Interview With D.Ayer (and Fury Cast)

Hello everyone,

following three videos appeared on the English Wargaming Youtube channel – in case you are still interested in hearing more about the movie “Fury” (and are not totally fed up with the hype the way I am), here’s something for you – a three-part interview with the Fury director and some of the cast. Enjoy.




28 thoughts on “Interview With D.Ayer (and Fury Cast)

    • yeah, didnt know shane is in the fury. Too bad he died, shane was much more awesome than im-so-crazy-and-tough-imma-stab-you-with-ma-knife rick. Hope he doesnt die in fury too soon

  1. Fed up with the hype or not, I still recommend watching it.

    It’s doesn’t have anywhere near the simplistic elegance of “Saving Private Ryan”. It hits like a sledgehammer of grit, steel and mud, but has surprisingly many nuances and twists to it. Minimal glory-glory-USA, and the scientific errors are justifiable for the sake of movie-making.

  2. I recommend the movie. I only wished the ending would’ve been as brutal as the rest of the movie, it’s just a bit too much, but I won’t say more, just go see it!

  3. I saw Fury. There were things I really liked and things I didn’t. I liked the grittiness and dark/morally gray look at soldiers (as opposed to making it a fight of good vs. evil). I’m disappointed they didn’t spend more time looking at the tank crew in action and instead chose to do other things. The final battle especially seemed a weird choice to me.

    • The Final Battle scene seemed cool, at least it was somewhat realistic. They DID run outta ammo. But the amount of bullet wounds in ‘Wardaddy’ was enough to have killed him already, but it is a movie and we can’t do anything about that…

  4. Seriously beginning to be fed up with all the idiots that go to see Fury thinking that it’s some sort of live action screening after WoT or some other retarded shit.

    Hint: the movie is NOT actually about the tank fights. The action is just a mean to convey a story.

  5. To me it’s a bit like Gravity… You can appreciate it, but only if you don’t know anything about orbital mechanics/WW2 tech. :P
    Maybe some parts aren’t that bad, notably showing off the emotional part of a soldier’s “job”, but it’s still full of strongly forseeable clichés you can find on the main page of TvTropes ! Not to mention French dubbing messing up “to traverse” with “traverser” (to cross), 3 inch with 75mm, and .30 cal with 30mm. Did they even read about WW2 before they worked on it ?
    Also, I’m yet to see a movie where Pzkpfw VI isn’t shown off as an invincible behemoth, Fury was so stronk on this… bouncing M1A1 HVAP at 100m…

    • They weren’t firing HVAP. The unit was horribly under-supplied anyway so there’s almost no chance that they would’ve had HVAP to begin with, as it was in short supply and generally relegated to tank destroyer units first.

      The scene with the Tiger was reasonably realistic as far as it bouncing shots off the glacis and turret face. There’s a lot of question as to how effective the wartime ammo for the M1A1/M1A2 actually was (It was significantly better in Korea) and many of the shots shown the Tiger was angled quite a bit, making an already-marginal penetration all the more difficult. It’s also an early Tiger I (Note the road wheels) so the steel would’ve been of better quality.

      The whole circle-strafing thing seemed a bit out thee but it made for an entertaining scene no less.

      Some of the things that didn’t make sense were M4s having their turrets blown off. Unlikely to happen since the M4 had a sem-basketed turret.

      I enjoyed the movie overall. It may not have been the most historically accurate representation of an M4′s capabilities but it was better than your average “TOMMY COOKER! RONSON! DEATH TRAP” nonsense spewed on the History Channel.

      • They were firing HVAP. I saw movie clip (dont`t remember which one) were can be seen writing at shell casing: HVAP-T M93. Most tanks had at least 3-4 HVAP, especially at 1945.

    • Also, I’m yet to see a movie where Pzkpfw VI isn’t shown off as an invincible behemoth, Fury was so stronk on this… bouncing M1A1 HVAP at 100m…

      Lol not even HVAP wouldn’t have penned, the Tiger is iconic for it’s armor and I do believe the bounced off a corner of it’s flat armor, sensible enough.
      And it’s apparently not a invincible behemoth in the movie….Because they where able to circle and kill it.