
Just to make it absolutely clear, because it seems that some people misunderstood the post yesterday: HD models (high polygon) are not getting scrapped, only the highest resolution textures are.

Oh yea and the third campaign is announced, check the portal.

- the fact that there is a chance for the Churchill GC to be moved to tier 5 doesn’t mean the same situation applies for ARL 40, because the situation with it is more complicated due to the fact it’s the only vehicle on tier 6 for France
- Q: “How come WT E-100 killed me with my FV4202 in close combat, shouldn’t MT own TD at close range?” A: “It would seem so.”
- Q: “Why don’t you make maps with different side sizes, like 1,2*1,4 instead of just 1,2*1,2? Is there some sort of game or design limitation preventing you from doing that?” A: “No. We simply didn’t get to do that.”

- so far there is no exact plan to change the situation of “medal spam” of easy-to-get medals in battles (specifically the way they are displayed)
- Japanese heavies in 2015? “Well, I can’t talk about that :)”
- Storm explains the thing from yesterday with HD models: “We didn’t decide to remove HD models. You’ll get them all. It’s simply that the textures will only be “cool” instead of “super cool”. It will still be much better than the current vehicles, that weren’t reworked to HD yet.”
- Storm states that the HD texture resolution was scrapped because from normal game distance of 3-4 meters, the difference between HD and somewhat lower resolution is very small
- Storm also adds that internally, they will make the textures in HD resolution, they just won’t distribute them and that if in two years the GPU situation allows it, they will re-introduce HD textures. He adds as well that with the HD they planned, even SSD owners would have lags, because there is a problem with transfer of data from RAM to GPU memory and vice versa
- apparently, it will not be possible to test the new upcoming premiums (T55A, T28 etc.) on common test by players in 9.5
- Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation
- no plans to buff the Lowe

171 thoughts on “30.10.2014

  1. Now I have my Gun Carrier still. Its a crap tank yes. But stay hidden and that 32P gun does all the work for you. Its silly fun counter to the ARL TD at times. Why? Cus most people underestimate it and think of it as a weak ass tank. Before you open fire, then they run and hide. If they remove that gun and set it to tier 5. I’m sure the 5 people that still like it and play it will sell it to. Inc me… so that makes 6 of us on EU. I don’t even know of anyone using that as a shortcut to the TD line. Not seen one in ages. And when I play mine. Its like taking your TOG out for a walk. You get people to point and laugh at you… then you kill em all.

    • I’m pretty sure I will be the only remaining Churchill GC player, since I actually like the looks more than the actual tank. At least marks of excellence will be even easier.

      • The 32lber is what makes the Churchill GC even worth having. I like its uniqueness. But if they remove the 32lber and make it tier 5. I don’t see anything special about it.

      • CGC is just bad. Sure, the 32pdr is nice on a tier 6, but the rest of the package is just awful.

        Imagine a T95 with NO armour. This is the CGC.

    • It is an easy kill since you can’t trade with anything, avoid damage or can’t get away. Of course if they remove the 32 pdr it will be exactly the same at tier 5…. Unless of course they leave it with twice the hp of the other tier 5 tds.

      There is no reason to remove the 32 pdr at tier 5 though, the pzsfl. IVc is already firing a gun almost as effective (more accurate, faster to aim, slightly less pen, slightly less alpha) considerably faster with similar bad gun traverse. The only difference is the pz is not weighed down by useless armour and so is twice as mobile and has better camo, and better view range.

  2. Sometimes I wish, they would make things like HD models/textures or different sounds optional through their own res_mods.


    “- Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation”

    Is this the first nail to the coffin of WG? So much greed finally getting what it deserves?

    Well, I really hope so.

    • Whats the difference how many nails coffin has? And what if coffin is made of nails?

      Nah, WG probably has budget reserves to operate at lower incomes.

      • In a case of economics these may work out in WG’s favor. Tying to the USD and paying their employees in rubles means their payroll is effectively 30% less then it was 6 months ago.

        You want to feel bad that people are suffering through that type of inflation.

    • It should be tied to the Euro since that is the official currency of the Republic of Cyprus

        • japan .. ok, there might be some rice-eater patriots out there.
          but chinks ? whole tree is just soviet copy-paste. Apart form lowtiers, these are french/USA copy-paste.

            • No I don’t want to play them at all.
              It even bothers I cant turn their flag off of tech tree so it doesn’t disturb me.
              The only good thing this nation broght to game was a free garage slot :)

          • First, if your going to be a racist fuck than at least type it in proper grammar. Second, those rice eaters are probably smarter than you. And third, do you say “chink” to ever person from or originated from China?

      • Is Chink a racial slur? Who decided that? Is that what the UN does?

        What about Jap?
        What about Brit?
        What about Rusky?
        What about Pol?
        What about Czech?

        Are those racial slurs too or just Chink? Chinese is to long to type, so how is it abbreviated? Is it Chin or maybe Chese?

        • Jap was used against the Japanese people during WW2, during which thousands of Japanese Americans were illegally imprisoned without due process. Ruskie was an extremely negative connotation for Russians used extensively by English Speaking western countries during the Cold War. Chink is the Chinese equivalent of calling an African American a nigger. Pol isn’t a racial slur, it’s the name of the Polish language, the anti-Polish slur is Polack. Brit doesn’t carry the extreme negative connotation required for a racial slur. Czech is the actual name of a group of people and as such doesn’t contain a negative connotation. Also the UN doesn’t decide these things. History and our morality does. You have shown you have no knowledge on the history of these words and have shown you have the morality of the kind of people I am diametrically opposed to.




  4. Just give the Löwe a premium MM, it absolutely sucks in tier X combat, it is slow, absolutely unarmored and the only thing it has is it’s gun that has terrible DPM. T34 should have limited MM too, both T34 and Löwe are not sealclubbing pedobearing ass kicking machines, they are slow and relatively weak machines just for credit farming.

    • KV-4 and Tiger II both have a lower winrate than the T34
      Löwe is played by tons of baddies, but it does suck, but again it’s supposed to be worse than fully upgraded tier 8′s

      Unlike the IS-6 and 112 it actually has a gun that’s not completely awful at tier 8.

    • T34 needs limited MM ?
      You should seriously reconsider the way you play it.
      Its better than stock T30 (that is tier 9 TD)

      Play it as a TD in tier X matches and you will be just fine.

      • T34 is very good even if it would be a regular heavy. It has a very good turret as well as good accurary, damage and penetration. At tier 8, hull armor isnt that important anyways. With 400 damage and 248mm pen it will pretty much autopen all tier 8 heavys frontaly even if they are angled as well as pen all tier 9 and 10 tenks frontaly hitting weakspots.

        I hate T34 working ridge lines and get into positiong where the turret is only exposed, you cant do a fucking shit againt them. And what piss me off is that they damage you for 400+ and that 248mm pen will pen pretty much any tier 8 heavy in the turret by either overmatching or going thru with pure pen.

        IS6 is another issue, it is bouncy as fuck for those having 200mm pen guns and even those having 225mm pen if they hit the angled areas. 175mm pen is enough to pen all tier 8 heavys frontaly though and overmatch turrets on tanks like tiger II, vk45a, is3, caern, etc. There is a reason it has so high WR.

    • Let me remind you, T34′s gun has better AP penetration than the guns of Maus and E100.

    • Eh, I think Löwe is just fine. It’s below average, that’s true, but it only drops my winrate by around 1%. All I’d want for it is to reinforce its sniper role with a minor ROF buff. Something on the order of 0.20 ROF more.

    • @Jan Hynar: Are you seriously considerng the T34 as crappy UP tank? It has an awesome gun and a good turret armor, so please learn to play and dont whine about it.

    • Both the Lowe and the T34 play well at T9 and T10, you as the driver must drive it the way that the tank will perform best in the tier.

      In a T34, If you are in a T10 match and there are a good number of heavies, play it like a TD or if the map allows, take it to a position that you will be hull down.

      The Lowe, If you know how to angle your armor (which you should) can be played as a heavy tank with support from another heavy or medium in T9 matches. In T10, sniper all the way, really accurate gun and the rate of fire is better than the T34, pen is good as well.

  5. I still don’t get the real point of the HD discussion. I don’t care of the size of the game, there are 44Gb games nowadays and I still have 1 Tera free goddamn, I want those textures even if the game will be 50-60Gb after that, I really don’t care.

    They should always make a separate archive with the “super cool” textures.

    Or maybe I still don’t understand what the hell they want to do…

    • Wow, such textures, very notice, so details

      Only difference you will see is in hangar and in-game from 3 meters. Dumb much?

      • and thats why we want them…
        We have plenty of HW power to run them.
        If you dont want them dont download them.

        I still dont understand this… tehy already have them, tehy are separate file to download and they are optional. So whats the problem for tamagotchi players ?
        They just dont have to use them.

          • They already got it, they are just not delivering it. Did you read that ?
            They did deliver it for 9.3 and are not going to do so for next patch(es)

            If they dont have enough free space on their server, I can buy them one HDD for about 20eur so they can store the textures there… if thats the issue :)

        • IDK if Tamagotchi uses GTX760 OC and i7 4770k like i do, but i still dont use ultracool textures coz i dont need them. And if you do? Your fkin problem

    • Have you ever though of laptop or SSD users who not necessarily have plenty amount of space? Myself I have two 640GB HDDs and 128GB SSD. Even though I have plenty of disc space, i prefer to have WoT installed on my SSD to have the game and battle loading shorter. I could download even 100GB client and install it on HDD but there are lots of people with SSDs in their laptops and they simply cannot have another drive for additional storage.

      • Other games solve this with optional (a check box in the launcher) texture downloads for people with low bandwidth internet connection, limited download volume and/or disc space conservation. It is not that hard to add this, into the launcher and game.

      • “a separate archive with the “super cool” textures.”

        -> optional, for the players with enough storage and VRAM to use them

        So you will not download them ! See ?

        Just becasue YOU dont have enough space, why cant others download them?
        I also have a laptop, and I have 3x 512GB SSD disks in it. I dont care if WoT takes 8GB or 200GB out of those 1.5TB.
        If I didnt have ebough space, I wouldnt simply downlaod optional textures.

        I have a renault, that drives 140km/h. FUCK YOU GERMANY! You are no longer allowed to drive without speed limit on your highways, because I cannot either.
        Same analogy…

          • 8GB on each. Since SLI uses VRAM only from one of them, its 8 total.
            never seen used more than 3GB during gaming. video processing is different story.

        • 140 isn’t that fast , most people drive at about that in Britain despite the fact that the speed limit is 70mph about 110km , i know it’s off topic., but there are still unlimited zones are there not?

          • Yes that’s my point.
            If I have crappy car that cannot go over 140km/h, nobody else should be allowed to!
            I dont care if you bought super expensive Lamborghini. I cannot so you cannot either.
            ~Logic by WG

        • Sorry, thats a stupid metaphore. Its more like that:

          WG’s current road system: muddy country road.

          WG’s decision options: build super duper 4 lane Autobahn for $$$$$ or build ok sort of highway with 2 lanes for $$.

          WG look around and there are like 100 million dudes with a Renault and then you and the other 4 dudes with the Lamborghinis.

          WG spends $$, makes 100 million dudes happy, 5 Lamborghini dudes are like T.T
          I would do exactly as WG does every day. because it’s fucking reasonable!

          • Did you read that part where he said they are developing those textures anyway? we just cannot download them ?

    • Read it again – the issue isn’t filesize on HDD, it’s the transfer to memory. When you join battle, you have to load all models into memory, which is somewhat of an issue for every machine except the strongest ones today (talking almost next gen here).

      • so those people will not download them. it was optional for a reason.
        I havent noticed a single frame drop on a medicore GTX 880 and 24GB RAM

        • Ah, since you have downloaded the HD texture pack from the Russian site, have supertested the HD 2kmx2km map with these textures, and loaded into supertest with 14 other HD tanks surrounding you? If you are so privileged, then, the reason why WG is dropping support should be obvious to you.

          • there is no such a map, and as we know WG there will never be.
            No I have downlaoded the HD texture pack from EU server as they announced it.
            Yes I believe I was in a battle with 29 other HD tanks. On a test server for sure. On live, not so sure, there might have been some older nonHD tanks in the battle, dont remember.

            No the reason is not obvious to me. The reason Sotrm states is because GPU situation is not ready. I dont know about his crappy PC but my GPU situation is more than ready. Already downsampling from 4K resolution because there isnt even proper antialiasing in the game…

            • Huh…. all this graphical talk makes my head hurts.

              I play with normal graphic settings with high texture, track effects enabled and medium map detail. I don’t care about their fancy hi-poly models or HD tex. Be glad that its playable.

    • Its simple really. They are spending lots of money on making these HD textures, but hardly anyone is downloading them so its a massive waste of time. Why eat into their profits just to give a tiny percentage of the player base something to work their bandwidth on?

      They have probably checked and these people spend no money on game anyway, since they spent all their pocket money on a fancy gpu.

  6. could some one ask if the amx m4 could be buffed? right now that tank has 1 advantage and that pen an even thats difficult to make use of thanks to the crap view range and low dpm. its as slow as the t29 with none of the amour and a worse aim time and turns like a boat. whats the point in being 10 tonnes lighter with 50 more horse power but the same top speed? i think this tank has just been neglected and right now its a tier 6 with more hit points thats it.

      • yeah im looking forward to trying it :)
        but i think its a shame that the amx m4 a tank which i always thought it looked great visually but its probably one of the most underpowered tanks tier for tier in the game.
        it receives all of the weaknesses of the french (no armour incredibly bad side gun depression and crap aim time) with none of the advantages (autoloader and speed and maneuverability) i think its a real shame.
        its also ironic how on the wiki it says the suspension was redesigned for better speed and then it gets the top speed of 35kmh that makes all the sense.

      • You forgot another advantage, it shows you what WoT players are worth your time and as usual Woras doesn’t make the cut by default.

        • “… it shows you what WoT players are worth your time…”
          Either you dont play WoT or play like tomato.
          Or both.
          They do make our time worthy – as a meatshields and XP pinatas :D

          • Keep playing mediocre Woras, your “fans” love you and your smack talk is as bad as every single comment you ever made regarding wot in any online gathering, putting :D after you write something stupid only enhances it, doesn’t make it smart.

            You’re less entertaining than reading tomato whine in general chat, it takes skill to be that pathetic.

            Oh yeah, congrats tho, your attempt at smack talk was in all these years of noticing you in and out of game commenting like a schizophrenic was actually the very first comment of yours that was on a subject, any subject, you usually respond in a “I like to scratch my behind” way everywhere, forum, blog, in game, youtube videos.

              • Ego, ha, after smack talk you jump directly at “why u hit me?”, what a charming personality you have Woras.

                It probably never hit you, the reason why almost everybody ignored you back when the forumites channel was active and you were spamming and sometimes begging while also saying something offensive with a :D in the end because things like “join you idiots/peasants, pls :D” will make people like you a lot.

                • Begging :D For what exactly? And that channel was for finding platoon most of the time.
                  It died – there is better channel for that.
                  You put too much effort in this! Lets battle like ERP style!

                • Yeah, i remember that too, whenever Woras asked for for a platoonmates in forumites channel, you could hear crickets in dead silence. I made a mistake by accepting your invite once, Woras, and it took me 1 minute in Redshire battle to see what kind of human refuse you are.

                  After all, it takes a real scumbag to be kicked from Dingers (WJDE/TDU) , like you were after those racist/nazi comments.

                • Oh those were fun times, Steiner :D Still, monthy (or whatever her nick was/is) dont like EFE-like venting about random teammates :D

    • Learn to play? AMX M4 is fine, it has mobility, great gun and bouncy turret. If you suck with it then I barely see you doing any good in AMX 50 100.

      • im going to say your trolling because even if you think the amx is great then why would you deny it a buff that would make it better? it doesnt make much sense. also im pretty fond of mediums at the moment so ive gotten used to having speed so the amx m4 feels slow as shit in comparison also the 50 100 is quicker with an autoloader so it will be more my style.

        • Fine = great. Pubbie logic at its finest.
          I’m not denying it a buff, I don’t care since I’m done with this tank for more or less a year. I am saying that it is a decent tank the way it is now and crying about it tells more about the player than the machine. Comparing it to OP as hell T29 and slightly less OP Tiger is ridiculous.

          “also the 50 100 is quicker with an autoloader so it will be more my style.”
          I somehow I feel like I should read it like this “AMX 50 100 has an autoloader so I might have a chance to do some damage before I die” How many French autoloaders have you played so far? Oh, none. Yeah, arty and lights don’t count.

          • if arty and lights dont count then the lowest tier you get a french autoloader is tier 8 with the 50 100 so that not a fair question. also you said you havent played it in a year well the game has changed in that time with the introduction of waffles and all the changes to the maps means that avoiding being spotted in a giant heavy tank such as this is difficult to say the least and doing damage quick is a pain thanks to the crap dpm. also the only part of this things play style that carries over to the 50 100 is the avoid being shot part. the autoloader means the 50 100 can arrive fire its shells then move the m4 is stuck in a location due to the speed and the low dpm means it takes so long to kill anything.

            • “that not a fair question”
              You are clearly a genius. That was the whole point. “I don’t have the tank or anything even close to it but I know it will suit my playstyle”. Sure.
              This not a TD nor a scout. It’s not about being unspotted. It’s about going hulldown, doing peekaboo, relocating where needed and firing from greater distances. None of that changed through the year. It’s not a medium that you would need to flank with or TD to wank in bushes. It’s a heavy for fire support. The closest to it is Panther, but here you have way more punchy gun, better turret and better depression. You are not supposed to be taking hits, but supporting others taking hits for you. With than gun and accuracy you can engage most of the things you encouter frontally while not being in their face.
              tl;dr l2p

              • the weird thing is i love the panther a lot its one of my favorite tier 7s but it has top end speed where the amx doesnt so the panther is at least capable of flanking to a degree where the amx cant that speed is crippling for the tank. also the pnather has better armour and more hit points with better dpm and aim time so its much more fun to play than the paper amx with shit speed.

      • It doesn’t really have that much mobility, the 35 kilometer per hour speed limit and horrible terrain resistance makes it pretty slow. The turret’s armor stats are also quite poor, and the gun has bad DPM with the 90mm alongside bad accuracy. And of course it has terrible camouflage, armor, view range. Why play it when you can play a Tiger that is roughly as fast due to higher top speed and much better soft stats, and which has much better DPM, view range, and more effective armor when used effectively? All you’re giving up is 4 degrees of gun depression.

        Needs a speed buff into the 40 kilometers at least, a DPM buff and slight aim-time buff, view range up to 370.

        • I agree but considering the weak armour id say a mobility buff would probably be the main focus better terrain resistance and track traverse maybe a 45kmh top speed then a 2.5 or 2.7 second aim time with probably 7.5 rounds per minute with 370 view range would make sense to me. that would bring this tank up to standard right now the sluggishness makes it impossible to exploit gaps in in the enemy lines because by the time you get to the hole an enemy has arrived to fill it then your screwed because you have no armour and crap dpm.

    • I dont know, I found it slightly better than IS/IS2 that are crap as well when compared to T29 or Tiger. At least it has some gun depression and view range. I hated IS2, you have to choose flat terrain, close combat and somehow prevent getting killed while you are aiming. You can bet that when you are almost aimed some tank will ram you or drive in front of you and you have aim again.
      As tier 7 tanks have horrible MM, their armor except T29 is mostly irrelevant.
      I cant remember speed, but T29 has no acceleration and agility is horrible.
      T29 is best HT at tier, Tiger works for me. I think that tanks below tier 9 are weak in general to motivate you to go higher. There are some exceptions that are getting nerfed and some tanks that may somehow work for you, that’s all.

      • the reason the amx m4 in my opinion isnt great is because it is locked in to 1 role and thats support and it cant move in to position to support quickly because its slow as hell and that slow speed makes you arty target number 1.

        • no, no, NO, what makes the amx balanced is the CASH WG makes from the players who free XP by it!

        • IS-1 and IS-2 ‘s only role is close range front line brawler. In open maps they are hilariously limited and in tier 9 ( and some tier 8 ) matches they are just aiming at whatever french autoloader they can find since everything else is a matter of opportunity. ( tanks showing their sides ) Of course they can get lucky hits on copula’s but those that have driven it know how ”fun” it is to try and hit weakspots in the IS-2/IS. E75 copula hits? Hahaha, never. Type 59 copula hits? if you face-hug maybe.

          I’d say the IS is far more limited in case of role diversity. It’s just good at short brawling with cover to hide behind while waiting for the next shell. It’s got no other situation where it can shine without the blessing of great RNG and high-heavy tomato enemies.IS-2 has normal matchmaking thankfully. I believe the IS received heavier ( worse) matchmaking than the T29 when I joined the game, which is just hilarious.

          • i loved the is i recently got the is-2 as well but im not judging it until i max it out. the is though was the first tier 7 heavy that i felt was good enough tp keep which was weir because i HATED the old kv-1s so much i was terrible in it but i loved the is dues to the ability to sidescrape and i liked the turret. the is feels more mobile than the amx m4 which is nice together with the faster traverse and beefier gun with usable armour. a good is driver can outplay an e-75 easily ive done it on quite a few occasions just get to ultra close range get to their side then fire away in to their engine while duking back and forward to avoid the return shot. another thing is the is has way superior armour and is 10 tonnes lighter with a 700hp engine the amx get 850 but is buried by terrain resistance.

    • Ah le AMX M4….
      A forgotten gem that got left to rot in the dust.

      It’s not actually a bad tank. It’s just that every single other tier7 heavy is better.
      It used to be more than a match for the Tiger, and have armor decent enough to resist equal tier mediums.

      Powercreep cranked to 11

    • I don’t like to be rude, but wtf? can you read?

      “Just to make it absolutely clear, because it seems that some people misunderstood the post yesterday: HD models (high polygon) are not getting scrapped, only the highest resolution textures are.”

      “- Storm explains the thing from yesterday with HD models: “We didn’t decide to remove HD models. You’ll get them all. It’s simply that the textures will only be “cool” instead of “super cool”. It will still be much better than the current vehicles, that weren’t reworked to HD yet.”

  7. “[...] He adds as well that with the HD they planned, even SSD owners would have lags, because there is a problem with transfer of data from RAM to GPU memory and vice versa”

    How comes that other studios and engines are able to achieve the impossible?
    There exists numerous techniques to achieve smooth streaming, clipmaps, ‘megatexture’ to name two (and both work with slow hdds when done correctly). And both techniques are fairly old and well known. The WoT engine does a very simplistic streaming, which wastes lots of space on terrain rendering.

    This statement only shows, they are not willing to invest in their engine, because it is good enough to make lots of money.

    When ‘Armored Warfare’ is released and it is nearly half as good/bad as WoT then we will see a major investment in better graphics, audio and physic, but for now it is sufficient and as long they get away with it, they will continue their course of pushing stuff back, because “its too intensive for the userbase pcs”.

    • Ahem… we are talking tank textures, not terrain textures here.

      Also, if AW comes out and it’s too demanding for older PCs – doesn’t it mean it’ll have less players and WG won’t bother again?

      • If you wast space on terrain, you have less memory for other things, also you can apply this techniques to models too (see rage, latest wolfenstein and the evil within, they use megatexture for everything)

        • Rage had a problem with this when it first came out though.
          You could see blurry textures when you quickly aimed somewhere else.
          It was patched later on…

          So how long would it take to WG to patch possible issues ?

  8. “Storm also adds that internally, they will make the textures in HD resolution, they just won’t distribute them and that if in two years the GPU situation allows it, they will re-introduce HD textures.”

    wtf ? My GPU situation allows it even now. I can run 3 WOT clients in virtual machines at the same time, downsampled from 4K resolution and still get 60fps…
    Allow my ass in two years….

  9. Hopefully the pack of “super cool” textures that they’ve already released will continue working (on the 31 vehicles they affect) in future updates – at least until the textures or models are updated again.

  10. I’ve had the Churchill GC unlocked for over a yeah still can’t bring myself to buy that junk :D

  11. “Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation”
    Capitalists win!

  12. - Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation

    Let me shed a tear. Invade more countries, plox.

    • USA is invading much more countries.. as they say “to bring freedom” fuckin’ murican basterds…

      • Well, USA at least is not pulling off genocides (except Indians, but that’s quite some time ago). I’d rather have Americans invading my country than Russians.

        • Yup. There’s a reason why so many germans in the late years of WW2 desperately tried to surrender to the western allies instead of the russians.

  13. This sounds stupid, if they are gonna do HD texture anyway, why not let us download them optionally like now, stating that it’s highly possible there will be performance drop?

    Also, are they gonna do HD models only or updated standard textures too?

  14. To be honest …
    When i saw two informations:
    - that FV215b (183) will have more armor but less mobility,
    - that VK 45.02 P Ausf. B will be changed to Maus Protytype
    sooo when i saw this two informations i am only interested in details about that.

    But … yeah we all trying to be updated.

    Churchil Gun Carrier … well this tank has many fans soo we are all interested in his future lol (sarcastic words it was).
    But i still think that he looks … awesome i mean cool because he is just soo different lol … :D

    Good luck to all.

  15. - the fact that there is a chance for the Churchill GC to be moved to tier 5 doesn’t mean the same situation applies for ARL 40, because the situation with it is more complicated due to the fact it’s the only vehicle on tier 6 for France

    You mean the ARL V39?

  16. “- the fact that there is a chance for the Churchill GC to be moved to tier 5 doesn’t mean the same situation applies for ARL 40,”

    well they could as well just buff soft stats on GC and give it actually some camo bonus. and keep it where it is. Becasue at tier 5, it will loose the gun. And without it, its the same crap just without gun now.
    It desperately needs some camo bonus.
    Right now, sixth sense bulb lits even while I’m still in garage sometimes.

  17. “Storm also adds that internally, they will make the textures in HD resolution, they just won’t distribute them and that if in two years the GPU situation allows it, they will re-introduce HD textures. He adds as well that with the HD they planned, even SSD owners would have lags, because there is a problem with transfer of data from RAM to GPU memory and vice versa”

    Really shows again how “inept” all of WG are… why would the game need to load textures during the game,creating lags? are there new tanks spawning? no. it would simply load all textures at gamestart and then it would not have to load anything… unless of course you don’t have enough videoram for all the textures, but then you simply have to lower texture quality.. but even my pc is a couple of years old and has 3GB of videoram…

  18. ” Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation”

    Another illustration that inflation will follow you around the world, and you can’t isolate one country’s economy.

  19. Ah, the Churchill Gun Carrier, the reason I will never have the UK tree fully researched. If they move it to tier 5 I might actually have enough XP sitting on the Churchill I to research it. As it stands now, I’m not using free XP to research it, and I’m not willing to play the Churchill I anymore to unlock the GC (absent a mission- with a great reward- requiring me to play the Churchill I). I’m certainly not willing to actually play the GC. Well, unless they move it to tier 5, then I might give it a try.

  20. I was just fine with the mega-res textures and my rig’s not even that great.

    Why are they removing them entirely? Why aren’t they just fine as an option?

  21. - Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation

    I am of two minds here…
    1) Tie the EU to the US Shop too! – Let us have the same effin offers!…
    2) Let the RU guys be tied to the EU Shop – Cant help but think of the LoLs from that one!

  22. “- Russian players are apparently not happy that even in Russia, the prices in the gift shop are tied to USD and not rubles, making WG products more and more expensive for RU players as the ruble exchange rate sinks due to the geopolitical situation”

    Well, that’s just too fucking bad. Maybe invading Crimea wasn’t such a good idea, now was it?

  23. Maybe the problem is that there is only one tier 6 French TD, and not you know, the large number of different vehicles that could be used at tier 6 as well…

  24. - Q: “How come WT E-100 killed me with my FV4202 in close combat, shouldn’t MT own TD at close range?”

    Well if you drove in front of a WT E-100 then you can say goodbye to your HP…