Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
based on the testing, the FV4005 tier 10 TD was changed as such (data for 100 percent crew):
- hitpoints buffed from 1450 to 1850
- turret traverse nerfed from 12,5 deg/s to 10,4 deg/s
- viewrange buffed from 330 to 390
- ROF buffed from 1,788 to 2,018
- reload time buffed from 33,562s to 29,726s
- DPM buffed from 2055 to 2321
- accuracy nerfed from 0,345 to 0,364
- aimtime nerfed from 2,68 to 2,88
The new vehicle statistics look as such:
Tier 10 TD
Price: 6,1 mil credits
Hitpoints: 1850
Engine: 650 hp
Weight: 50,802 tons
Power-to-weight: 12,79 hp/t
Maximum speed: 35/12 km/h
Hull traverse: 32 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,247/1,822
Turret traverse: 10,4 deg/s
Viewrange: 390
Radiorange: 750
Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?
Turret armor: 14/14/14
Elite gun: 183mm L4
Damage: 1150/1750/1750
Penetration: 310/230/92
ROF: 2,018
DPM: 2321
Reload: 29,726
Ammo carried: 12 rounds
Accuracy: 0,364
Aimtime: 2,88s
Depression: -5/+8
Limited traverse: 90 degrees (45 to each side)
So much for nerfing other classes view range 0_o
they realised it was bad idea
i belive(hope) they will nerf 10-30m veiwrange and incarse light tanks one
If they nerf the viewranges then the game will be doomed by light tanks and we get all killed by them or we just stop playing this game until they buff the viewrange again.
lmfao. Doomed by light tanks. You people sure do have creative imaginations.
Light tanks are already OP
Mommy, they are going to nerf view range on my heavies/TDs! Now I will actually have to move to spot enemies! And my magic camping spots will be easily spotted by these pesky OP LTs… WAAAAAH!
Seriously, why are you whining about view range changes?
* if you play heavies like intended, you will be in close range anyway, so it doesn’t matter whether you have 200 m or 400 m view range
* if you camp in heavies, you are noob and deserve not to be able to see anything
* if you play TDs, you are intended to support fire from distance while being easy prey in close range, you are intended to help your team with tremendous firepower, which in turn is intended to be offset by little self-defense ability
* right now there’s no way for a MT to defeat a lonely well-played TD at long range as it has comparable view range and camo, while having way better frontal armour and firepower
* if you want your TDs to be omnipotent self-sustainable death machines capable of doing everything (high pen, high alpha, good RoF, good camo, high view range, average or above average speed), then you are an easy-mode kid and deserve not to be able to see anything
* LTs have the lowest impact on battle unless played very well; even then they can be easily outperformed by faster MTs who can not only spot, but also support their team with some fire
* awful MM, very high dependence on perks/equipment and no tutorial for new players means little popularity and a lot of suiciding newbies
* every pubbie gets frenzied when they see a LT and rush at them, notwithstanding that they are doomed to be destroyed
* it’s sad that top tier LTs get outspotted by TDs, while having nothing to compensate
* SPGs… they should get increased proto-oncogene expression and high mitotic index
i fundamentally agree.
However i can see that the view range change will increase the 15/0 land slide victories. This will be because the sides will need to rely on the scouts to spot more. if your scout is dead then your whole team is dead.
It makes sense.
Noobs will continue to suicide and die in 1 minute tops.
And rest of the team will be mostly blind.
I don’t think people understand how bad this would be. 3 things will happen when it’s introduced:
1) Suicide scouts do their thing and die immediately, leaving the entire team near blind and at a disadvantage as they now have no view range due to the nerf.
2) Good players will abuse the hell out of their view range and not spot for the team, but unfairly snipe with their very good 90mm at targets which they know can’t see them.
3) Good players who aren’t asshats will spot for the team. Think how often this will actually be the case though. Right, never.
I’m not gonna pretend I’m a saint and be no. 3 either, I’d be a dick and be number 2 as I don’t rely on team mates (for a good reason ) and instead play entirely for personal gain. It’s not nice, but I’m sure many others would do they same, which is why it’s such a problem.
i’ll take 20
Any idea where the line will start?
So… in what tank do i start to save some xp
to unlock right away when the new line comes
Mark 1 medium.
Its a brand new full line with no jump acrosses that I am aware off.
I remember that someone mentioned the Valentine
he is wrong line starts at valentine
Valentine – archer – Achilles – challenger – charioteer – Conway – Fv4005/2
other is separate line
Nothing separate about it…..
It is a line with 2 possible routes, one runs from Medium mk 1 to challenger via the new LL tanks, the other runs from Medium mk 1 to challenger through the current valentine line and 2 new tds.
Archer line has only 1 route
Valentine. That will let you start with the new tier 5 td.
It seems so uninsteresting. I like it, we don’t need more fucking powercreep.
I’ll take it for a ride in test server – if its as bad as I think it is….Better not grind that line at all :D
And 183 nerf – history repeats itself doesnt it?
F155 epic tank – nerfed – now its crap.
183 was okay one – nerfed – how it will be I wonder ;)
they said it would be a better armored death star, people only saw the mobility nerf, not the armor buff.
but that will make 2 paper tds to have fun in the fv.
I will live with hope that FV215b 183 will have armor buff … Because if not – this time it can really kill this tank. Even his gun cannot help soo big tank with no mobility and no resiliency.
I still can believe WG are introducing this tank. Is this seriously the best they could come up with? Just another Death Star…at the cost of having to nerf its copy counterpart in order to make it a “little bit more diverse” while screwing players around who already grinded the FV215b 183 for what it already is.
What a waste of tech tree line, I sure as hell ain’t grinding it, and I love TD’s.
I expected a LOT more WG.
Sooo… VR nerf for TDs= 10~20m? Not as I expected, but OK.
IMO adjusting camo values individually would work out better
390m of view range will be very good for t10 TD in 9.5. I expect waffles will has same VR and the rest will have 360-380.
At last. I think, this will be better then current Death Star, as I almost never rely on the armor of current 215 183, but I feel the 10 second aiming time in every single f**ing shot.
you might can’t count on the 183′s armor, but its defenitely going to help you out in some situations whereas it’s just not going to happen with the amor of an WT or the upcoming fv4005
it was kind of obvious they won’t keep the extremely low viewrange on the td’s. i’m curious how it’s going to turn out in the end.
Now that they nerfed the gun handling I think it’s over for that tank. No armor, no mobility, no camo factor, gun is just a big f*cking derp – yep. I guess the T9 will be the last tank of the line I actually will play, just like Tortoise on the other TD branch.
- ROF buffed from 1,788 to 2,018
will run out of ammo in 6 minutes ;)
Or run out of HP in 2.
Will run out of luck in 1.
Will fire first shell and miss in 55 seconds
Will start aiming gun at 45 seconds
Will load first shell after 30 seconds.
Will get somewhere in 25 seconds.
Will start moving in 10 seconds
Will load into battle in 0 seconds
Or something like that.
Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Úpravy nového T10 TD
Hey Guys, i dont quite understand how you can have 3 different stats for reload.
- ROF buffed from 1,788 to 2,018
- reload time buffed from 33,562s to 29,726s
- DPM buffed from 2055 to 2321
The developers are decreasing the reload time and ROF and DPM go up too, right?
yes correct
they’re just being listed for convenience sake, any change to one will directly affect the others
Yes another camper retard tank. thats what we need becouse wafen retards, fvs and GCs are not enough to make tier X games static.
I don’t think you can camp much with a Waffenträger E 100-ish camo… Because of this enormous turet and gun, you will be spotted from ~400 meters instantly. But I think we don’t need another british glass cannon at tier 10…
I agree, not only do they make tier 10 game static, they also make it a “1 shot experiance” for tier 8 heavys and tier 9 mediums.
i dont like. I dont think wort for grind. 6.1 mil credit grind? not worth.
Wow what a pile of shit. No armor and 30sec reload. And then you will hit for 500dmg. What a joke. A camping tank basically. Going out of cover equals to a suicide rush.
This garbage is worse than deathstar no1
I don’t see the point in this tank. Is it just me, or are you going to have a tank with similar traverse as the current 183, with the same gun, almost identical reload/dpm, and similar pen. They are then going to nerf the shit out of the 183′s speed and terrain traverse.
The 4005 is going to basically replace almost identical stats that the 183 has now, but be squishy as shit. 35km/h isn’t much faster than the current 183 (34.5km/h). It just seems like they want to replace the 183 with something with shit armour, and then make the current 183 garbage. You will almost have to grind out the 4005 to replace the 183, because it seems (from the previous pure nerf post) that the 183 will be unplayable. There needs to be a trade off. 4005 needs to be faster (like 40km/h +) with squishy armour and less accuracy and no limited traverse or lower pen, and then the 183 needs to be slower, have limited traverse with higher camo, a slower aiming gun but have it be dead accurate. (Basically a pilbox capable of holding an area of the map, but not moving fast and if it is flanked…gg), and then the 4005 is your mobility TD that goes with an offensive force. Balance them for Offence/Defence and there will be a point. Right now, it just seems like a way of replacing the 183 with something that is junk and paper thin, and then making the deathstar unplayable. Keep the Deathstar exactly that, an arty in TD mode, and the 4005 a quick ‘hit and run’ TD.
End soap box
I don’t see the point in this tank. Is it just me, or are you going to have a tank with similar traverse as the current 183, with the same gun, and almost identical reload/dpm and similar pen? They are then going to nerf the shit out of the 183′s speed and terrain traverse to make it different?
The 4005 is going to basically replace, with almost identical, stats that the 183 but be squishy as shit. 35km/h isn’t much faster than the current 183 (34.5km/h). It just seems like they want to replace the 183 with something with shit armour, and then make the current 183 garbage. You will almost have to grind out the 4005 to replace the 183, because it seems (from the previous pure nerf post) that the 183 will be unplayable. There needs to be a trade off. 4005 needs to be faster (like 40km/h +) with squishy armour and less accuracy but with a full traverse turret and mayber lower pen. Then the 183 needs to be slower, have limited traverse with higher camo, a slower aiming gun but have it be dead accurate, and a boatload of frontal armour (Basically a pilbox capable of holding an area of the map, but not able to move fast so if it is flanked…gg), and then the 4005 is your mobility TD that goes with an offensive force. Balance them for Offence/Defence and there will be a point. Right now, it just seems like a way of replacing the 183 with something that is junk and paper thin, and then making the deathstar unplayable. Keep the Deathstar exactly that, an arty in TD mode, and the 4005 a quick ‘hit and run’ TD.
End soap box
Ignore my first, illiterate post…I tried to edit it and ran out of time.
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I must say I really REALLY do no like this idea of gigantic slot machines. Tanks with a super high damage gun don’t add anything of value to the game, in fact I believe it damages the game when people become too cautious.
I disagree. It adds a level of realism to the game. IRL, a tank shooting another enemy tank is likely to kill the crew or disable the tank with a partial penetration. Hell RPGs can take out a tank with a single rocket if they are shot in the correct locations. Clown punchers storming in without using terrain for cover and ‘suiscouting’ deserve to get derped by a dug in tank. It forces teams to play strategically and utilize game mechanics like an SPG to take them out.
Ambushing is a strategic manouver that allows someone to go from the defensive to the offensive, and it also allows you to dictate what you want to see happen on the battlefield. Jagd Panzer E 100 is the same thing. Should be slow as heck, hard to turn, but absolutely wreck you if you get in its way. Waffles and the new 4005 should be more of a ‘flanking’ TD used for quick bursts during a flanking manouver, but will get punished if they screw up and get caught with their pants down in the open. It’s very accurate of actual strategy, and forces people to not be scrubs, or pay like Alderaan.
I’m talking game mechanics here, I think it would encourage, and in sometimes require, people to be more cautious. WoT is clearly not a game that aims for realism, especially not when it comes to destruction, that is why we have health bars. So to then do a 180 with one or a few tanks would be rather strange.
The idea of a glass cannon or unwieldy cannon is not a new concept, so save your breath describing it. It’s not a good game mechanic, at least not for this game, for the above-mentioned reasons. Now maybe that’s your thing, and that’s fine, there’s always War Thunder if realism is your cup of tea(I occasionally indulge in it myself), but it doesn’t belong in WoT. That is not to say I don’t think there should be high alpha guns, but my limit would be somewhere around 800 and not 1750.
Realism in a game? Then make all tanks 1 shot all TDs then because they “have less armor”. No its bullshit. In a game where tanks have HP, having too much alpha damage is bullshit. Most TDs dont add anything to the game other than punish players who are moving to actualy play fair.
I rather see the TD class to get nerfed into the point that max 1-2 are beeing seen in the random games, just like 8.6 arty. This game was never focused around artys and TDs, its just that WG didnt know these support classes would be so popular and they also did a big misstake making alot of balances in 8.6 that made TDs the jack of all trades.
But that’s the thing. A TD should be designed to punish you if you are tactically unsound (sitting on hills thinking you are invincible) just as arty is used to break defensives (or TDs sitting in the back snipping). High alpha is fine, as long as the reload speed and aim times counter it for balance and DPM.
In regards to ‘play fair’, driving out into the middle of a field is not ‘fair’. Using terrain to flank the TD is. I am sick of people in this game wanting to play it like it’s COD. Drive into the middle, guns blazing, using the most OP Ruskie tank in the game. Touch an IS/Obj and everyone would lose their minds. People are lazy and don’t like doubling back to go around things like TDs.
I have also been known to indulge in a little war thunder (shhh, don’t tell WG), but do believe that WG can strike the right balance between a bit of realism and game balance, without making it too CODish.
I do get what you are saying though. It’s tough to add things like TDs and Arty to the game and then balance it so that they aren’t ‘glass cannons’.
I dont see any view range nerf, I mean 390 meters is still damn good, specialy if you put binos on that sucker.
Good, let more new t10′s be uninteresting and unadvantaged like this one. Brings down the power creep trend, and it’s one more tier 10 that I can ignore entirely and feast upon should one be silly enough to get it.
And the entire line up to t8 does interest me, but the t9 and t10 are…going to be fun to shoot xD
sounds like a useless tank to me.
I had high hopes for this line, being a TD fan and all, but… dunno.
I mean, sure you have Ultimate Cannon O’Doom, but that’s it, the tank is there just to carry the gun around – think ISU, only two tiers higher and has a turret.
At the very least give it a good camo value, otherwise it’s really gonna be useless.
PS: Everything I said applies to Conway as well (Centurion hull, boxy paper turret, even weaker gun).