
- (tied to another discussion, specifically about hull weapons and tanks aiming by turning) according to SerB, the hull 75mm howitzer of the Char B1 was useless, that’s why Germans removed these guns when they captured the vehicles
- according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping
- the Charioteer (upcoming tier 8 British TD) will have the 105mm L7 as top gun after all (for some reason, there is also a photo of Winston Churchill inside the Archer model)
- developers are still putting together plans for 2015
- Storm states that increasing penetration RNG and reducing shell damage when hitting spots like hatches would only cause boring campfest
- Storm confirms that the IM requirements that were leaked (the outrageous ones, like 20k damage/blocked on Maus) will not be in the release version, the release version will be “based on what statistics tell us”

83 thoughts on “26.11.2014

  1. - according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping

    Because arty being able to see everywhere sure has prevented camping

    • True, its retarded to let people see across the map. I say make render range max 550 meters or similar in a circle, which motivated people to move closer to “snipe” and hence taking more risk. This gave favours camptards too much and they need to be exterminated from the gem.

    • The thing is, campers will keep on camping no matter what and those who know how to play can be more effective when not camping.

      • Oh really ? And when there are 3 high tier arties on the map, do you still attack with your heavy as you would if there were none ?

        • I don’t give a shit about arty, I just ignore it, when it shoots me, or even one-shot, i just enter another battle.

  2. >> – according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping

    Finally, one intelligent opinion. Now, do it!

    • Can you imagine what would happen on malinovka, or prokhorovka ? It would just be a game of king of the hill, cause no one would dare to stay out in the fields.

      But these are just two specific maps. Imagine how much this would encourage people to play skycanc… – artillery, sorry.

      Baaaaaad idea!

      • This is not connected with artillery in any way… Artillery can see the whole map anyway so I cannot see your point…

        • Vision control is (or used to be) 70% of this game and a large part of being a good player.

          Now the game is dumbed down for retards like you.
          Retards I’d pay gladly to see being ran over by a fucking steamroller.

          • Vison controll is important, but not to the point where you prevent so many people from moving. It has gone out of hand. You need to underatand that back then camping was not such a serious issue as it is now, and only a few tanks are meant to stay back and even then, prior to 8.6 engagements were generaly not as huge as they are now ideot.

      • There’s still gun’s accuracy at play. And it is even said it will be nerfed a bit in the future (shot distribution within aiming circle, to be exact). So you may see your target but it doesn’t mean you will be likely to hit it across the map. On the other hand, tanks with exceptional accuracy would finally have a clear purpose rather than being one trick ponies, being able to shine just in a very specific situations that don’t even happen too often.

  3. I really hope the gun stats and RoF on the charioteer are decent.
    Remember, it gets matched against the ferdi and ISU.

  4. - (tied to another discussion, specifically about hull weapons and tanks aiming by turning) according to SerB, the hull 75mm howitzer of the Char B1 was useless, that’s why Germans removed these guns when they captured the vehicles

    There is one tank we all want but WG is lazy as fuck to do simple system for that one tank :)

    • Funny thing is that the French put the hull gun to use taking out AT Guns and other Tanks with it. Well, and the Germans didn’t remove all of the hull guns from all of the B1′s…

      Someday it might get the hull gun…someday…

  5. “… the release version will be “based on what statistics tell us””

    Didnt statistics tell to do 20k at first place?

  6. “- the Charioteer (upcoming tier 8 British TD) will have the 105mm L7 as top gun after all (for some reason, there is also a photo of Winston Churchill inside the Archer model)”

    Double yay! L7 at tier VIII and an Easter egg on a new model. :D

  7. “according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping”
    - And how does “render-sniping” encourage people to move up then? Stupid fuck, of course higher vision controll makes people camp, I mean why move closer when you can sit back and snipe taking 0 risk of returning fire? Of course high view range and render range cause camping, all it needs is some idiots spotting and then people can sit back and shoot like pussies. Fuck that.

    /All campers/snipers/TDs are gays

  8. - the Charioteer (upcoming tier 8 British TD) will have the 105mm L7 as top gun after all (for some reason,


  9. the Charioteer (upcoming tier 8 British TD) will have the 105mm L7 as top gun after all (for some reason, there is also a photo of Winston Churchill inside the Archer model)



    • Yeah, I know! I always wanted a photo of Winston Churchill in my tank!

      … We are talking about the same thing, are we?

  10. Come to think of it, with unlimited draw distance suiciding idiots in Light Tanks going after clickers will actually serve a small (but important) purpose. Clickers being completely at the mercy of their team stopping the suiscout before it’s too late?

    Oh, yes! Bring it on!

    P.S.: Ferdinand Porsche is a fucking idiotic troll who jizzes over pics of E-100s & IS-7s and who thinks that ALL tanks should brawl, because apparently that’s what tanks are made of, not for 500m-2km engagement distances. He’s been spouting the same bullshit on almost every FTR Q&A, about “reducing combat range” and “making the game more dynamic” – which basically translates to “BRAWL YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT”, because that’s what’s he’s only capable of.
    Seriously, SS, you might wanna start banning some people again.

      • You get invisi-sniped = it’s your noob fault

        “invisi-sniping” (as much as it’s possible in WoT today) takes WAY more skill than brawling like a retard. Spotting your own targets and killing them while remaining undetected, because they’re idiots out in the open… it’s an art.

        Tanks, in general, need to snipe, not brawl. WoT is NOT Counter-Strike.
        Get that through your thick troll skull.

        • It can be discussed whos fault it is, some times you need to cross areas with little cover to engage enemies. Right now having so high vision controll punish people who are moving too much. How are for example heavys and mediums suppose to move, if they will get sniped as soon as they need to move at certan areas?

          No sniping is too easy these days, specialy if you not spot yourself and only point and cli kat pixles 400 meters away. Get that into your little skull joker.

          There is a reason people generaly hate arty, TDs and campers.

          • Also generally a reason people hate red dumbass tomatoes. Get if through your thick skull. Do you really expect tds such as I don’t know M18 for example to be up brawling. I mean maybe to you 30mm or whatever it is on the front hull is good but seriously mate there are tanks that were designed to be long range supporting tanks (snipers) in games. Just because you can’t figure out how to play against those guys who know how to play their tanks while you don’t doesn’t mean they need to be turned to shit so you can get off to your shitty “no snipe get in there face brawl lik man” preference.

    • Karelia, attacking team gets on hill, one scout goes through the middle to spot defending teams base and both flanks, 90% of defending team is dead.
      Malinovka, the team that gets on hill first lets a single scout roam whole map and spot targets that will die in a few seconds due to concentraded fire from ~10 tanks.
      That applies to most maps with high positioned sniping spots. This would be stupid and would completely ruin gameplay, Serb is actually wrong. Why would you not camp, if at any second there might appear a suicide scout that will light you up for his buddies?

      • Again I agree. Sure many maps have been rebalanced into “corridors”, but still many maps allow for sniping, it is not as bad as many people want to prove. Also who said you cant snipe on corridor maps with the high view range and reasonable good camo many mediums and TDs have they can practicaly sit in the open with no cover and shoot, while staying invisible.

        And as I mentioned before, in 8.5 this was not such a big issue despite more open maps, because accuracy was bad enough not wasting time to shoot at long distances risking not to hit and getting spotted.

        It is important to remeber that devs specialy said in 8.6 that they wanted to increase fighting distance and they did that by increasing accuracy as well as nerf bushes = easier spotted. In theory that was good, but the increased accuracy was still so strong that people just forgot bushwanking and uses hard cover and hills/slopes instead. In fact the sniping distance in 8.5 was closer than in 8.6 because people moved more = closer distance, not to mention far less TDs.

        The whole mentality changed since 8.6, it backfired. More and more tanks with high pen guns and accuracy and “paper armor” introduced made it okay to “snipe” as a tactic and the game has never been the same since that.

        I can accept that some tanks snipe because they dont have the armor, but when tanks like tiger II, is3, is6, t44, etc snipe just because they can make dmg at long range without taking any risk, I am againt it. And too good accuracy, view range and render range enhance this playstyle. In 8.5 it was beneficial to move closer due to RNG, after 8.6 it wasnt because you could hit weakspots at crazy diatances much more easily. And I am a former TD player by the way, the distances of the engagements changed drasticly in 8.6.

        The worse accuracy and the less used gold ammo was beneficial for paper tanks and all tanks believe it or not, which made them be more active and move more on the field.

  11. I wonder when they will realize that french arty is useless and when they will buff it

    [inb4 why its useless] – its useless cus after the nerfs the arty dmg relies on splash dmg cus of the crappy accuracy. Frenchies doesnt have any splash so you have to score a direct hit….with that accuracy. Not to mention that direct hits deals like 250-500 dmg.

    And no, few seconds faster reload and overall faster tanks doesnt compensate the fact that french arties are shitty as fuck compared to other nations

    Ehh…I regret going into that line

    • It has a very very flat arc,
      the shell hits the ground very very quickly.
      Yes the SUs are splashy and you knew it russian bias is accurate enough
      but horizontal arc;;; also it takes a bit time for the shell to finish visiting the sky.
      British ? Ummmm
      Frenchy shells are quick.
      And non of the arties from other nations except the bert run that fast.

      • And ? Faster flying shells and faster vechicles are useless comparing to hard hitting shells with splash

        Read what I wrote again. After nerfs arty dmg relies on splash but frenchies dont have absolutely any splash (“7 dmg splash lel migthy power”). And shells are flying everywhere in the circle and thus its a total RNG to score a direct hit. And when you finally manage to score one – boom, 400 dmg.

        Oh yea, forgot to mention that I am talking about higher tiers

  12. How the frak in WTGF you can shoot at targets at 1000+ m, but WG think that render range limit is good idea?!

      • It would cause to load few megabytes moar to RAM because of tanks – of course, most of them players cant even load Paint normally without lags.

        • And without being sarcastic? Would it strain servers to the point where it would result in more lags? Or would it impact clients instead, putting low end pc users at too great disadvantage?

          • You know what they said about ricochets for two tanks?
            “BLABLABLA server stress”
            Now we have it.

            Of course it would stress moar – more data sent and received.

            • No, I meant which side would it affect. Server already knows what is where. It has to know it to run the battle smoothly. No additional checks would be needed, as spotting range is capped separately. There would be few more shots to be calculated because people could simply shoot more. But that’s about it. So why would it make it work any harder? And for the pc? Dunno. It already shows the whole map and we’re talking only about displaying tanks. These wouldn’t even need to be in full resolution but low res, with the quality of render based on the distance, the further away the worse res. Nothing that even poor computes couldn’t handle.

              So … did devs actually gave the reason, one or the other, for not removing drawing distance cap?

    • Because that would cause tanks camping on the opposite sides of maps shooting at each other thanks to single scouts spotting enemy teams. 90% of shots would miss, but who would even care…

      • I agree, nerfed accuracy wont be such a big issue because it will still be much better than that in 8.5. Its the whole idea I am against. Sure tanks must be able to snipe, but now, having 400 meters view range and even more with binos and 700m render range (circle) roughly controll 50-70% if the map in terms of vision. And this does in deed prevent tanks from moving on the battlefield, specialy slow and big tanks with bad camo.

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