These data are for EU server, thanks to Edrard for the screenie :) The new light tanks plus the KV-1S.
50 thoughts on “Winrate of New LT’s”
I hope people don’t get too hasty and call for a nerf. Keep in mind, that for now mainly good players are driving them. Wait for noobies to get them too and then look at WRs.
Exectly, now pro light tank drivers unlocked them with free exp. More interesting would be a comperison of those players win rate, and win rate they got on these tanks.
No pro but…to compare
Overall 54%WR
T37 @59% after 41 battles…
Compared to
WZ132 @57% after 189 battles
T71 @54% after 329 battles
..and I LOVE the WZ….
The T37 needs a slightly different playstyle as it doesn’t have the Bouncinium Turret.. Its a good tank, but situational like all lights.. maybe more so than others.. will have to wait and see..
Does T37 play like old Chaffee?
Its a bit more sluggish and bigger, however I would call it similar.
It’s close but, not exactly the same. Things that were on edge with Chaffee like circling tanks and changing direction in very close combat to make enemies miss are clear suicide with T37. Agility and acceleration is insufficient for that. On the other hand, it’s faster when it needs to relocate to other part of the map and it can take more aggresive early positions.
T37 – 44% winrate in 78 battles (700dmg/570spot), 2340wn8
M41 – 65% winrate 65 battles (1000dmg/810spot), 2350wn8
T-44 -63%wr, 150 battles, (1060dmg/550spot), 1730wn8
(statistics from small number of battles to be relevant, T-44 as recently grinded medium for comparison – i dont like it much, but MM and values are quite similar – M41 is not OP compared to medium, it’s OP compared to Type62. T-44/M41 winrates are affected by platooning with unicum, T37 by very bad luck)
Note that LTs have crew that spent 1000battles on Chaffee with full camo, BiA and gun handling / viewrange skills
Don’t insult me, mate. I unlocked all new lights with tank xp earned hard long ago..
plus 9.3 went live 1 week ago it’s too early to call any nerf.
Correct/ We’ve had almost no time to see how the pubbie scum will handle the tanks. The T57 Heavy had numbers higher than any of these pretty much right off the bad and for a good 4 months afterward before it leveled off. They left that tank for like a year before they changed it, and even then they only changed it so it was different from the 50B.
IMO the light tanks are doing fine. Unicums are using ot to boost their WN8 artificially and not enough average players have gotten into the tanks and started failing their way through them yet. I think they’re gonna be left alone. They aren’t a serious Clan Wars threat and people aren’t gonna be running teams of ten T49s in stronkholds. (as hilariously fun as that sounds), so I don’t believe the light tanks are at all imbalanced.
PHEW! So glad to see that they not OP!
Seriously though, how are the old lights doing in comparison?
Way to early to compare em now. Most tomatoes haven to even gotten to most of em yet. So they are driven by mostly good players atm. Same as when the FV304 came. The first two weeks you only say guys with green or better rating driving em doing 2K damage each round. The numbers the first week on those where high to. Now they are 5% lower on average on most of em. Some even 10%.
LT(T)B OP! Need nerf! Soviet tenk two stronk! Not fare!
KV-1S WR was average, as expected. What about the KV-85 though?
I am surprise the LTTB is doing so well, it is not an easy tank to drive with so poor gun depression.
KV85 is skyrocketing among pros and going down like a brick in the river among noobs. I played around 50 battles with 79% win rate since the change, thou i also saw noobs doing horribly bad with it too.
So its the same as before. Skilled players will roflp0wn everything while noobs will keep the WR down :)
Driven it right after the patch went live, same almost as the KV1S. Climbs are slower, but not that much, armor is bouncy as ever, reload is 15.9 sec (rammer+vents+gld+BIA+prem cons), 6 games 66.67% WR, 1600+ avg damage, 24 kills.
Nothing more to say.
The T54 LW is missing.
Its there as T-54S
I have the Ru251 and my contribution to the rate is not good so far … only 50% … still grinding the engine and tracks
100% WR after three battles :P . Sadly, it dropped hard now… I have to work even harder.
Is the “vehicle amount” the actual number of vehicles in the game at the moment?
If so I feel very special being 1 of 544 players to own the T49, it is a great tank, so much fun
It’s a known fact that the more average prefer heavy tanks. So I was happy to get my ace at 1200 xp on the T37 on the first day of the release, and to now find I get a class one at 1600 xp. Which pretty much proves the light tanks are driven my more experienced players.
Light tanks have never been a branch for the more average because they don’t like the speed of gameplay. While the more ‘gamer’ like figures do.
New tanks are generally driven by the better players, you see it everytime there are new releases. Winrate peaks and then gets driven down by the hordes who grind through it stock.
I’m an average player and I deeply enjoy playing with scout LT’s.
15k xp to get the LTTB.
Chaffee n’ friends probably will have to wait.
ELC “Pancake” AMX still sitting in my garage doing regular troll-runs.
I still miss the old T-50 though :C
Only 544 T49′s?? That does it.. imma freexp me one too and be speshul while its lasts.
Last night there was one T49 in a Lakeville match, he took the middle road along the lake towards the south and he caused havoc on Tier X tanks. It causes almost 300 dmg on E100s …. it was mad.
It’s great. “Oh hello E100 frontal turret! Here, have a 350 dmg + damaged gun”
Yeah, I find it funny I do 350 + damage regularly to the front of E-100′s
with it but the flank of a batchat around 150, must be missing those bastards and just splashing them.
Even on test, I never managed to damage hard armor (like turrets) for more than 150-200 damage, which is pitiful TBH. It also doesn’t always break the gun, unlike you people suggest.
350 damage? never.
replay, or it didn’t happen
got T37 fully pimped 28 battles wr 75% no platooning, and mostly crinding.
it’s 28 battles, see you over 100 battles, then speak!
incoming t 7 light nerf :))
I’m loving the T37, I’m often in the top 3 scorers of my team with over 1,500 damage. However the 14 other people on my team don’t do so well so my win rate is only 30% :P
WR of light tanks doesn’t mean a whole lot tbh it all depends on how good your big tier 10 tanks are. You could be the best scout in the world but if you have crap Heavies and Meds then you are screwed.
Bit early to tell if this is indicative of them being OP, so far it’s only light tank enthusiasts that have them.
Let’s wait a month or two when a few tomatoes have ground their way to one.
Alos, there are now 3-4 scouts a side now. So if 1 side has 1 or 2 good ones, they will kill the other sides scouts and their team will have a large advantage in vision control. As well as their being huge holes in their defenses so the surviving lites can kill the enemy arty. In a few weeks when you have 1 or 2 lites per side, things will get back to normal. Also, we have new maps, which makes the surviving lite tanks very useful since no one know where to go. Things will change in a few weeks or months.
from the picture i understand *(i think) that will come in the next patch a buff for KV1S and a nerf for M41 WB and LTTB
Well I don’t know about the lights, but I sure as hell know that the KV-1S doesn’t underperform. In fact, I’d call it one of the most OP heavy tanks in the game for its tier. I am a distinctly mediocre player, but I managed these stats, as well as 3 marks of excellence.
Ask yourself this. If WG wanted to specialy attract light tank players, would you really think they would bring tanks that are equaly balanced to existing tier 6-8 LT, or tanks that are slightly above? My gut feeling tells me most of the new LTs are in fact overperforming slightly because that is WGs way to hook people. Just like they hooked people into playing TDs after 8.6 because TD class was not very popular at all.
Its all about opportunity to make money, and nerfs/buffs are not only made to “balance” shit out, but to keep a steady income. They needed boost of money since they have “invested” in havoc and physics and HD stuff, and hence creating a “LT hype” will give them good return on investment. Just like the TD hype in 8.6 paid for all the investments done during that time.
They have put LTTB (or LTB) in game only because Russian players cried on forums that they want T-50-2 back
And they were right in asking, T-50-2 wasn’t OP.
Especially not against the new scouts.
I’m at 2k damage/battle in the Walker Bulldog after 30 games and 3000 WN8, it is the SINGLE most overpowered tank I have ever played with the autoloader. It’s disgusting, really.
Oh, and only 700 spotting damage, because spotting is for plebeians.
70% winrate after 150 games on my LTTB. i must be doing something right.
If you can do stuff that is not possible by other scuts, then the tank is carrying you and hence it is OP compared to the other scuts. I personly think these new scuts are more like light/medium hybrids and very good such.
The thing about the LTTB and the T-54 Light are that they aren’t your traditional scout tanks, but are closer to medium tanks in their role, just with the additional sacrifice of a smaller health pool and less armor to make up for being more mobile and having the light tank camo bonus.
The LTTB, from my understanding, is like the old T-50-2 but at tier 7 and with a much bigger gun: a fast attack tank that can be used as a scout, but if you’re using it only as a scout then you’re limiting its potential. The only real downsides are its 3 degrees of gun depression and the fact that it’s not exactly a small target, although its excellent mobility makes up for the latter.
The T-54 Light on the other hand is very much a medium tank in all but name. Basically, take a Type 59, un-nerf its mobility, then modify the MM so that it only sees tier 9s and 10s, and that’s the T-54 Light in a nutshell. It’s not the kind of tank that you should use solely as a scout, because it really shines when used much in the same way as its heavier tier 9 counterpart should be.
This really sums up why the new lights were added in a nutshell: WG’s trying to expand the role of light tanks so that they can be more than just scouts that can only rarely carry teams, but rather to allow them to supplement medium tanks in the roles of fast flankers and support tanks that can engage in direct combat if driven well.
Give the new Light Tanks a year. The profitable revenue cycle will have run its course, and WG will nerf them. The nerf will be quickly followed by a new set of slightly OP tanks to drive yet another revenue stream.
I’m wagering on a M41 and T49 nerf within 2 patch cycles. LTTB will be left alone.
I hope people don’t get too hasty and call for a nerf. Keep in mind, that for now mainly good players are driving them. Wait for noobies to get them too and then look at WRs.
Exectly, now pro light tank drivers unlocked them with free exp. More interesting would be a comperison of those players win rate, and win rate they got on these tanks.
No pro but…to compare
Overall 54%WR
T37 @59% after 41 battles…
Compared to
WZ132 @57% after 189 battles
T71 @54% after 329 battles
..and I LOVE the WZ….
The T37 needs a slightly different playstyle as it doesn’t have the Bouncinium Turret.. Its a good tank, but situational like all lights.. maybe more so than others.. will have to wait and see..
Does T37 play like old Chaffee?
Its a bit more sluggish and bigger, however I would call it similar.
It’s close but, not exactly the same. Things that were on edge with Chaffee like circling tanks and changing direction in very close combat to make enemies miss are clear suicide with T37. Agility and acceleration is insufficient for that. On the other hand, it’s faster when it needs to relocate to other part of the map and it can take more aggresive early positions.
T37 – 44% winrate in 78 battles (700dmg/570spot), 2340wn8
M41 – 65% winrate 65 battles (1000dmg/810spot), 2350wn8
T-44 -63%wr, 150 battles, (1060dmg/550spot), 1730wn8
(statistics from small number of battles to be relevant, T-44 as recently grinded medium for comparison – i dont like it much, but MM and values are quite similar – M41 is not OP compared to medium, it’s OP compared to Type62. T-44/M41 winrates are affected by platooning with unicum, T37 by very bad luck)
Note that LTs have crew that spent 1000battles on Chaffee with full camo, BiA and gun handling / viewrange skills
Don’t insult me, mate. I unlocked all new lights with tank xp earned hard long ago..
plus 9.3 went live 1 week ago it’s too early to call any nerf.
Correct/ We’ve had almost no time to see how the pubbie scum will handle the tanks. The T57 Heavy had numbers higher than any of these pretty much right off the bad and for a good 4 months afterward before it leveled off. They left that tank for like a year before they changed it, and even then they only changed it so it was different from the 50B.
IMO the light tanks are doing fine. Unicums are using ot to boost their WN8 artificially and not enough average players have gotten into the tanks and started failing their way through them yet. I think they’re gonna be left alone. They aren’t a serious Clan Wars threat and people aren’t gonna be running teams of ten T49s in stronkholds. (as hilariously fun as that sounds), so I don’t believe the light tanks are at all imbalanced.
PHEW! So glad to see that they not OP!
Seriously though, how are the old lights doing in comparison?
Way to early to compare em now. Most tomatoes haven to even gotten to most of em yet. So they are driven by mostly good players atm. Same as when the FV304 came. The first two weeks you only say guys with green or better rating driving em doing 2K damage each round. The numbers the first week on those where high to. Now they are 5% lower on average on most of em. Some even 10%.
LT(T)B OP! Need nerf! Soviet tenk two stronk! Not fare!
KV-1S WR was average, as expected. What about the KV-85 though?
I am surprise the LTTB is doing so well, it is not an easy tank to drive with so poor gun depression.
KV85 is skyrocketing among pros and going down like a brick in the river among noobs. I played around 50 battles with 79% win rate since the change, thou i also saw noobs doing horribly bad with it too.
So its the same as before. Skilled players will roflp0wn everything while noobs will keep the WR down :)
Driven it right after the patch went live, same almost as the KV1S. Climbs are slower, but not that much, armor is bouncy as ever, reload is 15.9 sec (rammer+vents+gld+BIA+prem cons), 6 games 66.67% WR, 1600+ avg damage, 24 kills.
Nothing more to say.
The T54 LW is missing.
Its there as T-54S
I have the Ru251 and my contribution to the rate is not good so far … only 50% … still grinding the engine and tracks
100% WR after three battles :P . Sadly, it dropped hard now… I have to work even harder.
Is the “vehicle amount” the actual number of vehicles in the game at the moment?
If so I feel very special being 1 of 544 players to own the T49, it is a great tank, so much fun
It’s a known fact that the more average prefer heavy tanks. So I was happy to get my ace at 1200 xp on the T37 on the first day of the release, and to now find I get a class one at 1600 xp. Which pretty much proves the light tanks are driven my more experienced players.
Light tanks have never been a branch for the more average because they don’t like the speed of gameplay. While the more ‘gamer’ like figures do.
New tanks are generally driven by the better players, you see it everytime there are new releases. Winrate peaks and then gets driven down by the hordes who grind through it stock.
I’m an average player and I deeply enjoy playing with scout LT’s.
15k xp to get the LTTB.
Chaffee n’ friends probably will have to wait.
ELC “Pancake” AMX still sitting in my garage doing regular troll-runs.
I still miss the old T-50 though :C
Only 544 T49′s?? That does it.. imma freexp me one too and be speshul while its lasts.
Last night there was one T49 in a Lakeville match, he took the middle road along the lake towards the south and he caused havoc on Tier X tanks. It causes almost 300 dmg on E100s …. it was mad.
It’s great. “Oh hello E100 frontal turret! Here, have a 350 dmg + damaged gun”
Yeah, I find it funny I do 350 + damage regularly to the front of E-100′s
with it but the flank of a batchat around 150, must be missing those bastards and just splashing them.
Even on test, I never managed to damage hard armor (like turrets) for more than 150-200 damage, which is pitiful TBH. It also doesn’t always break the gun, unlike you people suggest.
350 damage? never.
replay, or it didn’t happen
got T37 fully pimped 28 battles wr 75% no platooning, and mostly crinding.
it’s 28 battles, see you over 100 battles, then speak!
incoming t 7 light nerf :))
I’m loving the T37, I’m often in the top 3 scorers of my team with over 1,500 damage. However the 14 other people on my team don’t do so well so my win rate is only 30% :P
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WR of light tanks doesn’t mean a whole lot tbh it all depends on how good your big tier 10 tanks are. You could be the best scout in the world but if you have crap Heavies and Meds then you are screwed.
Bit early to tell if this is indicative of them being OP, so far it’s only light tank enthusiasts that have them.
Let’s wait a month or two when a few tomatoes have ground their way to one.
Alos, there are now 3-4 scouts a side now. So if 1 side has 1 or 2 good ones, they will kill the other sides scouts and their team will have a large advantage in vision control. As well as their being huge holes in their defenses so the surviving lites can kill the enemy arty. In a few weeks when you have 1 or 2 lites per side, things will get back to normal. Also, we have new maps, which makes the surviving lite tanks very useful since no one know where to go. Things will change in a few weeks or months.
from the picture i understand *(i think) that will come in the next patch a buff for KV1S and a nerf for M41 WB and LTTB
Well I don’t know about the lights, but I sure as hell know that the KV-1S doesn’t underperform. In fact, I’d call it one of the most OP heavy tanks in the game for its tier. I am a distinctly mediocre player, but I managed these stats, as well as 3 marks of excellence.
Ask yourself this. If WG wanted to specialy attract light tank players, would you really think they would bring tanks that are equaly balanced to existing tier 6-8 LT, or tanks that are slightly above? My gut feeling tells me most of the new LTs are in fact overperforming slightly because that is WGs way to hook people. Just like they hooked people into playing TDs after 8.6 because TD class was not very popular at all.
Its all about opportunity to make money, and nerfs/buffs are not only made to “balance” shit out, but to keep a steady income. They needed boost of money since they have “invested” in havoc and physics and HD stuff, and hence creating a “LT hype” will give them good return on investment. Just like the TD hype in 8.6 paid for all the investments done during that time.
Pingback: Winrate nowych czołgów lekkich | WizjerCzoł - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks
They have put LTTB (or LTB) in game only because Russian players cried on forums that they want T-50-2 back
And they were right in asking, T-50-2 wasn’t OP.
Especially not against the new scouts.
I’m at 2k damage/battle in the Walker Bulldog after 30 games and 3000 WN8, it is the SINGLE most overpowered tank I have ever played with the autoloader. It’s disgusting, really.
Oh, and only 700 spotting damage, because spotting is for plebeians.
70% winrate after 150 games on my LTTB. i must be doing something right.
If you can do stuff that is not possible by other scuts, then the tank is carrying you and hence it is OP compared to the other scuts. I personly think these new scuts are more like light/medium hybrids and very good such.
The thing about the LTTB and the T-54 Light are that they aren’t your traditional scout tanks, but are closer to medium tanks in their role, just with the additional sacrifice of a smaller health pool and less armor to make up for being more mobile and having the light tank camo bonus.
The LTTB, from my understanding, is like the old T-50-2 but at tier 7 and with a much bigger gun: a fast attack tank that can be used as a scout, but if you’re using it only as a scout then you’re limiting its potential. The only real downsides are its 3 degrees of gun depression and the fact that it’s not exactly a small target, although its excellent mobility makes up for the latter.
The T-54 Light on the other hand is very much a medium tank in all but name. Basically, take a Type 59, un-nerf its mobility, then modify the MM so that it only sees tier 9s and 10s, and that’s the T-54 Light in a nutshell. It’s not the kind of tank that you should use solely as a scout, because it really shines when used much in the same way as its heavier tier 9 counterpart should be.
This really sums up why the new lights were added in a nutshell: WG’s trying to expand the role of light tanks so that they can be more than just scouts that can only rarely carry teams, but rather to allow them to supplement medium tanks in the roles of fast flankers and support tanks that can engage in direct combat if driven well.
Give the new Light Tanks a year. The profitable revenue cycle will have run its course, and WG will nerf them. The nerf will be quickly followed by a new set of slightly OP tanks to drive yet another revenue stream.
I’m wagering on a M41 and T49 nerf within 2 patch cycles. LTTB will be left alone.