Storm’s Quick Q&A


- it’s completely possible that the combined Firefly/TD branch will come this year
- Q: “Were there any artillery SPG’s based on the Churchill?” A: “Better ask Pasholok.”
- the idea of burning the bushes (firing from a bush would make it catch fire and be destroyed after a few shots) was judged as “average crap” (won’t be implemented)
- dynamic tank names? “Low priority for now”
- the “gold ammo nerf by reducing its alpha” idea was scrapped
- Israelie (captured Egyptian) IS-3 was not researched yet
- T-34-85M will not be a premium tank, but a “special” (reward/event) one
- Storm and SerB recently agreed on new modes (PvP and PvE), no details for now
- complete new French medium tank line will not be implemented, because the projects in it would be illogical, project only or artificially buffed. Last such tank was the WT E-100, that was the line, in the future, tanks in the game will be more realistic.
- T95E2 will be awarded to clans
- according to Storm, the only nations capable of having any tier 10 in the EU tree are the Swedes and Italians (SS: I mean… seriously?)
- Sweden will not have a separate tree, as it would apparently compromise the integrity of the EU tree

110 thoughts on “Storm’s Quick Q&A

  1. - Complete new French medium tank line will not be implemented, because the projects in it would be illogical, project only or artificially buffed. Last such tank was the WT E-100, that was the line, in the future, tanks in the game will be more realistic.

    Meanwhile they are planning to add a tank that was only made a wooden mockup. gg wp

    • haha.

      at least the design actually existed outside of blueprints.

      anyway, I hope it becomes a decent tank, because good looks+good stats=win. :)

      I’m still wondering if the two US TD line’s top tiers gets a rework.
      lastly, I’d like to see the T30/T34/T29 in one branch again – T29 will lead to both T32 (armored line) and T34 (firepower line/heavy destroyers).

  2. ”- it’s completely possible that the combined Firefly/TD branch will come this year”
    serb if u are reading this i am begging u implement the firefly branch this year.

    • Tomorrow’s QA: “combined Firefly/TD branch will definitely not come this year”
      Day after tomorrow’s QA: “combined Firefly/TD branch will probably be scrapped”
      the day after QA: “combined Firefly/TD branch is almost finished and will be released this week”
      the day after that QA: “combined Firefly/TD branch will never be released ever”
      and so on and so on… WG as usual.

  3. - complete new French medium tank line will not be implemented, because the projects in it would be illogical, project only or artificially buffed. Last such tank was the WT E-100, that was the line, in the future, tanks in the game will be more realistic.

    Yet they want to add a tank that is based on a mooden mockup. gg wp wp.

  4. HOLY SHIT Storm is retarded to not have this:

    It’s sure as hell more different from other tanks (Patoon and Leo hybrid) than 140 and 62A.

    It’s from SWITZERLAND, contemporary and counterpart to Leo 1. It’s an obvious Tier 10 right there FFS (descended from German/Czech designs so can go top off that line).

  5. - the “gold ammo nerf by reducing its alpha” idea was scrapped

    Thank god. If you hate gold ammo, don’t play the game. It’s frustrating I know, but many tanks need them to have their potential fully used.

    - Storm and SerB recently agreed on new modes (PvP and PvE), no details for now

    Single Mission like WT will be pretty cool. I want some corporation mode though.

    • “but many tanks need them to have their potential fully used.”
      Most tanks are bad because people lack tactics and knowhow about their tanks potential even without gold.
      Fx I got 58% in my T69 and I never fired a single gold in its 200 games.

      • get 58% in JpzIV.

        that thing is fun to play, but the 132pen makes it frustrating.
        Using stock L70 solves the penetration issue (yes, 150 is enough), but adds alpha dmg issue… 135dmg against tier 8′s is accupuncture, it takes 11+ shells to destroy a tank.

          • It is :) A great machine, yes of course I’d like to have a 105mm L7 instead of the L56, but it hasn’t got one, and it’s still a miles better tank than many other T7 Meds. Only T20 and T-34-1 are much better.
            So far, I haven’t needed a single shot Premium (not that I have any on this tank anyway, it performs very well even without it, if you don’t attack T9 Heavys frontally). There’s no tank at T9 you can’t pen from the sides.

            • I thought I was the only player who knows how good the VK DB is with the 88.
              I said player because WG knows it – they made it have same weight as tier 7 heavy, which is more than tier 7 meds besides being one.

              if the E-50 just isn’t so good, my german med crew would still be at VK DB.

              for those who don’t know, the VK DB is great because of its high damage output (220 damage per shot on a medium with high DPM). the low pen and so-so accuracy makes it a bad choice for those noobs who don’t know how to make their gun pen.

        • “get 58% in JpzIV.”

          I have 58,33% in JagdPz IV across 84 battles without shooting gold, 716 avg XP, 936 avg DMG, 1.6 avg FRAGS, 2,461 avg WN8.

          1) Your argument is invalid.
          2) Spamming gold ammo is for noobs with no skill or brain.

          • and you are using short 88 ?
            Well then, kudos to you.

            I wasnt able to go above 50% until I started to use the stock 7.5 L70 again…
            Hell I didnt even have fun with short 88 … it was just .. frustrating…

            not sure what the hidden stats of guns are, but sometimes it seems like the gunner is literally throwing the shell like a rock… it falls so low.. 75mmL70 is a different story though :)

          • Why is it always “Spamming Gold” or “No Gold Purist” ?

            That is a false argument right there.

            Gold is absolutely needed for some tanks to be balanced.

            The problem is the amount they can carry.

            Wanna fix the gold problem give 7 rounds of gold per game to High ROF tanks and proportionally the same.

            A T54 would get 5 HEAT, a E100 3, Etc so all tanks can use gold in the right scenario. Or you make the tanks use diff loadouts for there tier.
            So bottom tier gets x2 there gold amount that top tier does.

            That is balance

    • “but many tanks need them to have their potential fully used.”
      If you consider that gold is necessary to get the full potential of a tank, it means that this tank is simply not equilibrated …
      A tank should be equilibrated based on its standard ammunition, not based on a gold ammunition …

      • “’but many tanks need them to have their potential fully used.’
        ‘Most tanks are bad because people lack tactics and know-how about their tanks potential even without gold.’
        Fx I got 58% in my T69 and I never fired a single gold in its 200 games.”

        Yeah, yeah, try the Valentine II with nothing but AP, and you will bounce off Marder 38t gun shields. Good luck with that. Then, even with gold ammunition, you can’t penetrate a Matilda at all. Good luck with that.

        • Valentine II with AP wont pen Hetzer 1/2 time and cant pen M3 Lee rarely if at all frontally.

          Not like Val has agility to flank either.

        • If you bounce a Marder in the Val II you really do suck. Can’t penetrate a Matilda? Don’t fight a Matilda. Ridiculous limited MM and easy prey at tier IV make the Val II so easy to win battles in.

      • Lol no… Look how well the 183 did with its stats based off the AP ammo.

        Fact is gold is a great balancing tool when issued in the right numbers.

        Kills camping e3`s with no arty avalible or E100`s…

        Without gold some tanks would be OP as hell.

      • U know,.. some tank have ridiculous DPM becouse od lack penetration,.. is expectet that some part of ammo bounce or forcing u play more inteligently. If it wont bounce couse of gold, they end up OP as hell

    • >Thank god. If you hate gold ammo, don’t play the game. It’s frustrating I know, but many tanks need them to have their potential fully used.

      Can’t one just be critical of how it currently works?

  6. - T95E2 will be awarded to clans

    Goddamnit, why don’t they give the US tree an actual decent premium MT8?

    • The T26E4 was pretty decent until they decided to nerf its frontal armour, just because players could not pen it with auto aim. Now almost every tier 6 tank can shoot easily through the frontal armor of the T26E4, which means its degraded to a “sniper”-role which it ain’t good at. If they just do a roll-back to its pre-nerf stats, including a roll-back of the view range and slightly speed increase buff. It will be a very decent premium indeed.

      • I’ve never played T26E4 prior to the nerf. Got mine for free from that mission and I kinda like it anyway. At least its challenge. But I really dont think I’d spend money on it. Even now, it can bounce every now and then.. if you angle. and if the shooter has no more than 230 pen. If you dont angle, 200pen is enough sadly.

        But yes, I do remember times when I couldnt pen it up front with 200 pen and he wasnt angled. It was one of my most hated tanks to play against. But then again, I didnt know where to shoot… it wasnt autoaim as you said, I just didnt know where to aim. I didnt look up hitzones on the internet, I was just trying different spots every time I saw one.. unfortunately, usually I couldnt stand there for too long…

        My only hopes are, they will fix the spaced armor angle when its remodeled to HD… xD fingers crossed.

  7. Great, there goes my plan to buy the t-34-85m.
    They must know that the tank is far better p/p than the 54 clone premium, and most ppl will prefer the 34-85m instead.

  8. what happened to the crazy potential T10 Polish tank with the 155mm gun?
    Rusek and white Rusek no like anyone from west….

  9. Don’t know if I love or hate the fact that what should’ve been the second american medium line a lot of people wanted has been bastardized into a few clan reward tanks instead

    either way it’s amusing and classic wargaming

  10. - it’s completely possible that the combined Firefly/TD branch will come this year

    should be edited to:

    - it’s completely possible that any branch will come this year. Or the next year. Maybe the year after. Hell even never come at all. Actually, we cant control the game development, it just evolves by itself.

  11. the “gold ammo nerf by reducing its alpha” idea was scrapped

    Bullshit, gold round like cancer on pub. broken gameplay.

    cut half damage is win-win solution. damn. look at fv 215 (183) op tonk still can shut down t57 heavy on 1 broken HESH round.

    • Not surprised anyway, as that would require complete overhaul of all guns and all tanks.

      Sadly that even WG devs are so stubborn to actually make more balanced game instead of adhering to “Powercreep” and making older tanks absolete (compared to new ones).

    • and ?
      KV-2 can do that to many tier6 tanks even without gold ammo.
      sure, lets nerf alpha on 183, and then? buff reload time to balance it ?
      what would it make different from any other TD in game ?

      but anyway, let’s do that, and then, lets nerf the drum capacity of T57 to ONE!
      One shell in drum and then the fucking long reload, … would you be happy ?

      I’m not 183 driver btw, but I dont have any problems with that TD… its reload is painful, its accuracy as well… you gotta be moving… if you sitting on one place like a duck, you deserve that oneshot…

      What drives me crazy is, every time there is somehow unique vehicle in the game, every noob who cant play against it is crying how OP it is… and then they are nerfing and removing tanks… in the end, we will end up with one generic type of vehicle… perfectly balanced, perfectly boring…

      • The AP alpha is ok. (DAMN, how powercreep has come along that we think over 1k dmg per shot is just normal and accepted).
        Put the HESH dmg to 1200 and let it turn the turret 360°. Slightly faster RoF (-~5s) and better acc (-0.2).
        Still best alpha and can oneshot every T8 Med/TD/most heavies (which is still fucking OP), and a very unique TD.
        Name any other TD except T30 which has a 360° ARMORED turret. And T30 has pitiful Alpha compared to this FV.

        • The turret doesn’t help the FV though. It loses more asccuracy on a turret turn than other TD’s do on a HULL turn.

  12. I still want my AMX 13/90 and the possible tier 9 light AMX 13/105 with many polygons

  13. Well this just shows how little WG actually knows about the possible vehicles in the EU tree

  14. - T95E2 will be awarded to clans

    That’s gay. Exclusive tanks is all what WoT needs now. Great!

    • It is. Only about 32% of the play base belongs to a clan and only a few clans bother with Clan Wars. Basically their “endgame” is failing to draw players like they thought it would. But they’re too stupid to come up with a different end game or clan based activity.

      • Or: Only about 32% of players have progressed to tier X and are interested in organized play. The growing playerbase – new guys entering the lower tiers – and the number of casuals means that 68% have nothing to do in clanwars, and thus don’t end up in clans.

  15. “- it’s completely possible that the combined Firefly/TD branch will come this year”
    “- complete new French medium tank line will not be implemented, because the projects in it would be illogical, project only or artificially buffed. Last such tank was the WT E-100, that was the line, in the future, tanks in the game will be more realistic.”

    This is a bunch of Bolshevik! One combined line for the Brits? There’s enough for 4 or 5 lines! As for the rest, they are making excuses. They just don’t want to bother putting more French tanks any, because they can sure as hell find tanks that are more realistic then the WTF-100. They just don’t want to.

  16. - T95E2 will be awarded to clans
    These fuckers really want us to hate them? Why the fuck would they do this to us? Is it so fucking much to ask for normal medium tank at normal price? I was prepared to give 11k gold for Panther but when I read about T95E2 which suits my gameplay for 7,5k there was actually a smile on my face because I was waiting for that kind of tank for 3 fucking years! Now I won’t give them a cent simply out of spike and for a gold I already have I’ll buy Panther M10 when it goes for 30% discount (because I simply need medium prem tank). Once again, FUCK YOU WG!

    • Somehow sticking it to the man by buying his stuff anyway doesn’t sound like a strong position.

      You’ll just become part of the numbers showing that the discount on the panther was a successful gold sink.

      • The problem is, I need medium tank money maker. I have T34 and I hate it ever since I switched to playing mediums! Medium tanks are just so much more fun to play than heavies. My gameplay with T34 went to hell, I rarely get more than 3k dmg on it and credit income without premium account is rubbish (it got nerfed or something). I simply started sucking in it! I need credits for several T9 and T10 tanks and I need compromise. I already stopped playing this game for 10months or so but I’ve been with it since beta and it’s kinda hard to just give it up. Gold I already have is from graphics card giveaway I got more than a year ago (like 9k gold) and I should spent it on something before starting to hate this game all over again. There is no way in hell I’m giving them 10euros more for T8 premium tanks. You may not like my decision but, as I said, I already have solid amount of gold, I play much less now and when I do, I could actually enjoy it, not swearing because T34 wont go more than 20km/h!

        • I understand…
          Thats why I keep a few tanks of every kind in my garage :D
          slow behemoth style heavy tanks, normal heavy tanks, snipers, fast mediums, scouts, one arty, etc.

          Try it as well.
          The game isnt that boring if you are not playing the same type of tank all day long…

          Few games in StuG, Churchill, Panther, ELC, sherman E8, batchat, Leopard1 or E100 … all kind of things.. you know, diversity.

          Okay, I know this way I’m Jack of all trades, master of none. But I’m having FUN, after all, that’s what video games are about :)

        • I think is time to give a reward to guys that dont play clan wars… is frustrating see a tomato running a special tier 10 only because he is in a good clan… this new top tier reward tanks NEED be a reward to players not only clans.

        • I currently play Brit med line and from what I’ve seen, M10 gameplay is somewhat similar to those tanks… And if I could make 2000+dmg with stock gun on Cent in T10 battle and was averaging ~1000dmg on Comet then I could make this work too. All I ask is decent money maker that’s more agile than turtle :)

        • nope.
          I kinda enjoy mine…
          it’s basically stock Panther. L70 is good gun, + it has pref. matchmaking
          But then again, I dont snipe in it.. I play very agressively. Once yo got offroad driving and clutch breaking it handles really well. makes tons of credits for me…

          • The thing is. If you want a serious credit-maker, You should nay MUST buy a tier 8 prem. You will have a good income with or without premium time. lower tiers even tier 7 prem tank is not much.

            • But that IS the problem, there are no T8 prem meds that I actually like! If T59 was on sale again, I’d buy it without a single thought but it isn’t. SP is a heavy, T-34-3′s gun is a heavy, Panther and FV are yet to be released and, frankly, I think that 11k gold for med tank is a rip off especially because the game has F2P status! I was hoping for T95E2 as I love playing USA meds (my best stats are in them) and when I read it goes as clan reward, it was a moment I said “fuck it”, I’m done. I’ll go with the best I have now, grind Brit med line till top (just in case if FV could, by some miracle, go as free) and then stop playing this game for another year or so with questionable return to it (the only reason I even started playing again was a notion of getting possible decent T8 med prem tank for free)…

  17. - according to Storm, the only nations capable of having any tier 10 in the EU tree are the Swedes and Italians (SS: I mean… seriously?)

    I’m sad too SS, the TVP project as you described would be an awesome tank.
    But sometimes you went too far!
    For example, when you wrote about the TVP Tier X project, you writed this:
    “There were functional Škoda autoloaders developed, so this is not just fantasy. However, no further parameters are known. ”
    “but the new AK1 100mm gun was to be pretty modern and some sources claim it was to be equipped with the autoloader (!).”
    There’s no real data about the autoloader, and how can be a gun modern for it’s time, while it’s just a paper project gun. The gun (as you said) would have low penetration for this Tier X, and then you wrote about a “special Czech ammo” with 330+ Pen.
    And there’s more.

    I know, you wanted a full Czech tech tree. But sometimes you overestimated the TVP project. I say that the TVP 50/51 would be good Tier IX tank, but Tier X is too high for it and it would be unhistorically overbuffed.

  18. - complete new French medium tank line will not be implemented, because the projects in it would be illogical, project only or artificially buffed. Last such tank was the WT E-100, that was the line, in the future, tanks in the game will be more realistic.

    And so the French tech tree continues to have only three medium tanks, and no more.

    • yup, yet one of them (the lowtier thing) is basically LT like any other in the techtree just like H35, AMX38…
      Batchat is basically tier 10 light tank.
      Then there is the Lorr.40t … which is basically the same thing as their HT AMX 50 100

    • They say that AMX30 prototype and AMX30B are going to be released via AMX13-90, no full new med line i think they conect tier 6 med with AMX13-75 and AMX13-90 conect with top tiers.

  19. - according to Storm, the only nations capable of having any tier 10 in the EU tree are the Swedes and Italians (SS: I mean… seriously?)
    If he’s talking about bringing a full tree up to tier 10, then it’s only Sweden. Italy has gaps. But if he’s talking about tier 10 tanks, his affirmation is crap. These are only a few tanks that can fill tier 10 for different nations.
    Switzerland: Panzer 61 or Panzer 68
    Romania: TR-580 or TR-800
    Yugoslavia: M-636D
    Czech Republic: TVP-54 or T-54A
    And I’m sure there are more…

  20. every thing new and real is for reward for best clan in game -_-
    and we cant get it

  21. - T95E2 will be awarded to clans

    What the fuck 4 fucking US tanks rewards only? god damn it why is it always US tanks nothing but let downs those stupid cunts

    • WG is on their knees kissing the clans asses and fuck solo-pubbers. i would buy a Russian prem MT right away and a USA MT or Heavy, but WG thinks they will make more money giving away good reward tanks to clans.

      • Well they can hug a nut I’m so tired of the cool US Meds going to fucking rewards only 1 tank from RU & German was deemed to be a reward but the US nations they are shelling out like candy to special unicunts it’s bullshit

  22. Gold Ammo — Again
    Reducing the number of gold shells a tank carry or reducing its alpha was a good compromise. The last option makes sense, as I guess an AP shell that penetrates would prove to cause more damage that a lighter shell like an APCR.
    I guess it is a good idea but generates a problem for premium tanks which dont have a good pen value and require premium ammo.

    It was a bad day when they brought the premium ammo for credits

    • They could try making gold ammo have an exponential cost.

      But that would be annoying to exploit protect. I thought alpha reduction would’ve been a much better compromise.

  23. - T95E2 will be awarded to clans

    Lol, the first real T8 premium MT since the type 59. Something everyone has been waiting for and they aren’t selling it? Oh WG, you so stupid.

    • M60: “Oh boy! A really famous and historical tank that was used extensively! This is the perfect candidate to be a tier X researchable tank in the US tech tree!” Nope, fuck you: reward tank.

      T95E6: “Oh my gosh, this thing looks like it would be a really awesome addition and bring some unique gameplay to the American tree!” HA! Fuck you: reward tank!

      T95E2: “Okay, so the E6 version is a reward tank for Clan Wars already and it appears that this tank is being made a tier VIII! Could it be possibly be a premium me–” NOPE!!! AGAIN, FUCK YOU: REWARD TANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. “- according to Storm, the only nations capable of having any tier 10 in the EU tree are the Swedes and Italians (SS: I mean… seriously?)”

    Um… Switzerland? Czechoslovakia? Poland? Hungary even?

    • Idd plus wasn’t Wargaming considering a T10 heavy for Poland? I forgot the name of that tank.

  25. Oh wow, how convinient.

    They get all their paper fantasy Russian tanks out, then the big popular German and American ones and then SUDDENLY decide to not have anything else like that once it comes to France, Britain or the EU.

    How unbelievably coincidental, I say.

    • yea, the nations that could really benefit from it they screw over. WG knows they fucked up with the Waffle so remove it or nerf it down to nothing. its still OP.

      • This is why when is detecte is destroyed in seconds… Waffe is great in very limited situations out of them when you cant decide the terms of fight… well, is very inferior to other TDs.

        • I don’t own one, I’m usually on the other side of the gun :D

          However, IMHO the gun, reload and all that stuff was okay. Haven’t had problem with that, the only problem with wtf100 I had was its healthpool. 2k+ hp is too much. 1v1 It could empty whole clip to you faster than most things could kill it…

          lets say I’m an average medium ..390dmg, 7-8s relaod time … it takes almost 50 seconds of constant fire to kill this thing… fact is, he’s usually done with you after 15 seconds… speaking of 1v1 situations ofc.

  26. WT’s ignorance concerning tier 10 tanks in the EU tree simply further shows their failures in such regards in the French tree as well. In both sides their failures to recognize feasible projects is a major impediment to their development.

  27. Q: “Were there any artillery SPG’s based on the Churchill?” A: “Better ask Pasholok.”

    For any interested: Churchill Mk V used a modified Mk IV cast turret, mounting a QF95mm howitzer for use as close support. Also the QF95mm was used in the Mk VIII for a similar role, but its chassis had been upgraded to the Churchill Mk VII variant by this point.

    • oh also, the Churchill AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) also mounted a 290mm mortar which could lob a 40lb projectile carrying a 28lb warhead O.o

  28. Premium ammo needs to be re-balanced. Why?

    Simply, premium ammo negates armor which is some tanks only strong suits, Black Prince and E100/Maus I’m looking at you. These are tanks that are suited for front line maneuvers; distracting the enemy and guarding the TDs while the mediums flank. Currently premium ammo is cheap enough for players driving tanks with lacking penetration to just automatically load their gold covered poo and fire away without thinking about actually trying to flank or aim. While I don’t like premium ammo and wish it would be removed, I do agree that it has its place. For example, in WW2, most tank crews had some “special” ammo for intense situations. This is the only reason that premium ammo should be in the game and are the only times it should be used. However its not like this currently so here are my suggestions:

    1. Double or triple the price. Yes, you heard me right, triple the price. This should get rid of the premium spammers and make people think more about when to use premium instead of just automatically loading it.

    2. Change the mechanics of the ammo. Make apcr do less damage as it typically would irl and make HEAT and HESH ammo less accurate as it most likely would have been due to its lower velocity. Standard AP/APCR and prem AP/APCR would be most accurate. Prem AP/APCR would do 10-25% less damage than standard ammo but obv have more pen. Prem HESH/HEAT would do same damage as standard AP/APCR but would be 10-25% less accurate. In both situations premium ammo does what WG wants it to do, give players a way to pen tanks they might normally not be able to, but it also makes players think a bit before loading it. Prem AP/APCR would mean they are going to have to hit an enemy more times. Prem HESH/HEAT would mean the player is going to have to get closer to the enemy.

    3. Do a combination of the above

  29. - according to Storm, the only nations capable of having any tier 10 in the EU tree are the Swedes and Italians (SS: I mean… seriously?)

    Silentstalker, do you think that this is some kind of personal vendetta from the part of WG against you?

    1. You are always so critical of them
    2. You obviously like your country’s former military power very much.

    Maybe they decided to punish you (and only you) by not putting CZ top tanks in the game. You should definitely try to sell this news that way. Thusly you will look much more important than you actually are.

    Siemka out.