About the IS-6 Video…

Hello everyone,

so, I guess that at this point, you’ve already seen the “IS-6″ video from yesterday. If not, here it is.



Well, where to start… I mean, the video is terrible. For one, it was made on Russian server, that’s why the IS-6 in it has Russian flag decals and Russian inscriptions saying “Soviet Arctic Explorer” and “Russians don’t give up!” – I am kinda surprised they didn’t put “For Stalin!” or “For Soviet Ukraine!” on them, I am sure that would be recieved well on RU server.

The video depicts a “heroic defense” of one IS-6 against several enemy tanks, who are utter retards and can’t get rid of a single IS-6 in the open and so they rush it one by one. The vehicle is depicted as a “killer”, when in reality, despite being noob friendly thanks to its thick armor, the 122mm D-25 is more like mediocre for its tier. I mean, it’s a good tank, but not an OP death machine. The entire comedy is complemented by the awkward “radio chatter”, which is actually quite literally translated from the Russian version and sounds just weird.

Actually, it’s this chatter I mind about the entire stupid video the most.

You see, we – FTR readers, forum goers – watch the video in the context of knowing what the game is all about. We all know how chaotic random battles are and that, unless you run in a platoon, you can’t expect a helping hand. And yet – imagine you watch the video as an advertisement (which it is of course, the purpose of the video is to sell IS-6) as a new player (or, worse yet, as someone, who did not try WoT yet and considers doing it). Watching this video will give you the impression of some sort of friendly chatter in battle, well-meant jabs and, most of all, COOPERATION. Someone, who saw this video, will come in, expecting some sort of cool, coordinated, friendly battle.

The reality is of course quite different and in this, the video is seriously misleading. Yes that’s unfortunately normal these days in advertising, but that does not mean it’s okay. Plus, the entire video is just childish. As such, both the Russian and the European version were recieved with mixed feelings at best. Wargaming, surely you can do better…

93 thoughts on “About the IS-6 Video…

  1. More beginners with tier 8 premium tanks.. well done WG..
    first of all, they should make a tuturial.

  2. The only thing that irks me in that video; apart from the fact that it’s “bleh” is the radio chatter at the end: “Anyone up for a platoon”

    Aren’t they in a platoon already? THIS IS MAKING MY HEAD HURT!

  3. Are you 6yo kid to expect friendly chat in online game?

    If someone spends him money basing on such materials, he deserves what he gets.

    • I used to play Ghost Recon Online, and while friendly chatter is kind of too much to expect, there was a real non-verbal feeling of cooperation and teamwork when winning matches; you could’ve gone on awesome killing sprees alone that could help alot, but battles were won and lost on a frontline. In WoT its completely diffrent, I feel no connection to my team (I honestly treat them like bots, both teams actualy) there is no teamplay and no conscious dedication to cooperating, everything everyone does is random and battles – especially on higher tiers – are won by individuals, at best by group of individuals aka platoons. Thats why the video is so misleading.

    • actually there is lot’s of game with a decent community, that is actually helpful and if someone starts acting like a douchbag others ridicule him… Less so on the US servers, as I guess this is probably the result of the console culture (which are dominant there), but even there – it happens. WoT just gathers the worst scum.

    • Well…. actually, yes, I do expect friendly chat in a game. For example, Star Trek online did not have that much issues with that. That’s why I prefer the monthly subscription model by the way, it filters out a lot of kiddies and morons.

      • SS are you really discussing a promotional video?

        And still with all the spam and profanity filters you bother about the chat in random?

        Subs do not guarantee clean chats I have been playing a lot of sub games to know that for a fact. It does filter out some kiddies but there is a certain percentage of chat swearing going on everywhere. The only difference is sub based games have more moderators to keep it in check.

      • i expect the opposite, chat should be filled with bile, rage and hate, or it doesn’t feels like a proper MP game. and voice chat should be an endless stream of hate and cursing or ti’s not fun.

        the “chatter” in this video makes me cringe, fake, stupid and forced politeness.
        reminds me of that stupid promo video for destiny that the dude is all polite “way to go darla, let’s go here” for fucks sake who fucking talks like that, makes me want to fucking kill them and hang them from their entrails

        “friendly and polite” is for fucking carebears and SJW shits

      • YES!!!!!!!!! The subscription model is best. It’s about time I’ve heard someone else say this +90 for you!

      • Monthlies does filter out the kids but it also filters out those who can’t pay (ppl like me). so in essential it is something like an “elite” lock that is only for the elite few with the credit card/bank account ( my 5 million Rupiah only amounts to….around 400 euros? and indonesian banks have quite an outdated system, so ebanking looks like something only a programmer would get).

        while an elite lock might be good, remember that skill can’t be bought for yourself. my honest steel AP will still beat the crap outa your average goldspamming cretin.

    • There are lots of games with serious cooperation going on in even random battles: tf2, lol, so on and so forth.

  4. Silent old bean, what on earth are you talking about old chap?

    Surely you must know that these kind of gentlemanly conversations are the absolute standard in the civilised society we call the British and Mainland server? Especially random battles make for a magnificent chat opportunities with curtious and well educated fellow Europeans whilst being part of a comprehensive and intelligent battle plan.

    Honestly Silent, I do think that you are getting a bit soft in the old coconut my friend…..

    • (Pssst. You’re supposed to tell them when you’re being sarcastic on the interweb-thingy, because some people believe anything that they read there.)

      -a smidgen of advice from a fellow British person. :)

      • I am not British old sport. Since I frequent a British Team Speak server on a daily basis however to have a lofty chat with the lads, I think their eloquentness rubbed off on me a tiny bit.

        I do thank you for the advice though good Sir. It would indeed seem that the interweb-thingy is not the right location for sarcasm. One might suspect that the good people on these webs tend to take themselves a smidgen to seriously, wot?

    • Well, other online games actually have a friendly and nice chat, not every game is a dump like LoL, DOTA and WoT :) Comes with F2P, that’s why I always preferred the subscription model.

    • you seem not to know. A commercial may be a lot of things, but it NEVER may be misleading. There are laws against that…

      • You know about what planet you live??

        And what you call misleading there? Did you saw that video?
        IS6 stats they show looks good as I can remamber… I dont see any info that this is a random battle. soo…. what misleading you talking about?

  5. Cooperation? Yeah me & the Caernarvon on Himmelsdorf corner cooperated all right, to take on the 8 enemy tanks who came over the hill, after we’d killed the 4 who came down banana road. The 8 enemy tanks cooperated to kill us in about 15 seconds. Meanwhile our 7 tanks remaining in the top left corner cooperated to swarm around a lone enemy Caernarvon, completely ignoring the fact that base was being cooperatively capped.

  6. The most funny part about all this killing is that almost every tank shoot in the ground around is6, And that chatter, cooperation – just lol.

  7. “I am kinda surprised they didn’t put “For Stalin!” or “For Soviet Ukraine!” on them, I am sure that would be recieved well on RU server.”

    Of course it would. Just as Captain America and etc would be recieved well on US server. Is there any problem with Stalin or Soviet Ukraine?

      • Accept it, out of Russia Stalin is same scum as Hitler, Mao or other random dictator… you need apply here the “is/was a son of a bitch but is/was OUR son of a bitch” rule.

        • “or other random dictator…”
          …like Gaddafi and Hussein, right? Look at democratized Libya and Iraq! The triumph of Western Coalition in making the region more democratic and peaceful! But wait, there’s another dictator. Bashar al-Assad, right? For three years he’s been fighting with democratic activists of Free Syrian Army, and later ISIL/ISIS/IS. But wait, the USA should support FSA, not Assad. There are 100% guarantees that islamists won’t get their hands on military support that the West provides. And of course, the rising of Islamic State has nothing to do with the USA fucking up Iraq and funding Syrian islamists in order to overthrow the republic.

          Surprisingly, the monarchs of Gulf Arab states are not democratized yet…

      • >implying that Ukraine is a country
        >implying that current territory of “Ukraine” is populated entirely by Ukrainians
        >implying that the USA asked any nation for it’s opinion before messing them up
        >implying Ukraine wasn’t formed by USSR within current borders
        >implying Ukrainian SSR didn’t left USSR with one of the highest industrial and military potential among republics of the Soviet Union
        >implying Lenin didn’t increase Ukrainian SSR territory by 40% giving them currently disputed provinces of Novorossia
        >implying Ukraine even existed before USSR
        >implying that Western Ukraine, namely, Galicia (Lviv) and Volhynia, the heart of Ukrainian Neo-Nazism, wasn’t taken from Poland and wasn’t incorporated in Ukrainian SSR due to THE EVIL MOLOTOV –RIBBENTROP PACT IN 1939!

        I remember SS didn’t like the pact? Well, maybe it’s time to return Poland their lands? Yeah, I think Ukraine should be returned in the condition it had been in before evil Commies. Non-existing condition.

        • “I remember SS didn’t like the pact? Well, maybe it’s time to return Poland their lands? Yeah, I think Ukraine should be returned in the condition it had been in before evil Commies. Non-existing condition.”

          And Pechenga and Karelia to Finland. Prussia to Germany and so on?

          • If Ukraine is denying it’s Soviet history and experience and is insisting that USSR brought only evil to the Ukraine, I think it’s time to free Ukraine from Soviet legacy. Starting with territories, military and so on.

            Democratic process is ongoing, Look, Ukraine is already liberated from evil Soviet armor units!

            • I do not know where you come from but please at least go to Russia before spouting this anti west bullshit.

              We are not perfect but we for sure have less skeletons in the closet then any other region of the planet.

              West has brought the world civilization industrial revolution computer technology air plane.

              What has Russia done with the exception of Korolev which was one genius among peasants.

              So get lost with your Pro Stalinist bullshit. I have seen the graves of the victims of the Russian animals.

      • why do You even bother with troll/RIDF? The word is Cremlin c**kmonglers are going to separate entire Russian internet from degenerated West. Excellent idea and I think we shall keep them inside. Like the Ukrainians separating russian ghetto; with a wall and a barbed wire.

        • -> The word is Cremlin c**kmonglers are going to separate entire Russian internet from degenerated West.

          Bad joke. In fact, only thoughts about the situation Russia will be switched off from Ineternet by West (like in Ugoslavia). What will Russia gonna do? Will Russian segment of Internet still work? Etc

    • Ukraine is big NO for Russians these days.. There was a poll where Ukraine was next after USA (then with Latvia, Lithuania) as a “most hostile” country in the eyes of Russians.

      • Russian were and always will be gullible fools and drunks that need a strong batushka Putin or whoever to show them how to live.

        Polls in Russia are merely a statical research on how effective their propaganda is.

        The only mistake that the west did is to actually thing that there was a regime change in Russia and not only economical transformation of the old regime.

        KGB agents rules CCCP now they rule RF. No difference.

    • Yes there is Russia is the only fascist regime now funny thing the Russians are screaming that the other side is the problem.
      Extreme Russian nationalism is going to create another war.

      Finland Latvia Estonia Lithuania Poland Afghanistan Hungary Czechoslovakia Ukraine Millions killed nations enslaved for decades. Compared to them USA is the friendly grand pa.

      Stalin killed 3 million Ukrainians what was that an opppps? Read your posts below it is sad that you actually got brainwashed like that. Russia Today for the win I guess.

  8. Alone VS an IS-6 all depend of what tank you drive… the troll lateral armor in IS-6 is a problem but if you are in 2 VS 1 or in a good tank kill IS-6 is very easy.

    The video is simple a marketing tool to sell IS-6 to unwary people that believe in WG words and statements (i think WG is the last to info about WOT because many times looks like them dont play their own game lol).

    Tier 8 prem in hands of guys that dont have skills+experience is a must have for WG, who cares about it??? skill based MM balance teams… O WAIT!!!!!

  9. It’s a well crafted advertising targeted at those who just started playing, which are always a lot.

    SS, you keep forgetting how WG makes money, and how they don’t give a single fuck of their userbase, especially the EU part.

    • Using the Belarus version of “nigerian prince”???

      “guys guys guys i have here a super premium tank but i cant drive it because bad guys say is a bad prem… can you buy it to me??? believe me i an WG i know very well the game i have, i never sell you a stronk tank”

      • The whole concept of advertising is based on deception, presenting reality in the best way possible.

        I’m the first to feel bad inside for those who have less than 5k battles and drive a premium tier VIII with 45% WR, because it’s clear how they though about a p2w scenario. Too bad WoT is not pay to win, but still it makes money on those who think it is (and on premium accounts but that’s another story).

    • Prem tanks pay out well even if the player performs poorly. Credits buy gold rounds. Not P2W. Indeed.

  10. well it depends, for example, me in 112 and a clan member from my platoon in is-6 took out 2 tiger 2′s 1 is-3 and a panther 2! some tier 6 player called us IMMORTAL PREMIUMS!

    but in fact the players from enemy team played it badly!

    • Sometimes you find guys that read chat messages and coordinate with you… in a light i do many times bait role forcing enemy shot and giving teammates time to score some easy hits… is a dangerous job but many times is the only job you can do in certain maps and situations.

      And are guys that in heavies understand they need face enemy and leave meds and lights flank enemy to take his ass.

    • “….that has never played online video games”

      That’s exactly how WoT became so popular. It drew this kind of people to gaming. Not playing online games does not make you a moron.

      • Not playing does not make you moron of course. But expecting a clean chat in any online game that is not heavily moderated is well naive to put it mildly.

        • Maybe so, but again: WoT became successful because it caught the interest of people, who never really played anything before (the “daddies” Storm always likes to refer to) and have no idea what to expect. If you go and join a chat room about cars or any other hobby for example, you get in and noone starts swearing at you randomly. Games are specific this way and it’s somewhat reasonable for people, who haven’t played an MMO before, to expect the chat to be at least reasonable.

          • *Shrug*

            Have they ever played street football or basketball? ANY game without professional teams or with strangers?

            They should not expect anything different from a video game.

    • “siema”, “kurwa”, “idiot team”, “gold noob”, “fuck you noob clicker”, insults in the other dozen languages that EU servers contain.

      • Hey Fuck you noob cliker is a statement I fully support and use all the times.

        SPG’s are parasites that need to be eradicated and if not possible abused at every opportunity you have.

        So thumbs up for fuck you noob cliker

      • you’re missing “credit card cowboy” “premium tank fag” “did you ask your mother to buy you that prem tank? you fagtard” “wallter warrior scum” and all that

      • Ha ha…I thought the same thing! The real WOT talk:

        M103: The Lemming Train has left the station.
        IS6: OMG stupid deployment.
        T95: FU skycancer!
        AMX: Shit…I forgot to load ammo.
        IS6: Noob. Uninstall. You all are worthless.
        AMX: not that my shitty 75mm would make a difference.
        T57: That’s what your mom said last night.
        M103: remember, we are on DEFENSE.
        AMX: STFU

  11. Well, it is a commercial after all and it is not misleading. Ok, the text is dumb, but what they present here can happen. It doesn’t matter if it happens in 1 game out of 10, it is possible so they are doing it legally. They are using the manipulation techniques very well, presenting a possible situation as a normal one. Example of manipulation: they present the armor of the tank and the text is: “guys is getting hot in here” or something like that.
    As a creative director once said: “you did go to school, right? then why are you blaming me for buying a shitty product?”

    We should appreciate that they are using actual game footage and they don’t show us a CGI movie.

  12. very stupit one …. I want to say my selft where is otobots? WG has great potencial for produce a Hollywood movie.. Where movies produce for generally morons…

  13. Why do you focus so much on how the video depicts the community as being friendly?

    Look at LoL videos, for fuck’s sake. They have tons of cinematic bullshit while their game is falling behind all others in graphical fidelity and LoL is also known for having one of THE MOST toxic communities.

    It’s an ad, treat it as one, or treat all other ads everywhere like they’re trying to screw people over. Because they are.

    • so?, just because every other company is a sleazebag of false advertisement you should just shut up and let WG get away with it?, nope, everyone should complain about that to their respective companies.

      LoL and their BS cinematic fake videos is terrible, they have jack shit to do with the game, same as 99% of WoT videos that show prerendered lies, remember that “himmelsdorf-esque” video with the T95 plowing though a flaming railcar and the tiger 2 pushing the train?, yeah… that one….., pathetic WG effort

  14. i think we are used to the polishing of wot, however.. did that amx50 just bounce 3 shots? omg even tier5s can shoot through that…
    also, i missed the part when ur mum iz banged tonite fkn noob lern2pley

  15. Well……that was cring worthy and it was so obvious the opposition were deliberately missing and shooting the ground, I’d considered WG stroking their ego with this video.

    P.s looks like the WoT page is been retarded with the language again.

  16. Please reopen the Korean post chat section…it was only just starting to get good.

    Oh, and since everybody else is throwing their own worthless opinions around, Russians and Chinese need a bone occasionally and the odd beating and they remain loyal to their cruel masters who hold the choke-chain tightly.

    People is what they is…don’t be mad…

  17. It gets preferential matchmaking to go with its gun and you can just spam gold to compensate its mediocre pen.

    A pay to win tank if there other was one. Right next to the 122-44 the best tier 7 TD in the game.

    Those derpy guns are far more accurate than listed stats would suggest.