9.4 Undocumented Changes (Test 3)

Hello everyone,

a couple of undocumented vehicle changes for the 9.4 patch.

- Soviet 122mm HE shell damage got buffed from 465 to 530 (concers pretty much all 122mm D-25 clones, but not the KV-1S 122mm howitzer for example)

It concerns the following vehicles (and the D-25/D-2-5/A-19/other 122mm mounted on them): SU-100, SU-122-44, SU-152, SU-101, ISU-152, SU-122-54, KV-85, IS, KV-3, IS-3, IS-6, KV-4, ST-I, IS-8, IS-4, SU-8

- on Centurion 7/1, the 105mm L7A1 gun depression when facing the gun to the back of the vehicle was nerfed from -1 to -0,1
- T37 LT top turret had its ammo capacity for all guns increased by two (from 48 to 50 shells)

58 thoughts on “9.4 Undocumented Changes (Test 3)

    • Well its a buff to idiots who fire HE in that thing.
      If you think a SU-122-44 firing HE is OP. You sir have a problem.

      • I totally agree with you. All ppl firing HE, even those who kill low armored targets with that, are utter idiots who do not understand the game mechanics and who can not use common human sense in every daily matter therefore.

        • The reason why you totally agree Plankler is because you are totally stupid. I’ll enlighten you and the rest of noobs who have no clue about the game mechanics :

          HE should be used against :
          1. Very low armored targets – ex. Hellcat, Rhm, WT Pz IV, WT-E100, AMX 13s, the new US scouts, etc. – why ? because you do a lot more dmg (after this buff it’s about 35% on the 122mm – A LOT) and you do huge internal dmg – crew killed + engine/rack damaged/destroyed.
          2. When the enemy has little hp left, for example T29 with 50hp. Instead of risking a bounce or having to aim for the hull only, it’s much better to load HE since the 122mm gun does dmg with every HE shot.
          3. Against heavily armored targets, rather than shooting AP or APCR at E-75. M103 or other beasts, you’re much better off shooting HE, doing 100 dmg per shot and damaging external modules like tracks, gun, even engine + fire (on non penetration)
          - unless you can flank them, in this case use AP
          4. Shooting inacurate guns at long range with high alpha. Much better to use HE against IS-3/KT/KV-4 at long range due to the fact you’ll always do dmg no matter if your shot lands on the tracks (normally 0 dmg on any tank) or the turret (against T29 or similar).

          Now revise your tactics, load HE every time if you think it’s worth it (high caliber or great diff between AP and HE dmg – for example the russian 85mm guns – 160 on AP, 280 on HE).

          Skilled players know which kind of ammo to use in every situation. Noobs don’t.

  1. So where’s the matching buff for *German* large-calibre HE shells…?

    *cough* bias *cough*

  2. Lol, someone listened when I pointed out underperforming 122mm HE compared to history it appears…

  3. Again! Developers ignored and or forgot the whole Chinese branch….are they monkeys or something? Or maybe only interns doing the devving and afraid to say “Hey” against the almighty serb?

    Really getting tired of this ignorant way they balance stuff atm.

    • As they were forced to introduce the chinese branch, apparently against their will, they are ignoring it to punish us like some bratty 2 year old that doesn’t get exactly what they want.

  4. Wait a second! The biggest buff got the SU-8 since it´s the only one that uses HE Shells regulary!

  5. How GODDAMN hard is it to actually write something down when you change it??? -___-

    And… shouldn’t the chinese tanks also have this buff on their guns? Oo

  6. - on Centurion 7/1, the 105mm L7A1 gun depression when facing the gun to the back of the vehicle was nerfed from -1 to -0,1


  7. What, a buff for russian tanks ?! OH THANK GOD! I was really worried for all the noobz playing russian tanks, that they will barely have any chance against my weaker guns, but luckily, not only are they troll armoured, they have better gun performance to go with it. At least we know there’s no russain BIAS right ? Right ?!

    • Yep because, as we know by now, everyone is shooting HE at least 110% of the time. Well that explains those über stronk german JPZE-100 drivers shooting He and explaining to me that he needs it, as he wont pen anything with AP/Heat (And no, sadly this is not made up).

      But well, its the same as always:
      Would german tanks get something USEFULL buffed, all would moan, that its nothing and doesnt change a thing (Maus HP buff and Turret speed buff anyone), but when Russians get HE dmg buffed(very very usefull), it makes em totally OP and unbeatable.

      • to be fair, HE can be used in certain situations to grant a kill or save your life…
        like 2 shotting a borsig
        or killing a hulldown T29 with ~100 hitpoints
        killing a Nashorn in one shot?…

        Maus turret traverse was only a very small buff, but what would you say if they buffed the german 15cm caliber gun’s HE damage? :)

        • I use 122 mm HE shells quiet a lot actually, they allow my T-34-2 to take out 100 hp t9 and 10 heavies from the front without having to rely on the wonky 6k-a-shell HEAT rounds.

          Now if only they would buff all guns with 390 alpha AP…

  8. “SU-8″


    But honestly, that arty is the worst since 8.6, i use the stock 122 mm on it simply because it has higher ROF (but the same crap accuracy than the 152)

  9. wait a sec…. they buffed all soviet 122 mm HE shells but ignored the chinese clones? I actually use those HE shells in my T-34-2 and 112 since they have the ammo capacity for it.

  10. Pingback: Neohlášené změny v testu 9.4

  11. - T37 LT top turret had its ammo capacity for all guns increased by two (from 48 to 50 shells)

    i know it had issues with the autoloader which had also 48 shells