December/January Missions for EU

Hello everyone,

here is the list of missions and discounts, that awaits us, courtesy of the Insider.

First and foremost: there are NO specific  tier 10 discounts (“Top of the Tree”) for December and for January, as all tier 10′s will be on discount.

1.12.-1.1.: Monthly Missions

- win 3 battles while driving a tier 5+ tank once per day (must be in top 10 in XP), get 75k credits
- complete the mission above 15 times, get 700 gold

6.12.-9.12.: “Winter Wolfpack”

- x3 XP for first victory
- 30 percent discount on tier 6-7 regular medium tanks
- 50 percent discount on tier 5 regular medium tanks
- 30 percent discount on Panzer IV Schmalturm and M10 Panther

- deal at least 1000 damage in battle while surviving in a tier 4+ medium tank, get 50 percent crew XP bonus
- destroy at least 1 medium tank in battle in a tier 4+ vehicle, get 50 percent crew XP bonus
- destroy 50 medium tanks (repeatable) in a tier 4+ vehicle, get 10 gold repair kits, 10 gold medkits, 10 gold extinguishers

12.12.-15.12.: “Quality time”

- get 10k XP in a tier 4+ vehicle (must be in top 10 in XP), get 5 gold repair kits
- complete the mission above 3 times, get 3 days of premium

15.12.- 24.12.: “Countdown has started”

Upon logging in, you automatically get 9 days of premium

- double crew XP for everyone (must be in top 10 in XP)

At this point, the Christmas celebrations are starting.

24.12.-15.1.: “New Year Discounts”

- 50 percent discount on barracks slots
- 50 percent discount on camo, emblems, inscriptions
- 50 percent discount on consumables
- 50 percent discount on crew training, crew retrain, crew skill reset
- 80 percent discount on crew name and face changes

- 15 percent discount on all regular tier 8-10 tanks
- 30 percent discount on all regular tier 6-7 tanks
- 50 percent discount on all regular tier 2-5 tanks

- 50 precent discount on equipment
- 50 percent discounts on garage slots
- 50 percent discounts on tier 4 premium tanks (oddly enough, in the list, tier 5 prems are not on discount, might be a mistake)
- 30 percent discounts on tier 6 and 7 premium tanks
- 15 percent discounts on tier 8 premium tanks

Here, there was one weird part in the write up, that did not make much sense (the event was split into three separate “rounds”, I tried to sum it up).

24.12.-15.1.: “T-34-85M”

This mission is oddly enough listed as “global”, but Evilly on RU server stated that RU server has something else, so it’s likely every server has this individually.

- get 50k XP (premium and doubles apparently count) on a tier 6+ vehicle from every nation (350k total), for every nation you get 3 days of premium (21 days in total)
- for completing all 7, you get the T-34-85M tier 6 premium medium tank

24.12.-15.1.: “Gift Tank”

If you log on between these dates, you will get Panzer II Ausf.D gift tank with a garage slot for free, as well as 5 “food” consumables for each nation (35 in total) and 1 day of premium.

24.12.-1.1.: x5 XP for first victory
1.1.-5.1.: double XP for all victorious battles (must be in top 10 in XP)
5.1.-10.1.: triple crew XP (must be in top 10 in XP)

10.1.-13.1.: “2015 is a Winner”

- triple XP for every victory (must be in top 10 in XP)
- bonus to free XP conversion (1 gold = 35 XP)
- play in tier 4+ regular vehicle (must be in top 10 in XP), get 30 percent more credits
- play in tier 4+ regular vehicle (must be in top 3 in XP), get 40 percent more credits

The two missions above add up to 70 percent in total

13.1.-19.1. “Back to normal”

- double crew XP (must be in top 10 in XP)

24.1.-27..: “Fall of Tripoli”

- following vehicles get 50 percent income bonus: Panzer II, Panzer III, Panzer IV, StuG III (Ausf.G), Valentine, Matilda, Crusader, M3 Stuart, M5 Stuart, M3 Lee, M4, Wolverine, Bishop, Priest
- Tiger H gets 30 percent income bonus
- win 15 battles in a tier 4+ vehicle (repeatable, must be in top 10 in XP), get 10 gold repair kits
- complete the previous mission 2 times, get 1 day of premium account

67 thoughts on “December/January Missions for EU

      • It will be easier to grind FV4202 with all the x5, free premium and x2 for each win. It’s funny that they keep postponing the fate of the FV as tier 8 premium as if they want to give time to grind it to everyone. Are they so generous or will everybody who grinds british meds get trolled in the end…

        • I’m fairly sure they’re postponing it because the replacement model isn’t finished yet. But the more people that have it, the lower the chance is of it being a “free” premium.

  1. Nice missions. Can’t wait to see the US ones…probably something along the lines of “get 100k xp in a day, get 10k , complete 31 times get a tier 2 premium” knowing WGNA.

      • They tend to forget that…
        On the NA forum they were ranting the other day that all they were getting was a premium tank and a slot, but EU was getting 500k silver.

        Don’t forget, on the US server they can Sell and Buy Back (For silver) their premium tanks. To me that’s quite a big thing.

        • “Don’t forget, on the US server they can Sell and Buy Back (For silver) their premium tanks. To me that’s quite a big thing”

          You can do that on EU too, but just once.

  2. 24.12.-1.1.: x5 XP for first victory
    1.1.-5.1.: double XP for all victorious battles (must be in top 10 in XP)
    5.1.-10.1.: triple crew XP (must be in top 10 in XP)

    10.1.-13.1.: “2015 is a Winner”

    - triple XP for every victory (must be in top 10 in XP)

    This makes getting the T-34-85M very easy.

    @SS – 50 precent discount on equipment, there you have a typo m8

  3. Incredible missions and giveaways. Thumbs up to WG. Haven’t bought gold in over a year and might buy some to say thank you and buy the jgtiger 88.

    • also going to buy jgtiger 88….. so awesome….. just minor gripe is that premium days comes in first and after that comes discounts….. but, yeah, whatever….

      • already have jgtiger 88, such a great tank, incredible gun, high damage per minute, and almost impenetrable tank when hulldown ;) also best money maker in game…
        cant wait to grind some tier X`s with these missions :D
        24.12.-15.1.: “Gift Tank”

        If you log on between these dates, you will get Panzer II Ausf.D gift tank with a garage slot for free, as well as 5 “food” consumables for each nation (35 in total) and 1 day of premium.

        24.12.-1.1.: x5 XP for first victory
        1.1.-5.1.: DOUBLE XP for ALL victorious battles (must be in top 10 in XP)
        5.1.-10.1.: triple crew XP (must be in top 10 in XP)

        10.1.-13.1.: “2015 is a Winner”

        - TRIPLE XP for EVERY VICTORY (must be in top 10 in XP)
        - bonus to free XP conversion (1 gold = 35 XP)
        - play in tier 4+ regular vehicle (must be in top 10 in XP), get 30 percent more credits
        - play in tier 4+ regular vehicle (must be in top 3 in XP), get 40 percent more credits

        unbelievable missions though :D

        • ” also best money maker in game…”

          Why would you say that when so many people proved via statistics that T-34 makes more money profitwise (winnings – ammo/consumable cost)… So many clueless comments on FTR, this is like Reddit lol.

  4. No GrosstTractor mission? :(
    I wished to get it, as i got too much life for T34-85M mission…..

  5. Fun fun fun fun fun.
    Love the fact that all tier 10′s will be on discount, can only hope that I have finished my grind for most of them by then. Will have the STB-1 and both chinese 10′s unlocked by then I think.
    …time to start a few new lines then I guess. :3

  6. Damn…. i’m on my vacation till 28.12 …. Does anyone know a way to login from tablet/smartphone and “automatically get 9 days of premium” ??

  7. Ooh, shit! :)
    Now I just have to farm like… 20 000 000 credits until Christmas! B-)
    Anyway, a huuuuge welcome back to silver missions, I was so waiting for them.. they will help in the abovementioned problem A LOT!

    But that T-34-85M.. yeah, with all those EXP events it will come in as a side product just for playing the game in no time.

    Thx, WG!

  8. Altough I am very happy about the discounts, and gifts, but I’m quite sure, that most of the people will only be able to enjoy about 50% of these things, since they ( me included ) have other ((better ?! )) things to do around X-mas! :/ too bad….

  9. Thanks again SS for the heads up, it’s nice to plan when we’re spending our credits/gold…

  10. Oh man, i could buy like 4 Tier 10 tanks and i only have 600k credits :( Gotta farm hardcore in between Campaign till then :(

  11. Dont care about anything else except the 34-85M so thanks WG for the chance to own that bad boy.

  12. That’s a lot of credits/prem consumables and premium time! Inflation.

    Good to see a historical special with income boosts again in January. I will have to take out my M3 Lee!

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  14. One thing to note: Gift shop bundles are missing :) I’m pretty sure some will be quite nice.

  15. I think last year they had a discount on premium days, but this day they are handing them out for free… So those who purchase big bundles should still save just as much, but this way they get higher “exposure” for premium accounts.

    I must say, the above does look great. I was hoping there might be a tier8 discount of 30%, but I knew that was unlikely..

    A lot of stuff to keep track of, a TON of premium time, nearly two weeks more than last year (Counting IS6 mission), and missions that will not be “that” hard to do…

    Seems good ;)…

  16. Pingback: Slevy a akce na prosinec

  17. Again great info, SS can you ask your “Insider” if there are any planed discounts on premium time coming any time soon as I, like others I bet, need to renew my premium account in the near future?

    • That’s cute – freedom of expression rights not withstanding, SS is probably already acutely aware that the information he is publishing here is being obtained in violation of a confidentiality agreement between “The Insider” and Wargaming.

      That is already a huge risk considering that Wargaming could likely sue for damages out of that illegal activity at any time… asking the insider specifically to reveal confidential information takes it to the next level – conspiracy to commit commercial espionage… Do you think before making such requests or is your saving of 10% on premium time worth it?!

      • I am sure the staff that sell codes on ebay are also breaking “Agreements”…

        WarGaming could only sue for damages, So unless they could show solid proof that people knowing about the events harmed gold or premium tank sales then what would they sue for ?

        • I am sure you are right about people selling codes on ebay – but on ebay you have to declare that you own the legal rights to sell the material you are selling. With this clause in the contract ebay is protecting itself exactly from complicity in the sale of stolen goods.

          Here we have a different situation, because if a blogger or a journalist is publishing information of which he reasonably has to assume it was obtained illegally, he is complicit in the underlying breach of confidentiality. As for damages – if people are aware of an upcoming discount on an item they are willing to buy and due to the advance knowledge are waiting to purchase the item at discount which they would have otherwise purchased at full prize, then there you already have your damages…

        • Good point – if SS has been given the information for controlled leaks – there is no issue. But I think SS would tell us if WG would try to use him in such a way.

  18. Up to 35 days of premium time up for grabs, lots of crew Exp bonuses, T-34-85M mission, 700 free gold, premium vehicle discounts…

    Looks like I’m going to be very busy with WoT soon.

    • Do you live in the EU? Or the RU?
      If not your probably not going to get all those things.
      Stronk russian bias! I CALLING BIAS!
      RU says they’re doing things differently. They are probably getting free T-44-85′s.

        • Nothing.

          Okay maybe I have some problems :)

          It’s true. Russia has some sort of bais. ‘National Pride’ or something. I really wouldn’t be suprised to see them getting either BT-SV’s or T-44-85′s

  19. My poetry:
    Nolifers will reborn,
    Lifers get looses.
    Nolifers and lifers
    Will get 9days premum acc,
    FOR FREE, and a free gift tank
    With 1day of premium acc,
    Totally 10days of free prem acc,
    Premium Consuambles.
    And all we know,
    That we will get good missions
    To complete also.
    Thank you;)
    Not trolling, best wishes to WG, and all good guys like SerB, Storm and Silentstalker from Jono4;-)

  20. With all these numbers being tossed about, I hope WG can get the math right on their end, and it shows up correctly on our end.

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  24. You guys at EU….your lucky.

    All we getting this tanksmas christmas is a fucking tier 2 and maybe the mission. MAYBE.

    Fuck you WG. Make the damn missions and savings FOR ALL THE DAMN PLACES ON DA EARTH.

  25. Pingback: Mise Prosinec/Leden | WOT-CSS35

  26. Unusual to get 75k credits per day….especially for such an easy mission. I thought WGA had too much money in the economy, although that might only apply to the NA server.

    Also odd to get raw gold. Usually it’s in gold equivalents, like premium consumables or garage slots.

    Nice sales. Still don’t see a special on premium ammunition but I guess that won’t be happening again. I have 24M credits available if it ever does go on sale again.

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