Hello everyone,
a few days ago, a screenshot of the upcoming tier 9 reward medium tank T 55A armor appeared, as such:
Notice two things. One, the armor around the mantlet is actually 80mm. Secondly, some sort of weird spaced armor on the top. It was posted on Russian forums, where Storm reacted that this was caused by – and I quote “shitty viewer”:
Russian player (and apparently a supertester) the_komp then actually proceeded with dismantling the 0.9.4 supertest files, proving, that the armor indeed was fucked up. You see, apart from the graphic zones in the model, the armor groups are defined in a XML file, so they can be checked (and changed) independently. Someone apparently fucked up the XML files in one supertest iteration.
Luckily for us, this was fixed soon and currently, the T 55A armor looks as such:
So no worries, it’ll be okay in the test :)
I just can’t understand why WG always reacts like spoiled teenage girl when someone proves them wrong?? Just, wtf?!
Act/react like you know…
Soviet mentality, nothing more.
soviet :D
There is an old saying in the east: “if they grab you by the hand, tell that this is not your hand”, and this is the kind of mentality WG presents
These guys (Storm and SerB)? Because they get hundreds of completely, absolutely stupid questions every day. After some time, it can be hard to recognize which question is a good one and which one is stupid (especially for those borderline or dealing with external stuff you can’t check easily). And not always you have the time to go and check all necessary files right away.
Everyone in their job has to deal with less inteligent people or people who are completely lost and clueless in some areas. An IT guy may consider a lawyer retarded because he does not know the stuff that IT guy considers basic while a lawyer may consider IT guy retarded for his childlish understanding of law he may have got from reading on the internet.
Do you really want to go on street and be called retarded each time you ask a question someone migh deem retarded? Especially to be shouted at in public?
To the thing with not enough time on their hand – that is completely understandable. But if you dont know an answer, dont give one. And especially dont act all big and insult everyone around. Because it may end up right this way and you may be the one who is wrong.
Public relations is a though job and should be done only by those who can deal with it. Period. If you can take it, dont do it.
The benefits of that “shitty viewer” is huge, unlike the game itself.
So It’s hull armour is similar to the WZ-120? To make up for it it will have better DPM and gun handling than the T-54? Turret might be better than the WZ-120′s due to only having one cupola? Or is this one bigger?
The T-54 armor is an interesting topic, IRL only the first series had 120mm frontal armor called T-54 mod 1947 or T-54-1 and it’s turret was different (stock turret in the game), later they reduced the frontal armor to 100mm because the weight was too heavy and the tank had bad mobility.
The later most produced T-54/55 variants all have 100mm frontal armor so the hull what we have in the game is the least common also does not have the IRL disadvantages.
So why does the WZ-120 feel slower than the T-54 then? I know it has a worse engine…but like you said the weight difference should be much greater affecting mobility.
The top engine is more powerful than the T-54-1 had IRL most likely.
turret roof looks overmatchable.
Like on every other high tier USSR medium with historical turret armor.
With an engagement distance of 2 or 3 kilometers, I doubt it was ever hit by the period tanks in question.
Of course, the modern electronic fire control systems are quite capable of it, however, those systems are typically mounted to a gun that has no need of aiming for ‘weakpoints’.
This will be a buyable premium tank or gift tank, and we know when it will come to the game?
answered in a previous FTR post earlier today
It will be reward tank for individual missions.
Who needs a life anyway :-/
I noticed the T95E2 in your previous post ( http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/11/straight-outta-supertest-panther-88-stug-iv-pz-iid-and-t95e2-armor/ ) had the same sort of armor glitches. Were those fixed as well?
I feel like of all the “individual mission” reward tanks this is the one I kind of want the most but I bet the mission is gonna be something stupid like win 5000 games in a week
why does WoT need such external viewers?? look at WT :)
-> Russian player (and apparently a supertester) the_komp then actually proceeded with dismantling the 0.9.4 supertest files, proving, that the armor indeed was fucked up. You see, apart from the graphic zones in the model, the armor groups are defined in a XML file, so they can be checked (and changed) independently. Someone apparently fucked up the XML files in one supertest iteration.
the_komp is not a supertester, i can garantee it!