Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
as you might or might not remember, Yuri Pasholok (Wargaming’s chief historian) is working on a long term project, renovating some tanks at the Central Museum of Armored Forces in Moscow. This includes scraping off the rust, sandblasting, re-painting them and such stuff. He’s not however doing it alone, the “crew” consists also of volunteers and one of them, Ivan Karetnikov, helped out with the work, asking some things in the process.
Here’s what he learned.
- FV4202 switch will most likely not come this year. The reason for that is that the developers have to physically go to the Bovington Museum to 3D scan the Action X turret. If the turret doesn’t get scanned, the model will simply not be made.
- VK4502 Ausf.B could become a tier 7-8 premium vehicle with mediocre mobility and its historical gun and armor (SS: 88mm L/71, 80 or 100mm of armor IIRC). This would happen after the tank gets switched for Maus prototype
- Swedish tanks will be in the EU tree
- tier 1 of EU tree will be Fiat 3000B with 47mm armor and tier 2-3 gun, but poor mobility (SS: this is some weird shit, this tank has absolutely nothing to do with other branches of the tree)
- Italian EU branch (SS: note that there will not be a separate Italian tree apparently) hightier tanks will be M47 Patton and Leopard 1 clones
- Stanislaw Lem’s “Czolg Pancernik” could (seriously) become a tier 10 Polish tank. It’s apparently mediocre, but Slava Makarov (one of the main producers and such) did not say “no” to the idea of this tank in the game.
Another Tier 1 FT-17 knockoff? Really?
Aye. Kolohousenka – much better candidate!
- tier 1 of EU tree will be Fiat 3000B with 47mm armor (!!!!!) and tier 2-3 gun (!!!!), but poor mobility (SS: this is some weird shit, this tank has absolutely nothing to do with other branches of the tree)
Super stronk armor and stronk gun?
But “poor moblity”… well, tier I tanks, especially FT and relatives are KNOWN for their capabilities in this regard, but they don’t get 47 mm armor. Hell, a tier TWO D1 gets absolutely shit mobility (like T95 levels), 30 mm all around armor and tier II guns.
But this? Power creep to it’s finest. And what? Tier II C.A. M11/39 with hull mounted 37 mm gun and ~25 mm armor?
There should be more than one tier I tank for EU branch, if not, some kind of FT would be not bad idea (as it was first tank for many countries). Still making different tier I for every country branch would be better, I think.
On the other hand 47mm does not necessarily imply an AT gun, SA 34 for example has 23mm of HE penetration and 24mm of AP penetration.
It is also amusing, by the time we’re done adding in FT variants to other nations there will be more French tanks in service of other factions than in the French tree itself.
Eh, tbh Kolohousenka is so fugly I wouldn’t want it even as a tier 1 of separate Czechoslovak tree >_>
Better than another FT-17 clone, but there are better candidates for EUR tier 1 imo.
yeah, there are pretty cool, original and unique stuff in most of the EU nations, such as the Czech Kolohousenka, the Hungarian V-3, the Italian Ansaldo 5 tonne… but no, we’ll get yet another FT-17, like we don’t have enough already. What will come next, more T-54s?
Oh, wait a minute…
I’d rather have the Fiat 2000 tbh. It’d be somewhat close to the Medium Mk.I with similar armament.
That would be a cool premium for Germany. Rather see it at tier 8 though. Seems natural as the counter part to the Tiger II.
- VK4502 Ausf.B could become a tier 7-8 premium vehicle with mediocre mobility and its historical gun and armor (SS: 88mm L/71, 80 or 100mm of armor IIRC). This would happen after the tank gets switched for Maus prototype
Probably get limited MM unlike the Lowe?
- Italian EU branch (SS: note that there will not be a separate Italian tree apparently) hightier tanks will be M47 Patton and Leopard 1 clones
Italian Leopard I with autoloader? =D
“Italian Leopard I with autoloader? =D”
Likely, yes.
No no no more gd autoloading abominations.
i guess the m47 will use a 105mm l7 to make it different to the american one.
Pasholok is smoking or drinking strong stuff.
There never was a Fiat 3000B with 47mm armor, the tank was retired from service before that much protection was needed on tanks.
If the EU tree has to start with a fantasy tank it’s doomed already.
Couldn’t agree more.
It’s literally the worst possible option imaginable – a fantasy Tier 1 of a mixed tree using a boring (and now immobile) tank which had no relevance at all to the rest of europe. Total gibberish.
Whatever medication he is on I clearly am going to need some soon.
Will we get VK4502 Ausf.B as free premium tank if we have it in the garage when the switch to Maus Prot. occurs? “Just like” the Fv4202?
I don’t know if its just me, but why aren’t the Swedish tanks given it’s own tree?
Considering they have more viable options for light, medium, heavy, td and spg then both the Chinese and Japanese combined.
Is it because its not profitable enough econimcally due to Sweden being a tiny country, thus low demand? Or are there too many prototypes? Sweden being a “neutral” nation and the tanks never actually fighting? Is it because the EU tree wouldn’t be possible without the swedish tanks?
Would really like to hear SS view and others on this.
Well i think its a blend of the reasons you gave.
First sweden has the only heavy tank line for the EU tree (or so i thought anyhow before that statement about the Czolg Pancernik).
The 2nd reason and probably the most important is that Sweden is not a big market (about 10milion people total) and because sweden ws neutral during ww2 its tanks are not well known in other parts of the world, so WG probably thinks that the market isnt there.
Third, while sweden has plenty of tank designs most of the ones that would be neded for a tree never got beond the prototype stage (the best line when it comes to this is the medium line with 6 tanks that saw service, 2 prototypes and 2 paper projects). Also there is still a lack of info on many of these tanks.
Well, VK Ausf B. never was much of a good tank for most of us becasue it demanded a good player. It was excellent for sidescraping but that’s about it. After they introduced E-75 everyone just stopped playing it. I have it laying in my garage for more than a year and I’m really sad about it since I really loved it in closed beta and I’d like to play it but with gold shells all around it really doesn’t have that spark that makes me play it. Well, that and me being bored by heavy tanks :)
If they would give it for free, I could actually play it :)
”The reason for that is that the developers have to physically go to the Bovington Museum to 3D scan the Action X turret.”
lol, such an effort for this rigged-crap-shitty game. that’s it WG, these are the things that will bring you a great death!
Wow. Much butthurt (or flamebait).
- Stanislaw Lem’s “Czolg Pancernik” could (seriously) become a tier 10 Polish tank. It’s apparently mediocre, but Slava Makarov (one of the main producers and such) did not say “no” to the idea of this tank in the game.
Perfect tank for 1st April. And remember to replace its gun with portal gun ^^
Some of the tanks that are already in game are perfect for Aprils Fools.
one massive EU tree…nice :P
Fiat 2000 get :D
I’m sure a 4 meter tall tank would be just great.
There was though if I recall one prototype of it with x2 37mm guns at the front alongside the 65mm howitzer in the top turret, so maybe that could make a fun tier 3 tank.
Sooooooo sexy!!!!
How are they going to handle crew voices/names/camo/ranks if there is an unified tech tree? Driving a Swedish tank with a Polish crew or vice versa would be immensely stupid in my opinion. Especially when all the other nations have good quality “national flavour”.
There will probably an option to chose your crew nationality but in barracks they will be shown as “EU”.
Or they can just make a simple step. On swedish tanks you can recrut swedish crew only BUT you can use that crew in other EU nations tanks.
I suspect there would be legal issues, but I think a perfect EU tree premium would be a T-34/85 painted like “Rudy” from “4 Tankmen and a Dog”. Hell, maybe even do a voice pack for it, with the dog as premium equipment?
Or just the dog barking as the crews voice.
- Stanislaw Lem’s “Czolg Pancernik” could (seriously) become a tier 10 Polish tank. It’s apparently mediocre, but Slava Makarov (one of the main producers and such) did not say “no” to the idea of this tank in the game.
But he did not say “DA!” either. Anyways it would be a lot of fun. :)
Why couldnt they just do an independent Swedish tree? They made more vehicles than the japanese did!
UE tree WHEN????? :D
Hotchkiss/MicroMaus was already OP with “only” 40mm of armor at T2(!) which forced them to implement Tetrarch as free premium tank to counter those fortresses and now they want to implement T1 tank with 47mm of armor. How retarded can they go?!
It’s WG, their retardation knows no bounds.
Mouse proto? wth?