52 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Smolensk Map

  1. Looks Interesting… hopefully we won’t have yolo cap strats like that old Komarin (remember that?)

    That fort looks like it could provide some great overwatch, maybe even more than Himmelsdorf.

    • Nah, It’ll be just like hill on Mines, shitstorm at the entrance and only 1-2 light tanks will usually sit there untill late game

    • @TwixOps

      “hopefully we won’t have yolo cap strats like that old Komarin (remember that?)”

      Do you? :) This is nothing like the old Komarin, where your spawn point was between bases (i.e. you had roughly the same distance to both bases).

      This is actually more similar to Erlenberg, with bases relatively close to each other.

    • If anyone can remember this is the same map that was submitted by a player (on the Russian Server if I remember correctly) in one of those “make your map” contests and the guy who submitted THIS design was considered the BEST map in the “Historic Map” category.

      BTW this is a nice way of WG saving work by holding competitions and asking players to do what WG would have to do otherwise. The testing department is oours soon the design will be ours too. Saving money to the last penny I see.

      • Yeah, because it’s soooo unheard of in other games. And WoT saves soooo much by getting a rough idea which they have to put through the exactly same process as other maps (modelling, testing, etc)

        You know, players and modders usually welcome the chance to get some of their content into the game. WoT? “You didn’t use my idea, screw you!” “You used my idea and didn’t give me half a bambillion potatoes, screw you!”

        • I knew someone would always be there to show how smart they are by their comments…. didn’t expect it to be you (frankly)

          Getting player’s conent into the game;I’m all for it but at least give hom something for it (actual money).

          Misinterprets what’s written and leaves a comment showing whata baboon you r

    • ^+1

      tanks in cities… just dont see the attraction. Is it really that hard to make a map that will allow hull-down positions without throwing half the map away to mountains (another wot-favored tank terrain)?

  2. Well it kinda looks like the Quebec City map I was hoping for. The star fort there is much more impressive though and combined with the city scape of the 1940s would provide a nice mix of houses/open, hills/flat, hard cover/destructible.

  3. For the love of God, please don’t scrap another map just because some think it looks like crap whilst never having played it first. Its ridiculous.

    EDIT: I just realized I made a triple rhyme… :D

  4. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Nová mapa Smolensk

  5. I don’t know what’s up with me, I’m starting to like the historical maps a lot when Kharkov came out I really liked it. Then came Stalingrad, and I haven’t played it at all except one game in the M4 Sherman (racked up 4 kills that map and lost to the enemy 12-15) but if Smolensk comes out I would hope it doesn’t turn like Komarin. However I’ll be really interested for some historical maps on the pacific and Asian theater (make something in Burma or islands like Okinawa or Iwo Jima) and maybe some maps in American soil (like new York city or hawaii) Also some North Africa historical maps and some Italy historical maps would be great as well

    • Spartan, I agree. I’d like for WG to realize that there are more WW2 historical battles (and potential maps) than those that occurred in the Soviet Union. Seriously, there’s North Africa (like Tobruk or El Alamein), Italy, France (like that potential D-Day map they’re working on).

      I also wish that they’d go back and look at those old maps that they built but never included in the game, like Mexico and Savannah.

  6. I think WOT needs symmetrical maps for Contests purpose only, since they will be boring if used otherwise.

  7. I wish they wouldn’t try so hard to keep them symmetrical for balance reasons. The maps just don’t seem as interesting when they’re mirrored. I will give it a chance, though.

    • LTs will be ok if played right…

      No armour TDs are a bag of shite on many maps now… you can’t even move without being spotted across the full map, fire and you’re fucked… this looks just the same…

  8. Hehe, i just wish i knew the thoughts and reactions of polish playerbase about this map :P

    Explanation: in 2010 a polish government airplane crashed there, killing almost 100 ppl, including the president and army generals. Because polish government didn’t demand the russians to give back the wreck so PL would investigate it, leaving the investigation in RU hands(including black boxes, i might be mistaken since i dont remember now)- there are a lot of theories whether it was “just an accident”.

    To say the least, no matter which theory you believe in, this topic still rise emotions and PL people still don’t know what exactly happened. :P

    Near Smolensk there is also a village of Katyn, where during WW2 russi… i mean soviets killed/exterminated several thousands of poles, including around 10k officers.

    So basically, Poles have a lot of memories with this place :P

    • So on this map we have hear shoot in 10′s and many many fog around, some corpse everywhere, it will be my fav :)

      yes . I’am PL

      • Question is will there be any birch trees?
        This would be the only map I won’t use no_fog mod for.
        Hope they will introduce it to WoWp as well.

        Yes, I am Polish as well and I’m laughing my ass off here :D

  9. Looks like something between old Erlenberg and old Komarin…hmm…doesn’t look too bad actually.

    • looks very micro i love it xD i can imagine where the defend and attack areas will be at :) Defend the castle! a perfect City life for those relaxers

  10. Pingback: Individuální mise, Smolensk, Q&A - Rychlá Rota