Hello everyone,
today, the Insider brings two interesting tidbits of information. First, you know how a lot of people wanted the “tank rental” (hiring a premium tank for a limited time)? Apparently, developers are considering it. Recently, certain references were implemented in the upcoming WoT patch (0.9.4), pointing at the option to rent vehicles (unspecified what type) for a limited time either for credits, or for gold. Whether at all or when exactly this option will appear is not known.
Second interesting fact is that Wargaming is planning an invite program, called “Recruitment”. Basically, if you invite a player (friend or whatever) to play World of Tanks and you platoon with him/her, you will not only get bonuses in the game (bonus XP), you might also recieve unique tank as a reward, IF the recruit you brought in purchases a tier 10 vehicle. This too is in the 0.9.4 files, but there is no ETA on this feature either.
“f you invite a player (friend or whatever) to play World of Tanks and you platoon with him/her, you will not only get bonuses in the game (bonus XP), you might also recieve unique tank as a reward, IF the recruit you brought in purchases a tier 10 vehicle.”
great… all my friends (who got invited by me) are driving tier 10s already…
no your friends should do da reroll
So you and your friends all make 2nd accounts and invite eachother. Mucho troll platoons in low tiers!
hiring a tank….ofc Type OP wont be there -_-
Type OP is just 59. Its not OP for 1 year already.
tell that to the other 2 tier 8 premuim meds -_-
T-34-3 and T26E4 says hi
What are you trying to compare exactly?
T-34-3 is faster and the T26E4 has more DPM.
The only place a Type 59 can pen a T26E4 is in the cupola.
Given how bad the 121 is the Type 59 is possibly the most pointless T8 med prem at the moment.
I don’t play premium tanks anymore anyway. I make enough money playing normal tanks.
T8 Prems I own: T26E4, Type 59
the 121 is not bad. it’s actually a descent med tier X. it suffers only 1 thing- too many players that don’t know how to drive it are testing it :)
Pretty sure the Type 59 (And everything else really) can pen the StupidPershing sides and rear pretty easily.
True, stock Cromwell penetrates the sides with ease.
I wouldn trade my T-34-3 for Type59… no way!
Just because the T-34-3 and Shit Pershing suck balls doesn’t mean the Type 59 is overpowered… it isn’t. It never was. It’s just as good as regular tanks of it’s tier. That’s not something a premium tank should be, but it’s not OP. Back when there was +/-3 tier matchmaking it wasn’t even OP. Most people who face it are just noobs, so they whine about it being OP, that is all.
Not to say I don’t want one, but… meh. I wouldn’t trade my T34 for one, in any case.
you are not going convince them… I remember times, when my Pz. IV (true, with a Vader turret, but still…) was encountering hordes of Type 59 few years back… THEN it was OP (with gold ammo for gold only too…)
They just like whining for the sake of whining. I wouldn’t mind if the Type is on hire.
I wonder if you’ll have to pay its full price in gold if you happen to return it with some damage. :3
“You break it, you buy it”? :v
invite a player for bonuses??? far to open to abuse to be a reality
Together with the tool allowing you to start several WOT-instances I see a lot of virtual friends driving platoon with my main account, filling XP, Credits and gold on it :)
if your real bonus (prem. tenk) comes with the purchase of tier X from the invited one than there is no place to abuse anything. it’s just a cunning plan from WC to farm more dimes, since if u try to do that with 2cnd acc you will have to play a lot in it, or invest a lot of $ for converting exp. (which is the master plan i suppose).
If the reward tank is interesting enough, I’d gladly get a tier X tank on an alt-account. Grinding an IS-7 shouldn’t be too hard, it’s one of the friendliest lines.
IS-7 is the easiest line in my experience too.
Apparently I recommend all my friends not to start playing WOT or another title from Wargaming. If they ask why, I show them my collection of W4RGAMER’s best of texts, followed by nRicochets famous “There are no bots in WOT” and the great xOlsenX – known for his attitude to share private customer mails with his friends.
*tips fedora*
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if they are starting to consider tank rental bs, then things aren’t that great at the moment for WG.
WG makes the majority of the money from selling premium accounts. Premium tanks are just a nice extra.
I rekon that it’s different depending on server.
My “Guess” is that on EU/RU servers that premium tanks are a major source of income. My other “Guess” is that on USA server that premium tanks are not “Directly” a good source of income at all but are probably a great source of income for people who want to convert experience. I only “Guess” this based on the fact that the US server can see 2-2.5 tanks “missioned” away each month, where the EU server gets a handful for the year.
Now this isn’t to say that future “On Track” or “Top of the Tree” missions will not start to be the same on the EU server, if that does happen then I would change my “Guess”..
Without WG releasing how and where their income paths are, then we have no way of knowing for sure about any of it. It is their business so I see no reason why they should give us the info, but it would be interesting to see.
wait…that would work nicely…hmmm…
Interesting stuff. It might increase sales of prem vehicles and it looks like a win-win situation.
WG gets another credit sink, players get another way to test vehicles, but this time WHEN they actually want to test it AND in actual game enviroment.
Type 59 is still 10/10.
Invite mode seems more like a “need raise acc numbers for statistics reasons”. This will give an open path to raise/cheat numbers, and WG react: ” it wasnt me”.
Not that WG needs it. But you would be amazed if you saw NFS world numbers “its a crap game now, they broke it 2 years ago” But more then 20% of their income if form people getting the smallest amount of boost to rent cars they have for a day or 7 days. Some costs as little as 1 euro for a week. Some costs more. But with all the people wanting to try a car out. As most have a rent version of the car you can buy for in game boost. They can try it before they buy it vs other players. You can try premium tanks in War Thunder to. But only on the “test track” not vs players. Its actually a big portion of their income.
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