
- Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.” A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.”
- Q: “What’s up with supertesters, I see them driving around in random battles with exclusive tanks and they suck!” A: (SerB) “If you have to envy, do it silently.”
- Q: “If we had Panzer IV and T-34 in historical configurations, what tiers would they fit?” A (SerB): “You see, that depends on the historical number of hitpoints.”
- Q: “It was said that the T110E4 has worse aimtime than E3 as a price for having a turret. How come German WT’s have the same stats as the non-turretted German TD’s?” A: “Just imagine that the Germans implemented it better.” (SS: as in, it’s just a balance decision)
- SerB states that the situation, where optics get destroyed by hitting driver’s periscopes is correct
- IS and IS-3 have the same D-25 (D-2-5) reload times as KV-3 and KV-4, despite IS series having one loader and KV series two historically, because the second loader “eliminates the design drawback”
- Individual Missions are time limited, but the limit is quite long. They will come in seasons, around half a year ones.
- Evilly states that when it comes to difficult missions, “cumulative effect is better than everyday grind” (admits that the previous very difficult grinding missions – specifically the KV-220 one on RU server – were a mistake)
- Evilly states that the Object 260 missions will be intentionally very difficult

67 thoughts on “22.11.2014

    • First everyone wants it tough, so noobies can’t get it.

      Now it’s out and tough, everybody cries, realizing they are actually the noobies and won’t get them.

      The next time, just say it directly: “I want it easy for me, but tough for everyone else, so I can laugh at others.”

      • Maybe if you keep your accusations for yourself , that would be better . seeing as i wasnt complaining and just stating a fact , what you said was totally unessesarry .

          • If you have to do 10 000 damage in your TD and 20 000 damage in just one game….i doubt that there is gonna be more than 100 tankers that will get it. Even for super unicums, this is a hell of a chalange (especially the TD mission) (actually, both mission, since the damage blocked by the tracks and spaced armour is not viable..) Hope they will change the numbers tho, we will see

            • Easy, get a friendly platoon of Maus in the early hours to click battle same time as you. Arrange the meeting place and they let you do 9k damage, the rest you have to do yourself.

              Or just play enough battles and eventually you will get two teams of complete morons.

              So if you get the reward tank you’ll be called a cheater or a lucker.

      • yeah but the missions are not difficult. some are easy (arty and med) and some are riddicoulus –> Heavy mission.
        You wont even find a video on youtube from someone that deals 20k damage. 15k would be ok, i guess since you have to have a very good game (do 5k + damage and get 10k blocked by armor, for example) which normally ends up with you doing a lot of damage. when you get shot at a lot, and a lot means a lot like 10-15k pot. damage, you probably wont do so much damage, because there are a lot people shooting you so you will die.
        And i dont count the 1 in a hundred game where people just shoot you in the frontal armor for ages

        • Maus is able to do 5k of damage, then sidescrape and get shot a lot. For example. Others can do it otherwise (hulldown USA etc)

          But the thing is – those numbers are still from supertest and you take them as a given fact…

          • Its not hard at all..you’ll need just some luck,few newbs to don’t know where to aim and voila. I remember one of my first games in E100, 5.5k dmg dealt and 21k pot received and survive,and i was(still) a noob as hell back then. :3

        • Check my replay on IS-7 beast


          I only see these requirements possible to be met on Malinovka or Prokhorovka (couple of other open maps) by taking good scout spots driving armoured heavies able to survive under monster pressure, with a lot of tds on your team and NO artillery. Thats a lot of IF’s

          Doable? Yes but vastly hard.

      • The way the missions look now, every noob with too much time on his hands can get it. That means all those Tier 8+ tomatos.

        Good missions would involve Top3-streaks, win streaks, hit-%-streaks. Things that force you to be a goddamn asset to the team, not nitpicking targets based on requirements for a mission.

        What will happen now is all the noobs rushing for enemy arty/td, ignoring more important targets, just to hit the quota. Scouts will TK each other for the sweetspot for spotting on maps.

        And it will go on for half a year!

  1. I have a question… Are all of these modes HAVE to be on random games? Can you go to Team Companies and do this as well? This way you can do it easily with your clan members :)
    A man can dream, can’t he?

    Edit: I mean on the individual missions

  2. Anton Pan-cake can suck his own balls. Reason? WoT.

    For milking more cash out of retarded cows, he sucks his own balls.

  3. People have to remember, that Wargaming haven’t just thrown arbitrary, impossible numbers into these missions. They have spent a lot of time looking at statistics, and calculating exactly what ammount of damage needs to be done, in order to result in the ammount of Object 260′s, Stug IV’s, T28 Concept and whatever the last ones are, being given out to players, and thus appearing in random battles.
    They have made them so extremely difficult, for the sole reason that you are NOT supposed to get one. You can get one, if you manage to pull off an absolutely insane game, but you aren’t meant to. Very few thousands of players are supposed to get them.

  4. “- Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.” A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.””

    Balanced my ass. I just made a graph how the average arty shell damage per battle tier changed with 8.6 http://i.imgur.com/CElhffn.jpg

    WG seriously thought that nerfing everything except gun alfa will be balanced, when artys that should meet mostly tier 8 and 9 can meet tier 4-8 tanks?

    Currently, artys are vehicles with overpowered guns but underpowered gun control.

      • i calculated artys average shell damage in every battle tier, for artys before and after 8.6 For example BT8 contains all artys average shell damage wich could fight in BT8 (pre 8.6: tier 4 and 5 artys, after 8.6: tier 6,7,8 artys)
        If you want all the numbers, here you go: http://i.imgur.com/gvqRAoQ.jpg

    • Fine my f***ing ass!! Those clicker noob tanks should be ubernerfed! Not only can they 1 shot pretty much anything, they also have ninja camo now ?!

      On multiple occasions I drove past them as close as 60m, and STILL haven’t spotted them!

      B***h pls -.-”

      • Also they cant hit shit…. If you want to whine about arty, play it first.
        Dont whine about things you have no clue about.

        • I have done that, and I agree with them.
          It’s concept is retarded and frustrating for both the one who drives it and the one on the receiving end. No skill involved as you’re at the pray of the RNG whether you hit or not….heck, you even hit targets when you were 90% sure you’ll miss.
          He overreacted with the camo an arty has, but it’s point isn’t far from that…a cloaked(bush, camo net and other stuff) arty that doesn’t move is as hard to spot as a scout and you know that, if you indeed have a clue.

            • arty Screams for rebalance if you saw the graph above tier 8 and tier 9 artys are broken as fuck but with WG this will never happen

  5. “- Evilly states that when it comes to difficult missions, ‘cumulative effect is better than everyday grind’”

    “They will come in seasons, around half a year ones.”

    With the missions for the Object 260, it’s essentially an everyday grind given that time frame. Why couldn’t these be lifetime missions?

  6. - Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.” A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.”
    dreams crushed

  7. I wish they’d give the French TD line some love. I’ve been grinding it hoping that they’ll one day buff it to at least half of what it used to be.

    To grind an entire line of shit and end up with an even bigger, more expensive, pile of shit is a huge let down.

    • Release a new OP line in WoT so everybody would grind it and convert free XP with gold. After few months nerf that line and release a new OP one. Rinse & repeat…

    • There’s not that many awful tanks on the TD line. One is undeniably very shit and the Foch 155 is just broken by design which made it a target for being nerfed to shit. It’s still playable in city maps but you really have to question picking it over the AMX 50 B most of the time. Open maps be damned.Line is still quite popular especially the tier 5.

      The Foch tier 9 is fine as well and quite common to see, though. Quite a fun tank despite it not having that great armour and not that great mobility it’s combines quite decently. The line as a whole is still played often enough so I can’t see WG buffing the final tank any time soon, after all they haven’t bothered buffing the second joke line of TD’s on the USSR side, why would they bother with Frenchies if they can’t make soviet strong first? Besides, WG now hates TD’s with a passion.

      • Foch is a great tank, Foch 155 on the other hand…crap gun, not suitable for sniping in the slightest. In fact, the autoloader already completely changes the gameplay compared to Foch…just give it a single-fire 155mm with 2,5 sec. aim time, 0.36 accuracy and a bit longer barrel or at least more shell velocity. Just make this 155 like the american T110E3.

      • - Sau 40
        - ARL V39
        - AMX 46
        - Foch 155

        …that’s almost half of the line. Not taking into account the Renault FT AC, which I think I even skipped with Free XP, but I didn’t hear anyone say anything about it.

        Currently the best tanks in that line are:

        - S-35CA (hello 300 dmg & 400m view range on Tier 5)
        - Tier IX Foch (though it’s not stomping Mediums as it used to, thanks to the unwarranted mobility nerf)
        - AMX 48. Which I didn’t really enjoy, but it’s a clear step up from the god-awful AMX 46

        “after all they haven’t bothered buffing the second joke line of TD’s on the USSR side”

        Are you kidding?! They received substantial firepower buffs no more than 2 patches ago!

        • AMX Mle 48 is awful.
          It has the same horrendous gun handling as the ISU, but with half the alpha and 66% of the reload time.

          The armor is a one trick pony, with only the frontal armor being good, and the rest being so hilariously weak, that anyone not perfectly facing it can just pen the side armor. I would say they could also pen the roof armor, but there are a lot of low, or even unarmored turrets and rangefinders on the roof.

          The 48 is a trash tank, only good for stomping the worst tomatoes. Any one with over 500 WN8 can easily thrash a 48.

          There are only 3 good tanks on that branch: the UE57 (lol camo, lol 6 pounder at tier3), the S35 AC (lol 17 pounder at tier5, lol 330 gun alpha at tier5) and arguably the Foch. And even the Foch is stretching it, as it’s really just a passable tank in a sea of otherwise trashy tanks, so it probably just seems better than what it actually is: a mobile dpm tank that supposed to be well armored, but isn’t really any of those things.

          • The 48 is a great tank with amazing penetration, accuracy and alpha. The reload is actually pretty standard and not particularly bad. It has to be balanced because of the great mobility the AMX features. The tank excels at long-range sniping but can also be played agressively in the later parts of the game. Aim time is a bit sketchy though, there was a time when that tank had 2,3 sec and foch 1,7…

  8. | – Q: “What’s up with supertesters, I see them driving around in random battles with exclusive tanks and they suck!” A: (SerB) “If you have to envy, do it silently.”

    Envy being Russian or speaking Russian and playing on RU? lol

  9. “- Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.” A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.””

    Of course it’s a good thing. These rocks aren’t going to hide behind themselves, after all, and being able to actually use terrain is getting boring.

    ” – Individual Missions are time limited, but the limit is quite long. They will come in seasons, around half a year ones.”

    Given how difficult the O260 looks to be, and assuming that the others preceding will be shorter/easier, 6ish months allowance to do a set (if I’m understanding right) doesn’t seem unreasonable at all. It does have the unfortunate side-effect of making “fast” completers wait until the season is up to get their next tank, though…but you can’t please everyone.

    • I guess if anyone manages to get Object 260 fast then he will simply enjoy driving the tank until next missions season :)

  10. Of course artys are becomming more popular, no matter how bad they are some people still like the feeling when they can take little risk and make alot of damage from safe positions. Just like gold ammo usage, some tanks have enough AP pen to pen, all it takes is like 1 second longer aiming, but no no, better to load gold and autoaim. Its the mentality of the kids these days, take no risk wanting maximun profit instantly.

  11. I don’t like how they manage the premium/exclusive tank missions. They require you to play thousands of battles, especially with T10 since that’s where the gross dmg is done. THIS MEANS ONLY MANIACS with no life at all WILL GET THESE REWARDS, since playing WoT is what they do all day long. They don’t reward skill, never had.

  12. - Q: “It was said that the T110E4 has worse aimtime than E3 as a price for having a turret. How come German WT’s have the same stats as the non-turretted German TD’s?” A: “Just imagine that the Germans implemented it better.” (SS: as in, it’s just a balance decision)

    That one is quite obvious, actually…WT auf E-100 has the very worst camouflage factor in the game, and a huge turret that is highly vulnerable to HE. So, close-quarter fight – Nuh-uh. It obviously has a huge viewrange because it is supposed to be a LOOOONG LOOONG-Range sniper; therefore the gun has the best handling in the game as well.
    While the T110E4 can actually brawl quite good actually and therefore is also in medium-range effective enough, so exceptional gun handling isn’t that required anymore.

    TL;DR version: The closer the usual target of the tank is, the worse the gun handling is.

  13. Pingback: 22.11.2014 | WizjerCzołgisty.pl - Codzienny blog gry World of Tanks

  14. - Q: “Is arty balance okay? They seem to be crawling out of woodwork again.”
    A (SerB): “It’s fine. It’s good that there’s more of them.”
    - Q: “What’s up with supertesters, I see them driving around in random battles with exclusive tanks and they suck!”
    A: (SerB) “If you have to envy, do it silently.”
    - Q: “If we had Panzer IV and T-34 in historical configurations, what tiers would they fit?”
    A (SerB): “You see, that depends on the historical number of hitpoints.”

    Asshole answers to questions posted by the chief #1 asshole at wargaming. Everything is either a fking joke to him because he has everybodies money. Or he’s an asinine TWIT with his comments.

  15. “- Evilly states that the Object 260 missions will be intentionally very difficult”

    As long as I can get german T-55 I’m fine with that :-)

  16. - Q: “If we had Panzer IV and T-34 in historical configurations, what tiers would they fit?” A (SerB): “You see, that depends on the historical number of hitpoints.”

    SerB should send someone to check it ;p

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