Mini Q&A

Time for mini Q&A, because of breaking news.

- Ruinberg on Fire and Severogorsk will be completely removed from the game in 9.5 (the issue with Ruinberg on Fire is that it’s “too dark”)
- tier 10 replacement of the FV4202 (Action X) will come neither in 0.9.6 nor in 0.9.7

And others info:

- regarding the second Tiger in the crew retraining choice – “we tested stock Tiger as a separate vehicle”
- nobody knows what will happen to SU-76i now
- no buff for Super Pershing planned – for now
- Storm confirms that the M53/M55 collision model is still screwed in the hotfix

96 thoughts on “Mini Q&A

  1. Aww..I actually like Ruinburg on Fire. As for Sev…Thank god, that crap map is going away! It was far more fun before the changes to make it “world of Corridors”.

  2. Yes! Shitty Severogorsk gone! There is a god after all. Dumbass WG ruined it with the changes.

      • Oh joy here comes the troll.
        Really? Take a poll of players on who actually thinks that corridor shitfest is a good map, i think youll find that whilst a few do like most will in fact say it WG broke it when they changed it.
        Where are the effective spots for paper TDs, scouts etc?
        Back under your bridge son.

        • I am one of those TD campers and before the change to make it more medium scout friendly … it has some good spots for TD’s not it is almost impossible to find a good spot to be effective unless you use the 15 cm on the rhm … then maybe … on the Servercampermap

      • Really? Campers don’t ruin that map. It makes it easier. The 3 corridors ruined it. The fact that 2 of em are mostly ignored at any given time and its a lemming race on both teams to get around the map first every time. Thus its boring and the same every time. Hold back to see what line the lemmings take. Sit and wait for the enemy lemming to appear. Then pick the corridor the enemies did not take and go around faster. I for one will not miss that map.

    • i like Sevrogorsk, its still better than malinovka or prochorovka….And no, im no camper…

    • Totally agree, they should put it back to the way it was originally it was way better and the fact it had the 2 hills, places to ambush and snipe and ability of 1 side to help the other once taken made it very different from other maps rather than just the same.

  3. “Storm confirms that the M53/M55 collision model is still screwed in the hotfix”

    Just LOL

    They had one job … one job

  4. No centurion action X, I was really looking forward to this…. And i have to wait for at least 3 more patches? Really… Why?
    They delayed this enough, but if it was stronk Russian med, they would do it in days, why no info on chieftain? I know it suppose to be in the same patch but still we hear more about fv.

      • 4202 is fun, but I feel centurion 7/1 is better, fv215 is burning a lot and it’s quite soft for tier X ht, doesn’t compensate it with speed, the only good thing it got is the gun, but low ammo capacity prevents you from doing monster dmg, and one more thing, sides are really weak, sidescraping not really an option unless under ridiculous angles, which still means you have to show your front, and there is engine there made from cardboard and matches, I like it though, sort of love-hate relationship

    • i’m enjoying current tier 10 FV4202, it’s awesome so i’m not in hurry about Centurion X.

      • So they learnt nothing from the Free T34 then,
        Announce a free replacement for a tank in a few months , then take 12 -18 months or more to actually get round to doing it , them wonder why all of a sudden they are giving away so many free tanks ?

        Because you take for ever and a day to get your shit together.
        3 more patches takes us from the end of the year / new year into Easter at least, longer if they keep messing up these patches and need to keep sorting out the last patch before they can do a new one .

  5. “Storm confirms that the M53/M55 collision model is still screwed in the hotfix” – what does this mean. It’s only screwed in the client – or did they manage to screw it up again also on the server?

  6. “- nobody knows what will happen to SU-76i now”

    Just leave it as is, no sense in nerfing it.

      • No, if they don’t touch it they won’t put it back to the shop.

        If they nerf it however none will purchase it since it would be pretty stale, plus everyone will give it back so WG will lose those sales as well. Best they can do financially is leave it as is and never return it to the shop.

        • I disagree, I think people bought it initially, before they found out that it made them a god, because it fit a role for them or they simply are a collector of the tanks. I personally think that they should nerf it and put it back up in the shop. I would buy it! Mistakes happen, I am sure that the number of sales that they get over the next 6+ months or forever that it is in the shop will eventually out weigh the losses and or returns that they will see by not putting it back up.

          • I bought it on a whim as well (because it was only 5 EUR, and besides you can always change your mind for 14 days, so why not?). However I would sell it back immediately if WG would nerf it.

            The tank is only great because it scales extremely well with crew skill. If they take that away it’s just a stale and boring TD with an annoying gun.

            Low tiers are generally quite bad crew trainers, most people I think buy low tiers for the ‘fun’ factor. This tank will have none after a nerf, that’s why I think people will sell it back.

  7. Severogorsk actually better from before IMO. No more king of the hill on eastern flank.

    however, now western corridor is really suck with limited room for maneuver… and nobody in their sane mind (maybe excepting scouts, but scouts players are crazy) will try middle area.

    Guess that what you called ‘even if you polish a turn so it become shiny, it still a turd’.

    Ruinberg on fire actually pretty good, maybe make it a little brighter and it’ll be fine.

    • People will always complain and never stop doing it. Severogorsk was quite open map – everyone complained, now they made it into corridor style, again everyone cries like a babies..
      I had no problems with the old one, and the new one is playable too. WG – you so silly, listening to little noob players, who have no idea about what they want.

      Ruinberg on fire – oh yes, that’s another story. If you don’t play that map in completely dark room, you won’t see shit in there.

      • “Ruinberg on fire – oh yes, that’s another story. If you don’t play that map in completely dark room, you won’t see shit in there.”

        Whelp. Good luck if anyone wants a night battle
        “Too dark”

    • I’m always amazed by bad players on this map at T5 / 6. Either lemming train through middle or west choke point. Ofc they get slaughtered while I’m 3v5 on east side.

  8. Storm,

    I would assume that if the action X isn’t being included anytime soon that the Chieftan won’t be coming anytime soon either? What are your thoughts?


  9. they should better remove campers maps like malinovka and prokhorovka and their derivations. Team are camping whole game…

    • And what? Replace them with crappy, boring as hell brawling maps? No thanks.

      If people are camping too much on Prok, it’s probably because the scouts aren’t doing their damned jobs in the field!!!

      • Bullshit. People camp because they’re fucking retards. Scouts can spot the whole forest an no one will shoot targets because the team is so far back that the enemies are outside the rendering range.

  10. Heh, Ruinberg on fire looked cool, like after nuclear strike, with dark sky and radioactive rain falling.

    • I like the map but it is too dark, if they could brighten the whole map and keep it it would be fine.

      • if you get tracked under a smoke plume you cant see your tank at all , that’s taking a bit dark to a new level.

  11. Well, they could nerf Super P a bit. At least, give it a more powerful engine, or more pen on the gun (which would also be very nice) but i guess that won’t happend in near future..

  12. - nobody knows what will happen to SU-76i now

    It will need 2 year to rebalance it, like for T18.
    Cuz rebalance is too hard. Need 50 people. Idiots.

    • In my country is a proverb: “The most stupid farmers have the biggest potatoes.” – seems to some kind of that :)

    • The concept was just gold, it appears they cannot handle the increased complexity of all the new tanks introduced in the last couple of years. As an example, the Matilda BP premium tier V used to be pretty good, but somehow it’s useless now, must have to do something with the new tanks..

      • Matilda BP is just clicking ”start battle” and praying for a city map or a map where you don’t have to crawl along for long distances.

  13. - tier 10 replacement of the FV4202 (Action X) will come neither in 0.9.6 nor in 0.9.7

    As I suspected a month before. The switch won’t come before March 2015. and all the hype we witnessed with all that “free, not free, mission, it could be before NY, gift for NY, and other crap” was only created so people would hurry in grinding it, spending gold for exp conversion and buying prem account. It will be the same thing as it was with T34 when people waited whole 9 months to get it after it was said it was going to be switched…

    Addition to this, I’m somehow afraid it’s not going to be free nor there will be mission for it. We need to wait to see quarterly financing of WG to know whether is gonna be free or not… If they get enough money, no way it’s gonna be free!

    • March? Add another couple of months, and that’s assuming they get 0.9.6 done for the end of this year.

      WG never get anything done in the first 3 months.

    • The more WG tells people the more they look incompetent, they need to start doing shit and telling people when it is done. They are doing themselves a disservice by opening their mouth and then not following through.

      For a company to be as big as they are, you would tend to think that they would be able to perform appropriate QA on the releases, especially since they are testing on a public test server before they ever go live. Also, the whole thing about these maps and shit, they have to stop testing the field and make maps that fit a model, they can all be different, but they have to fit the play style that they are forcing on people.

      This game has gone from HT being the king of the hill and brawling being a huge piece of the game, to TD’s rule and sniping was the key to win. Then Arty showed it face and rocked everyone, now it is speed that kills, the fast maneuverable tanks rule the roost.

      If you ask me gold rounds for credits, ruined the game mechanic, the initial game was based on minimal gold rounds, the heavily armored ruled, then to compensate, TD’s with ultra penetration took over to compensate. Gold rounds become the main stay and mediums rock the house. Don’t even get me started about autoloaders and the paper (I had a dream last night) tanks.

      • @Frostbrewed I think they never imagined their game would become this popular! The basis of this game was created in the fashion of not lasting long. They hoped for some quick money but they struck a gold mine. The problem, however, is that they can only scratch the surface of the gold mine and in fact have no idea how to dig deeper. That’s why we only have half product for years now. I, personally, as beta tester, can tell that the game had its peak in quality around 2012. and after that it has been only going down. Autoloaders I can play with or against but major downfalls for me were introducing gold shells for credits and high alpha guns (especially with autoloaders). Spotting system was flawed from beginning but then you at least didn’t run into T10 German TD not seeing it 50m in front of you… Armor lost its function and high armor heavies became boring and useless, especially when the game says you have to lose so everything can pen you!

    • “The switch won’t come before March 2015. and all the hype we witnessed with all that “free, not free, mission, it could be before NY, gift for NY, and other crap” was only created so idiotic retards who don’t understand marketing and buying inducing messages would hurry in grinding it, spending gold for exp conversion and buying prem account.”

      There, fixed it for you.

      • Gold ammo for silver and adding auto loaders to other nations ruined this game for me.

      • @sixonefive I’m trying to use less offensive language because I’m around 8 points on forum and banned for who knows how long… Fuck it, I can’t stand Fascist regime of control that WG forum staff uses when you can actually prove that they are wrong and are covering their mistakes with really low actions, and I’m talking scumbag of the Earth low (I’m usually on Balkan forum and that moderator Petruzzi is a fucking Nazi!)… The problem is that polite language and WoT players usually can’t fit together… :)

  14. Ruinberg on Fire is too dark ?

    What kind of shit is this ? The map is perfectly fine.

    For ages they’ve been telling us that night battles wont come cus “hurr durr too dark” and that was and that is complete bullshit and now they’re telling us that “slightly darker than regular” map is “too dark”

    Jeus WG, stop taking those drugs

  15. I have a bug where I have Assult mode disabled, but I end up in those battles anyway, this is when I play solo, not in a plutoon.

  16. Severogorsk was okay /shrug.
    There are much worse maps that should have been removed first.

  17. The 215b has some of the best turret armour for a Tier X. It is very bouncy, as long as you can side scrape/hull down, and I have ran it in many CW matches. It keeps up with the other heavies, is way more accurate, and has a high rate of fire. As long as you pick your positioning appropriately, you will bounce away.

    As for the the 4202, It was my first Tier X. I love the thing as it is a great ‘Jack of All Trades’. It’s armour hasn’t been spot on since the get go (I understand it is suppose to be thicker), the commanders cuppola is way too high, but has a bouncy front end/turret as well, is a great snipper, but can brawl if it needs too because of its acceleration and power/weight.

    In my honest opinion, the new med/td line opens up a very unique possibility, in that the lines could be rearranged to include both the centurion tanks, and the vickers mbt line. The 4202 being a tier VIII premium isn’t a bad idea, as long as it is made to be viable for tier viii things. I personally believe, since the 4202 was a precursor/one of the prototypes to the 4201, that it should be bumped up to a heavy (increase armour to historical values), and then made into a tier VIII premium heavy tank (or a Tier IX, heavy, bump the Conq to T8 (It was designed to fight the IS-3) and remove the caernarvon (as it is useless), with the FV4202 leading to the FV4201 Cheiftain.

    2 Medium lines will allow for both the Action X Centurion, and the Vickers MBT (One being more robust (AX), capping off the centurion line nicely with where they tried to go with the tank (before ultimately have all replaced by the Challenger) and the other being like a leopard (V-MBT) giving two (2) options for tier x mediums, and capping off the Vickers lines with a viable, quick TX.

    You could keep the FV215b, as it was a concept design, you could keep it as one Tier X heavy and the Cheiftain as the other. The FV215b would stay a ‘sniper’ heavy, while the FV4201 would be more of a in close ‘brawler’ with it’d better hull armour and upped turret armour. It increases the variety of play for the British line, and ultimately more tanks means more money for WG. I think it’s win/win

    • ”The 4202 being a tier VIII premium isn’t a bad idea, as long as it is made to be viable for tier viii things. I personally believe, since the 4202 was a precursor/one of the prototypes to the 4201, that it should be bumped up to a heavy (increase armour to historical values)”

      The historical armour for the FV 4202 is paper thin, it was actually build as a training vehicle as well and used as a testbed for the centurion tanks. The current armour it has on tier 10 is completely unhistorical and overbuffed not overnerfed. I can’t talk for the FV 4201.

      ”You could keep the FV215b, as it was a concept design”
      It wasn’t, it never existed Warmgamming made it up becaus they thought the chieftan was too OP at the time. ( didn’t stop them from implementing the IS-7 and nerfing it into completely unhistorical bullshit and bufffing it’s gundepression to compensate, because it was completely unhistorical already anyway, so why not? )

  18. World of nerfs is starting to look like a herd of cats trying to program a game. All they do is talk about things that they will never add to the game and things they can never do in a timely manner. If it can’t be added or fixed in less than a month then they shouldn’t be talking about it.

  19. I remember reading something that said the historical values on the 4202 we like 200mm+ armour on the turret? Or was that before they went out an measured it? The Cheiftain was one of the best tanks in the world at the time. It has something like 120mm on the glacious (sloped for 388mm effective armour) and 195 on the turret with 390mm of effective armour due to slope (note it was designed to have a pretty uniform armour value all around) and then it had the 120mm L11A5 rifed gun using APDS and HESH. It had a mantless gun with -10/+20 so that it could rock a hull down position and poke over the top.

    I can see them nerf batting it hard just so that it isn’t overpowered. It’s be like a maus with the top speed of a 4202, and the 215b’s gun.

    • 200 mm+ was turret was bullshit. The turret in reality was already posted here, it was around 50mm armour, which at tier 8 means it’s completely shit. The hull armour is the same, completely shit. It didn’t carry the L7 105mm in real life either but the 20 pndr. It had no business being at tier 10 and yet they went and put it there anyway despite it’s unhistorical stats. They are finally correcting this mistake now in the future.

      Chieftan armour was thought to be OP but they later discovered that it wasn’t after doing some actual research instead of window licking. The upper plate is good but it is on most tanks and not nearly as OP as they thought. FV215b was only ever made to carry the 183, there were no plans to mount a 120 mm on it, the turret for the FV215b heavy is currently just a ”upgraded” or ”made up” version of the Conquerors.

  20. and I agree, if they aren’t going to do the change, even within the quarter (3m) for example, don’t say you are going to do the change. Once again, if it was a stronk of mother russia, it would be hotfixed and changed tomorrow. As a Canadian player, I want the british stuff sorted out. I couldn’t really care less about playing big soviet tanks.

  21. The 215b is in the game already, They say it was a “proposed plan” which I translate to ‘Conceptual Design’ = scribbles on a page. And I agree, the ‘balancing’ act they do with the tanks is garbage. There’s no reason why they can’t consider putting tanks in at historical values, or are they afraid of certain tanks dominating? Oh wait, they already do.
    I suppose it doesn’t stop people from buying shit from WG, while they troll along with their loads of cash.

    • ” There’s no reason why they can’t consider putting tanks in at historical values, or are they afraid of certain tanks dominating? Oh wait, they already do.”

      IS-7 with better armour and an autoloader in exchange for gun depression?
      IS-4 with the 122 from the IS/IS-2. Hilarious….
      Panther randomly breaking down while driving…

      I think they might have made a good decision in nerfing the IS-7 a bit, same with the french autoloader magazine sizes. Though, if they were retarded they could have just given the french autoloaders even longer magazine replacement times to match reality. ( i.e. the game timer would run out by the time they got the second magazine in )

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  23. “- tier 10 replacement of the FV4202 (Action X) will come neither in 0.9.6 nor in 0.9.7″

    I’m actually glad that it’s not going to happen next month. It gives me more time to grind my still mostly stock Centurion 7/1 since I want to see what the FV4202 while it’s still tier 10.

  24. Severogorsk OMG one of the best maps gone wtf is this. Yet bull shit like Fiery salient and prokorovka stay!!!

  25. - Storm confirms that the M53/M55 collision model is still screwed in the hotfix
    LOL – not-so-hot fix

    - Ruinberg on Fire and Severogorsk will be completely removed from the game in 9.5 (the issue with Ruinberg on Fire is that it’s “too dark”)

    WUT? Too dark? Maybe if the trolls would get out of their caves and quit whining like a bunch of b****es, we wouldn’t be stuck playing ONLY Mines, and Prokhorovka all damn day long with the worlds greatest map-rotation mechanics.

  26. Ruinberg on fire is probably the worst looking map in the game, not to mention it being a Ruinberg clone. I love WG for removing it. As for Severogorsk, I’m pretty neutral towards it, so I don’t really care what happens to it.

  27. Too dark? Really, that’s enough reason to pull a map? What about all the broken ones? If I complain they’re too dark or bright can we get them pulled instead?

    Severogorsk… Well that one I have mixed feelings on. Yes it’s now a map with lanes, but it’s still fun to play and preferable to some other maps.

  28. I actually didn’t mind Severogorsk, not a great map but playable.

    Meanwhile the game is still polluted by two godforsaken versions of Prokhorovka and they reverted Malinovka to how bad it was before south was actually playable (albeit imbalanced, that’s the only thing they had to fix, instead they totally removed the south push-ability) gg WG, gg.