Hello everyone,
in the morning of ASIA server time, the hotfix got applied on ASIA server. Well… I’ll just leave this here. So, what do you do, when you fuck up the collision model of a vehicle in the game?
Fix it? Of course not. You fuck up the visual model too. Presenting you: M53/M55 in Asian hotfix.
wow.Just wow WG set a new idiot lvl
i’m starting to believe WG does have the best Q.A Ever!
they decided it was not a bug but a feature and the rest follow their lead.
i salute them.
9.4 was made to fix 9.3 bugs and some othere thing were introduced,but yes WG stronk they made more bugs in a patch that focused of repairing the bugs in 9.3 -.-
to be fair Quality assurance is one thing , quality control is another , they do assure us of their quality , they just don’t implement it very well. Also i find this hilarious and would leave it in just to piss off the arty players and let them keep their fucked up model.
LOL, well at least now we know where to shot the darn thing!
can someone check the wtpnzIV – shot straight through one in this replay just now:
It was probably a server hiccup
wow, i’m so glad i’m in ASIA server now. now that WGfucked up the visual model as well, i wont be wondering why my shots are not damaging him ^^ YPA War Gaming !! you did us proud !
“Working as intended”
That’s some stronk patching process. ;p
Who made the hotfix? Mr Bean?
Oh my… I don’t make models for games or movies, only by CAT-tools, but… If you have solid bodies, like the collision model has, they have just one offset value to determine turret body distance from the hull. Maybe change that value? No. In Belarus we apply the same measures to the visual model as well!
Like the problem ever was the correspondance of those two models, but the fucked up hovering turret on top.
E: maybe in 9.5 they finally attach the turret on the hull, BUT we have whole M53/55 hovering in the air.
They MUST be trolling. Theres no way in hell this isnt trolling.
Next premium vehicule of world of warplanes leaked. :D
They said make the visual model fit the collision model and so the did.
Patch 9.5, the M35/55 will be the first hover tank in WoT!
Patch 9.6 will move the gun back to the turret from the middle of the hull.
Patch 9.7 will put half of the hull below the ground in an effort to make it a non-hover tank making it the first tank in WoT to always being hull down.
This is the best way to fix the problem yet devised by man.
Whats the problem? They fixed it, finally collision model correspond with visual. :D
I can imagine that was the brief, nobody told the dev which one was wrong.
Next they will move the hull up to meet the turret and eventually we get a hovertank.
Well, WoWp got the “Sleipnir” UFO for April 1st, so they probably just got the date wrong…. transition from Gregorian calendar too stronk.
so on the Asia server this is visual ingame?
Well… look on the bright side! Now the collision and visual model match. They fixed it…just in a very different way than they should :D
This is again like …
The bug said the visual model and collision model are not the same.
Maybe nobody said the responsible developer/artist what is the right one. So he chose to make the visual the same as the collision model. Well done.
A fucked up model of the M53/M55?
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Looks like Wargaming…
…lost its “HEAD” on this one
I don’t see your problem SS. It looks pretty accurate to me: http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/141115/True_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg
Good one! :D
fukken saved!
Brillent <o
So, everyone of those 1700+ PPL that voted “It’s standard (there are better, there are worse)” in the most recent poll might REALLY want to rethink that.
I’m even starting to regret I voted for “below-standard”.
Don’t worry, SS’ stronk biased poll skills will explain to you that results are confirming what he’s saying!
That’s fantastic. Staggering.
Amazing. Another reason why I left WoT: Because they started to really fuck it up.
when i wake up, i open ftr web page and have fun :) good way to start a day. wg enjoy me :D
Is this some kind of joke? This has to be a joke. Major companies can’t survive with such blunders in plain view.
Exactly. Even i as a friggin modder have better QA than these retards.
At least people will know where to shoot…
I always knew, that Kumars in India (asia) can’t be trusted. They are messing everything that they touch.
I dont think there are any Indians in WG staff.
At least now they see were to shoot that thing (because it is not an arty anymore)
Goddamn this company is so incompetent. Im currently finding other games to amuse myself until 9.5 comes out. I also have no plans to extend my premium time. I might buy a premium tank but thats the extent of it. I usually buy Veterans day packages but this time it was a complete rip off for a company that has horrible reviews as a charity. I am usually a big spender but not after all this crap.
They fired that one saboteur, but new one takes place… I wonder how much can one earn by doing that?
Haven’t you guys figured out why yet?
Well the G20 is in Brisbane Australia, Putin is attending and the Russians released an satellite image of a Ukrainian jet shooting down Malaysian flight MH17. This is meant to distract Australian players from the clusterfuck patches.
Russia stronk photoshop skillzors + WG stronk patch = Classic Maskirovka
Stronk indeed :)
Well at least now you know where to shoot
Random Unicum: Fuck arty
WG: Much Obliged!
Wargaming is so good at designing games!
and you know what else is back? Moving corpses. Just saw a KV killed in front of my eyes and the corpse kept turning and turning slowly for a while
saw a few moving corpses last night, also the reload timer sits and does nothing until you are 80% reloaded, then the red starts to climb but slower than normal, then when about 95% of your reload time is done the meter is suddenly green and near full. makes peek-a-boom tricky if a lot is going on. and the strobe light in sniper mode is giving me seizures.
I really start to wonder if it’s not a deliberate sabotage, time after time. Judging by how discontent WG emploees are, who knows…?
..this or there is allways option WG is full of incompetent morons..hard descision though :P
hillarious..WG best comedy company in ze world :D
Well, they fixed the problem: now the armor model is corresponding to the visible model ^^
Confirm ….moving dead tanks are back as well….my Matilda drove of a cliff after it died …so funny !
GJ WG you retards !
And how it look in game/battle? ;)
To be fair, at least its better than not knowing where to shoot above the thing to damage it. :P
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um, SS, I play in the SEA server, actually I have played with a teammate on M53/55 after this hotfix, I dunno how it looks like in tank inspector and similar tools, but the visual model was NOT fucked up “IN GAME”.
but at the same time it seems the collision model was not fixed, I could light up its outline when aiming above the tank.
just FYI.
looks like ‘abysmal’ vote was not cruel at all. strunk prokramink
“Oh no ! The damage model of this arty is fucked up !
-Damn ! We must fix tha…
-Shut up, we’ll just adapt the visual model.”
What’s going through their minds omg
Just missed hugged GW Tiger from behind. So I assume this bug is present in this case as well. It’s impossible to miss fully zoomed shot at the huge tank glued to you.
Jep thats the WG we know.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s something. At least now you know where exactly to shoot it :D
As long as I get to drop bombs, I’m OK with it! :)
Please make an invisible scout tank.. Please. Or even better – KV-5 with R2D2 fucked up! Maybe fuck up the T1 Cunningham and give it 500 millimeters of armour?
UFO mode enabled
Those who said anything but WG QA is abysmal should change their vote
Atleast now you know where to shoot and don’t miss…
Well, its actually better now, since the collision model is corresponding to the visual model….
Confirmed: WG is trolling us
No, no, no, sorry. Coming from the ASIA server i can confirm that this is only in tank inspector.
I too believed that they had screwed up the visual model in game, but when i encountered the actual tank in a random battle, its visual model was 100% fine. the hit-box on the other hand was the same as before the “fix”
Working as intended…
Well at least now they know where to shoot
all the success xD. How could you not love WG.
Put in a patch that is literally described as a bug fixing patch. Mucks it up back to 9.0 pretty much. Moving tanks (dead ones), reload timer screwed (even the one that is WG’s own), this model cock-up, not to mention a new map, ooh shiny, that is terrible if you aren’t in a brawler, and is tbh only good for historical battles (which have been removed). GREAT SUCCESS!
Holy crow the face palms are real. They are really real.