Storm’s Microdigest

Hello everyone,

Storm posted another of his “microdigests”. It’s really small – in it, he publishes two things:

- today, he was appointed the chief strategist (lit. “visionary”) for game balance and game mechanics
- developers are working on “smoothing” the maps, getting rid of “microrelief”, by which he means “fixing the existing issues” with small hills or something (it’s not very clear, what I understood under that is making the small hill edges less “jagged”). It will begin in 9.5 and will be done with the speed of 2-3 maps per patch. Storm however states that large map features will remain, the “microrelief” adjustment concerns small height increases and decreases. The goal is to allow tanks with bad depression to fight without suddenly aiming their gun above the enemy tank’s turret and to make fast tanks not lose their speed too much on such spots. It does however NOT concern like one meter hills/obstacles, that allow tanks to use depression.

From the discussion:

- arty will not be removed from the game.
- one player’s reaction on that statement above: “FUUUUUU”, Marschig (another developer): “Oh yes and someone has to make sure the artyphobes suffer :)”
- very small surface irregularities will be compensated by new motion physics
- the 70 Mb micropatch broke XVM because of the new tank introduction
- new terrain render was not yet introduced
- “Fury” Sherman does not have limited MM
- Storm’s occupation for near future? “I will think about balancing problems”
- currently, developers are solving the following issues (those come first): camo + spotting, accuracy spread

- accuracy on the move won’t be nerfed – Storm: “fucking around with accuracy on the move leads to camping” (SS: lit. “masturbating in bushes”)
- new WoT sounds will come very soon
- Fury Sherman weight is correct, it’s caused by “the equipment on the vehicle”
- the “War Thunder” type hangar (where you can inspect armor, modules, crew layout) will come “when it’s done”, according to Storm this feature is not THAT important. It will apparently include only the armor schematics, not the module layout.
- Malinovka will be reworked in 9.4
- Batchat was not nerfed recently
- some maps will be completely removed from the game. Currently, developers are discussing which ones.
- Storms state that 44 maps in the game is too much, it’s very hard to work with such number
- Japanese will get a “Patton-like” premium medium tank (SS: ST-A2B)
- premium tier 8 medium Soviet tank will come in 2015, the T-54 Model 1945
- Storm wants to nerf the accuracy a bit (to return it partially to the old one, but not totally)
- penetration as a whole is going to be studied as well
- when the new batch of statistics arrive, developers will also decide if there’s too much gold rounds for credits flying around and whether it’s a problem or not
- the issue, where driving to the foot of the hill slows your tank too much will also be fixed with new physics
- Panzer IV Schmalturm will get the side armor plates to act as spaced armor, when it is reworked to HD
- all tanks will be reworked to HD, including the rare ones like A-32
- the original plan for HD tanks was to rework to HD first those tanks, that fought and are very well known

111 thoughts on “Storm’s Microdigest

  1. - Japanese will get a “Patton-like” premium medium tank (SS: STA-2B)


    - Panzer IV Schmalturm will get the side armor plates to act as spaced armor, when it is reworked to HD

    Even more kekeke.

  2. 44 maps? WTF, it feels like there is 5 of them at most… But I guess he counted also that on fire/winter/whateverbullshit too :-).

  3. “some maps will be completely removed from the game. Currently, developers are discussing which ones” – Komarin pleeeeeease!!

    • Camperin is still quite good, but four Prokhorovkas in MM is too much on me.
      Map where you can choose to camp on hill, camp on middle, camp on rails or camp in bushes isn’t really the right way imho.

        • Morgotz, he just dont know about spotting system. He is not able to spot the enemy, he just wait that the enemy moves and get auto detected … ;)

          Bad part on this is that he gets then spotted too. :P

          • Yeah thats nice that i can spot others, but if those others too just spotting (which is happenning most of the time) then game turn in to one big campfest. Only who profit from this are arties.

            • this is why you need a good spotter with a good crew … but the most “scouts” have just bs in there tanks.

              you just need a RU251 (or similar) with a ~4 perk crew and no one on this map is save …

        • I know how to play it, the problem is that there is no place where you can directly attack enemy, if you do that anywhere on map you are destroyed very fast.
          Only what you can do is spot and hope that someone will hit spotted tanks.

        • Try to play it with E-100 and 3+ SPGs in the game u moron, after that u can learn us some new kind of tactics. If u r not camping like complete biatch, u r spotted and very quickly sent to garage.

          • Still, very often when I drive a scout there, I am scouting my ass off, but nobody shoots, cuz they all camp in a spot not suitable for shooting even IF I repeatedly spot them. (Like A1/A2).
            And off course, when I am in a scout, there is no arty in my team :-\

  4. Decrease accuracy… i don’t know. Doesn’t that mean arty will be even more RNG? :/

    - Panzer IV Schmalturm will get the side armor plates to act as spaced armor, when it is reworked to HD

    nice to see that getting worked out after so long time :)

    • Also understand witj storm in charge of balance that means now Artys getting a buff. Hes an old school fan boy of wots so expect scouts being more important now! Anyway im happy that storms in charge :)

      hes the reason why the KV-1S and KV-85 are total shit and the T18 is dead lol, How do i know hes an arty fan? the BERT got hit minorly like 1% of the stats, While hellcat was well torn apart. Anyway see what i mean here?

      • KV-85 is not shit. If anything it’s even more powerful than before with 100mm gun. It’s the player that is shit. You know, same player that cries his precious t2 shitTD got nerfed so he can’t sealclub as effective as before.

  5. and as for the gold rounds (which are being constantly spammed) the temporary solution is simple. Of course the hardcap would be best, but if that is impossible, then nerf their damage. Leave penetration, but make their damage let’s say 20% smaller that the standard AP. That way if a nub wants to be certain of a penetration, he will still be, but at least people will survive a little longer the happy gold spam, and an actual skill of aiming with a standard ammo would be rewarded…

    • Yeah, and tanks with gold shells that do more damage than standard shells reduce damage by 40%

    • Solution would have to be revenue neutral. I. Both of your ideas are good, the hard cap or alpha nerf but I think the nerf will decrease gold round usage more so less likely to be used. However, with a hard cap say 10% of total capacity would work.

      How about increasing the risk of ammo rack explosion by 1% per gold round stored on the vehicle?

      • How about increasing the risk of ammo rack explosion by 1% per gold round stored on the vehicle?
        E-100 says no to that -__- (instant ammo rack 2700 –>0)

        • how about , if you get 30% more pen with gold you do 30% less damage.
          50% more pen you do 50% less damage. should cure the T-54 spam for a start :)

          • problem is:
            There are some tanks which only have HE/HEAT or (like the Pz.IV or VK2801) have like 40 pen on the AP which noone ever uses.
            based on your logic the HEAT round would do 0 damage.

    • Just take them out of Random Battle’s and leave them for Clan Wars , Team Battle’s , and Tank Company’s. This way your new players will get the chance to learn to play the game and learn how to aim with out using the auto aim and shoot gold method.

    • How about gold shells having lower RoF (=longer reload)?

      And they can include a WG-style explanation of “These special shells are not present in the tank’s ready-rack, so it takes longer to load them” – disregarding the actual amount of them or even full-gold :)

      • The thing is why they dont want to nerf the shells because you have to remember. Matildas, PzB2s, and valitine 2s rule tiers 3and 4. No no no.. b2 and valintines aent a problem its that stuiped matildas are the problem lol

          • Call it a brainstorming of some sort, which by definition includes all ideas, good or bad.

            Care to add yours? :)

          • Apcr doing less damage and more pen than standard ap would be logical. After all they are sub caliber rounds, meaning smaller than typical ap. As far as how to balance Apcr on tanks like the t-62a where you have it standard or heat rounds I have no idea. Heat has been nerfed recently and honestly on my tier 10s I rarely if ever use it.

            • Well, B2 is one of few special tanks that needs gold ammo how it is. Valentine you can pen with AP (well 1 out of 6 shots, with gold 4 out of 6) And matilda, well, even with gold from front its just nope. (well 1 out of 5 from front). I have better idea. Golds for gold. It was before, but players complained about P2W (i have no fucking idea who is that retarded to spend money on gold for random). E-100 and T-54 you drove without gold and it was ok. Now without gold players cant pen tank from front.

              • You are an imbecile to think that this won’t just make landtard stat-padding even worse. At least now when we pubbies see triple T-54s spamming HEAT to stat pad we can load APCR/HEAT and kill them right back.

            • Sure they are subcaliber rounds, but when they just penetrated the armor their speed is higher and they are also much hotter than regular ap, so it makes sense that they balance out each other.

  6. - premium tier 8 medium Soviet tank will come in 2015, the T-54 Model 1945
    Meh. We have too many T-54 copies, said no WG developer ever.

    • Yeah, but that one is actually different. There was a post about it at some point, it looks more like T-44 than T-54.

  7. Reworking each and every tank to HD… I don’t know if current game engine can handle it. Yesterday we were playing Stronkholds and encountered ca 10 IS-7′s camping in base in Himmelsdorf. Finally when we attacked them my fps went down to 40 and some players said it turned into a slideshow. This has never happened before so I suspect it has something to do with the higher polygon count of IS-7 model. My computer isn’t even that bad with i7 processor 2600K and GeForce Titan and game running on SSD. Wonder how bad it is for the main player base running calculators.

    • That can’t be right… i mean… my “advanced calculator” runs this game at 20-35 fps
      And i never encountered any of this! O_o

      My framerate only tanked in Rita’s follower stream-special (and that was 30 tanks in a very enclosed space) and EVEN THEN my framerate was still manageable.

      • It can very well be right, and I will tell you why. Simple, there no processor out there that is good enough to not bottleneck a modern GPU (gtx titan is modern) and hence there will be little differance between a shit system and a high end one. Since the game only use 1 core, thers no matter if you run a dual core or quad core, the extra cores and performance is not used. I got a fucking i7 4930k at 4.5Ghz, crossfire r9 290, 2x SSD, 32GB, and patch 9.3 totally broke my fps. So yes, we with high end system do suffer because of the shit game engine.

        • i got a 2.7GHz and 4GB (usable) RAM, game running from HDD. Maybe it’s because i don’t have experience with high-end gaming PCs i can’t relate to these problems :(

          The only thing my PC is slowing down is my graphics card…

          • Its all simple science, the game use only one core and the game is too demanding for one cpu core to handle all that work. The cpu cant feed the gpu with enough information to render the frames smoothly = fps drops or low fps. The increased features in 9.3 like new track effects, more HD tanks as a whole and new effects on maps increase the cpu load. 6 months ago I changed from a 7970 to a r9 290 and got 0 fps increase = my cpu is holding me back, and back then I had a i5 3570k at 4.8Ghz and that is a super fast cpu and still is.

            But of course you get better performance having a modern overclocked cpu and a good gpu, but you wont get nearly as much fps boosts as in other games though.

            For example I want to have 100-120 fps because I have a 120Hz screen, and that means I play on all low with textures on max, and I do struggle much more in 9.3 to maintain that fps. Before patch 9.0 I had 120 fps stable on all medium to max settings, but after 9.0, fps decreased drasticly and I had to turn down settings even more to maintain 100+ fps.

            • You are aware, I hope, that the numbers you speak of are only a placebo for you? The eye cannot tell the difference between 50fps and 150 fps, and the game is perfectly playable with a stable 26-30fps, so your 100+fps is just a way to fap off to your AMAZING graphics card. In games built around monstrously beautiful graphics I could even say you are right to demand 100+fps but in WoT? Really? You need to find other drugs, the ones you are on are making you dumber.

              • You should go see a doctor if you can’t see the difference between 50fps and 150fps. You a probably having a stroke.

                Or maybe you shouldn’t believe all the crap you read in the internet. Like the persistent myth that humans can not see the difference beyond 25fps.

  8. - Storms state that 44 maps in the game is too much, it’s very hard to work with such number

    I count 37 maps on there own wiki.
    - 2 have been removed from random
    - 2 have limited MM

    Leaving us with 33 Effective maps for Random Battles.

    Also, if Storms says that have 44 maps in the game, then that means:
    44-37= 7 So 7 maps are being tested then?

  9. “penetration as a whole is going to be studied as well”
    - And this means that all standard pen of all tanks will get nerfed?

    “Storm wants to nerf the accuracy a bit (to return it partially to the old one, but not totally)”
    - This is bullshit, because good aimed shots should be rewarded. Having the old system makes more well aimed shots miss, and luck hitting weakspots far away which happened before 8.6. If you aim well, you should pen, simple.

    • Do you not have a brain? Currently, bad aimed shots are being rewarded as well.

    • The more you reward skillful aiming, the more reasons to use aimbots though.
      One of the huge advantages of the complete arbitrary nature of some of WoT’s mechanics, is the fact so many cheating methods become quite useless in most situations.

      • Skillfull aiming should be rewarded, how else should you make damage? Point and click and then expect RNG to decide? Aimbot doesnt change RNG though. If a player aims well for weakspots and have good reflexed sure as hell he should be rewarded. Only downside is that unaccurate guns becomes more accurate because RNG makes the shot go to the middle. But this issue existed prior to 8.6 as well, old RNG still made unaccurate guns hit weakspots due to RNG luck, it was just more uncommon. Side effect of old RNG was that well aimed shots by accurate guns didnt hit.

    • Why should they be rewarded? If you aim better, you have better chance (and chance only, not certainty!) that it’ll penetrate compared to someone who aims worse. That’s the difference – and a reward in itself.

  10. Yes, Storm, decrease accuracy even further so we can just aim north and hope the RNG lands the shot for us. Or maybe all guns should lose their barrels?

    • Reduced accuracy is bullshit I agree, beeing able to aim precise at close to medium range (weakspots) is important. The old RNG could make you miss even in close to medium range, which imo was bullshit and more luck than skill. Even before 8.5 you could hit cupolas at 300-450 meters away due to RNG, and now you can do it more consistent. But still, I rather have better accuracy so people can hit where they aim, rather that not hit if they take time to aim proper.

      To be honest, accuracy needs to stay as it is or even improve further. What has to go and imo is the problem, is gold ammo. That is what makes armor useless. People that use standard ammo and aim, should be rewarded much more. With reduced accuracy, and still having gold ammo for credits, people that use standard ammo and aim for weakspots dont benefit that much. They get a slap in the face.

      • Yet everyone whined about the accuracy buff when they brought it in. Didn’t like being sniped at distance by KV-1S’s and KV-2′s etc…

        • That is true…but the game was different back then. I whined about it of course, but now I see that the addec accuracy can be used in another way, not to snipe but to make accurate shots at weakspots in close to meidum range.

  11. Cant wait to see low tier tanks like the pz1c, h35 or my somua getting hd treatment, whats the point of giving high tier tanks HD when they account for a very low percentage? And one thing about hd models, why dont the devs use current hd models to simplify production of future ones. For example the Churchill 1 is in hd, how hard is it to paste it to the soviet Churchill?

  12. Artyphobes are so easy to troll it hardly any fun but since it is such important work we must redouble our efforts kommrade.

  13. leave the accuracy alone for ffs even now tanks like e50 can miss,,which is weird cuz if i aim at center of tank with 0,3 acc it goes far left or right..remove that severgorsk shit first then others and we don’t feel that there is 44 maps since map rotaion is bs maybe work on that and that game don’t have microlags and sttutering instead of adding clone tanks..

    • I have played 4.7k games in my tiger II which has a very “accurate” gun, but I still feel that fully aimed shots miss cupolas and such areas at close to medium range. Often when I look at where the shell lands, it is often not in the middle of the crosshair, but it moves towards the edge. So I dont really feel this accuracy nerf bullshit. Me and my friend made a test at 330 meters away, my tiger II with full vent, BIA, etc. vs a IS3 with only vents. The is3 penned me in my lower glacis 4/4 times and all shells landed fairly close to eachother, while I bounced the front of the is3 3/6 times and I aimed exactly at the same spot. The reason I bounced was because my 3 shots hit the gun, turret and spaced armor on the front left side.

      And this is a fact despite the 8.6 accuracy buff with german high precison guns. I play only german tanks and I cant happen to think about these funny shots that dont go even close to where you aim and these are guns having around 0.32-0.35 accuracy. If im not wrong, im not the only one who have noticed that the germans guns feels alot less accurate than they really are on paper. In fact I have always thought that these german guns have too much RNG and too many shots that goes wide despite their superior accuracy on paper. Even in close to medium range, the shot either bounce on weakspots or just fly over the cupola and dont land where you aim.

      • go play wart hunder, the tiger 2 is a surgeon tool and it’s fucking unstoppable at medium to long distances(soviet tankers either have to rely on massive calliber HE shot or close fast enough hoping your armor bounces)

  14. “- penetration as a whole is going to be studied as well
    - when the new batch of statistics arrive, developers will also decide if there’s too much gold rounds for credits flying around and whether it’s a problem or not”

    I like the sound of this. The armor has suffered some serious inflation. Lot of high penetration guns have been introduced and many people have premium shells when they enter a battle.

    Nowadays it’s really hard to rely on your armor unless it’s very thick or well sloped. Mobility and firepower are just speeding over armor. I prefer playing heavies and thinking about current situation makes me feel sad :(

    • I really hope they dont mess with the standard pen on tanks, because some tanks as it is now just have enough pen to survive, like some of the tier 8 mediums which has 175-200mm pen, and tier 8 heavys which has 198-225mmm pen. How ever looking at tier 9 tanks, then the pen starts to increase alot, specially for the russian heavys who get 257mm pen, some mediums with 270mm pen, and in tier 10 most heavys has 250-258mm pen and most mediums 264-270mm pen.

      I do how ever feel that as long as all tanks are using standard ammo its much more balanced though. Aim and pen for weakspots with standard ammo is good, load gold and aim non-weakspots isnt. Also there are more TDs now days (tier 10 TDs and tier 10 mediums) that has very good pen that didnt existed back in the days. Penetration inflation only exists because there are more TDs that has been introduced as well as tier 10 mediums. If you introduce more and more TDs as well as more tier 10 mediums of course there will be more tanks in total who have high pen guns. The original tanks with decent pen could always pen other tanks, but back then there were very few tanks in total who had this good pen, now almost all new tanks that gets introduced has better guns than the “original” tanks, also making armor of the alreaddy existing tanks weaker.

      Like the E100 for example, 235mm pen is enough considering the alpha and caliber, nobody needs to use gold ammo in the E100, but since its for credits people use it and make all other armor of tanks obsolete. That is just wrong. Or tier 9-10 heavys shooting gold, despite having enough pen to pen the lower plate of a maus? Its totally bullshit. And this inflation is caused by gold ammo mostly, and some few new tanks with too much pen. Imo no medium tanks in tier 9 or 10 should have more than 245mm AP pen max.

      The latest powercreep and pen inflation…dont have to look closer than the tier 7-8 light tanks. Tier 7 that has 175mm pen? Sure the old ones also had that but they didnt have such good rof and aimtime etc. A bulldog penning a heavily angled Tiger II frontaly just seem so fucking wrong.

      My biggest fear is that they will mess with the penetration of tier 8 tanks, these in my opinion really needs their pen because at tier 9-10 the armor of the tanks gets heavily improved comapred to tier 8 not to mention tier 8 see tier 9 and 10 much more often these days.

      The worst things devs could do is to balance pen so people are forced to use gold ammo, Nobody is forced to use gold ammo now, but they can wery well be it in the future if the nerf pen on all tanks up to tier 8. If anything some tanks at tier 8 might need a pen buff consider they meet tier 10 much more often than it was meant to (since they removed some battletier). Back then facing 3-4 tier 10 in a tier 10 game was seen as “alot” now its common that you meet 7-10 tier 10 when you are a tier 8.

    • “Mobility and firepower are just speeding over armor”, pretty much as in real life, then. I love playing heavies too, the role of armor is just different from pre-gold-ammo-for-credits, now its more of a last resort or trying to get the enemy to hit only well-angled or the thickest part of your armor, rather than bullying and roflstomp vehicles of lower tier..

      Pro-tip: There is also this magic trick called “Not getting shot”, you should try it. When you learn to dodge shells its really rewarding, this also includes not doing stupid jack-ass-rambo moves.

  15. Drawing distance circle is off the table again? I didn’t see it mentioned for months now.

  16. The goal is to allow tanks with bad depression to fight without suddenly aiming their gun above the enemy tank’s turret and to make fast tanks not lose their speed too much on such spots. It does however NOT concern like one meter hills/obstacles, that allow tanks to use depression.
    Basically they will revert the maps to the old state(pre 8.0 physics patch) Not complaining. I like that they will remove all those annoying small bumps and shit.

    Marschig is a retarded cocksucking baddie.

    - Malinovka will be reworked in 9.4
    Not enough corridors? Still left spots from where you can snipe tanks further than 200m?

    - Storms state that 44 maps in the game is too much, it’s very hard to work with such number
    It’s never enough maps. What the problem is when only 2-3 of them are rotating the whole gaming session.

    - Storm wants to nerf the accuracy a bit (to return it partially to the old one, but not totally)
    WHY? If it’s not gonna be reverted completely to the old values why the fuck would you nerf it? I FUCKING KNOW. So retarded RNG could influence game outcomes more so baddie could have a fair chance against much better player. And no matter what accuracy is stronk sovjet tonks(KV-2 152mm derp) always hit dead center because hand of stalin guides shells. Don’t even have to aim fully, just point and shoot.

    • To be fair, these russian tanks could always hit fairy accurate even before 8. Makes me believe there are more factors regarding the accuracy than the sigma shit and gun stats.

      • That could be right, when i buy the TOG, its gun (0.36 acc) feels more accurate than the zis-4 on the T-34 (0.34 acc), even when my TOG had only 80% crew while my T-34 had 100%+BIA…

        Artys accuracy is mostly determined by the gun’s max range, maybe this is true to other tanks too? (hidden stats FTW)

  17. -Storms state that 44 maps in the game is too much, it’s very hard to work with such number

    Yet you can play the game for hours and hours and NEVER see more than 5-6 of the SAME maps per day, the PROBLEM is NOT the number of maps but the incredibly LIMITED amount of maps you see per day. DON’T remove maps fix mm so you actually see some of these fabled 44 maps, also EVERY time they put in a new map they take out 1 or 2 of the old maps which again limits the maps you see.

  18. -arty will not be removed from the game.

    FFS… I got boring a long time ago… Why some people ask this question over and over again…

  19. I wonder how much of this reluctance to change artillery on a substantial level is due to either: WG being incapable of creating a new system due to various reasons (skill, bureaucracy, time, etc.); they don’t want to admit their design truthfully contains any number of rational negative criticisms (almost totally RNG based but still highly accurate, boring, simplistic, unbalanced, etc.); and or they simply don’t care because they’re happily collecting paycheques from the majority target audience (double digit WN8ers with E100s that can’t muster more than a quarter of their HP pools in damage).

    Free Idea:

    Remove the god view. Add a GUI element with degrees for the vertical/horizontal angle of the gun. Add a GUI icon on the map showing the general location of where your shells will land. Change aim by using a mechanical system, which allows one to make degree adjustments, like a slider, roller, or left/right or up/down buttons. When the user fires, the camera follows the shell to the target. Once it hits, the camera resets to the behind-the-arty position and the user can readjust the arty piece to get closer to the target. Decrease reload time, increase accuracy, and increase splash damage of all artillery pieces in this type of system. The user will eventually learn what their artillery is capable of (in a much more personal and connected manner like how a stick-shift is to a car) and what degrees they need to use at particular elevation variances in order to hit general locations, then readjusting constantly to hit closer and closer. The map reticle would be an attempt to make it ‘easier’ for newcomers, though, it could be left out to make it even more challenging, thus rewarding those players that have spent a lot of time with their arties.

    Under this system, I would genuinely feel some sense of awe for an arty user hitting things consistently and accurately (not just splash damage) and not total disdain for them sitting at the back of the map and being able to shoot directly from the sky. No waiting times of 30 seconds to 1 minute for your shell to reload. No more boring god view, but instead, a more dynamic camera system that really gives you a sense of what kind of damage you’re doing up close from an interesting perspective. Way more artillery hits in the general vicinity of players, which creates a greater sense of action and intensity.

    One of the major problems of this system would be team hitting/killing being more prevalent. The programmers would have to readjust parameters accordingly to mitigate this (again, reload time, accuracy, RNG).

    This just my quick and dirty design thoughts. I just think being able to one shot 3 tanks in a game with cheap prem ammo (GW Tiger P) from the sky as being a simplistic design choice that punishes team play and aggressiveness, when it should be mitigating things like camping that is just as boring (if everyone was camping, would you have fun?). I challenge anyone to design artillery yourself from scratch and with no preconceptions of how artillery should work in a video game and your first idea would probably be what WG has implemented. That doesn’t mean it will be good.

    • I love playing arty but the sky is crap. I always thought a map view would be better plus a low power sight for td mode

  20. I know a sure-fire way that you can get arty removed from the game – Buy Wargaming. Then it will be YOUR game, not theirs…

  21. “- arty will not be removed from the game.”

    The pointless voice of about 1% of WoT playerbase…

    “- some maps will be completely removed from the game. Currently, developers are discussing which ones.”

    Pleose remove Malinovka, im fucking hate that camping map on every tier…

    “- Storm wants to nerf the accuracy a bit (to return it partially to the old one, but not totally)”

    Finally, i am sick with all the 15-3 battles (thats how most battles outcome since 8.6)

    “- when the new batch of statistics arrive, developers will also decide if there’s too much gold rounds for credits flying around and whether it’s a problem or not”

    Just nerf the damage of APCR shells! If HEAT shells could be balanced by doing less damage compared to HE, this could be done to APCR too, because APCR does not have any drawbacks compared to AP… (higher price is NOT a drawback!)

      • Those 15-3 roflstomps have appeared after 8.6 (before that, it was VERY rare)
        There was two big changes in 8.6:
        - The Big Arty Nerf
        - Global accuracy buff
        One of them is responsible for the roflstomp matches, and probably not the arty nerf…

        • “The Big Arty Nerf, Global accuracy buff”
          and these are one of the several good things which WG had ever done

          • “and these are one of the several good things which WG had ever done”

            wich caused the 15-3 roflstomps.. i wish we had 8.5 again, that was the best patch ever, since then, WoT becomes only worse and worse :(

  22. Storms statethat 44 maps in thegame is too much, it’s veryhard to work with such number

    its more like 4+4 maps, 9 of them is prokhorovka

  23. “accuracy on the move won’t be nerfed – Storm: “fucking around with accuracy on the move leads to camping” (SS: lit. “masturbating in bushes”)”
    - Yes, but the overall accuracy and all fucking aspects of it will be reduced if they return some of the elements of the old accuracy.

  24. - when the new batch of statistics arrive, developers will also decide if there’s too much gold rounds for credits flying around and whether it’s a problem or not

    There is a lot of gold rounds spamming so please do something, decrease alpha damage or limit gold ammo to 3 rounds per tank

    • So manny gold rounds… How terrible..
      And what about the so many + 2 tier battles???
      And there are so many gold rounds in the game because we have 25% random factor in penetrates..WG should fix it to 10% or less

  25. storm is a stupid moron.. nerf this , nerf that.. he really must hate this game.. 44 maps to much? wtf is his problem? i play nearly only tier8-10. so i get the same fucking maps over and over again.. i would love to see more maps, and not less.. damn , i hate this storm guy..

  26. abt your map vote SS, i’m highly suprised people give so much of a rat’s ass about hidden village, and not Steppes. i mean, if it’s the old hidden village then i agree but the new rebalanced one is quite nice to play.

    on the other hand, Steppes…..well, everyone knows it’s a butchery there. and with the quality f SEA guys, it’s ALWAYS a problem map more than komarin (I lose a lot more in steppes than komarin due to idiot team not wanting the flank)