
- SerB confirms that the current VK4502B will be replaced by Maus prototype. The rear turret tank will then either become a premium tank, or will turn into the alternative hull for the existing VK4501A
- SerB states that the problem with the previous issue of historical battles was in getting enough players for both teams. Now WG is working on PvE historical battles.
- no plans for historical battle PvP mode
- the account statistics reset for gold was just a rumor
- the characteristics of the Fury Sherman are worse than the characteristics of HD M4A3E8 will be

- the final fate of FV4202? “We will do what we consider necessary”
- Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk”
- developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one
- it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of the community
- according to Storm, the statement that the gameplay of WoT was simplified many times in the past is not true
- apparently, there are no plans to make vehicles like KV-13, T-43 and A-20 more competitive, considering the changes of the game
- SU-85B is doing fine characteristics-wise
- light tanks will be buffed
- apparently T67 (former T49) TD needs a nerf according to Storm
- the render radius (when it turns from rectangle to circle) will be 565 meters
- the current maxium spotting distance (445m) will not be increased
- developers do take into consideration that the prepared nerf of bush camo bonus (SS: 20-25 percent off their camo bonus) will negatively impact passive scouting

179 thoughts on “23.10.2014

  1. Ofc the Fury is heavier than the regular Easy8, it’s got 8 camera operators and 200 gallons of makeup in it.

  2. apparently, there are no plans to make vehicles like KV-13, T-43 and A-20 “more actual, considering the changes of the game”

    can someone explain this to me? I dont get it…

    • Make then stronger because of power creeping i guess…..or HD model updates ,i don’t know

    • I think the kv-13 is the best tier vii medium in the game, and the t-43 isn’t too bad either. The a-20 has always been lackluster. I do not think these tanks suffer from power creep. Their problems come from other issues. I do think it would be nice to see the kv-13 given a purpose though. Right now the only reason to grind it is for the technical engineer medal.

      • True about a purpose for the KV-13. I’ve had it researched for ages but haven’t bought it since there has been no real reason to for me.

      • Meh.

        All tier 7 mediums suck.

        I find A-44 to be better if played properly; the gun looks inaccurate on paper, but it blooms very little(for a tier 7 medium) if you don’t turn the turret; overall much less bloom than T-43(and I have over 60% wr on it, solopubs)…etc.

        • My comet says “I’m a tier 7″. you shouldn’t insult it. Despite what Jingles says, the Comet is an incredible tank in the game, and a real earner at tier 7. Admittedly though, I have vents, vert stab, rammer, BiA. I regularly do 3000+ damage in it.

          T20 was a tank I was glad to get rid of. Not a bouncy tank at all. I struggled with that…

          • Comets are easy to take down, the only thing they have going for them is RoF. Otherwise I just see a bouncier Cromwell. The kv-13 is vastly ununderappreciated. It has armor as good as an IS, and is slightly more mobile than the t-43. The T-20 simply sucks.

            • T20 doesn’t suck at all, it just needs to be played according to what it is – a soft medium. :-) I desperately wanted ace tanker on that and the thing really learned me a lot – how to crawl and move on the field, give many hits and don’t receive any. :-)

              I even though I’d get it back if I didn’t like the Pershing, as I really started having fun with the thing – but I just love Pershing even more, received my ace in about 30 battles. :o)

        • The a-44 is a love/hate machine. It has a great front plate, and serious DPM, but the huge tumor on the turret and the extra effort it takes to position yourself with the rear turret make it play too much like a TD. If I wanted an su-101 I’d have unlocked it.

          • KV-13 is a GREAT tank imo. Really good armor (hull is like a heavy), can withstand punishment. Id take KV-13 over any other T7 med / heavy. Dont really know why people say this is a bad tank. Only real problem with this tank is:
            Tier 7 this is one of the best and can be played bullying others.
            Tier 8 a lot harder, pick your fights.
            Tier 9, cannot really do anything, armor cannot bounce, cannot scout (bad view range) and penetration is not enough.
            So all in all, if in tier 7 max game, this might be best tank in-game. In T9 one is quite useless.
            A-44 is also great.. Had to think really hard do I leave KV-13 or A-44 in my garege for my standard T7 tank. Chose KV-13 as I had already bought camopatterns with gold.
            Worth keeping imo.

              • There are some fun mediums in tier 7, but generally tier 6 and 7 mediums suck. Tier 8 is highly popular so MM will put you a lot to tier 8 / tier 9 matches. Also alpha of the heavies in those tier is massive compared to mediums HP pool. Lacking penetration will force you to do flanking maneuvers and that is becoming increasingly more difficult, thanks to the funnel map redesigning. In tier 10 mediums are the kings of the battlefield, but in tier 7 they are usually the underdogs.

  3. - SerB states that the problem with the previous issue of historical battles was in getting enough players for both teams. Now WG is working on PvE historical battles.


    - no plans for historical battle PvP mode


    • What is the point of play PvE in a PvP MMO?

      I mean, it’s bad enough having to deal with PvE in War Thunder. Shoot up a bunch of tanks just to find out they were bots. 11 kills, yay! 6 were AI, :(. Kind of kills the fun.

      Anyway, why is WG going through all the effort to get arid of bots when they are just going to introduce their own?

            • Yeah, serious wait times for a battle. I gave up on it because of that. I don’t have much opportunity to play, when I do, I don’t want to waste my time waiting.

          • Promoting doesn’t help if the mode:

            - is hidden (under battle popup)
            - has nothing in it for casual public (like you open the popup to play in platoon or with clan).

            If you just remember once in a month that “there is some HB and it’d be nice to play it now”, of course you’ll be alone in the queue – because everyone else remembers once a month too. That’s what killed the whole mode.

            • What killed it are the endless queue times, i tried about 20 times until i got into one battle (and no, i did not play with Tiger, i used the T-34 evem if there was 160 plyers in q)
              Just tried to play only 1 day after patch and comletely abandoned it after that.

              I hope the PvE HB will be succes (but it needs a LOT of work)

                • i hope this will the case in the reworked HB (that “premium” Tiger is probably the first step)

                • Yes.
                  What WG does is avoid the problem, not fix it.

                  HB problem was players only wanted to play top tanks (hurp durp imma poooun n00bs with teh tiger) while MM tried to fill in all the slots… it had to fail.

                  So instead of thinking for a better solution, WG just drop the (cool) concept completly and turn HB into braindead PvE. I’m dissapointed.

                  Possible solution – beeing assigned a random tank – could be interesting:
                  1. the teams could be composed in a proper way, depending how WG want to setup each historical battle.
                  Eg lots of T-34 vs few tigers, as players could not influence, what they drive
                  2. There would be some kind of cumulation system, where you collect tokens after each battle, and they increse the chance for you to get assigned into top tank.
                  This way you would be guranteed to drive the top/better tanks, once in a while, BUT not too often, so everybody gets some fun.
                  3. Players normally get 100% crew for randomly assigned tank.
                  If they have their own (better) crew for the randomly assigned tank, its beeing used in HB, and gets trained.
                  This could vary a bit, like picking the best crew from players, as long as the type and nation fits. (so it can use your T54/T62 crew in T34 historical battle). Just an idea.

  4. “- Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk””

    That would be Brad Pitt’s ego ;-)

  5. That circle render distance thing has been promised for over a year. IMO its the one thing the game needs most because the square render distance makes for unpredictable gameplay and makes the deer in the rear even more useless if the things you are fighting are just outside their box.

    • When they change it to circle the action will be outside the camper’s circle then. Same thing.
      Game isn’t unpredictable either. Most maps design depends on the square rendering range actually. You don’t even have to have the square displayed on the minimap. If you know the map you’re fighting on, you will be able to take an advantage of the drawing distance.

      I’m not really looking forward to the circle rendering. It will extend the minimal rendering by only 65 meters, but will cut the maximum range almost by 135. First corridor maps, soon cutting drawing range … what’s next? Max distance after which shells will disappear will be cut down to 100 meters maybe? All to cater for the drooling idiots.

      • “All to cater for the drooling idiots.”.
        huh?, WoT ALREADY caters to drooling idiots since T10 meds where introduced, the gameplay mentality itself caters to drooling idiots

      • Problem with the square was that on maps like Malinovka from forest you could get draw box all the way to the ridge and have a huge advantage as you had tons of cover.

        The way some maps like Highway were shaped made it even worse. Some spawns are almost right off the bat in draw range in the corners of the box.

        So at least the circle will not make that as lopsided. I do think they need to increase draw to 600m though.

        Basically making it larger in every way. Its true they have been dumbing down the game as of late

    • Though the change would only improve the “just outside the box” problem in four areas, while making it worse in four others.
      After all it’s shaving off nearly 150m of view range from the corners of the “drawing box”, while providing ‘only’ 65m longer range on the sides.

      I fear that without changes in the general spotting ranges (the ominous “scout buff”) scouting will become even more difficult, after all the support/sniping elements then need to be no further than about 100m from the scouts.

      • The square spotting is an exploit an feels wrong.
        Overall there is some hope for scouts if circle view + bush nerf + general view range nerf (except for scouts) come together. That combo could reanimate cautious + patient scouting.

  6. - SerB confirms that the current VK4502B will be replaced by Maus prototype. The rear turret tank will then either become a premium tank, or will turn into the alternative hull for the existing VK4501A

    another tank to be T8 premium?
    Let the race begin to get the VK

    - the final fate of FV4202? “We will do what we consider necessary”

    Hope they turn it to premium :(

      • Sorry but do you have the quote for that from WG?
        I only read that they were going to have an answer by the end of the year.
        Maybe I missed an article here.
        Please enlighten me Woras.

        And, by the way, do you know if we have to do a mission for that or the exchange will happen has T34?

        • its already been stated that FV4202 100% confirmed become Premium tanks like ages ago

        • They said it will likely be premium, and that you will get a special mission if you have FV.
          Disclaimer: this is all subject to change and it is not known when it will happen, prolly early 2015.

        • well, I realized my mistake now
          I meant to say: they will give it like what happened to T34.

          No missions, no bullshit….
          Just exchange it

          • It will probably be like “if you have the tier 10 FV play one battle in it” or something.

            • Lol no.

              Its WG it will be a ridiculous 30 day mission where you have to spend 2 hours a day doing it.

              They will not give away a 45 dollar tank easily.

              • What they probably want to do is make sure only “Active” accounts get it.
                If they could keep inactive accounts from getting free tanks then that would be a slight win.

                • So, a Tog like mission?
                  While I hate the general concept of having to play “at least XX days/month”, the tog was bearable.
                  If they dont push it too hard with FV4202, it could be fine.
                  Tog level: kinda okayish,
                  type 62/kv-220: fook no

  7. “SU-85B is doing fine characteristics-wise”

    I take it there are retards who complain about the T4 TD with the most OP gun. Good joke.

  8. did they means vk 4502a?
    also its nice to see that wargaming wants to buff lights hopefully they will leave the new 9.3 lights as they are and then buff the others to the same sort of standards as the new ones because i think the 9.3 lights are a good base for what scouts should be and that it would be a huge mistake to nerf the 9.3 scouts because they can finally affect the outcome of a battle where as it was really difficult before.
    (changes like the td camo nerf and the changes to the maps have allowed scouts to become more than just scouts they are now much more than that now their an actual force to be reckoned with on the battlefield not just little bitches that sit and scout for arty and nothing else that wasnt their fault but people should embrace the changes not just say ‘the new scouts are op now please nerf’ considering all but the tier 8s were basically useless for so long i think that people should learn how to deal with them not just bitch and moan about them besides the only reason their considered op right now is because all the unicums are using them not the average players once the average players start using them people wont bitch much anymore)

    • “did they means vk 4502a?”
      They’re replacing the rear turret vehicle and merging it with the front turret vehicle

    • Old scouts were able to decide battles on old maps without powercreeped hightier meds outclassing them. 9.3 LTs are able to do it again, because they are supahOP compared to old (pre T71) scouts. They would have to make maps less idiot friendly to justify 9.3 LT nerfs and revive old LTs. Whiiich they wont, so forget scouting and go research what essentialy is a MT with camobonus on the move and tough MM.

  9. “- SerB confirms that the current VK4502B will be replaced by Maus prototype. ” Do we know anything about that prototype?

        • yes, there are 3 rear-turret vehicles in the game, so lets remove 2 of them and replace them with some generic boring vehicle.

          • Rear turrets…

            1. A-44
            2. Object 416
            3. Object 430 v II
            3.2. VK 45.02B ( To be replaced rear turreted maus prototype )
            3.3. Maus
            3.4 Leichtractor
            3.5 T1 cunnigham
            3.6 Elc Amx
            3.7 amx 12 t
            3.9 amx 13 75
            3.10 amx 13 90
            3.11 Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
            3.12 Vickers Medium Mk. I
            3.13 Vickers Medium Mk. II
            3.14* FV215b ( to be replaced by non-rearturreted chieftan )
            3.15* VK 72.01 ( reward )
            3.16*Light Mk. VIC ( rare-premium )

            x.x. Maus Prototype also has rear turret I believe…

            Your way of counting?

            • ps: In the tank-destroyer lines there are also: waffle pz IV and WTF E-100 but they are TD’s so I didn’t mention them, same goes for the FV215 183

              • There are also allot of arty with limited traverse rear mounted turrets, Crusader SP, GW panther and M53/55 as examples.

            • you are right, some objects are there.
              not counting LTs and lowtier crap, you cant really sidescrape in ELC AMX ;)

              so for me its FV215b, Maus and VK4502b

      • Well this Typ 205a have 15 cm gun?, and Mause could easy fit 15 cm gun in his turret. But in Wg case, not for german, i wish becouse of typ 205a, WG will give mause 15 cm gun :P hope so :D

        • “WG will give mause 15 cm gun :P hope so :D”

          only if it becomes premium “maus captured by soviets”

    • How do we know what will happen with the VK4502B ?

      1.) if they transfer part of it to the 4502 A, what will happen to the characteristics of play? Another words, will it have very close the same characteristics as the VK 4502 B @ tier 8 ? Or will it be weak like the VK 4502 A is now? I have grinded 100% of the VK 4502 A to get the VK 4502 B, and I can tell you I could not wait to get out of the VK 4502 A….

      2.) Because if they are not going to do a good job with it, and its going to end up being another “Fantasy Frankenstein Tank” that plays like junk, very badly, then I would say, Please let it be as a premium atleast, left more intact, rather than doing that?

      3.) currently, the VK 4502 B has been some reward for me after the rough grind of the VK 4502 A….

      I can always trust they will screw it up however…

      • If you’re hoping when the 45.02 P’s merge or if the 45.02 P Ausf. B gets turned into a tier 7 premium you’re going to keep that 200mm of frontal armor, I’ve got some news for you….

  10. - SU-85B is doing fine characteristics-wise

    Oh really? 130 mm pen at tier IV and 160 average damage.

    - apparently T67 (former T49) TD needs a nerf according to Storm

    But the T67 needs a nerf? It has a 51.66% win rate, ranked 36th in the list. Now, I won’t argue that it’s a monster and in the right hands it’s a bit OP, but isn’t that the same story with good tanks in general? Good players can make any tank seem “OP”.

    Another good tank WG are going to break. Well done.

    • I would say because it is T5 its stats are lowered by either new players or tomato’s. In the hands of even an average player it is a beast.

      • SU85B is one of the most OP tanks in tier 4. It has a tier 5 gun, great rate of fire, good gun depression for a TD, good alpha, a good HE round for lower tier tanks and fantastic camo. If your team collapses in a tier 4 game which happens a lot you are impotent in it and the PZ1C, M3/5 and other fast tanks are your nemesis flanking you and lastly you can’t do well in clean up which is why I don’t play it. I like TD’s that have some armor and can bounce like the Stugg or SU85 because I am an aggressive player. The SU85 is a pure camping bush TD which I HATE! Why would anybody ask Serb if it should be BUFFED? It is well balanced and if anything it should be nerfed.

        The T67 is OP, especially in the hands of a good player, and needs a small nerf to camo, DPM and/or penetration. Just like the Hellcat, its the gun depression that makes it soooooo OP along with Camo. It’s stats are superior to the Chaffee in every way except speed (not by much) and view range so why play Chaffee? It’s basically the best “medium tank” at tier 5, better than the T-34, Crusader and M4, just like the Hellcat used to be the best “medium tank” at tier 6 (probably not the best now after the nerf). T67 needs nerfed to a TD or reclass it as a MT.

        • A Chaffee is much more mobile and it can circle tanks much better than the T67 can – It just can’t hold its speed when turning.

        • You make valid points, but the T67 turns like an oil tanker, same goes for the turret lol. I don’t think I’d mind too much if they made the reload with 100% crew like 3 seconds (nerf of .24 seconds). But the gun’s accuracy sucks for a TD, American MT like. Doubt it could be reclassed though, too small imo.

          However, the only things it has better than the T-34 is speed in a straight line and camo. I play my T-34 with binocs, rammer and GLD and it outclasses any T67 I face, but probably because I don’t go where they can snipe me.

          Would it be necessary to nerf the T67 with the coming (and stupid) bush camo nerf though? Doesn’t need that big a nerf though, but they’ll completely wreck it and people will camp more in it than before.

      • Yes but its US tank so its getting way more nerf attention.

        I mean come on Look at Rus meds, they are amazing beasts as well. How about the new IS7 that now has 0 Weakspots on its turret?

        Could you imagine if they removed the Tumor on the E5 and buffed its cheeks by 40mm ? Nope because it would never come close to happening.

        Ruski Bias is real.

        • Indeed it is! Oh well, better use that and play our Russian tanks, since the tomatoes are so kind in keeping them untouched! ;)

  11. - it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of the community

    Buuuuuuuuullllllllllls**t – every online game out there since the beginning of time have made nerfs in the name of balance to cater to the “whiner’s win” mentality. This declaration might have worked about 12 years ago with Call of Duty titles, but nerfing is the norm nowadays and you’re not fooling anyone.

      • Polling people about maps, asking for feedback. Doesn’t that prove it? I hardly doubt they would ask any feedback if they didn’t worry about the community, because that would be a waste of time.

      • Buff to the IS-7 turret armor after complaints from the Russian community in patch 9.3. :D sorry Woras

        • This was the worst…..They took a Monster tank in the IS7 that in current brawling meta and after TD nerf went and became top of the list again and made it virtually unpennable when semi hull down.

          Cheeks went from 385mm to 450mm and they removed a tiny weakspot that was the only hope to hurt upclose in a face hug.

          Imagine if the E5 got its tumor removed and cheeks buffed from 203mm to 243mm just because it went HD. LOL

      • Oh they listen to the “community” alright…but only the part of it that speaks Russian.

      • They def listen to RU community the rest of us are red headed stepchildren.

        IS7 got a monster buff with HD. It now isnt even penned by 400mm HEAT from the front.

        They made the armor just like RL with 240mm cheeks then RU guys whined and bam 270mm cheeks@50 degrees.

        They also removed hitboxes.

        Also how about the 3 Ruski meds? RU guys complained when they only had 62a so what did they do? Added a 140 and made it as good or better than 62a then it had “Weak Turret” the noobs in RU whined bout then all the sudden they “Found” a turret that was better and added it. Then instead of adding T8 lights or other lines added a 3rd med clone that was entirely not useful.

        Funny how M48 which is 10x worse then the 140 with Weakspot turret hasnt gotten any love at all. Its because RU noobs didnt whine about it.

    • Strange that they are nerfing buses then, because I’m almost sure it’s the idiots that rush and then die that complain most about that as well. Pathetic really.

  12. - developers do take into consideration that the prepared nerf of bush camo bonus (SS: 20-25 percent off their camo bonus) will negatively impact passive scouting
    I see that this stupid fuck still haven’t gave up the bush camo nerf idea. Since he’s now the chief of balancing department this game is doomed. And i thought Veider is retarded.

  13. “- developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one”

    Good luck with that, devs!

    • Stop. Asking. Them. About. It.

      The more you retards inquire about it’s fate, the more likely WarGaming will think they can make a profit from it, selling it instead of handing it out for free to the true fans of it.

  14. DEV: Hey Serb, this American tank is doing well.
    SERB: To the nerf hammer!
    DEV: This Russian tanks is a little OP.
    SERB: Well of course, it’s Russian.

  15. - the render radius (when it turns from rectangle to circle) will be 565 meters

    why go through all the trouble and make it a circle, instead of just removing it? it’s completely pointless anyway…not like tanks just disappear after 565 meters.. not even at 1414m (which would be maximum if you could see enemies on the whole map).

    • I can think of two reasons.

      One is that it could possibly mean some strain for the server or the client. So it could be a way of saving computing power of either of them for other, more crucial tasks. Just a guess thought.

      Second is that rendering limit makes maps a bit larger than they are, because you can’t see things from across the map and have to move around it. This serves as an artificial obstacle, even if the map is flat. Seeing how we got a lot of corridor maps lately, limiting the render range serves similar purpose to help idiots not to be shoot at from too many directions all at once, and not to make them too confused which way to turn their gun if enemies were suddenly spotted elsewhere than dead ahead.

    • meanwhile i shoot tanks at 1600mts in WT and regularly at 900, lol shit wargaming and their shit wot.
      500m is VERY close for a tank, yet in wotsiema 500m is “OMG SO FAR my shell is not hitting where i want!”

  16. - Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk”

    @Serb This doesn’t explain 4.2tons. I suggest you add the real weight of “logs and other junk” when you guys bring up this as an explanation why the Fury is more heavy.

    Bases upon the model the wood trunks are 2.7m long and the diameter is between 20cm-25cm. Let calculate with 25cm. So 6 of them weigh 900kg.

    Combined with 3 sandbags on the Fury we have to add another 150 kg.

    We still need to find 3,15 tons. Don’t believe that the helmets, the one sprocket, the one canister or the piece of a track will exlain the missing 3,15 tons.

    Why do you don’t give the Fury the other advantage of the logs and trunks when you tell us that this is the reason for 4.2 more tons? The tank crews and/or the mechanics in WWII added that as additional armor. So why you don’t give it the same use in WoT and make it spaced armor?

    At the end all this just shows what to think about the quoted answer “Blablabla” :)

      • As I typed already, the logs and junks never explain 4.2 tons anyway. So thats the first fail here.

        The second fail is that they don’t give it the same meaning as in real, but add it to the weight.

        However, they thought it’s a good story to tell, but didn’t thought about it till the end.

        • It is not a fail. It is a typical WG response, do not expect any logic from them. It’s the same as with “historical accuracy” used to justify changes that they want to do, but if the same “accuracy” would result in something they do not want, then there is the “game balance” excuse. Typical, as with the logs response. They could simply reply with truth – the premium vehicle has to be worse in some areas than the elite counterpart, thus increased weight among other thing, but that is just not their style.

          • I know, but I want to response in a professional way to show them: Being a smartass is easy.

            Hopefully they stop giving answers what make no sense when you just dig a bit deeper.

    • The long story short, explained over in the “Fury Armor hitbox” post’s comments section, is that the Easy 8 is significantly underweight, and should be closer to 33 tons(It’s about 30 ATM), and pushed over towards 34.5 like the Fury because of the weight of the T84 tracks

      • It’s funny to see users trying to find arguments while they go the easy way by telling us something about the weights of logs and junks.

        Next, the tanks are mostly identical and we can’t start make historical correct calculations for one tank (premium) only and take it as argument that we are good to go.

        I don’t like they use the historical argument only as long as is supports their ideas. But however, they didn’t use it this time, because they know its crap, but users try to argue this way now. Thats funny.

        And as far as I know T84 tracks was never in use in the WWII, but was used in the movie.

  17. SU85B is one of the most OP tanks in tier 4. Why would anybody ask Serb if it should be BUFFED?

    The T67 is OP, especially in the hands of a good player, and needs a small nerf to camo, DPM and/or penetration. Just like the Hellcat, its the gun depression that makes it soooooo OP along with Camo. It’s stats are superior to the Chaffee in every way except speed (not by much) and view range so why play Chaffee? It’s basically the best “medium tank” at tier 5, better than the T-34, Crusader and M4, just like the Hellcat used to be the best “medium tank” at tier 6 (probably not the best now after the nerf). T67 needs nerfed to a TD or reclass it as a MT.

    • Crusader is a light-tank and sucks. :-)

      The fact that it has camo on the move is it’s only saving grace, otherwise it would be a T-34 with an inferior gun,armour, topspeed and healthpool. Actually, even with camo on the move bonus it’s just that, A bad T-34.

        • Second to that. It is situational of course, but can bring you, as when you sneak to that lone full HP Tiger camper and just erase him with your fast shooting gun… Od course it is more a medium than a LT, as it’s top speed is not impressive, and the maneuverability is meh for the class, BUT it is fun. And has cool name, and looks nice (sweet turret) etc.

      • Crusader is a light tank in name only. It really is a medium or light-med hybrid. Also, it’s a good tank.

  18. “- developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one”

    Well they still have lot of work to do.

    In standard render i get steady 45fps, with some settings on medium/high.
    But when i try to change it to the Improved render with everyting on low settings, the game becomes totally unplayable. About 15fps or less

    • Do not worry. With their speed of game development, maybe they will stop support in two years or such, so you may change the computer to that time :-). Or, and in my opinion this is more probable, competition from Armored Warfare will force WG to not forget about weak configurations, as AW will be more demanding (and will look better, so will cater for that specific part of audience).
      In the other hand WoT is so badly optimized, even if comaring with War Thunder, a game that looks better by far, and runs with more stable FPS. It’s not more fun, just runs better.

  19. I needed GOLD anyway so I bought 99 bucks worth and got the FURY for free, but my main complaint, in two games, LOL, is that it does not seem to print good credits and it’s inferior in every way to the VK3001D, T3485 and Crommie (especially in PEN and SPEED) and maybe it is because I do better in them but I make more creds in the VK, way more, than the Fury. Today I have 2 wins out of 3 in the VK and made 75K creds. I would never have made that in the Fury so it’s just sitting in my garage, but I am focusing on the ONTRACK to the Leopard which I just completed. So, next week, I will play a dozen games in it, but with the armor nerf I will probably not like it and just leave it in the garage and never play it except for a X3 and X5.

    I wish you could “hide” tanks in your garage so you don’t have to scroll through them. I have 80 tanks in my garage and I don’t remember buying any garage slots for a long time, LOL.

    • Wanna earn, buy a tier 8 premium tank, jesus… Stop whining, unless you are spamming all the time with gold (common on the noob NA server), then you are earnign more than enough (with a premium account).

    • *spends 100 dollars on free to play game, complains can’t make enough in game money*

  20. “- developers do take into consideration that the prepared nerf of bush camo bonus (SS: 20-25 percent off their camo bonus) will negatively impact passive scouting”

    Well at least they know they’re working in the opposite direction of what they said they would do and not just herp-a-derping without a clue, I guess.

    “- SerB confirms that the current VK4502B will be replaced by Maus prototype. The rear turret tank will then either become a premium tank, or will turn into the alternative hull for the existing VK4501A”

    My body is ready.

    • That this is still an option (bush camo change) is proof that they are herp-a-derping around. Especially Storm.

  21. - Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk”

    That junk is Pitt or Le Bouf (?) ego?

    - developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one

    Nooooooooooo. I have no problems using the improved render on my home PC, but the standard one is a must on potato powered laptops (or old PCs). I know what that means – it will remain, but will not be actively developed. In my opinion it is a mistake. F2P game, popular in various countries (and the most popular in the developing ones…) means that it has to have low requirements. Such people may not afford for better computers, but belive me they will find few Euros for WG…
    Weird policy.

    - apparently T67 (former T49) TD needs a nerf according to Storm

    No shit Sherlock, that was obiocu when you made the Hellcat nerf, but noooo, let’s wait few patches to do something obvious… Morons.

  22. - light tanks will be buffed

    Nyahahahaha……………. Who said that the new 9.3 LT deserve a nerf?

    Instead, they will buff it more lol. My RU251 is more than happy.

  23. “- it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of the community”
    The first sentence is about the VK4502B being replaced because the majority of the community has whined too much about it.
    The tank is beyond fine and balanced, stronger than the E-75 in some areas and equal in the rest, yet enough bitching has made Wargaming replace it.

    • The VK has no side armour, the front is epic, but any side shown and it dies quickly, front wheel shooty death . I assume they are going for more rounded armour than brilliant in one aspect.

  24. “- Fury is heavier than regular Sherman “because of the logs and other junk””

    Lol… I wonder how much weight the “logs and other junk” add to the T-54. Gee. An elited T-54 weighs as much as a Type-59 despite the much thicker glacis and superior turret thicknesses. So T-54 can have weightless armor, but the M4A3E8 premium tank is weighed down by “logs and other junk”.

    Totally legit.

    “- SerB states that the problem with the previous issue of historical battles was in getting enough players for both teams. Now WG is working on PvE historical battles.”

    So…offer more incentives to play them? Just an idea…

    Sometimes I think these guys are as bad as SDEnterNet…

    • Type 59′s model is actually smaller than it was historically I believe.

      20 mm of frontal glacis has weighless armour though.

  25. Yeah light tanks buffed ofc. Bulldog, LTTB, T37….they really need buff, they are too bad -_-. No just tomatoes cant play light tanks, because they play LTs like kamikaze/heavy/TD. Light tanks are so fucking OP (for good player) and they will be buffed. Well done WG

    • I was passive scouting in my M41, had a good spot and a good view of the area and was lighting stuff up and some asshole in a T54E1 decides I wasn’t scouting and pushed me out of my cover to get 1-shot-ammo-racked by a Waffle.

      It’s not just bad scout players that think all scouts are supposed to rush and die, it’s bad players in general. I got 2,200 spotting damage that game but I was “useless” because I wouldn’t rush and die in a huge fucking M41.

  26. “- the characteristics of the Fury Sherman are worse than the characteristics of HD M4A3E8 will be”

    will be what? :)

  27. - apparently T67 (former T49) TD needs a nerf according to Storm

    Why ? Is’t nerfed enough ???

    • Everyone knew this was coming when they nerfed the M18. T49 was arguably even more OP than the M18…and the M18 wasn’t really OP. It needed some camo adjustments and they beat the shit out of it regardless.

      Expect the same of the T49/T67.

  28. - developers do not plan to support standard render anymore, instead they plan to optimize the improved render so much that it can replace the standard one

    So at least 30% of the players will now really have to buy new hardware…
    Just to realize that the new hardware is more than sufficent for WT, CoD but still not for WoT.

    - it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of the community

    Like the M18, the T49 (now T67), the Marder II, the SU-26, a lot of german tanks.

  29. “-it is not true that developers are nerfing vehicles based on the wishes of the community”

    -If they deny, the lie reveals the truth. If they confirm, the lie hides the truth. If they abstain, the secret will reveal itself. Only truth is to be the source.-
    Wolfie, “Of Official Statements”