And it has an autoloader, so once it’s out of shots, the enemy has 20 seconds to kill it in which it can’t fire back. While not as much of a problem against heavies, god help you if a wolfpack of mediums come around the corner to ruin your day.

  4. “During ammorack explosions, remaining shells are not “used up” – you don’t have to buy them all back even though they all explode. This is so the players don’t suffer.”

    Well this could be a good gold-ammo over-usage prevention system:D

    • Didn’t occur to me. Would be a fun idea. A given percentage of the most-used ammo explodes (simulating the ‘ready rack’ in the turret). Would obviously hurt the goldspammers the most and not the people carrying the usual 15-30% premium ammo loadout.

      If there’s whining, I expect SerB & co to blame it on “wouldn’t you expect an internal explosion, blowing off the turret to imply a more damaged tank and higher repair cost?”.

    • Yeah – I think I only got to play on it a few times before it was removed from the random battle map pool (which patch was it again?), but it seemed like an interesting map (though probably frustrating to play with certain tanks / tank classes).

      • The problem with DR was that literally half of the map was worthless. The west half was basically a really deep valley with a huge hill. You had to be completely dumb to go their.

        Everyone ended up fighting in the village and the eastern basin. In order to fix the map they would have to completely re-do one side of it.

  5. “- on very weak computers (“calculators”), XVM can cause up to 30 percent FPS drop”

    -10 fps on my gaming PC. Garage mods are ok, but everything else should be forbidden.

    • Mods like these are perfect examples of ways that WG can implement multi-core support while leaving the main GFX engine untouched.

      Move these resource intensive items and others like vegetation movement, shell impact effects, and other non-combat calculations to other cores.

        • I did not mean to infer that any one issue is FPS intensive on it’s own, just that in total many items that are not combat-specific can be moved to other cores and that doing so will “in total” help the FPS issues a lot.

        • he said “and others like veg.movement”…

          The HUD itself is resource expensive as fuck…
          I’m getting 5-7fps more when I turn off HUD by pressing “V” key…
          I’m not using any mods whatsoever… not sure how did they do it, but it really looks like some super-retarded flash overlay or something…

      • The only reason why they won’t do that is that multi-core graphics rendering hasn’t really caught on in former Warsaw Pact nations, like Russia for example. They’re quite a ways behind the west in the computing power available to the average user.

  6. “- Q: “What will there be in WoT 2?” A: “WoT 2.0? What is that? :)””

    Technically we’re not even in WoT 1.0 yet. We’re just about to hit WoT 0.9.3…

    “- crew visual models are not planned”

    Still retarded. There’s no reason in hell not to have them. Adding crew does not endanger the game’s rating. Adding blood, guts and gore does, but crew =/= blood, guts and gore…

    • “Adding crew does not endanger the game’s rating.”
      For sure it does as then u are not shooting metal boxes anymore but shooting humans, no matter if theres “blood, guts or gore” the rating in many states would increase.

      • If your premise was true, no shooter would have a T-rating or better.

        This simply isn’t the case. I could go all the way back to Battlefield 1942 and name a dozen or more shooters with T-ratings. Where you are directly killing human beings with guns.

        Most shooters today have M ratings because of other graphic content, such as language and sexual themes.

        Adding crew to the vehicles in WoT would not endanger the rating. Especially considering there are no sexual themes or explicit language.

          • I wonder which countries those might be. I know the UK can get away with PEGI 12 with blood, guts, gore and nudity…

              • Yeah, I think nudity in a game would probably get it an instant MA15+ / R18+ rating here.

                Ratings for violence here are pretty inconsistent, e.g. Dead Island was released with an MA15+ rating with no issues, yet Left4Dead 2 had to be censored to get the same rating.

        • Adding crew to the vehicles in WoT would not endanger the rating. Especially considering there are no sexual themes or explicit language.

          What ??….
          I’m told to go ###k myself every night !

    • What I fear is… how would they model the crew ? :D
      I doubt it will look good enough to match the HD models…

      In addition, How would they represent the color of the skin ?
      Would look stupid if my commander and 5 slaves were modeled as 6 white men in game…

        • not sure which part do you mean…
          1) look at cars models, houses etc. they are outsourcing modellers to make HD tanks. imagine open top TD in HD having lego/minecraft looking crew in it.

          2)they will need to model crew members separately according to your in-garage crew setup. depending if the crew member is caucasian or afroamerican for example. for US tanks ofc.

          • You don’t need super-detailed crew. The mods that put the crew from Company of Heros in the vehicles are more than good enough. They don’t have extensive facial features or anything yet just having crew figures in the vehicles makes them feel much more alive, and less like toys.

            • well, then there is the problem with the “PEGI” rating or whatever it is…
              or, they will be just models… and:
              dead gunner and you can still see him in vehicle… etc.
              I dont know… I dont like it the way it is in WT.. perhaps if you could turn it off/on that would be a solution… could also solve the pegi thing …

    • define “laptop” :D

      I’m also playing on a laptop… getting 50 fps all maxed out.
      There are people “playing”, or should I say “watching powerpoint slideshow” on laptops, getting 10fps all low/off …

      having 5fps less out of 50 is different than 5fps less out of 10fps :D

  7. - during ammorack explosions, remaining shells are not “used up” – you don’t have to buy them all back even though they all explode. This is so the players don’t suffer.

    Exploding a tier 10 tank loaded with gold rounds (E100, im looking at you…) would be so much more “rewarding”… tons of lols at the rage, for sure, mwahahahaha

    • even if it wasnt loaded with prem ammo..
      Tier X shells cost A LOT. Even now you end up (mostly) with net loss even if you win.

      • Would be a wonderfull idea in order to reduce the number of noob TX though.

        Yeah you know what i’m talking about IS7/E100 with 1K5 games and 40% WR <_<0

        • not using XVM helps a lot :D
          I dont know if I have ever met any E100 or IS7 with that rating.

          Being stupid/blind (not knowing your team is this bad) is sometimes better.

          • Not really If I don’t use XVM I always expect that the player is at least quite good, I am only dissapointed then….. with XVM I at least know that I can’t count with them…..

  8. “He will also be playing WoT on Ru server, of course. Damn, he should come to EU using roaming.”

    Damn, I, among other ppl would honoured to fill his ass up with his precious gold ammo so that he might never start the game again :P

  9. - apparently, according to Storm, the XVM minimap with tank names option mod is very resource-requiring
    Not only XVM, but all the mods are very resource expensive and reduce FPS by a marginal number. I know because i get around 20 fps more on vanilla client than with mods.

  10. “- M6A2E1 buff confirmed (it loses its top battletier, thus getting limited MM)”

    So it won’t be able to get more exp for shooting higher tier enemies?



  11. “Damn, he should come to EU using roaming. That should be fun!”

    I would load all my golds on him :D

  12. - the AFK and leaver punishment system will come in 9.3 – the only thing that was removed was the suicider punishment system, which needs to breworked
    breworked? It should be reworked right?

  13. “on very weak computers (“calculators”), XVM can cause up to 30 percent FPS drop
    – about half of WoT players have very weak computers”

    Very weak computers run wot at 10-20 fps, which means that XVM makes wot run at 0 fps? Who are they trolling. Its obvious the game engine is a POS.