- Q: “Why does IS-4 have its historical gun, the D-25T, which is a joke on tier 10, while other tanks do not have such an alternative gun?” A: “There are already enough tanks in the game with “joke” guns”
- Q: “The missions for Object 260 are too tough and there will be a lot of rigging” A (SerB): “I am already dreaming of how much butthurt will there be as a result of bans for rigging :)”
- Q: “Will you add bonux XP to tanks with more than 1000 battles?” A (SerB): “…and how about for simply downloading a client, we unlock all the tanks, give you all the premium ones along with a jar of jam and a bag of cookies?”
- the fact that tanks traverse by “jerks” (unlike the fluid turret traverse) is historical
- Q: “Can we expect render range to be turned to circle in 9.5 or 9.6?” A (SerB): “Well, you can always expect anything”
- it’s theoretically possible to change render range for each tank individually, but it’s not needed – the balance parameter is the view range, limited render range is a technical parameter that would be best removed altogether
- Storm states that a mod, which will identify not the shooter but only shell type will stay legal (possible), only mods that also tell you WHO shot you will be dealt with
- it’s not possible for WG developers to simply get rid of the noobmeter part of XVM (hence the idea of anonymizing players in battles)
- developers are apparently not thinking about reducing the 25 percent RNG in penetration
- regarding the current announcement of Object 907 buff – Q: “Fuck this, they should have buffed it only after the third campaign for massive butthurt.” A: “Yea, we thought about it :)”
- Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay
- Storm states that a mod, which will identify not the shooter but only shell type will stay legal (possible), only mods that also tell you WHO shot you will be dealt with
Gotta admit this mod is kinda OP since you know who to expect when you bounced the shot but the attacker was not spotted.
The US server already has banned the one that tells you what is shooting at you if its unspotted…it only works on tanks that are actively spotted. So, no big change for US players, its what we have now.
Yep..the Received Damage Annoucer mod from my modpack also is said muted US version, as I considered the knowledge about unspotted tanks a cheat also. :)
Yep we got that one – and it makes sense – “Working as expected”
Does this mean you can’t see the tank that shot it also? that would be a bit annoying, because it’s how my clan tells people off in trainings
“Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay”
a very stronk okay indeed.
Yea, before this, it was better than all other RU T10 meds in every parameter except gun pen. Now it’s better in every way.
Lol it’s still worse than the three.
- regarding the current announcement of Object 907 buff – Q: “Fuck this, they should have buffed it only after the third campaign for massive butthurt.” A: “Yea, we thought about it :)”
now I can only choose 907 ( I have 2 other) and I would laugh SOO hard XD
I love SerB trolling sense of humor :D
ye, he is hate&love guy :D
He’s just an asshole
Open your mind for limitless trolling….mmmmm……way to deal with those idiotic questions…mmmmmm……and having fun for yourself…..mmmmmmmmm….master of sarcasm……
Arrogance at it’s best. Not Customer conducive, nor customer service friendly, smacks of disdain, and lofty audacity toward your customers. It tends to make your player base feel alienated, unappreciated, and abused.
Speaks volumes to the disregard to why the paying customers have left the game on all the servers. Then the want to know why everyone left?
Are you a Russian? If not then it doesn’t matter what you think of Serb’s handling of the Russian players, perhaps it’s needed.
So, the paying customers left eh? Game is still making money, so obviously not.
Honestly, why do people keep asking SerB any questions? some questions are stupid, but truth is he never gives a proper answer and never clarifies anything useful no matter how relevant the question is, so, for fuck sake, why not just ask the other guys who actually have minimal PR skills and forget about asking that troll anything at all. Actually, let me rephrase that:
Why publish his idiotic answers if they add absolutely nothing to the conversation) One might think “oh that’s a relevant question, let me read the answer aaand.. no, yeah, nothing, just SerB being a troll again”. Seriously SS why publish that shit?
They don’t ask SerB, they ask devs.
Then Storm and others reply to the reasonable ones and leave the rest to SerB, I imagine~
Pretty much.
then why publish stupid questions and stupid answers? I rephrased my post, maybe not in time for you to answer though. it’s absolutely not funny, it’s completely silly, and we have to browse through all that stupid shit SerB says just to find a propper answer by Storm or someone else.
maybe SS could put less important Q&answers to bottom of list. Because , you know, those troll answers are funny to read too :D
well honestly, I don’t think they are, most of them anyway, they are just annoying, because I’ve seen some questions that are actually kind of relevant and they are treated like shit, that’s my opinion though, but dropping them to the bottom of the list might create confusion if there is a certain conversation flow, and is certainly extra work that SS doesn’t need, (i think) so I don’t think it is the answer either (if this actually needs an “answer” anyway). I, personally could do very well without those coments by SerB and was questioning SS about the value of posting them, he obviously thinks different, and I respect that.
I enjoy SerB’s responses. Funny stuff. Moreover, culturally his observations about Russians being a nation of “experts” and why can’t we colonize mars with such people was very interesting (eg). Finally, he is a top exec of a profitable company. Rarely do you get such interaction with such a bright and practical guy.
As to the Russian bias regarding tanks (response to other posts), what is the big deal? They pander to their biggest market-Russia. Just play Russian tanks. Number 2, the Russians were on the winning side in WWII so they have a good argument that their technology, logistics (w/ help of US and Brits), willingness to use up their troops, and manufacturing process were the winning combination. Hitler wasted resources on wonder weapons.
I wouldn’t call sending millions to their deaths without a proper plan good logistics. Neither would I call rushed equipment and undergunned tanks technology.
The Russians had the people to throw into battle and used it to win. How many millions died in purges after WWII in Russia? Didn’t Napoleon boast that you can’t beat me, I use 30,000 men a month. The Chinese used human wave attacks in Korea and pushed the UN troops back. Use what you have in the proper combination to survive and win. The Germans were the ones that felt they were ready (men and resources) to attack the Russians and used a surprise attack. The Germans attacked their own ally.
It’s still not good logistics, I’d rather be on the losing side of that wave than to know that I’m used as a muppet. And Germany lost because they were extending past what they could grab. By the end of the war a lot of troops were also fighting the USA.
It’s very unprofessional. Smug, disrespectful to the player base which is already upset with somethings. That’s not the kind of attitude to portray toward the customer. You can be funny, and light hearted, but not by insulting the customers that feed you. That’s paying customers, and free customers too alike. It’s best to give a serious answer (with some truth), then you could add some “nice-friendly” humor afterwards in a remark to show you have some sense of humor (but don’t insult the intelligence of the players, even if some on them might seem like window lickers, remember: They are your Customers !!”)
Exactly what I was thinking while reading it.
Arrogance at it’s best. Not Customer conducive, nor customer service friendly, smacks of disdain, and lofty audacity toward your customers. It tends to make your player base feel alienated, unappreciated, and abused.
Speaks volumes to the disregard to why the paying customers have left the game on all the servers. Then the want to know why everyone left?
Just copy pasting the same useless crap then?
Why would anyone want to get rid of player stats in battles? At least for me they present some crucial information in battles. With xvm stats on I can expect some things, like likely positions of enemy, prioritize fire on good players with key tanks, not expect help from bots, beginners or real baddies so I feed them to enemy. Stats help me to be in right positions, makes games kind of more predictable. It’s like one rng element less in battles, isn’t it?
It gives you information vanilla client players don’t have, which is an advantage. An advantage you shouldn’t really have if the game is to be fair for all playing. On top of that, there are many other reasons. People giving up or playing as though they are resigned to a loss as soon as they see that their win chance is bad. People going #YOLO mode because they see they have a high win chance. Abuse of reds in chat. Active targetting of blue and above players during the game, particularly by artillery, or so they claim. Probably other things too…
wow, somebody with common sense!
Too effing bad for the vanilla client players. They have the opportunity to add mods like everyone else. If they choose not to do so, that’s THEIR choice, and they have to deal with the effects of their choices, just like everyone else.
As for win chance, I could see a case for not allowing that. OTOH, I don’t usually let myself be affected by low win chances. At least I try not to.
As for abuse of weaker players, there’s upsides and downsides to everything. When you know who are the better and lesser players on your team, you know who to support or who you can rely on. But, yes, it does also let people know who the lesser players are and they may be open for some abuse. OTOH, the players who are most open for abuse are usually drawing that abuse not so much because they’re reds, as much as because of ridiculously bad in-game decisions. And it’s almost certain that they have a history of similar ridiculously bad decisions which combine to make them reds in the first place.
For example, you see some top or mid tier brawling heavy hiding way in back sniping. Are you really going to be surprised to see that it’s a red? And if that player starts taking abuse, is it because he’s a red or because he’s being really stupid hiding way in back? I’d say that it’s more the latter. A red player in the same tank that was up front brawling alongside better team mates wouldn’t be nearly as open for abuse, even if he didn’t do so well but at least didn’t draw attention to himself with stupid decisions. And if there was no XVM, the top/mid tier brawling heavy player who’s sniping would still be open for abuse.
As for actively targeting top players, get over it. In real sports, you know who the other team’s star players are and smart teams usually make a special effort to try to neutralize them. It’s no different here. Deal with it. It’s the just the price you play for becoming a star player.
The abuse of reds will happen without xvm anyway. When you watch a red “play”, even without xvm, you will be able to see they are a red player and the abuse will begin.
There is, after all, a reason why they have those stats.
To be fair, not all reds are the same. Some are truly stupid, while others actually do try to do the right thing, but for whatever reason, don’t have the skills to get better. I don’t get too bent by the ones who try to do the right thing. It’s the really stupid ones that annoy me.
…maybe some players have problems to run those mods, so they must play vanilla, and thats not our choice..So yes i vote for mods restriction.
Q.Q basically, nearly every game allows you to know how skillful is your enemy, in shooters you have badges, in MMOs you have certain tiers of armor/weapon. I play on laptop with lowest resolution, getting ~ 30 to 40 fps, you vote yes for mods restriction because your PC is much worse then the majority of other players, we have to suffer because you have bamboo cables?
This happened in 1 match, my team had an arty (blue stats) as soon as the match begun he cried on the chat “tomato team…. fk this” then made a run for the enemy base in ruinberg and got killed.
We won the match in the end but attitude like that is shit to say the least.
Same hapened the other way round when me and my clanmates (both green stats) were playing an e-100 platoon and the enemu maus and e-100 were red. They said this would be easy and died with 780 & 1600 dmg. I was the last one left in the team fighting 6 tanks alone….. I dealt 6k dmg but still lost coz my team mates tool the enemy as noobs and got fked instead
+1 should be in this client so i can +1 you.
Maluska, there are *some* unicums who don’t like being “discriminated against” (their words, not mine) because they’re purples. They want to be able to play the game anonymously. I’ve pointed out to them that in all real sports (regardless of the sport), you know who the other team’s good players are and you make a special effort to try to neutralize those good players. You don’t get to player real sports anonymously, so why should you be anonymous in WoT (particularly if WG wants to promote the game as an “E-sport”)?
Did you happen to ask those unicums if they also use XVM stats, and if yes, does it affect their gameplay?
No, I don’t recall asking that question. Sorry.
I was more focused on their whining about being targeted and their desire to be anonymous. In real sports, nobody is anonymous. Thus, IMO, being targeted as a star player is just the cost of becoming a star player. Just as in real sports, if you want to continue to be known as a star player, you have to deal with the fact that other players and teams will be gunning for you (a bit more literally in WoT, pardon the pun).
I as a very good player right below unicrum would welcome no xvm. I could dominate the bad greens, yellow, orange, and red players with no one to focus fire me. I could anonymously dominate enemies in each face to face encounter.
Alot of red players who complain about xvm and the bitching against their stats and how they will feel better if they remained anonymous. Don’t worry I don’t need xvm to understand which players are totally horrible because I have eyes. I see what they do. I see where they move. I see their mistakes. I see how many times they miss shots. I see where they aim on a tank and bounce continuously. I see when they camp when they should move. I see when they play a heavy like a td or a medium as a heavy or a heavy as a light.
Poor baby. You have to deal with the enemy paying more attention to you because you’re a good player. Sorry, that’s just the price for getting good, whether in WoT or in baseball, (US) football, basketball, hockey, soccer, and so on.
You completely misunderstood his post :|
He says no xvm won’t be a disadventage, that he doesn’t need xvm to distinguish good and bad players, which is not always the case, even with perfect spread of tanks, the red part of them will be slaughtered.
You just listed the reasons why XVM stats should be banned.
So to anyone using this ultra retarded “but in real sports you know who the top player is, too” argument, I have two questions:
In real sports, does the opposing team usually gang up on one player and foul him off the field so he is unable to play whenever they get the chance?
And …
In real sports, does someone from the opposing team run along the sideline to throw rocks at the top players from the other team for the whole match until they are knocked out for good?
In real sports, you play for other goals but disabling the whole enemy team. In real sports, there are referees who do their best to stop unfair behaviour. Real sports *about* knocking out other contenders are one-on-one affairs and because of that pretty much fair by design.
In short: stop comparing a team based computer game about destroying enemy tanks to anything that can even be remotly called a popular sport.
This argument is so weak, jesus christ …
But I didn’t even use that argument. My argument was that xvm stats are good for my gameplay and thus think it’s good for meta, then asked why would it not be good for some people.
M48 Patton III has also “Joke” gun. The 90mm M41. But it is historical…
As far as i remember, for the IS-4, it’s a bit worse than for the Patton.
The D-25T was the only gun mounted historically on the IS-4, and the M62 on this tank is an assumption, as the M62 was supposed to replace the D-25T on all the soviet tanks (including KV-1S, IS-2 and IS-3). SS explained that in a post long time ago.
So if we remove the D-25T (that is historical), the only gun of the IS-4 would be semi- (or almost quarter-) historical …
I recently bought the M48, and I’m still grinding out the top 105mm gun (whatever the Americans call the L7A1). Anyway, I think it would be neat of the 90mm on the M48 had 268ish mm pen APCR as standard ammo and HEAT as premium. With the ROF it has, that might make the 90mm a viable choice while grinding out the top 105.
KV2 has a pretty “Joke” gun too. I’m laughing all day long.
T49 doesnt live up to KV-2 :( Misses point blank….and a lot. Not to mention on larger distances.
Why would you expect non soviet tank to snipe as good as stronk KaVe 2
- Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay
Like the SU76i? :)
I have yet to see at least one in randoms battles :D But it was a fail by balancers.
- Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay
Of course it’s ok, It’s russian!
..limited render range is a technical parameter that would be best removed altogether..
Yep along with the ridiculous “disappearing tank when not spotted although it is so near you could shoot by hearing” shit spotting system. Remove the UI and icons when hidden, but let the tank model always be rendered.
- Reduces rage about romulan warbird cloaking tanks.
- Rewards players with a good eye, that can see and snipe tanks moving in the distance or spot the telltale track, gun whatever of a TD peeking out of a bush.
It works in Robocraft, why not in WoT?
The sad answer is: No hacking protection…ppl would mod the client so it would always show enemy markers on screen.
“Rewards players with a nice big HD monitor”
Oh that’s a new side of “pay to win”…but wait thats also true when you compare calculator PC to highend gaming PC…
To remedy the situation I recommend WG leasing highend PCs to all players with more than 10k battles. \o/
Those who want unlimited render range and tanks not dissapearing are those who like to snipe and would like to engage enemies at longer distances. This is exactly what we dont need because having so high vision controll punish tanks moving on the battlefield. Even today on some maps the huge view range and render range makingm you get invisisniped to the point you can even fucking move on the battlefield and “battle”. The game has been too easy for snipers to stay hidden and just point and click on pixles 400-500 meters away. This hurts the gameplay alot.
Some might say that the comming accuracy nerf will make people hit on long distances less frequent, but this doesnt apply to high pen guns, because they dont need to hit precise to pen anyways. And also TDs with so high pen, they hardly need to hit weakspots to make dmg. Also these russian 122mm guns that can overmatch armor like hell, they dont need to hot weakspots either. So there are still many issues with this vision controll bullshit, its not enough to just “make less shots go in the middle”.
We simply have too high view range and render range, and making it a circle with 700 meters all round is fucking bullshit, its too much.
700 meters is TOO LITTLE for in-game guns that are supposed to thrive through accuracy.
It is YOUR logic that is complete BS. Campers have been having it too easy?!? Really now?!?
Yeah, because forcing all tanks in 200-300 meters engagements is perfectly normal!
“And also TDs with so high pen, they hardly need to hit weakspots to make dmg.” – the words of a complete and utter idiot
“So there are still many issues with this vision controll bullshit” – vision control is a big part of being a great player. Now I can understand why you’re so firmly against it, lol.
Keep crying about invisitanks, retarded baddie.
“Those who want unlimited render range and tanks not dissapearing are those who like to snipe and would like to engage enemies at longer distances” – oh, you mean like tanks that were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED (both IRL and in-game) to have the upper hand at long range? Like 90% of the UK & German tanks?!?
Yes, I like to abuse camo & view range and never even give you a chance to fire back at me. Why? Because I am the better player and I know how to use a goddamn map and find vantage points on it.
Instead of going like a complete retard to the nearest chokepoint and start brawling my brains out.
Many sniper tanks have absolutely no armor to speak of – thus, not being seen is the best armor you can have.
God, I really wish someone deleted your system32. Fucking retard.
You just like to sit back and use your fucking TDs. Look at the game since 8.6 it has become more and more campy and less dynamic, that is not good. Having tanks that take little risk and outspot most enemie preventing them to move is not good at all. It leads to static gameplay.
We cant have the whole game catered to snipers. Forcing tanks to closer distance will enhance dynamic gameplay because people can move closer and avoid beeing sniped at half the map.
Also dont be mad at me, devs specialy said they wanted to make engagements closer. That is why they are nerfing the accuracy to make less shots go in the center = less effective on long ranges and that is good.
I have been looking at this game ever since I started playing, around fucking 0.7.5.
The game has become more and more campy because YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO FUCKING GO on new & “remade” maps anymore! Nowhere to snipe, nowhere to flank! Just pick corridor 1, 2 or 3 and pray for the best!
“You just like to sit back and use your fucking TDs” – Yes, and your point is?
I’ve been a fan of TDs and their distinct playstyle before I even know what the WoT meta is.
While I like to sit back and outplay my opponents by remaining invisible to them (which I MUST do since I have no armor and no HP, just my gun and my camo factor), idiots like you reach orgasmic pleasures in mindless brawling – because that is all you know to do.
“We cant have the whole game catered to snipers” – right now we have most of the game catered to brawlers. Also, as I said, there are TWO ENTIRE NATIONS that are centered on mid-long range combat.
“That is why they are nerfing the accuracy to make less shots go in the center = less effective on long ranges and that is good” – Yes, why should I be rewarded for my shot to be fully aimed and for knowing weakspots, at which I actually aim?
No, you dimwitted fucktard, they want to reduce accuracy in order to increase the use of prem shells! Since aiming for weakspots will matter less because overall accuracy goes down, everyone will start reaching for prem shells much more often.
“less effective on long ranges and that is good” – you literally make me want to beat the everlasting fuck out of you.
locastan, I’m sorta of two minds on this, plus there are multiple aspects to what you’ve discussed.
First, I don’t mind if a tank disappears if it’s not on my screen (i.e. my turret/tank isn’t generally aimed in its direction). But I do mind if a tank that’s in my view range disappears when it *IS* on my screen, because the way I look at it, any tank on my screen is one that my crew is paying attention to, and shouldn’t be allowed to simply disappear when it out in the open with no concealment.
As for the removing render range and related comments, this is where I’m of two minds. Part of me thinks the idea is cool. However, from my perspective, the actual player isn’t a part of the crew and spotting tanks is the job of the crew, not the actual player. And letting the actual player spot tanks that his crew could not seems unfair. For example, if you were driving a tank with a 50% crew and someone else (on the other team) was driving the same tank with a 100% crew, if you have the good eye for spotting stuff and the other player doesn’t, why should you gain an advantage from this when the fact is that the other player is driving the tank with the superior crew which should have the real advantage when it came to spotting? No, I think that in the end, spotting should be the job of the crew and not the player.
“Why does IS-4 have its historical gun, the D-25T, which is a joke on tier 10, while other tanks do not have such an alternative gun?” A: “There are already enough tanks in the game with “joke” guns”
There is a good reason for that, you know. There are players who like their tanks to look historical, you can replace the model for top gun with the historical D-25T gun and there you have it, historical looking IS-4 with top gun firepower.
“- developers are apparently not thinking”
Yeah, I second that.
“- Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay”
Yes, it was simply too weak in the hands of a complete moron – like SerB -, just like the T5 KV with 152mm derp and 107mm guns was too weak, same for the T6 KV-3 (130mm hull armor front and side + 122mm gun with decent RoF) and T9 IS-4, luckily they realized these “weak” tanks, after years.
In the hands of a skilled player, Obj 907 is better than all T10 meds and a true nightmare against T8-T9 tanks.
What ? Do you really think current Object 907 is better than all T10 meds ? Based on which criteria ?
All T10 tanks are nightmare to T8/9 tanks, what are your trying to prove here ?
First of all, we compare it to the best T10 meds – russian. 907 has the same gun, almost same parameters, people say it is a bit faster than them and the hull armor is around 220-230mm thick head-on. So yeah, it is better than all T10 meds, and BatChat is the only one which can take it on, if he plays very well.
SerB is just an asshole.
I dunno why he still make these QA.
Get the fuck out SerB
- it’s not possible for WG developers to simply get rid of the noobmeter part of XVM (hence the idea of anonymizing players in battles)
I am so sick of hearing about this. If you don’t want to be a tomato and called out for it then play better.
Implying this is the only problem people have with XVM…
Its also a endeavour I wish them good luck with…XVM does afaik not use playernames at all, but account ID numbers (you don’t loose your xvm stats because you paid 2500 gold for a namechange ;) )…the colouring and stats would still work, and “Player X” would still be called names, although he does not go by that alias ingame.
So where is the difference in revealing the name after battle? All smoke and mirrors…
Ehh… Technically easy, make server send different account ID when battle starts and send right ID after the match?
And you also have to compensate in chat system for the ignorelist that would get bypassed this way…seems to be a lot stuff to add on server side for this little benefit.
To be fair, you dont need XVM to point our retards. If im not wrong 80-90% of all players you will encounted in EU servers have like 42-50% WR or similar.
Also if you see how they play it is obvious. Pretty much any campers standing far from the battle and playing inactive are noobs with bad stats. Also those who spend 20-30 sec in base after battle starts, to turn the turret and “look” around, they are either noobs or kids. The ones that are probably good are those that right from the start moving to engage flanks or taking good positions.
While I agree that you can tell a lot about most players by how they’re playing, I think that some of the details that follow are off base.
One, when one is playing in a sniper tank/TD on a really open map (think Prok/FS) being far from the front isn’t the worst thing. HOWEVER, you do need to try to be close enough to the front that you’ll be in range of what gets spotted. That’s the difference between the dump campers and the smarter snipers. The dumb ones don’t understand that the best way to be a productive sniper is to move just far enough ahead to be able to be within render range of what your scouts are spotting.
Mild flip side, I sometimes wonder if those hard campers aren’t using one of the mods that includes the various spotting and render range circles/boxes so that they can manage their ranges properly. This could explain why some don’t move up enough to be useful snipers if they don’t know where to sit and be safe when sniping, so they opt for staying as far back as possible, and as a result contribute next to nothing. (NOTE: this certainly doesn’t cover every hard camper, because some are just too stupid or cowardly to move up.)
As for this sitting in cap for “20-30 secs”, I don’t think that this is fair either. I think that some players will hold off on making a decision where to move because they want to see which flank may need additional support. If everyone just charged out of spawn instantly, you’d get a lot more lemming trains and a lot more dangerously weak flanks. So, IMO, there’s nothing wrong per se with some players choosing to hang back to see how the team is spreading out before deciding where to go. It’s better than having a lot more mindless lemming trains.
Don’t be a jerk. There are plenty of perfectly good people who are just not good players. Too many people here are judging people by their playing ability rather than as people.
Also, I’m not a tomato And haven’t been for a while now, but I’ve gotten beyond being offended by being called a tomato or an orange or a lemon. They’re relatively inoffensive labels when you get right down to it. What’s bad and wrong is when the jerks go beyond those mild labels and start insulting them as people.
Also, as I said in an earlier post, not all tomatoes are the same. Some try to do the right thing but just don’t have the skills. And others are truly stupid players. It’s the truly stupid players who are more worthy of ridicule than the ones who honestly try to contribute, but don’t have the skills to make much of an impact.
As long as players are improving and helping I dont care about their stats. But most players dont do that, they deliberatley stand back and expect enemies to just “pop” up on the screen. And this players also happen to be the weaker ones.
Everybody got to learn but most people dont learn how to play effective because its not the performance that motivates them to play its the grinding…to get new more cooler tanks or the feeling of beeing in war or what ever. WOT is aimed as casual players, of course most players will play like that.
Skills is something you can develop you are not born with it, but if you dont care/are motivated you will just be another tomato. Its like that in all games.
But you do sorta care about their stats. Your first sentence says as much. “As long as players are improving”! What is that if not a statement of caring about stats? ;)
As for the rest, in the end what matters more is whether they’re good people, not good players. Too many players in this community are judging other players’ worth as people by their talent as players, rather than whether they’re good people. I’ve met plenty of perfectly good people who weren’t particularly good players, and I’m not going to insult them because their level of skill isn’t all that high. And I have a real problem with people who insult less skilled (but not outright stupid) players based on their skill, and extend those insults to the point of insulting them as people. That’s 100% unacceptable.
Improving as in trying to play more effective, and if they do that hopefully their stats will be better. But stats alone I dont care so much in randoms, in fact I dont care at all.
“developers are apparently not thinking about reducing the 25 percent RNG in penetration”
That’s a mistake which really ruins the game. Alone the random damage is pure bull****, as I am rolling low most of the time, and it is often game changing. Guns with high alpha damage generally have long reload times, and it is balanced this way, but if one shot does about 20% less damage, it is not balanced anymore, as it does little damage but keeps it long reload time!
Random penetration is even more *****! It really is not nice if a fully aimed shot hits a part of armor it 100% should penetrate, but then it just bounced as you were not lucky and the game gave you the lowest penetration value. What did the player do wrong so that his shot bounced? NOTHING!! He tried to do his job, but the game trolled him!
Now here’s my question: “WHY was random penetration added and how does it improve the game/gameplay?” Just try to give me an answer to this question.
Add +/-25% RNG to loading time…*fixed* :D
“+/-25% RNG to loading time”
So I might roll very low & randomly get 25% longer reload? xD
Even if we get compensated in a fair way (25% less damage -> 25% less reload) it won’t be a good solution as it makes the game much more complicated. Why they just don’t remove this 25% RNG thingy completely or at least lower it to 5%-10%? Damage spread in that range would be acceptable, but the penetration value should not be random!!!
25% pen and damage is not the issue, if im not wrong devs changed the formula so you get average pen and dmg much more often opposed to how it was before. If you play a huge amount of games, these RNG things dont affect you so much overall. You can blame RNG for beeing fucked now and then, it must work like that in this game so even the worst players can do good and continue playing.
But yeah everything is possible, I have bounce my fair share and missed in close to medium range with my 0.34-0.35acc gun, and that is after the accuracy buff in 8.6….
So you think RNG was added to give all tomatoes a chance to perform better? Well, it is just a CHANCE to be better (luckier), but their fully aimed shots have still a chance to hit the ground (although I doubt newbies would wait for the aiming circle to shrink xD).
I really should have mentioned the randomness in accuracy as well in my first comment, but I just forgot it. Anyways it is another thing which has to be removed from the game along with the crazy damage & penetration spread. You said this spread wasn’t an issue as it does not happen that often anymore. BUT it is still there and happens from time to time ruining many important shots, and unfortunately all my shots do below average damage most of the time.
Most of people hate RNG because they only remember unlucky moments while can’t remember some lucky bounces/ricochet they got on their armour.
Not to mention, in real life we can’t have exact same quality for every ammunition produced. That’s why in industrials, people define a range of acceptable quality. This range is nowhere here +/-25%, but this is a game after all, not a real life simulator.
I get more lucky bounces than I bounce because I generaly fight in closer range as well as value aiming. Something that is sadly forgotten in the times of “gold spamming autoaim”.
I had a game recently where I bounced a T110E4 and a JPE 100 off the front plate of my T-54 within about 10 seconds. Those two average damage hits would have killed me, instead I took zero damage that game, as those were the only two shots that hit me. So, I’ll remember those two bounces when I bounce a shot from time to time that should have penned. What goes around comes around.
I understand your point, but I really get mostly low rolls, while my friend is getting all the high rolls xD I know that RNG sometimes can really help by doing more damage than it usually should and thus allowing you to kill an enemy with 1 instead of 2 shells. But I would rather have my average damage than a chance to do more/less as I just don’t want to rely on luck and I think nobody wants to as well.
Derp, I’m making this reply to you, but it applies to everyone else to replied as well.
I don’t have a problem with RNG on penetration in theory, but in practice, +/-25% seems rather extreme. I agree with another poster that not all ammunition will have been produced to the exact same quality. And that could be true of the armor at the point of impact as well. But still, +/-25% seems extreme.
Moving on…
It seems to me that one could easily make the case that this large RNG spread on pen is a big reason why a lot of people use generous amounts of gold rounds. After all, if you can’t trust that your round will strike with its average pen on your target due to RNG, then the easiest way to get around the RNG pen issue is to use gold rounds. That’s not so say that gold rounds’ pens aren’t affected by RNG. But if you are using rounds that have a higher average pen, even at its worst, a low RNG pen roll may get you a penning hit when a low RNG penning roll on your AP round might not have. In short, when you can’t trust your standard AP round to pen a target when you know that your average AP pen exceeds the armor at the spot you’d want to aim, you will be highly tempted to load up a gold round to increase the likelihood of penning.
Thus, it’s possible that if the RNG on penetration rolls had its RNG spread reduced, there might be some reduction in gold round usage. Maybe not a lot, but some perhaps.
Yes, +/-25% is pretty extreme and it should be reduced to 5%-10%, but my point was that only the alpha damage should get this spread, penetration does not need to be random and thus it must be constant. “Why?” you might ask. Well, all you achieve with random penetration values is that either a poorly aimed shot penetrates and does damage or a well aimed shot does not penetrate.
WG obiously tried to make the game more realistic as it is not possible that all shells have exactly the same quality. But sometimes realism can make a game worse, like in this case. For example if I aim at armor I know I can penetrate, there should not be a tiny chance to still bounce as it can make you frustrated & it does not improve the gameplay.
But damage dealt can actually be random (but not extremely random like it is now), because it would be a bit strange if all tanks drive with even HP pools while another one sits there with an odd HP pool becaue it got rammed or something.
I disagree with the render range thing. Imo balancing render range will have as big impact on game as view range. Because its the huge render range that is making people camp and snipe and controll huge areas of maps preventing people to move.
All it needs is a few tanks close to a enemy and they can get sniped 3/4 of the map. That is bullshit. You dont need to see so fucking far anyways. And the right direction to make game dynamic and non campy is reducing both view range AND render range.
There simply aren’t that many maps that are that open to support such long range sniping. There just aren’t. Thus, I don’t think that it’d be as big a problem as you make it out to be.
It is a big issue, even corridor maps you can get spotted on long distances moving between buildings.
Now go jack off to jpegs of E-100s & IS-7s, you filthy animal!
Ahaha, I know not all tanks are meant to be played the same, that is why by nerfing accuracy view range and render range still allows for sniping, its just that these snipers need to move closer and no longer can controll such long areas they are doing now. Now tanks can sit still and controll too much preventing people from moving, and that is bullshit. This either leads to camp, or people taking risks and moving and get outsniped. A bad mechanic, that is why WG balanced the maps, but still alot of work has to be done? How did we manage before 8.6 where accuracy was worse? Many people have specialy mentioned that 8.6 lead to even more camping prior to 8.5 and that is not good.
Nobody should rely on making dmg by shooting tenks that appear on their screen at fucking long ranges because they are moving. You wanna make dmg? Well get closer as it suppose to be, its better for everyone. At least devs think so kind of, now we just have to hope they will nerf view range as they mentioned and even more who knows.
And you are right tanks such as e100 and is7 are suffering from this long range mentality, because they dont even have time to move into position before they get sniped by laster accurate guns from 400-500 meters (half the map) and that is bullshit.
So, you’re saying heavies(E-100s, IS-7s) should be like the ultimate tanks suited for all maps. You know there’s a reason why some tanks are better on certain maps. It’s called immersion you freakin potato. Why a TD shouldn’t be able to snipe approaching heavy tank that will most probably rape him once he closes down the distance? Why should that heavy tank have advantage in both sniping and brawling? Reducing the view range/render range and reducing the accuracy of the guns are horseshit changes.
Trust me, he’s been going on like this on almost every FTR Q&A discussion.
Either he’s a master troll… or a complete retard that needs to have some sense knocked into him.
“And you are right tanks such as e100 and is7 are suffering from this long range mentality, because they dont even have time to move into position before they get sniped by laster accurate guns from 400-500 meters (half the map) and that is bullshit.”
Except that what you say here only happens in your head, it’s completely Sci-Fi territory. Because WG have managed to FUCK UP the maps, by eliminating sniping avenues (and at the same time increasing the number of brawling areas)
“its just that these snipers need to move closer” – says who? A braindead little shit like you?!
“Now tanks can sit still and controll too much” – Not even before the butchering of the maps could long-range tanks control “too much”. They had their killing fields on which they relied on the enemy doing stupid mistakes. Hence, it was pretty easy to outplay them – if you are any good, that is.
” A bad mechanic” – Once again, a bad mechanic only for little shits like you who believe that tanks should brawl around corners.
“Nobody should rely on making dmg by shooting tenks that appear on their screen at fucking long ranges because they are moving” – Except that there are tanks in the game who are centered exactly around catching the enemy in the open and wasting them due to superior accuracy.
But hey, I bet you’re one of those special people calling the Panther (for instance) an awful tank because you go and brawl like an idiot with it.
You say you agree that not all tanks should be played the same, but you want each and every tank to move closer and brawl.
Brawl, brawl, brawl, brawl – a completely mindless activity that only tomatoes can’t get tired of.
No, I brawl with panther II and I like it ^^. You un the other hand is the biggest joke on the official forums ranting about all tenks beeing weak.
But time will see, and im glad WG anonced they will ner view range :).-
The official forums is mostly dominated by baddies & idiots like you.
But yes, be PROUD of your brawling, manly man, 0 neurons required persona!
P.S.: I was talking about the Panther 1, not the Panther 2, which is a piss-poor tank.
- …limited render range is a technical parameter that would be best removed altogether
Then do it? Oh wait, we wouldn’t want the RU player base to have to upgrade their 10000 ruble computer.
Having too high render range is not good either, since it will encourage render-sniping and this is still a issue since you can get sniped at crazy distances limiting your movement. Also I think RU players have better PCs that eastern EU players though.
I have a good system, but balance is more important. Devs said they wanted to make engagements closer by nerfing accuracy and nerf view range, but it wont be possible unless they nerf render range and. Now it is 500 meters in a square making you see longer diagonale, keep it 550 meters in a circle, but not 700 meters, that is BS!
Prior to 8.6 there were much less TDs and the accuracy back then didnt encourage sniping, you wanted to make dmg you got closer. Look at the older WOT replayes on youtube the game is much more dynamic because it is played in medium to close range and people moved much more, despite more artys. Its just a new phenomenon after 8.6 that everybody is entitled to “snipe” and use others as passive spotters. I call that bullshit.
The worse accuracy also made you bounce more if enemies didnt aim carefull as well as lack of gold ammo for credits. Now days you get penned too easily by snapshotting and in long ranges due to good overall accuracy.
“Also I think RU players have better PCs that eastern EU players though.”
If their game wasn’t marketed towards RU and their calculators, we wouldn’t have a game engine designed to STILL work on single-core CPUs (in 2014, almost 2015!!!)
“Having too high render range is not good either, since it will encourage render-sniping”
So?! This would actually give a well-deserved role to German & British high accuracy guns – which they desperately need in World of Peek-a-booming!
“Devs said they wanted to make engagements closer by nerfing accuracy and nerf view range”
We’ve clearly established that in 90% of the cases, WG devs are complete and utter idiots that only know to suck the average Ivan nationalistic dick, thus catering to them and the RU in-game tanks.
Because noooo, it ain’t plain obvious that RU tanks, with “low accuracy”, high damage guns get the best out of reduced combat range!
“but not 700 meters, that is BS!” – Real tanks engage targets at over 2 KILOMETERS. 700 meters is BS only in your brawling-obsessed noggin.
“Prior to 8.6 there were much less TDs and the accuracy back then didnt encourage sniping, you wanted to make dmg you got closer”
Now THIS is the actual BS. TDs HAD to snipe for the most part, ever since they were introduced in the game. 8.6 made the job a bit easier, since after that carefully aimed shots actually had a chance of going where you want.
No, there were alot less TDs in 8.6 and not as much overall sniping as it is now. Real life doesnt matter in wot because they game is a fiction.
German tanks can be used in close to medium range of course I do it all time and it is really fun and I manage okay. Fuck running around with optics on heavy and medium tanks and run games by outsniping.
Right now you make your dmg by outspotting enemies at long ranges and this hurts the game balance too much. To the point where devs specialy want to nerf accuracy. 8.6 patch just happen to favour and cater for snipers taking little risk, hopefully in the future that wll change so we got back more to the dynamic gameplay that we had in prior to 8.6.
On the overall picture, the staying far away and snipe byullshit mentality is like cancer for wot, just like arty and TDs.
You literally have no idea what bs you blabber out. +1 to Fedaykin
I dont care, I glad the devs care :).
What are you, their official lackey or something?
Tell us more how Serb’s dick tastes like after having been in Storm’s ass.
You dont need to be angry just because WG probably will change the way you have exploited the game since 8.6. As a heavy tenk player I actually think it seems promising. You dont like the game, then leave.
- Q: “Why does IS-4 have its historical gun, the D-25T, which is a joke on tier 10, while other tanks do not have such an alternative gun?” A: “There are already enough tanks in the game with “joke” guns”
So you can see whos a total tomato IS-4 player by looking on gun muzzle, not XVM.
AHAH! SerB admits it! My guess that the 260 was bait for a trap to catch riggers was right! :P
For those who dont remember, is 4 used to be tier 9. When they announced that it would be moved to t10, a lot of people just got one and let it sit stock in their garages, expecting a free elite t10. The d25 was wargaming’s FU to them, as you only got the top gun unlocked if you had the previous top gun unlocked on the t9.
Q: “Will you add bonux XP to tanks with more than 1000 battles?” A (SerB): “…and how about for simply downloading a client, we unlock all the tanks, give you all the premium ones along with a jar of jam and a bag of cookies?”
cookiees yeay…i want cookies
Loved SerB’s response!! Funny stuff.
Ples nerv Tedes end vieu renge end render renge pls :).
You’re such a horrible troll. Like you said in a previous comment: “if you don’t like the game then leave”. You can take your advice and bugger off. And ironic that you are so anti-tank destroyer when you are named after a rather famous td maker. But you know talk out of your ass and suck SerB’s dick enough and it becomes second nature.
I am a former TD player besides I think Serb is cute :).
“- regarding the current announcement of Object 907 buff – Q: “Fuck this, they should have buffed it only after the third campaign for massive butthurt.” A: “Yea, we thought about it :)”
But then they realized there would be MORE butthurt if they nerfed Obj907 back to its original shit pen AFTER everyone chose it!!! LOL
Don’t be surprised…
- it’s theoretically possible to change render range for each tank individually, but it’s not needed – the balance parameter is the view range, limited render range is a technical parameter that would be best removed altogether
I agree, it should be removed. I can’t count how many times I’ve been pulling my hair out in frustration when driving a bottom-tier TD on El Halluf, having a direct line of sight to an enemy spotted by a friendly scout, but still be unable to aim and shoot at him because the game just refuses to render his vehicle.
That is a good thing, you are not suppose to snipe across the map. What if you were the one who was spotted would you like to get sniped across the map?
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