Bugs in 9.4

Hello everyone,

some of you have already experienced the “new” (or, rather, returned) bug in 9.4 – black artefacts on the screen.



Just letting you know – I passed the info (along with the video, thanks to IonorRea for it) on the bug directly to Storm in his 9.4 feedback thread. He wrote that he is aware of this bug and that they will try to fix it as soon as possible. And meanwhile in 9.4 (thanks to Rita for the screenie):


Yes, you are not supposed to be driving inside the buildings. It turns out that the Stalingrad map has an unusually high number of these spots, where the collision models of the houses and landscape are incorrect and you can (in best case) get inside a house and get stuck there (the way you get stuck in that one infamous Westfield house, only easier), in worst case you fall through the map (also happened).

Come on, Wargaming. Not so long ago, an article came out, where you bragged about the model verification process for WoWs. Can’t you just verify map models as well before you send them to the live server?

45 thoughts on “Bugs in 9.4

  1. Wow. The flickering bug is probably one of the worst ones I’ve seen. Haven’t played WoT yet and not touching it until they hotfix this shit. Back to Xenonauts!

  2. Wot=/=WoWs. I think you know as much SS, since there are different teams (and different studios) worling on each game. So you can’t really held them up toeach other in this fashion.

    You might ask them to hire a quality control team though

    • It’s russia, you first have to work out some quality before you can control ANY quality.

      I really mean it, issues with quality and safety are everywhere in the post-soviet part of the world

  3. yeah i also got the highlighting bug for a long time, when i entered the game with would all go dark, if i pressed alt tab and back again to exit and enter game it would go away.

    but now… it moved to the moment when i die, i exist the match and wait for the match to end, and who knows get out of the game (alt+tab) facebook, youtube whatever. when i enter and the tank is out of the battle entire game is dark as night!

    • Because third-person FPS is totally the same thing as 15vs15 tank battle. Also “would be” – can you show an example?And even then, for every example you do, I can post an example of bugs in some game that are there longer and/or more serious than in WoT.

      You post nonsense, comparing useless stuff.

          • First they fix crashes and not-working stuff.
            Then (depends on size of content) polishes stuff.
            What WG do? Ah shiet, it broke, lemme fix in next patch, AFTER two months.
            Not to mention postponed Havok, HD models, chat 2, etc.

            • I prefer postponing to buggy result. For me, no amount of Havoc or HD models would make the game better gameplay-wise.

    • as far as i am concerned that’s not a bug. just stupid driving (if you do it in a real game oc) and you’d deserve to be stuck.

      after all real tanks can get themselves stuck too..

      falling through the map and artifacts is another matter

  4. Well why don’t the developers just make this a new possibility in games. I mean to get with your tanks into houses. If I am not mistaken back in WWII tanks also used buildings to hide. Why not in the game?

  5. i also had that black artefacts bug. it was unplayable with arty especially. and game freezed 2 times in a row within 3 mins. (gpu driver stopped working) in westfield map. i was thinking that was happening only me bcs of SLI GPU. and then i realized that Nvidia has released a driver update . i have installed it and played 3 or 4 more battles, and the bug was gone.

  6. Pingback: Video: Nový bug v 9.4

    • might be with some PC configurations.
      I was only once on Stalincity map – had no problems.

      My only graphical complain is (was in 0.9.3 too) – when in sniper mode and “inside bush” – some bush textures are flickering.

  7. That’s what happens when you release a map “designed” for Havok and advertised with walls going down to reach certain safe positions without actually implementing Havok.

    As for the graphical issues, 0 problems, it’s more at work than just the game and it all can be said in a very basic way as omg wtf did, it was even given straight to you SS and everyone else…SLI bug.

  8. i had that black screen in my garage when they made for fury..i don’t now about stalingrad i played it only once cuz why would a new map be in rotaion more often when shit maps can be ;) but it looks to bright and yellowish to me..and yes i did change brightnees it’s not that it just looks i don’t now to bright the houses and..i don’t now maybe they are gona change it few times soo but it’s just brighter somehow

  9. I get an awful lot of crashes to desktop, something like after every 5th battle or so, instead of showing the “after battle report” the game crashes. Anyone else experienced that? And no, I do not use a single mod, 100% Vanilla game…

  10. They implemented new bugs in orded to have what to do in the new patch and put it in the patch notes so they can say they made changes to the game

  11. The bug is tied to SLI setups so if you brake your SLI in the nvidia control panel your be fine also you can jest set the game profile to single gpu render mode for world of tanks, FYI. wargaming NA says that world of tanks is not SLI or crossfire compatible.

  12. I noticed a bug with aim reticle when switching form normal to sniper mode (and back). After switching, for a fraction of second the retticle goes to the side of the screen and then back to the center. I’m not using any reticle mod.

    • Might be specific to some hardware configurations since I never had this bug although I do have an abnormaly low FPS in improved render while having around 100fps in old one since… forever.

      WG is really clueless when it comes to hardware compatibility….

  13. i have been stuck on the loading screen a couple of fight too , no mod used , never used mod and never happened before 9.4

    • Ah great, had not started the game since the update hit and I am one of the Mac/Parallels players as well… so I guess it will be completely fucked for me too. Cool.

  14. That graphics glitch looks annoying, hope they’re able to fix it quickly.

    I’m jealous of IonorRea’s ping :p

  15. Christ! .. Typical Wargaming release. Full of bugs even after BETA. and the “we know about it” response…Typical Laziness!

  16. Oh. So that’s why they pulled the map from this release initially? Why didn’t they say so? Worse yet, why did they decide to put it in again? Geez…

  17. I just bought my new ASUS monitor and I had the same problem and could not fix it. I changed back to my old monitor and ordered a new graphic card.