Yes, there was a captured KV-1 in the 9.5 ASAP video (visible at one point in the garage). No, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be implemented soon, or – ever. The captured vehicle models are very old – for years now they existed. AFAIK captured vehicles are not planned anytime soon.
- Storm confirms that render range will be reworked to a circle
- players will have to play even types of vehicles they dont like (4 out of 5 anyway) in the personal missions
- the map Ghost Town was made by the same people as the other (random battles) maps
- no final decision was made yet as to whether the Ghost Town map will appear in random battles or not
- Storm confirms: premium tanks like Panther 88 will not be possible to test during CT from now on, until they are released in the magazine (SS: wow… that’s fair)
- Storm states that while the arguments against including the platoon element into personal missions are all logical, WG still decided to implement it that way for now
- currently, WG is working on 150 HD models, they are in various stages of work. WG is still working on the HD model mass-production process however, testing and teaching the outsourcers.
- apparently, WG has much trouble with the new BigWorld iteration
- 9.6 will be a technical patch, apparently there will be some game changes but no “big thing”
- Japanese STA-2 will definitely be available for sale (AMX-13/57 and AMX CDC – not sure)
- 9.6 will bring new HD models, but not the IS-3
- Storm states that when he saw the list of what will be in 9.6, his mood spoiled
- apparently, WG hired a bunch of engineers with armor knowledge to oversee the model production so there are no mistakes
- Storm states that 9.5 new minimap features don’t need a complete overhaul, just a few tweaks
- IS-7 gun bug (SS: using lowres model on high details) will be fixed in 9.5
- IS-4 in HD will come “relatively soon”, but it will be a different model that was shown in the videos – a better model
- in new 9.5 minimap, the tank names are using the same layer as the icons. Storm states that WG was forced to do it, since doing a separate layer reduced the performance was two times worse
And what about clickers who dont play anything else apart arties? It is very sad they have to start to play another classes too.
Is there really anyone who never ever played anything else then SPG (except tier I) ?
hehe theres no tier 1 arty :3
Karl says hi
Karl isn’t a tank, it’s a monster (IRL, IG it’s so cuuute)
Also, a giveaway for you !
REFERRAL LINKS are forbidden in comments on this blog and you sir should feel ban hammer on your head pretty soon.
Morgan Freeman, Your comment is bad and you should feel bad.
I’m relishing the tears of the unskilled retards who cant take cover (AKA unicums) being “forced” to play arty, since their skills arent all that snub to get all secondary objectives.
The butthurt in this thread is stronk
I’m laughing so hard right now, you look like the original arty player on your picture. There is barely any skill required to play arty. You are making this game so linear and full of camping because everyone takes cover. you are truly the sky ebola in this game. go wank in your bush and stop doing this little 14 year old butthurt highschool kid comments just because you suck in the game and now found a way to dominate in a little secondary quest ^^
how about to git gud? :^)
Out of all the adjectives you could have used…linear?
Arty makes the game with no story, no scenario, just tanks shooting at each other in 15v15 arenas….linear?
Between that and the horrendous “skycancer” name, that makes me know for sure you have never had anyone close get cancer, I’m guessing you aren’t exactly old and mature yourself. 18-19 maybe?
I’m really hoping SS starts banning the word skycancer, because it’s fucking horrendous and people should be ashamed.
My grandfather had cancer and died, my brother had cancer and got operated. My cousin had cancer and also got operated and aunt had several operations due to cancer. Does that qualify me to Comment?
I am so pissed of with this “I am holier than you” attitude. What is meant by saying skycancer is that it destroys the game like cancer the body. It is maybe not the cleverest analogy but it does not make me feel insulted. It is not wishing that somebody gets cancer which I agree is something else.
Because at no point is calling someone cancer because he uses a different pixel tank than you like no fucking awful.
There are things you don’t say when you don’t know the audience you are talking to, things that have actual IRL implications.
You don’t joke about diseases, you don’t joke about on-going wars.
It may be stupid, but especially on a game made for entertainment, the last thing someone needs to be reminded of is a disease that’s killing a relative.
Or a war that claimed his home.
It’s not insulting, it’s just provocative for the sake of being provocative.
You could call it anything, like a vehicle class for asshole, but no, people choose to be extra-provocative about it for no other reason then to be provocative. Don’t expect me to sit around and not take the bait.
Don’t burst into tears. Its only a word describing sickness of arty players. Nobody is dying here. Get a brain to recognise a difference. Also I think you are a horrendous crybaby and should be banned as well.
You can write but not read. Go back to school
I have a family member with an incurable type of it and I take offence.
So much for nobody dying/nobody cares.
So? Be offended! Why not be offended about everything you dont like? Maybe i take offense in your nickname because of a personal expirience, should you be banned now or change your username? Why arent we all named user(NR.), oh yeah, and exclude 13, 14, 88, 23, 42 and so on, someone could be offended. Rediculus
You are truly funny. My grandpa died of cancer, so first of all im qualified, yey. Second, i don’t wish anyone cancer, nor do i call anyone a cancer (doesn’t even makes sense, i dont know the person behind the screen), i compare their role in the game to cancer (which isnt even serious, its just a common joke). But please mister, be very offended by someone writing cancer or comparing sth. to cancer, why not directly ban the analogy cancer our of all books and movies because it could offend someone who had cancer?! Are you serious? I should feel ashamed? And yes, it makes the game linear, everyone is hiding in the same spots, plays the same routes which are arty-safe, that is pretty linear. Oh and by the way, i should be truly offended by the letters SS, dont you know my grandma was killed by the Waffen SS?…
That was a good one. The only thing wrong is the platooning for the personal missions.but that’s the way it is.
clickers has yet to be the most stupid “insult” thrown at arty players I’ve seen. How do you fire your gun? Fist on keyboard?
What will your next one be, breathers?
nice one made me lol :D even though id describe myself as a clicker if i play arty ^^
agreed, and clickers doesnt really “click” me as an insult, so i pay it no mind
its the idiots calling it “cancer” and “sky ebola” that annoy me, how the fuck is that behavior not punishable?
Same way playing sky cancer isn’t punishable
^ this
You behave the same like cancer or ebola thus the names you fucking coward clicker. You should be punishable as well . By cutting your retarded head off as there is no brain anyway.
That is exactly what I say! How does no one realize this?
404 logic not found
Why would anybody who plays only arty need a TD, MT or HT?
Credit Income. And no, it is not a joke.
You can look me up on EU.
TOG and Churchill III are needed for income.
You are shit “player” :D
And if stupidity could fly you would be an eagle!
So that makes you a satellite?
Awesome retort.. i have to admit it..
Until you start thinking about it. Satellites don’t ‘fly’, they ‘fail to fall to earth’, there’s a difference. Yes, I’m fun at parties.
Now he’ll probably develop his own gravity and attract other idiots like himself…
I sling “shit” and people get butthurt over it. :D
So far, I’ve seen exactly 0 players who play only arty. Players who play everything excerpt arty on the other hand…
Well, players that play only arty don’t need those premiums. If someone plays all but arty, I’m sure leFH will get into premium shop during the next 30 days. WG wins.
wow clickers r u mad bro
Why do people cry about arty anymore? I remember like fucking 1000 patches after 8.6, arty was called bad, not it’s suddenly OP again.
despite no buffs being issued to arty whatsoever (except the t92 one)
Such a big head and yet so little gray matter in it.
I seriously doubt whether he has the grey matter to grasp what you are talking about.
Skyr cancer never was, is or will be, OP. It’s just fucking broken. All the inbred mongoloids can play it, that’s what is wrong with it.
All you arty haters sound like 12 year olds chucking a tantrum. It’s annoying, but deal with it.
Such camper. Much arty-fisted. Wow rage.
Just learn to relocated, ne always on the move…. Well, to aller arty haters : JUST USE YOUR FCKIN BRAIN
What about when im at full speed in my batchat and arty splashes me for 700 dmg??
Arty just doesnt requires skill
Fuckin’ Bert is the biggest nightmare, and the M53/M55 with all its OPness,the only arty I play is the KV-2
Please tell me more about how I can run away from arty with t30 or KV-4.
well u dont run u hide behind rock
even arty cannot pen rock u know
Well, that patch which was supposed to nerf arty was actually a buff. The more skilled players spot it right away. It took a while for the average noob to find out as well, hence the arty opinion change coming later.
bonus code, u might win it
For all of you who love us arty players so much…
- Storm states that while the arguments against including the platoon element into personal missions are all logical, WG still decided to implement it that way for now
At least they aknowlege the fact that there are logical, valid reasons why people dont like it.
Their reason is – Social Gaming – more (longer) gaming – more money…… so its also valid, but not very kind or even good for them in the long run.
- Japanese STA-2 will definitely be available for sale (AMX-13/57 and AMX CDC – not sure)
I smell the next shitstorm. Please not CW or Platoon missions again.
Probably not going to be CW considering all the CW tanks have been tier 10 and will probably only be tier 10 vehicles.
Considering 95% dont care about CW at all, so yeah.
Nope. One CW award was tier 7.
“Storm states that when he saw the list of what will be in 9.6, his mood spoiled”
What posssibly would spoil his mood in patch, other than replacing the WOT logo with SerBs face.
Great idea for April fools day.
I think its more Halloween
+10% to RNG
Wafflepanzer 183, obviously.
Or possibly that he saw that no new Russian tanks would be released, and he was very sadface :(
That would be the stage 1, if it had made the cut.
My guess his mood was spoiled by something that will not make money, maybe even make the game better for the users.
Remember what the drug pusher says…. the first one is free…
Sure hope ghostown makes random rotation. Team players use many of the maps, hopefully the rest of us can use that one.
>- Storm confirms that render range will be reworked to a circle
It’s been a year at this point, right? How much longer will this take? What a joke, WG. What a joke.
2015 Q1 – it will come in near future.
2015 Q3 – it will come around new year.
2017 Q4 – implemented but has a lot of bugs, taken off for fix.
3540 Q2 – implemented circle render range along with Havok.
they already said they are waiting with it unitl new version of BW engine, use google before you complain
Go away Jack. I bet you couldn’t link the google search here that would find this information.
so we wont be able to test panther 88 at all?
WG just get shittier by the day
I bet Hitler veto’ed Panther 88 testing in CT :D
I think SS is mean by calling it Hitler Panther tbh. Jerries used 8,8 cm caliber before Hitler.
Swastika was used for good intention before him too but people are too stupid and ignorant.
It has been a religious sign in Hinduism for ages…. yet most people only relate swastik with ww2.
In India you find 1 of them in almost every home
Why the hell its being called Hitler panther again??
i mean, werent all Panther in service of Germany? (i know i know, exceptions, but look at the majorities)
And wasnt 8.8 a Common gun caliber for wehrmacht?, with all those flaks and whatnot?
Its something about latin alphabet and eight letter is H or something.
I dont get it – as lithuanian language has more unique letters :D
True inbred mongoloid arty player
88 => HH => H*** Hitler thats all
The irony is that Hitler didn’t like the panther. The committee ignored his order for the Porsche tanks and went with the panther instead.
Lucky for us.. that they did..
According to SS, Russian forums started that, actually.
- Japanese STA-2 will definitely be available for sale (AMX-13/57 and AMX CDC – not sure)
I still don’t get WG. People would mass-buy the AMX CDC even if it was nerfed a bit because the demand for a fast, fun medium is massive. But noo, let’s post more impotent meds with regular MM for 11k gold (who will buy that stuff, honestly?)
And fast, fun medium = Type 59. People just want OP mediums. I can agree there.
So I suppose yelling Heil Hitler when you see Panther 88 is appropriate? :D
Also CDC – all wants.
Type 59 is not all that fast…
In fact, T-34-3 is JUST a tad faster.
Fast medium = Type 59?
Its depends on the view – if to compare with T95 – yeah its fast.
If to compare with Valve and HL3 – its super fast.
If to compare with WoT Havok – it is speed of slingshoted by gravity star.
3 lines on your comment?
HL3 confirmed.
How many people have trained crews for french medium and light tank? And how many people have crews for a japan medium tank?
I think that they dont want to rush the french premiums because a hole shitstorm of people would buy them for training their already existing french crews. They want you to play the not so popular nations like japan and china (until now china has every class as a premium and the french tree doesnt, why do you think is that so).
Woras sucks 3 dicks a day = HL3 confirmed.
Well you know WG, they hate french tanks.
- Storm states that when he saw the list of what will be in 9.6, his mood spoiled
When the lead developer of a game is becoming increasingly disillusioned with his own product, its probably the beginning of the end for that product.
At least he personally seems to have some integrity left.
Storm seems ok. Serb on the other hand.
At least he is not some shitty cold ass “professional” western big game developer.
“We understand your situation..”
“We respect your opinion…”
*Looks at EA, Ubisof and Activision*
You just know they dont care/read it at all. At least he speaks his mind :P
“We understand your situation..”
“We respect your opinion…”
Meanwhile at WG:
“Dont like – dont play”
“Your suffering makes us happy”
Lol. “Your suffering makes us happy”. That one cracked me up.
Still curious what could hurt poor Storm’s feelings.
“Хахаха. Страдай пидорас, твои мучения радуют нас!”
Yes, surprisingly, I prefer the second option.
At LEAST IT IS NOT A fucking CHAT BOT responding.
Oh, the game industry has lowered my expectations so I am ok with being insulted. How sad is this.
It is sad, does not make it untrue.
duno, but i take the proud no failure admiting mostly honest russian dev above the nice no failure admiting lying through his teeth western dev any day of the week.
mfg eX
any ETA on Vickers MBT line?
i need more British and Chinese lines please WG
How about fuck those lines and finally introduce french heavies for fucks sake.
but there is not enough of them!
what till go at tier 9 and 10 then?
0 fucks given
Give superheavy steampunk derp monstrosities.
100ton tier6 tank? Fuck yes.
Japan heavy tanks are not even researched yet :D
Japanese 100ton tanks are tier 8 an up.
1944-45 stuff.
French superheavies are 1920′s-30′s !
Even bigger, even dumber, even more wants! =D
OI are from T6 up to T9 – T10 is SUPER BOX ARTY MAGNET AUTOPEN stuff.
No autopen, super box protected by glorious Katana armor and the will of the Emperor.
There is no autopen, there is only honorabur!
AMX 65T and M4 1949.
ok well they should come but after Chinese TD line
Which are exact copy as soviet ones.
NO they are not! they have very unique ones
Mhm, have you ever heard about 34-1-2-3 outside of WoT? Or 113?
Fuck knows what chinese partner will dig up.
The fact that I havent heard of them does not mean they dont exist…
I hadnt heard of a 59-16 or WZ-132… yet those appeared to be real.
I thought the WZ-111 had 2 stages. It actually had 6…
I thought they said that the new minimap was scrapped as it “could be implemented using mods”.
Or did they decide to go ahead with it?
The view range circle was scrapped. Tank names and last known position are included in 9.5
Ok, thanks :)
got a little mixed up
Yes, you dont have to play 1 class of “tanks”, problem is, when you play only 3 classes…
Storm confirms: premium tanks like Panther 88 will not be possible to test during CT from now on, until they are released in the magazine
I like the look of a car but I sure as hell won’t spend any cash until I KNOW how it drives, I know there isn’t the same kind of cash involved but still, stupid people will buy it no doubt (even though there are enough premium German meds for for crew training).
Yeah, good move WG (idiots).
They talked about renting premium tanks. So you could try it out that way.
Every time there is talk about the HD models the IS-3 comes up, what the hell is the fachination about that HD model?
IS-3 was reworked how many times?
And it is how much popular?
- Storm confirms: premium tanks like Panther 88 will not be possible to test during CT from now on, until they are released in the magazine
What does that mean? What magazine?
Магазин – shop.
Literal translation here. SS meant premium shop.
So no testing the Panther 88 until 8.6 CT? damn that’s so fucked
- apparently, WG has much trouble with the new BigWorld iteration
This thing is like most shittiest game engine ever. It completely creates more shit than good. Like every single thing they wanted to implement is somehow impossible because of that shit engine.
- 9.6 will be a technical patch, apparently there will be some game changes but no “big thing”
Just like since 9.0
Oooooooh shit….We know how that went – FPS to the ground and crashes every battle and cant join the game anymore :D
- currently, WG is working on 150 HD models, they are in various stages of work. WG is still working on the HD model mass-production process however, testing and teaching the outsourcers.
WG is working? Didn!t you and Storm severaly times said that HD models are being made by external company?
” Storm states that while the arguments against including the platoon element into personal missions are all logical, WG still decided to implement it that way for now”
so they dont have their heads stick up their assess….. now all they have to do is replace jelly in their heads for brains and realize that there is 90% of player base that play this game alone and that they wont increase playing time by giving stuff for people who already play too much wot
+1 true story
i like how they said capture tanks will not be in the game. su-76i im looking at you :p
expect another screw up lol
the German tree has three captured tanks as premiums, a fourth (KV1) wouldn’t be a novelty at all
Woras,im glad to see you working again.Did you have a day off yesterday.Man,Shitgaming is a really good company!
As developers – nope.
As moneymakers – yep.
Woras you make my day….like really I feel like shit about the WoT community until I read your comments. I am not worthy…
Anyone else notice that they talk and talk about what’s coming in the next patch and when the next patch finally gets released, it’s nothing like what they talked about. Maybe they should spend more time working and less time talking about working.
I hear rocket powered tanks are coming in!
Bad estimates lead to this. Their project teams are either underestimating the work involved in the changes or overestimating their own capabilities.
This leads to setting up of goals that can’t be achieved on time and what we are seeing right now.
Dumb shit IT Managers do that every day in the industry.WG did it in gaming
Talking about 9.6 but still no trace of Havok…
WG is surely a good company.
- Storm confirms: premium tanks like Panther 88 will not be possible to test during CT from now on, until they are released in the magazine (SS: wow… that’s fair)
Numbra confirms: fuck you then; though I suppose we’ll see what kind of effect this has on premium tank sales – it’s too bad it probably won’t have any and once again, WG won’t be punished for stupid decisions.
So, in Individual missions can i just play a HT line? Or can i must be playing other braneches? Thanks for answer.