Hello everyone,
apparently, the 9.4 test release was/is planned for today (evening anyway).
Now, there are some serious changes in the Team Battles, you can read about them here. Apart from those however, the list of patch changes is very small. It was released for the German section here and it’s basically what was on the supertest (English list under that link). The previously unlisted changes include:
- AT-15A premium TD now has limited MM, hitpoints buffed from 850 to 1050
- T-34-3 reloading buffed from 14,4s to 13,4s, accuracy loss from moving the turret reduced (buffed) by 25 percent
Furthermore, the sounds of gun fire were completely reworked, sounds of vehicle destruction by ramming were improved, as were the sounds of explosions during object destruction.
- T-34-3 reloading buffed from 14,4s to 13,4s, accuracy loss from moving the turret reduced (buffed) by 25 percent
It’s still a good choice for those who don’t have a Type 59. I welcome the improvements. Just feel sorry for the T-34-2 though.
I realy like t34-3
This is just typical Wargaming ‘problem solving/fixing’: they see and address only one issue, while overlooking or ignoring the other interconnected instances.
Whether this conduct comes from lack of development time, or just plain ignorance or just simple stupidity? I don’ t know.
This is most welcome. I will be playing more
The T-34-2 is my favorite tank, it makes me sad that WG completely ignores the regular Chinese tanks.
T-32-2 needs a buff badly, it’s easily the worst T8 currently. The T-34-3 has pref mm at least.
Current sounds make me feel deaf. No battle atmosphere found.
Just a question – have I ever seen you say something good about WoT? Because I remember nothing like that~ =w=
The fact that I play WoT a lot is self explainatory :)
Play WoT? I haven’t seen you online since I joined T-D-U :D Maybe camo haxx?
Maybe Walker Bulldog and race mission was completed by itself.
More pay to win… Not only the premium TDs don’t lose their cover after shooting (were excluded from the change), but now that monster receives a limited MM and HP buff (and it will be permanent). Sick. Of course it is not an OP tank, but it is from the AT series, of which noobs have no clue where to shot without gold… The direction this games goes is just sad.
AT-15A monster xDDDDDDDD
Joke of the Week.
wow, most clueless comment ive read here in a while. Congrats sir.
Monster? Don’t take those drugs anymore. AT-15A is a f***** piece of s***. This buff is gonna make it… ehhh… not as big pile of crap as it was. There is a good reason why nobody plays it. It’s s***.
And you have to be not even a noob, but retarded, to play at this tier and still not know where to shot at AT-2/8/7/15/15A.
Excuse me Sir, are you retarded?
But you’ll always get noobs. AT15A has lots of weak spots. It is easy prey to anything that can track it. A lone AT15A against anything other than a noob is dead. I have this vehicle and it is not a lot of fun to play. By the time people get to this tier, most people know, having learnt on coming up against the AT2, where the weak spots are.
Mate. AT15A is probably the worst prem tank in the game. In case of AT line, AT15A its a papper tank (frontal armour is simple to penetrate just ba shooting in central plate). Its has limited mobility for AT, no HP, and gun from TOG. Gun is good, but it has 171 mm penetration, co in case of IX MM its silly. Try to play AT15A in test server and u will wage ur opinions better.
Fuck you! No. I will not fuck you.
You retard, you son of a bitch. Damn you!
AT-15A is one of the most tanks that need and should be buffed. And in this case, its MM!
I dont usually write like this, but You make me do it!
The AT15A is actually pretty good. Played 269 games in it and enjoyed many of them. It’s weakness is its view range. With a limited MM it will be stupidly good.
These braindead tomatoes make the core audience of this funblog?
Very stronk. Very stronk indeed.
The only premium tanks that could be by far considered good are E25 and SU-122-44. But with new corridor (dont forget its a good thing) and city maps for “beginners” they lose more and more of their advantages.
Crowds of tomatoes cry bullshit like pay to win but funny thing is that gold is easily accesible for good players so nobody has to pay anything really.
Problem with gold shells is very easy to remedy for crowds of crying retards (who spam the golds the most by the way).
Just triple their silver price and thats it. Nobody could afford to goldspam then and WG sinks more silver credits from those who will. Its a classic win-win – less gold spam, less tears, more profit for WG.
In doing so, you must either increase the gold pricenter as well, or keep the resale price the same. As your current suggestion would create a better conversion rate for gold-silver.
“now that monster receives a limited MM and HP buff”
Ok, this made my day.
I pity the fool who thinks the AT 15A is a “monster”. Just sad.
When will the changes to Stronkhold be implemented? Will it be in 9.4 or in some 9.3 micropatch?
Ermahgert Pey to winz!
T-34-3 is still meh a buffs a buff so i cant complain but they could of at least gave it -3.5 GD
Yeah. That was what annoyed me about the AT-15A. The low HP counter to other tier 7 TD’s that had mobility, considering how the low tier British HT’s was compensated with a massive HP buff for their mobility. Even more so when the AT-7 came along and had 1250 at tier 7. Limited MM will help ofc. Tho it has the same gun as the Tog II and the Black Prince, its still a pain in the ass in a tier 9 game. Its not a crap TD. But its not good either. its like the SP and KV-5. Head on, everyone knows where to shoot it. Even auto aim head on will hit the gun mantle that’s only 100mm. First two weeks after it came it was funny as heck as it bounced all the time. Then. You got killed instantly. Not played mine in ages. As I got to their X and my TD crew’s are on their 2 to 4th skill. Maybe this will make me take it out again to play it with the new 1.5x crew xp bonus to premium tanks when I wanna buy some of the mid tier TD’s back. Only have tier 8 to X.
Auto-aim goes for the lower part of the vehicle now, so in case of AT 15A it shouldn’t aim for the mantlet anymore. And people seriously don’t know that’s a weakspot, everybody tries to go for my cupola. It’s probably too counter-intuitive since mantlets are generally parts to avoid shooting on other vehicles :)
Always liked the AT 15A (though never thought it was amazing, just acceptable) and I will welcome this buff. Definitely will make me play it more than just once a month.
The mantlet on AT 15A is 200 mm thick, rounded and you need to hit it close to the center, where you are in danger of hitting the gun and dealing 0 damage. Cupola is much easier target, unlike the AT 15 where the mantlet is just garbage.
Maybe I misremembered but it’s still a weakspot that can’t be easily hidden, though small as it is. Taking a HE hit close to that hole will do serious damage, though.
I never really had an issue shooting the mantlet. And and 0 damage shots are most likely damaging the gun/loader/gunner/ammo rack, which is a British tds lifeblood. More advantages than disadvantages, I say.
Please buff more meds, those are too weak… (Just some meds has more armor, than heavies, or more dpm, or more camo…), but these needs buff…
only mediums that need a buff are m48 patton(dpm) and t-34-2 in my opinion so you should stop complaining.
AT-15A may actually be worth buying now.
it will be, i got it a long time now, and always got raped by t9′s!
i would just die in 2 shots! so the extra hp will help allot!
- AT-15A premium TD now has limited MM, hitpoints buffed from 850 to 1050
GOD SAKE! Take them long enough to do this. Like is it really hard to see it’s the worst Premium tanks in the game?
this is best
- AT-15A premium TD now has limited MM, hitpoints buffed from 850 to 1050
thank you WG!
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So NONE of you geniuses want to comment on the one good change, that actually creates new content, the Team Battle change? Instead you all beat a dead horse over and over again, since YEAH EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW YOUR OPINION ON AN OBSCURE BRIT PREM TD!!!!111ONE….
It’s really no wonder SerB trolls the players so much, most of the population is composed of brainless turds.
Nobody cares about TB.
Team make-up might be interesting or totally boring like 2×50 100 3x is3 2x Bulldog, I did see navi play with 3 50 100 2 Is3 and two IS in one of the tourneys but that was before the new lights.
The problem is most T7s apart from the lights are horrible and the 6xT8 + a T6 will get murdered by the bulldog setup.
Why would anyone care about TB? WoT e-sports is boring as fuck and this isn’t going to change that. Anybody who wants to play team based matches in game is in a clan and will either be playing skirmishes or clan wars.
This will change it for sure!
No more draw games and there will be much less camping, because ALL the games further on will be Assaults.
I don’t care about team battles since e-sport in WoT is a joke?
Go suck on a turd.
What does it have to do with e-sports?
After the changes it’s a separate game mode (different than everything else we could play before: 2 separate caps to defend, dynamic gameplay with only 7 minutes per battle, no draws, tier VII tanks viable again in non-randoms), it just happens to use the same team format.
To play TB, you don’t even need to know such thing as e-sports exists, so how is that relevant?
Great, a battle mode for 10 tanks used over and over again. Fascinating. Played it, bored with it, not coming back for it.
Maybe fix the fucking game first? Just a suggestion.
Looks like the “two capture points” at least from that interview was actually true. And they’re all quite far apart, too.
- T-34-3 reloading buffed from 14,4s to 13,4s, accuracy loss from moving the turret reduced (buffed) by 25 percent
great news, as I’m thinking about buying it. I’m almost done with grinding the exp to research all X’s, now I will need monies to buy those I don’t yet own :P
Well, I really like the AT series, and after these buffs, the AT 15A looks like it might be worth it finally. Maybe I’ll pick one up during the next sale.
Having had the AT-15A from just after it came out. I have to say the buff announced is well overdue, but very nice to see.
The two buffs announced are exactly what this TD needed, and will bring this thing into alignment with most other premium tanks. I dont think it will make this tank anything exciting, I think these buffs will only, finally, bring this TD level with most other premiums.
What is kinda hard to fathom though.. Why did it take so long to do? Of all the premiums this thing cried out for a buff from the moment they brought out the English TD tree.
I’d prefer having better depression than reload speed in the T-34-3, out of two the poor depression is what makes the tank hard to play.